This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Well, folks-it may a new beginning for Sailor Moon around the world.
Toei, after so many years has allowed both a re release of Sailor Moon the manga-and a new release altogether here of Codename wa Sailor V in English. Yes. You heard me right. Sailor V is now in English. (Rather fitting, considering...) Link
...however, that is not the only news to come of Sailor Moon.
Sailor Moon has been re-aired in Italy, with an upcoming Nintendo DS game. Toei promises that if the show has good ratings, they will allow a world-wide release of the show, the first in quite a while. In America, there is one company who has been pursuing this for years: Funi.
Funimation is serious enough to ask fans if they want a complete redub. Link Hundreds of responses were posted in favor.
For those who haven't really been paying attention, Funimation has become quite a bit better in the voice direction department and is a very different company than it was in the '90's. Indeed, it is surviving where ADV collapsed.
To have them undertake such an endevour or even suggest that is very heartening, especially since America never saw SuperStars, the final season.
I read about this a while ago, just that it was being re-shown on tv, and that Funi wanted it. Only time can tell. It's obviously popular enough that I don't doubt it'll be a success. As for re-dubbing? I could care less. I only watch Japanese with English subs. Okay, that's an exaggeration. I watch FLCL, Excel Saga and FMP in English.
Good ol' Funi. They've really listened to the customers. I would love a re-dubbing. I mean, it's not the fact that DiC censored violence or profanity that bothered me. It's the fact that they changed the characters' personalities.
oh how nice
i am not that a fan of the anime series, figures i simply started too late... (and consequently was I too old to like the dub...)
BUT i love the manga and maybe, if they re-air it, there'll also be a new edition of the manga
Behold, an early FAQ which addresses some of the major concerns of Kodansha NA's forthcoming release of the Sailor Moon manga.
Deb Aoki wrote:
New Editions of Sailor Moon Manga Will "Stay True to Original"
By Deb Aoki, Guide April 18, 2011
When Kodansha Comics, the U.S.-based division of Japanese manga publishing giant Kodansha announced that they would be releasing new English editions of Sailor Moon and Codename: Sailor V by Naoko Takeuchi in Fall 2011, fans were elated. But while it was great news to hear that these new editions of Sailor Moon would have new translations and would follow the format of the Japanese deluxe editions, a few questions lingered.
Would the names of the characters remain Anglicized? (e.g. "Bunny" instead of "Usagi" and "Darien Shields" instead of "Mamoru Chiba") Would Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune remain "cousins" instead of lovers? And why did it take so long for Sailor Moon to return?
I asked some of these questions to the folks at Kodansha Comics and while it took a while, I got a few replies back that might satisfy the curiosity of Sailor Moon fans in North America.
Q: I guess the first question that comes to mind is: What took so long? Was there a particular reason why it was out of print for almost six years?
Kodansha: We were informed that Ms. Takeuchi felt that the time was right to reintroduce Sailor Moon, not just in the U.S., but in other countries as well. For example, the new edition of manga started being published in Italy last year.
Q: It's great to hear that the new editions of Sailor Moon will be similar to the deluxe editions that were issued in Japan. Will the new Kodansha Comics English editions will have the color pages and stickers as in the Japanese edition?
Kodansha: The Kodansha Comics editions of Sailor Moon will include all of the color pages, but not the stickers.
Q: Will this edition of Sailor Moon be released in a larger trim size or will they be presented in the standard smaller paperback editions?
Kodansha: They will be in our standard 7.5" x 5" format.
Q: Will Codename: Sailor V be released in September the same time as Sailor Moon Vol. 1?
Kodansha: Yes, it will. The second volumes of both series will release in November 2011, and Sailor Moon will continue every two months after that. (NOTE: There will be 12 volumes of the regular storyline and two volumes of side stories, for a total of 14 volumes)
Q: One complaint that fans have about the prior TokyoPop editions is how much the characters' names were Anglicized (e.g. "Bunny" and "Darien"). Will the Japanese names, cultural quirks be retained in this new edition of Sailor Moon?
Kodansha: The Japanese names and cultural references will remain intact, and there will be our standard "translation notes" section in the back of the books.
Q: Another concern is that the TokyoPop editions (and to be fair, in editions published in other countries too) downplayed, if not outright changed the lesbian relationship between Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus. Will this aspect of the original Sailor Moon story be retained in this new edition?
Kodansha: The Kodansha Comics translation will stay true to Takeuchi's original storytelling vision and characterization.
It still remains to be seen if Kodansha will be releasing Sailor Moon as a digital edition, or if Takeuchi-sensei will be making any appearances in North America to celebrate Sailor Moon's return. So far, no word on any re-release of the Sailor Moon animated series yet either, but it may be too early to say either way.
In any case, it's pretty exciting to see Sailor Moon returning to print after several years absence. Amazon and Right Stuf are already offering both titles for pre-order, if you're eager for your fix of magical girl fun, you'll only need to wait a few more months.
I've already got in my preorders for volumes 1 of both BSSM and Sailor V. Of course, this means I'll have triple-dipped on BSSM, since I have the original Japanese release as well as the Japanese re-release! Only double-dipping on Sailor V at least.
If the anime were to return, it would have to be redubbed for at least the first 2 seasons because they never received an un-edited version. I'm a fangirl of the seiyuu, so I wouldn't be watching the dub regardless, but I hope they could secure Susan Roman for Sailor Jupiter again. She was wonderful. Terri Hawkes was my preferred Sailor Moon of the dubbed episodes I heard, but given that she bailed out before the "17 newly dubbed episodes!" (showing my age there...) I doubt she'd be re-recruited.
With Utena getting a re-release, I think we can still have some hope that BSSM might get one too. And if it would be Funimation, I think there might be a good chance of a dubbed release. Although they tend to stick to their Texas stable of VAs, so most of the voices would be changed. Vic Mignona as Tuxedo Mask?!
Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball Z were the first animes I watched as a kid and so I'm happy about the Sailor Moon manga being re-released. I don't think we've ever gotten the Sailor V manga in the US, so that's a bonus. Since they both come out in September, I think I know what my parents can get me for my birthday. I never read the American version of the manga when it came out. And even though there are scans of it floating around online, when I noticed the Americanitis I was all, "No, Just No!" and I didn't read it.
So, I am very pleased with Kodansha's answers. It seems like Americans will finally be able to get the real, non-watered-down version of Sailor Moon. I'm also happy that Kodansha doesn't think that gay people have cooties and won't be changing Sailor Uranus' and Sailor Neptune's relationship. Keeping all the Japanese cultural references in is great too because it is a Japanese series, not an American series. I can find works that have American culture in them every day since that's were I live. So, why bother to change the cultural references?
As for a re-dub, I'm not that interested in it. I've been a fan of subtitles ever since I was thirteen and learned about all the editing that was done to Sailor Moon, DBZ, and other animes in order to make them "appropriate" for US television. I am curious to see if American society has evolved enough to handle a lesbian couple on Sailor Moon or if they will make Haruka and Michiru into cousins again. But otherwise, if Funimation picks up Sailor Moon, the main thing I'm interested in is the eventual uncut DVD releases. I do have all five seasons of Sailor Moon on DVD but these are sets I bought from random people on and I doubt that they are official releases, especially my Sailor Stars DVD. The subtitles on these sets are pretty good, but occasionally they miss a line or two. I think an official release would be nice to own. Plus, they might also release the movies and the SuperS specials that weren't aired in the US.
I have the uncut DVDs of the first four seasons of Dragon Ball (the series before Goku finds out he's an alien) and I think Funimation did a pretty good job on the DVDs. While there aren't that many extras, the subtitles are really well-done and they don't miss lines. They also include the Japanese honorifics in the subtitles (instead of trying to translate them).
So, go Sailor Moon!
Last edited by CausalityStar (05-02-2011 09:16:46 PM)
You've probably got the VKLL fansubs of Stars since there isn't an official English-subbed release of the final season. Val was the god of Sailor Moon fansubbing back in the days of physical media.
I'm so excited
SO thrilled to hear that they're going to keep Uranus and Neptune lesbian, as they should be
I have to admit, in some ways a redub would make me sad. Growing up my cousin and I watched the series religiously and most of our in-jokes revolve around the dub (especially the whole "Oops our dub actually kind of made Uranus and Neptune incestous since we didn't exactly cut a lot of the physical stuff when we made them "cousins"). Finally after so many years I decided to start watching the subbed version to see everything that was cut or censored. Of course the true version is much better but I'm very attached to my childhood memories of watching the series with my cousin. I'd buy it either way though (and watch it subbed to get the full experience), especially if the last season was finally released (I have so many episodes to go through til I get there in sub form).
PS: Mylene and Paradox's titles make me far happier than they probably should! XP
I waited for years before I finally watched Stars. It was such a sense of finality. I cried and cried at the end, in part because it was wonderful, but more because Sailor Moon is just so damn important to me. I met my Paradox through it, after all.
Then I watched the live action version, which was deliciously bad. However, now whenever I hear a certain part of its opening song, I get all choked up. Somehow, it just piled on that sense of finality. I'll admit, I'd definitely watch a remake--as long as they kept the seiyuu. Mitsuishi Kotono is the only Usagi (well, except for those handful of episodes when she was out on maternity leave), no one but Han Keiko can be my Luna, yada yada. Hisakawa Aya is quite probably my favorite seiyuu ever at this point (although Ami isn't my favorite BSSM character--I'm a Mako girl, through and through).
I need to get the second volume preordered soon as it's up.
But if there's a redub, we won't get to hear about "mall trawling" or be told to "cool your jets!".
Mylene wrote:
Vic Mignona as Tuxedo Mask?!
NO. Christ, no. I hope not.
Seriously, though, I am stoked about this. I don't give a shit about the redub, but I am so happy the manga is getting a re-release. I love this series. And if it introduces more people to the original Sailor Moon, that's even better.
Last edited by Trench Kamen (05-29-2011 11:49:00 PM)
Trench Kamen wrote:
But if there's a redub, we won't get to hear about "mall trawling" or be told to "cool your jets!". :(
Mylene wrote:
Vic Mignona as Tuxedo Mask?! :confused:
NO. Christ, no. I hope not.
Seriously, though, I am stoked about this. I don't give a shit about the redub, but I am so happy the manga is getting a re-release. I love this series. And if it introduces more people to the original Sailor Moon, that's even better.
Yeah I love all the ridiculous slang in the English dub :rofl:
Last edited by artemis88 (06-10-2011 09:26:57 PM)
The relicensing of Utena, the re-release of Sailor Moon and new release of sailor V, and a possible redub? This is turning out to be a good year for anime and manga.
As far as the redub goes, I give that a definite YES!
Rewatching the last boxsets again after the weirdly delightful celebrity-cast Sailor Moon dream of the other night. How can so many eps follow exactly the same order & barely move forward, but captivate me so much!?!
I watched some of the crappy dub on TV when I was in middle school and I have to admit that ever since I've been secretly interested in watching the whole series. A reasonably priced uncut re-release would be fantastic. Well, except that I wouldn't be keeping my secret desire secret anymore . . . Also I'm not sure I could get my b/f to watch it.
So if the re-release doesn't happen, what's the best way to watch the show? I'm not sure how many times/ways the show was released in the past.
So if the re-release doesn't happen, what's the best way to watch the show?
Are you new to the Internet?
PrettyPeopleWithSwords wrote:
So if the re-release doesn't happen, what's the best way to watch the show? I'm not sure how many times/ways the show was released in the past.
Fansubs my friend! That's how we all watched the fifth and final season, Sailor Moon Sailor Stars, since it was never licensed in the US. There is a youtube cannel here:
where you can watch all the episodes and movies. However, I do think that part 1 of the SuperS movie has been removed. Also, this person didn't upload the trailers, episode previews or credits in most cases which is too bad because those things are pretty nice. But you can download most if not all of the series at if you download it with torrent software which is free. The nice thing is that these guys seemed to have remastered the audio and video in their releases; it's much better than the DVDs that I own. If you want to download the series; make sure you have hard-drive space. Other than those two options; just use Google and you'll find it eventually. There are lots of websites that post anime online.
I freaked out when I read this!!! Sailormoon being rereleased? SO COOL! Sailormoon was my first love and I'm glad it's finally getting the release it deserves...and, uh, Sailor V? I haven't bought a new manga title in three years, but I am so pre-ordering Sailor V! As for a re-dubbing, it would be cool, especially because it would give the show a chance to re-air on American television, but that would be the only reason I'd like a re-dub. Over the years I've grown to prefer the Japanese voice actors.
I really do wish they'd release on TV again, then I could be eight years old again and watch Sailormoon on TV everyday
Overlord Morgus wrote:
So if the re-release doesn't happen, what's the best way to watch the show?
Are you new to the Internet?
I guess I meant the best way to legally watch it. I googled around a little and it wasn't clear to me how many releases there had been and which ones were the best. I can try the Youtube link too I suppose, haha.
PrettyPeopleWithSwords wrote:
Overlord Morgus wrote:
So if the re-release doesn't happen, what's the best way to watch the show?
Are you new to the Internet?
I guess I meant the best way to legally watch it.
I googled around a little and it wasn't clear to me how many releases there had been and which ones were the best. I can try the Youtube link too I suppose, haha.
Picking up the previously released series can be pretty tough. ADV released sub-only boxsets for the first season and R. Then Geneon released unedited DVDs for S and SuperS, as well as all of the movies. All of these releases are out of print, and some can be extremely pricey. You can find the singles from Geneon at used bookstores and the like for reasonable prices though. But that can be pretty hit or miss.
Last edited by Mylene (07-14-2011 06:21:59 PM)
PrettyPeopleWithSwords wrote:
I guess I meant the best way to legally watch it.
I googled around a little and it wasn't clear to me how many releases there had been and which ones were the best. I can try the Youtube link too I suppose, haha.
Well, if Sailor Moon doesn't get re-licensed on DVD then it's really hard to watch it legally, unless you happen to have a lot of money. As Mylene mentioned, all of the old DVD releases are out of print now. Not to mention, the fifth and final season, Sailor Moon Sailor Stars was never released in the United States in any form (legally). You can buy DVDs from third parties on but they are almost all bootlegs. Usually they don't cost a lot, but this is not really a legal way to watch the show. Plus the torrent downloads I mentioned earlier are in a higher quality than the bootlegs. I actually have bootlegs of all five seasons that I thought were official releases for several years that I got off of third party dealers on I bought those because they were much cheaper and I thought they were the same as the ADV/Genoen releases, but with different packaging. Guess it goes to show that the only things you should buy from third parties on are used textbooks!
Well, another thing I found is this website here: … /info.html
which has Sailor Moon DVDs that I'm pretty sure are official releases and not bootlegs. But the problem is that they are the Japanese version DVDs so they don't have English subtitles and are encoded for Region 2. They're also pretty expensive. So I guess we have to hope that Funimation or someone picks up the rights to the anime. I kind of doubt the Right Stuf/Nozomi will get the rights, but I have heard that Funimation is interested in picking up the series.
Thank you, that's just the sort of thing I wanted to know!
YesAsia is completely legit, so they're definitely not bootlegs.
Anyway, you might as well hang on a little bit. The announcement is likely just a matter of time, given that Great Eastern has announced merchandising licenses, and Hot Topic just announced that they're offering a Sailor Moon t-shirt. According to a Funi rep on ANNCast, everyone wants the anime license, which is in part contributing to what's taking so damn long to get it announced.
Mylene wrote:
According to a Funi rep on ANNCast, everyone wants the anime license, which is in part contributing to what's taking so damn long to get it announced.
If true, this will be the best news since Nozomi rescued Utena.
+5000 if they get Stars and the specials.
And even better if the release isn't messed up somehow, whether by the US licensor or Toei crippling it for whatever reason.
Last edited by Imaginary Bad Bug (07-21-2011 12:18:04 PM)