This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Kealdrea and I were talking about how she's going to give presents away on Gaia, and she said that she would be happy to give BioKraze and Archambeau a pair of fairy wings.
Also, it seems that I'll be giving out over a million gold worth of presents this year as well, since after doing some research at the market place, BioKraze and Archambeau's presents alone over a bit over half a million gold each, and I still need to figure out who out of my other friends would be happy to receive a gift on Gaia.
I find it kind of sad that I have this much gold to give away, since I rarely ever had over 10,000 gold on Gaia back when I used to frequent Gaia... u_u
You are too nice. I wish I had something to give you two in return, but unless you would like my assortment of insects, flowers, and trash I'm a bit lacking. I would be happy to do artwork of your avatars, though.
I know that Kealdrea would love to add to her collection of avatar art, and I certainly wouldn't mind seeing my own avatar drawn for once, if it's not too much trouble.
None at all; I'd be happy to draw for you two. Perhaps send me a PM on the site with any specifics you'd like to request for the pictures?
Razara wrote:
I find it kind of sad that I have this much gold to give away, since I rarely ever had over 10,000 gold on Gaia back when I used to frequent Gaia... u_u
I was the same way. ^-^; The most money I ever saved up on my own was 60,000 gold for my Angelic Scarf, and yet I can now sell only four or five items and get over 1,000,000 gold.
Two more days until December! I can't wait! I just hope I'll be able to find enough nice people... u_u There's probably only one nice person for every 1000 mean people on Gaia.
Oh, thank heaven for the new Christmas set; thanks to the Nutcracker top, I now have a fairly decent Juriesque avatar.
Oh, this site.
Dyepez wrote:
ZOMG!!! an Antarctica habitant... I've always dreamed of living there... How's the climate? Kealdrea has the cutest avatar I've ever seen! btw... sorry Archambeau, I gave the Spartan Set away to some loser noob the same day I posted...
I don't really live in Antarctica, I live in New Hampshire with Razara. :3 Antarctica's been my self-proclaimed internet home for years now, though, usually with the occupation "penguin serial-killer." Thinking about it, I have no idea why I chose the coldest place on Earth, considering I hate the cold. o.o
...I took my teeth and soot mask thing off on gaia, and I was a vampire underneath.
...When did I turn into a vampire? *confused*
The Halloween Event. When you lose all your hit points as a Human, you have five minutes to get healed before you become a Vampire. When you lose all your hit points as a Vampire, you have five minutes to get healed before you turn Human. If you participated in the Halloween event or posted in the battlefields, you probably got turned overnight and didn't realise it. Deleting your avatar's skin data should restore you to Human condition.
To do that, go to My Avatar, then Delete Avatar. Type in your password, then wait for confirmation. When it comes up with equip avatar or recreate avatar, click the recreate avatar button. Deleting your avatar will also delete any levels of Grombification (Grunny Zombie) you have on your avatar.
An interesting glitch, though, with the Vampire skins... They don't technically have eyes, so things like Oculus Magica and Superior Form don't work properly.
I was looking through my folder, and I felt like posting some stuff that I had saved off of Gaia.
This was in someone's signature, and I find it to be rather amusing.
That would be me. Glitches are fun to abuse.
HikariSatoshi was one of Kealdrea's mules, and proof that being a jackass can get you an invite to a Prommie guild.
More fun with glitches. This was made by my friend SarahPhim. Unfortunately, I've lost contact with him as of a while ago.
I can't remember whether or not I've posted this, but for those of you who are familiar with The Sims, take a close look at the background. I built a huge maze that takes up the entire lot. Then I created Sims of two Gaia Prommies (Hazy and PurpleAngelica,) breeded them, and put their child at the end of the maze. By doing so, I timed the social worker to see how long it took her to take the baby, and then get back out. I think that I killed Hazy to see if I could race the Grim Reaper. I should have killed PurpleAngelica. I think I did, eventually.
Razara, you are too twisted sometimes!
What was the fastest time for the social worker, or do you remember?
guardian_rose wrote:
Razara, you are too twisted sometimes!
What was the fastest time for the social worker, or do you remember?
I don't remember, but I do know that it was slower than the Pizza man. Even the fire man was slower than the pizza man, which is pretty sad. I'd love to build another one some day so I can re-race everyone, but it's hard to build, especially since you have to make sure that they don't pass out half way through it.
That must have been horrible for those Sims. Imagine trying to find your way through a maze with no windows or lights.
...I love my new cane. D:
(The face is how I never noticed I'm a vampire... Which I decided to keep for the time being anyway.)
allegoriest, what's your screen name on Gaia? I still have some donation letters from 2005 that I can give away.
I would be the same as here.
But I will say, I might only be able to to give back something silly, like watermeat.
(Most adorable item ever. )
I'm only bumping this thread to speak about the Halloween 2009 event.
They've got it set up where you pick one side. Whichever side you pick is what you're stuck with. The incentive? You get a unique soulbound skin (soulbound means it can't be traded, sold at Marketplace, sold to shops, or otherwise disposed of). If your team wins the war, you get to keep your soulbound skin. If you lose, you lose your soulbound skin. All other event items aren't soulbound and can be obtained in Marketplace if you have the cash.
Also, the event code itself is killing the other parts of the site. It was actually meant to launch 28 October, but major server crashes involving the event caused the global roll-out to be delayed over 24 hours!
Razara, if you're paying attention, I think I found nifty items for you and Kealdrea to wear. I'll pick 'em up soon and you can be somewhat mysterious and fashionable at the same time!
*Cringe* I feel like I am coming to a confession group and letting everyone know what a HORRIBLE SIN I HAVE DOOOONE. Guilty....
This Halloween event isn't too bad. Gaia needs more user vs user/team vs team stuff like this. ( Since my user ID ended with a 0, I was able to finish everything on the 28th~. )
And the errors around the site are amusing, I have to admit.
Oh, god, I can just imagine the threads in the SF forum. This, after the crap with the glitchy forums and the furor over the Case of Pietro?
I... don't really know if I even WANT to do this event. I'm going to end up picking the losing side, and probably want nothing to do with the actual event gameplay. And wtf is with this 'followers' shit? UGH.
I'm sorry. I think it may be the most creative Halloween Gaia event in a while, but it's also the worst in terms of my personal play style.
Yeah, the follower thing is kinda whack. I liked the way the 2007 event played out most, IMO. Hell, I even added two extra sides and made a tabletop out of it! (No players yet, sadly...)
I think the only clincher is the soulbound skin deal. Every other item isn't soulbound and can be picked up at Marketplace if you're really desperate.
(BTW Chani, what would you rather have? SIN robes -- black and red -- or BOO robes --white and aqua? I'll pick one up for you, whatever you decide.)
BioKraze wrote:
(BTW Chani, what would you rather have? SIN robes -- black and red -- or BOO robes --white and aqua? I'll pick one up for you, whatever you decide.)
Given my usual color preferences, probably the SIN robes. I doubt I'll have much call for the white & aqua of the BOO robes.
Lady Chani wrote:
Oh, god, I can just imagine the threads in the SF forum.
This, after the crap with the glitchy forums and the furor over the Case of Pietro?
I... don't really know if I even WANT to do this event. I'm going to end up picking the losing side, and probably want nothing to do with the actual event gameplay. And wtf is with this 'followers' shit? UGH.
I'm sorry. I think it may be the most creative Halloween Gaia event in a while, but it's also the worst in terms of my personal play style.
*Cough* I...was one of the few who made a decent SF thread about the CCOP last week! I swear~!
They did the follower stuff so the team would feel more united together against the other. Personally it's the mission stuff and the glitch-y score that leaves me now. I have no doubt the numbers are fixed in favor of one team.
2005 and 2007 were the best. 2004 too but we couldn't keep the skins and we didn't get an actual shotgun to keep. .___.
So, I was chatting with Chani last night while she ran some missions and it seems that BOO got a major glitch thrown their way. Probably because of the hastiness with which the event was assembled. As a result, the devs are going to figure out how many extra points BOO should have actually gotten and then announce the results Monday.
I've looked at page one of the H2k9 event forum, and...apparently we need a lot of cheese to go with all the whine. Jeezy creezy. It's just a freakin' game, people! It's not a cutthroat Monopoly tourney! All the BOO players are claiming that the SIN players cheated, and I'm wondering how you cheat at Gaia unless you're a skilled hacker. (And if you did that, chances are you'd lose your account.)
I don't even really like the way the SIN skin doesn't layer properly with my clothes. The only things it looks decent in are the SIN and BOO robes. I'd rather equip my Black Body Dye and play shadow of death. I think the only reason I chose the SIN skin was because at the time, it looked better than the BOO skin. To be honest, I think both skins suck.
I'm actually torn over the event results. I'm quite sure I'd feel worse if SIN won instead of BOO, since everybody I know that I'm friends with chose BOO. I'm not a person to begrudge my friends a victory.
Thoughts on the aftermath of H2k9, fellow Gaians?
Well, that was unexpected.
SIN won the battle. By how much, the admins wisely didn't say. They did say, though, that the skin for BOO will be transformed into something else as a consolation gift.
Nevertheless, I congratulate all those vIRGins here who are also Gaians and put up a good fight in the 2009 event, no matter which side they took!
Now, of all the regularly posting vIRGins who are also regularly posting Gaians here, I know three people who took part in Demonbusters: me, Arreat and Chani. Arreat and I fought for SIN; Chani alone fought for BOO.
But what I think is most important is whether or not you had fun and enjoyed the items you obtained, not whether you won and got to keep your skin.
Here's to a happy end-year and to wishes of the next Halloween event!
And whether or not you mind soulbonded wormy mud as a 'consolation prize'.
It was an okay event.
Yeaaaaaah, soulbound wormy mud skin doesn't sound like much of a consolation prize. But I'd rather have that than a crappy skin whose quality I can easily beat with a tattoo, an MC and an EI.
If they ever unbind the skins, I am so totally trading you my SIN skin for your BOO skin, Chani. Besides, it was all about the worms, and you guys won because you got the worms in the end and we didn't.
(Fun fact: I still have a Sentinel Worm in my inventory that didn't get used. I'm never getting rid of it. Might even pick up an Overseer Worm to keep it company! )