This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
I picked up Anime Insider on a whim today, and they listed what, in their words, are the 50 BEST anime officially released in North America according to people in the industry. (or people they consider "specialists" anyway)
Utena made the top 5, I'm happy to say, ahead of Evangelion and behind only FLCL, Millennium Actress, Porco Rosso, and Cowboy Bebop.
I was delighted to find that Haibane Renmei, Serial Experiments Lain, Boogiepop Phantom, and The Place Promised in Our Early Days also made the list.
Hehehehe. NO DBZ, MKR, X, or BSSM, however.
The lack of DBZ gives me faith in the people who put that list together. Way cool!
Ashnod wrote:
Did I just not get that show? I thought it was ridiculous, but people seem to love it. Millennium Actress, however, deserves any and all props it might get. Better than SKU? Well no, but holy shit.
Interesting to see that and SKU make the top five, since they fall into a kind of...I hesitate to call it genre, but it's the thought intensive kind of stuff I just don't see a lot of, and doesn't seem to make the most money in the US. I suspect if you asked the majority of the anime community in the US, the list would be very, very different, and probably topped with a harem show or something about lesbian schoolgirls in vaguely nunny outfits.
I understand what FLCL was trying to do, and I love surrealism as much as the next guy, but parts of are bizarre simply for the sake of being bizarre not for a real reason. I think it belongs in a top 50 for sure, but certainly not top 5, and certainly not ahead of Utena. But really these sorts of lists always have arguments following them. I'm not really a big fan of pop culture references like Gainax loves to be wacky about in things like FLCL. But whatever, Shinkichi Mitsumune did the music so it gets points for that
Last edited by mazoboom (11-29-2007 01:21:37 AM)
Giovanna wrote:
Ashnod wrote:
Did I just not get that show? I thought it was ridiculous, but people seem to love it.
Millennium Actress, however, deserves any and all props it might get. Better than SKU? Well no, but holy shit.
Interesting to see that and SKU make the top five, since they fall into a kind of...I hesitate to call it genre, but it's the thought intensive kind of stuff I just don't see a lot of, and doesn't seem to make the most money in the US. I suspect if you asked the majority of the anime community in the US, the list would be very, very different, and probably topped with a harem show or something about lesbian schoolgirls in vaguely nunny outfits.
Hmm? Seems like somebody wasn't a fan of Maria-Sama Ga Miteru(or Strawberry Panic, perhaps?). I agree with you, however; I certainly wouldn't place either of those anime at the top of any list, although Marimite deserves credit for using an entirely different pacing than most animes, and making it work. Strawberry Panic doesn't deserve credit for anything.
I'm actually shocked to see Utena in the top 5! That's a really surprising choice made by people who are aware of the popularity of things like Naruto and Inu Yasha, but it also shows a discriminating and artistic taste.
I was delighted to find that Haibane Renmei, Serial Experiments Lain, Boogiepop Phantom, and The Place Promised in Our Early Days also made the list.
Excellent choices, and also very unique selections from what anime has to offer. Haibane Renmei was a great experience, and it was a much more subdued kind of animation than the usual. Fans of that series should also look up Niea_7.
Giovanna, if you haven't already, you should check out Perfect Blue and Paprika. Perfect Blue was the first of that director's movies which I saw, and I wasn't disappointed. A little morose afterwards, maybe, but it was worth the experience.
p.s. Philosophical anime lovers should take some time and watch a few episodes of Ergo Proxy. It achieves a lot which few other animes can lay claim to, and I feel many SKU fans would appreciate this sort of thing. To be fair, I haven't finished the series myself, but so far I'm hooked, and it's been generally well-received by most people.
Princess Tutu also made the list. There was a big discussion of this a month or so back with a bunch of people bellyaching about such and such show not making it, Cowboy Bebop being #1, etc. I'm not sure I agree with CB being number 1, but I thought the list did a good job of encompassing the anime that provoke thought for the most part, or were just plain good for what they tried to be. While I hate DBZ, I was a little surprised by its lack on the list, as well as Sailor Moon. Those two were the most influential series of the 90s in NA and elsewhere, I would think.
Here's the complete list, for those who are curious:
50. Vision of Escaflowne
49. Saikano
48. Berserk
47. Kino's Journey
46. Cardcaptor Sakura
45. Fantastic Children
44. Irresponsible Captain Tylor
43. Giant Robo
42. Twelve Kingdoms
41. Azumanga Daioh
40. Urusei Yatsura
39. Astro Boy
38. Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
37. Fruits Basket
36. Night on the Galactic Railroad
35. Excel Saga
34. Trigun
33. Read or Die
32. Princess Mononoke
31. Gunbuster: Aim for the Top!
30. Samurai X: Trust and Betryal
29. The Place Promised in Our Early Days
28. Planetes
27. Samurai Champloo
26. Moblie Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket
25. Princess Tutu
24. Serial Experiments Lain
23. Galaxy Express 999
22. Patlabor the Movie 2
21. Tokyo Godfathers
20. Gankutsuou
19. My Neighbor Totoro
18. Boogiepop Phantom
17. Paranoia Agent
16. Grave of the Fireflies
15. Haibane Renmei
14. Ghost in the Shell/Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
13. Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
12. Now and Then, Here and There
11. Fullmetal Alchemist
10. Macross Plus
9. Akira
8. The Castle of Cagliostro
7. Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade
6. Neon Genesis Evangelion
5. Revolutionary Girl Utena
3. Millennium Actress
2. Porco Rosso
1. Cowboy Bebop
Strawberry Panic doesn't deserve credit for anything.
Sure it does--it gave me a least favorite anime! Oh, and it made me realize that while I love yuri, yuri targeted to young Japanese men makes me want to go on a feminist rampage and destroy thing--especially 2-D images of submissive girls whose dreams include being submissive, wearing an apron, and walking under an umbrella with a girl whose room they want to keep sparkly clean.
Last edited by Cerise (11-29-2007 05:53:31 AM)
Adrasteia wrote:
Excellent choices, and also very unique selections from what anime has to offer. Haibane Renmei was a great experience, and it was a much more subdued kind of animation than the usual. Fans of that series should also look up Niea_7.
I would also recommend Texhnolyze from the same crew. It's quite violent, which is a rather drastic change from their earlier works, but the philosophical depth hasn't gone anywhere. Makes you wonder whether the creators have become more cynical over the years, though...
Lots of my favourite series were on the list - I try not to think of them in any particular order, though.
Cerise wrote:
submissive girls whose dreams include being submissive, wearing an apron, and walking under an umbrella with a girl whose room they want to keep sparkly clean.
I am reminded of Keiko and Anthy. BUt tweach their own. It does surprise me though, that there's no Sailor Moon, at least the series on which Ikuhara did his stint -R, yes?
Adrasteia wrote:
Giovanna, if you haven't already, you should check out Perfect Blue and Paprika. Perfect Blue was the first of that director's movies which I saw, and I wasn't disappointed. A little morose afterwards, maybe, but it was worth the experience.
Seconded. It was really beautiful.
I've seen Perfect Blue, but not Paprika yet. But there's a poster for it in the window of the local movie store so maybe soon...
Escaflowne should be way higher than 50, if nothing else, it should get points for the unique style and successfully merging several genres at once. It's the closest thing to a couples anime that I can think of--romance and shoujo drama for the girls, kickass mech battles and war for the guys. Bebop...I can't say I agree with it being number one, but I see why it is, and there are far worse calls they could have made there. Bebop was solidly done, it aimed to be something and was that thoroughly, with no trip ups, no bad budget days, no dragging plots. Whether you liked what it was or not is another question, but it's a completely fantastic performance by all involved in it. It's not like SKU, where you can say all you want, but the animation was weak. They did amazingly with what little they were working with, but given the artistic capacity a medium like animation has, SKU largely failed to deliver on that potential, and we're left knowing it would have been that much better with a slightly nicer animation budget and access to a more seasoned animation group. Bebop? I can't really think of anything I'd say it could have improved on. Even the 3D animation was used to great effect and tastefully.
morosemocha wrote:
Cerise wrote:
submissive girls whose dreams include being submissive, wearing an apron, and walking under an umbrella with a girl whose room they want to keep sparkly clean.
I am reminded of Keiko and Anthy. BUt tweach their own. It does surprise me though, that there's no Sailor Moon, at least the series on which Ikuhara did his stint -R, yes?
SKU had a reasoning behind such characteristics beyond 'certain guys like to get off to that sort of thing,' unlike SP!.
Ikurahara did a few episodes in Classic, part of R, and I think all of S.
wow! I am also surprised with the good quality of the list, maybe some positions are debatable but the selection itself really seems to top of the top.
And Utena got fifth position!!!! yay!!!
I recognized almost all of the titles on the list, but I've only watched....12 of them in their entirety and at least one episode of another 5.
I'm actually surprised that Card Captor Sakura made the list. I would figure that out of CLAMP's body of work, they'd have put X/1999 or Tokyo Babylon instead. I do understand why some series are on the list as opposed to others made by the same creator(s), like how Urusei Yatsura got picked instead of InuYasha or Ranma 1/2.
I think the list was their attempt at covering shows that are actually good and trying to cover multiple genres and decades, while including some of the better anime creators. You know riots would ensue if Astro Boy or Galaxy Express 999 hadn't been on the list. However, as much as I totally love Azumanga Daioh, I don't feel it accurately represents the underrated "slice of life" anime genre, populated by classic series like Maison Ikkoku and Kimagure Orange Road and their contemporary Kare Kano.
Personally, I don't see any series that's not on the list that should be, except for Sailor Moon, Vampire Princess Miyu, and Death Note. There are, however, a lot of series that are in the wrong spots. Escaflowne is way too low, and Jin-Roh is way too high.
Pretty good list though I debate some positions as well... and wonder why more Miyazaki titles aren't on there. And yeesh,... Escaflowne is #50!? Blasphemy I tell you. LOVE that Ganku, Twelve Kingdoms, and Princess Tutu are on the list.
Raven Nightshade wrote:
I recognized almost all of the titles on the list, but I've only watched....12 of them in their entirety and at least one episode of another 5.
I'm actually surprised that Card Captor Sakura made the list. I would figure that out of CLAMP's body of work, they'd have put X/1999 or Tokyo Babylon instead. I do understand why some series are on the list as opposed to others made by the same creator(s), like how Urusei Yatsura got picked instead of InuYasha or Ranma 1/2.
I think the list was their attempt at covering shows that are actually good and trying to cover multiple genres and decades, while including some of the better anime creators. You know riots would ensue if Astro Boy or Galaxy Express 999 hadn't been on the list. However, as much as I totally love Azumanga Daioh, I don't feel it accurately represents the underrated "slice of life" anime genre, populated by classic series like Maison Ikkoku and Kimagure Orange Road and their contemporary Kare Kano.
Personally, I don't see any series that's not on the list that should be, except for Sailor Moon, Vampire Princess Miyu, and Death Note. There are, however, a lot of series that are in the wrong spots. Escaflowne is way too low, and Jin-Roh is way too high.
Vampire Princess Miyu =
I could not love that anime more, and it is way under appreciated. It is just lovely, and there are few series on par with the storytelling quality of this one.
I know Ashnod kind of gave a Cliff Notes version of the listing criteria, but here's a slightly longer version...
"Opening the nominations up to specialists ranging from the president of GONZO to veteran American voice actor Crispin Freeman, we asked for lists of the best anime - not the most influential, or the most popular, but the best. The ones that made a lasting impact. The ones that tell a solid story in an entertaining, well-rounded way. The literature of anime, if you will."