This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
I thought I'd post a topic where we could come up with generally anal lessons someone could pick up from the show.
For example when watching it, looking at Miki's story, one could pick up that-WOMEN ARE BAD NEWS BROTHER!!! THEY *BEEP* YOU UP SOME SERIOUS *BEEP*
Hell yeah to sexism!!
In fact, Miki's final battle is a great example of this, he's manipulated into fighting the duels by Anthy, loses to Utena and all because of both Kozue in the car and about the only advice Juri can offer him is- "playing the piano suits you better"- like dude, if he didn't play that stupid thing in the first place- he wouldn't be there, she might as well hold he's arm in battle and move it herself. I'm telling you, women, bad news.
Anyone with so much as a tan in this series isn't worth trusting, not even Mamiya, not even Dios not even Anth-well we've established she's bad new already, she IS a woman afterall.
What anal lessons did others pick up?
satyreyes wrote:
Dueling with real swords and no safety equipment is safe and fun!
Oh that reminds me of another message.
With no hard work or skill at all, you can win at everything you do as long as you know enough dark people, and wear frills.
Adrasteia wrote:
None of the Ohtori students are likely to learn enough to make it to college.
School isn't for learning, it's for twisting and churning out as much angst out as possible.
There is indeed a massive curling iron somewhere out there.
Adrasteia wrote:
None of the Ohtori students are likely to learn enough to make it to college.
If your family is wealthy and you are attractive, you can spend your entire school career wandering the halls and banging girls and you'll still get to college.
Coco Melancholy wrote:
With no hard work or skill at all, you can win at everything you do as long as you know enough dark people
This is what we call 'connections', children.
The only way to win a blonde's heart is to battle animals in front of her.
Having ridiculously long hair is not a disadvantage in fights.
When dark-skinned men are put in charge, they automatically seduce all the white women.
There are no such thing as men in Utena. Only very bitchy women with penises.
The only consequences of protection free, indiscriminate sex is some emotional angst.
Thirteen is the ideal age for sexual exploration. (Unfortunately, this is becoming more and more common...)
Parental involvement/ supervision is non existent besides giving your children money I guess.
School chairmen aren't expected to do any constructive work; plotting and seducing students, on the other hand...
Straight sex and female homosexuality only lead to tragedy, but male homosexuality is just plain recreational fun.
A man that can cook you dinner is likely to eat you for breakfast.
Thirteen is the ideal age for sexual exploration. (Unfortunately, this is becoming more and more common...)
On serious sidenote, I hear this is more than just a cultural thing - the average age of puberty has been falling drastically in the recent decades, although the reason remains unknown, which also means earlier sexual activeness on average.
Apart from two or three exceptions, teachers are invisible outside classes - and not exactly visible in them, either.
Yep. The main theory - which I agree with - is that the growth hormones produced in mass marketed meat (i.e. fast food) is causing many girls to get their periods and hit puberty earlier. More of this is happening down in the South where reliance upon fast food meals is more common, and many girls are showing signs of precocious puberty (around age eight). I watch Utena and think, "Wow, Kozue is unrealistic" and then remember there were many of my 8th grade peers as sexually promiscuous. Good article:
This really worries me. We live in a culture that preys more and more upon children in an attempt to create lifelong customers. But it goes beyond that as well. Our standard of beauty becomes increasingly childlike. It's something I've been doing a lot of research on. Maybe I'll post a thread about it one day.
ANYWAY....back to the topic.
Men with white hair are evil.
People don't wear glasses because they need to. Rather, they're a symbol of bondage and enslavement. Or at least I hope. Might somewhat ruin the bittersweet ending if Anthy steps beyond the gate and promptly gets hit by a speeding truck.
Sexual attraction to siblings is commonplace. You would probably be a minority at Ohtori if you didn't want to screw your brother.
Lightice, we were actually discussing that exact topic in my psychology class last week. Apparently, because people generally eat healthier nowadays, and are more aware of what nutrients your body needs, children's bodies are developing more quickly and reaching puberty at an earlier rate.
"Adults don't care what kids do, as long as they wear special clothes."
I actually started puberty at age nine, became somewhat sexually aware at 10, and started to read very sexually explicit fanfiction at age 11.
Getting counseling for things that bother you will lead to being manipulated, used, and having your memory wiped.
It is, in fact, entirely possible to sleep your way to the top.
There is nothing dangerous about driving down an empty road in a convertible and then proceeding to jump over the windshield to pose confidently on the hood of the car.
With passengers.
Who don't take the wheel from you when you jump.
On a related note, cars do not need depressed gas pedals to keep going. All they need is keys.
(Woohoo! Hit the series and the movie on that one.)
Touga wouldn't take the wheel because he is a wimp. Interestingly enough, did anyone catch that there was a major psychological hint when Touga warned Saionji not to stand up in the sidecar when it was dangerous? He didn't seem to give a crap if Akio slid off and got crushed under the car wheels. HMMMMM...
You'd be surprised of the things women can hide in their cleavage.
That's the part that really frightens me.