This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
After scanning this forum for a little while, I can see that there are a lot of Silent Hill fans here, but no dedicated SH thread.
So how about it ? What makes you love Silent Hill ? How does this relate to your love of SKU ?
As for me, I got sucked into Silent Hill back in '98 and I've been hooked ever since. I enjoy other horror games (Resident Evil, Fatal Frame, even Rule of Rose) but they don't reach me at the same level. The plot of the first game and the psychology of the second is like crack for overly analytical people.
Here is me cosplaying Pyramid Head, for halloween 2005.
YESSSS! A SH thread! I've been thinking of making one but never got around to doing so.
SH is by far my favorite game series, and I especially like games 1-3, the 4th one was different and not in a very good way. :/ Also, I think the following games seem to be quite different too... But I love the older ones, they're awesome! The third is my favorite because it's the only game that has ever given me nightmares.
And it's much darker than the rest of them.
Anyway, as for why I like SH, there's just so much detail in the games. Not to mention the twisted characters which makes it very interesting (and creepy) from a psychological point of view. SH seems to be the most unique horror game I've seen. I see a bit of connections with SKU too. The use metaphors and surrealism is one thing, but the way the characters react and change in such an unusual environment is quite realistic so you can birng many parallels with the real world/life.
Also, Akira Yamaoka. I love him to death.
Ahh, before I forget, here are two of my SH sites I've been running but they've not been updated in a while since I've been busy. They'll be back in May with lots of new stuff. ;D - SH fanart site - about the religion in SH
Heh. I have all four Silent Hill soundtracks.
The depth of my experience with Silent Hill is a bunch of remixed music files from OCRemix, but I have to say, they were pretty damn sweet. Tell me why this game is awesome!
After seeing the movie . . . I really do not want to play the games, yet I do (morbid curiosity and all.) It was just a disturbing film, and if you were not disturbed, then shame on you! Your mother! And- That tree in your front yard! Possibly even that rose bush in the back! And MAYBE! JUST MAYBE! Your butler’s pantry!!!
But no, I can not seem to find the game, un-used . . . Long story short, Sevelle does not buy anything used. It is a really bad phobia. Or not- Or is it?
The movie wasn't that bad, especially considering that it's way better than other game based movies. But still... it doesn't come close to what the games have to offer.
More reasons to play SH:
- There are people giving birth to a god.
- Everyone and everything in SH likes to mess with your mind
- UFO endings!
- You get to beat the hell out of all those creatures with various things. Such as with a steel pipe, chainsaw, beam saber etc, and countless guns. You could start a war with those...
- You can watch how reality shifts into a hellish world. That's always a lot of fun.
I'll have to think more later.
Oh, and here's a nice overview of all the four SH games:
OMG I LOVE SILENT HILL. (fan alert?)
I love all the games. They're all so different and each have their own little quirks that make them unique. I actually don't have a favorite.
I love how wherever I look I can find a Silent Hill reference. I purposefully go out of my way to watch/read/listen to anything that is remotely like Silent Hill. EXAMPLE: reading House of Leaves or watching Jacob's Ladder. Stuff like that.
They're so well made. So much thought and detail was put into each one. The Silent Hill series also has some of the best character development and voice acting in the video game world. Well, maybe Metal Gear Solid can take them on in that department . . . whatever! Made by the same company.
Love the music. Listen to it all the time.
But yesh. I love Silent Hill.
purplepolecat wrote:
After scanning this forum for a little while, I can see that there are a lot of Silent Hill fans here, but no dedicated SH thread.
So how about it ? What makes you love Silent Hill ? How does this relate to your love of SKU ?
As for me, I got sucked into Silent Hill back in '98 and I've been hooked ever since. I enjoy other horror games (Resident Evil, Fatal Frame, even Rule of Rose) but they don't reach me at the same level. The plot of the first game and the psychology of the second is like crack for overly analytical people.
Here is me cosplaying Pyramid Head, for halloween 2005.
GGYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *glomptackle*
[rabid]I LOVE DAHLIA!!!![/rabid]
Also... I'm in the middle of playing SH for the third time... (I've been 'playing' it for about a year and a half now... I always need a crapload of cheats and some friends with me so that I don't pee myself out of terror...)
I've seen the movie, and I loved it, even though most people hated it.
Oh, and Roberto Campanella is my hero. Not only did he play the Janitor and the Red Pyramid, but he also did all of the monster choreography for the SH movie. Including the sexy nurses. GOD I LOVE THAT SCENE!!!!
Dahlia is my hero.
hyacinth_black wrote:
GGYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *glomptackle*
Whoa ! Are you offering to polish my Great Knife ?
I think that the movie did a good job. Like Maarika said, a LOT of game based movies come out pretty bad.
I absolutely love SH. The first time I ever saw Pyramid Head, I literally jumped backwards, like I though he was going to come and get me. Not that I would really mind that a terrible much, but I digress. The nurses really send me into spirals or orgasm and win. Every year I write to Santa that I want my own mini-army of them. But they will be lovers, not fighters...okay, they'll be fighters, too. Shush, do not limit my fandom.
purplepolecat wrote:
Whoa ! Are you offering to polish my Great Knife ?
ROFL. You, sir, deserve a nurse and a few internets.
Oh lord, do not get me wrong. The movie was amazing, I loved it, it was just disturbing. Burning people alive (especially children), ripping fleshing from muscle and flinging it, improper use of barbed wire, and that janitor creature. Of course all the bad guys got what was coming to them.
But I feel shameful for saying this; pyramid head was kinda sexy, in a scare evil sort of way. Not to mention the guy who played him is French and a hottie.
Sevelle wrote:
Oh lord, do not get me wrong. The movie was amazing, I loved it, it was just disturbing. Burning people alive (especially children), ripping fleshing from muscle and flinging it, improper use of barbed wire, and that janitor creature. Of course all the bad guys got what was coming to them.
But I feel shameful for saying this; pyramid head was kinda sexy, in a scare evil sort of way. Not to mention the guy who played him is French and a hottie.
Pyramid Head is the epitome of all sexyness in the Silent Hill world. Believe me! It is canon! He represents James's sexuality! Which makes Pyramid Head AMAZINGLY SEXY.
If Akio and Pyramid Head joined forces . . . the world would be finished.
Emiemipoemi wrote:
Sevelle wrote:
Oh lord, do not get me wrong. The movie was amazing, I loved it, it was just disturbing. Burning people alive (especially children), ripping fleshing from muscle and flinging it, improper use of barbed wire, and that janitor creature. Of course all the bad guys got what was coming to them.
But I feel shameful for saying this; pyramid head was kinda sexy, in a scare evil sort of way. Not to mention the guy who played him is French and a hottie.Pyramid Head is the epitome of all sexyness in the Silent Hill world. Believe me! It is canon! He represents James's sexuality! Which makes Pyramid Head AMAZINGLY SEXY.
If Akio and Pyramid Head joined forces . . . the world would be finished.
I need to play these games.
All right, you people have caught my interest enough that I wikisurfed some SH stuff. I ended up finding an artist who did some seriously SH-like dolls-- take a look.
Sevelle wrote:
But I feel shameful for saying this; pyramid head was kinda sexy, in a scare evil sort of way. Not to mention the guy who played him is French and a hottie.
Wasn't he Italian?
Also, SH is supposed to be disturbing. The movie didn't disturb me very much, though... but the games are more disturbing on a psychological level, this is something that the movie didn't convey very well. A very disturbing film would be something like "Eraserhead". I wonder if it has influenced SH in some ways.
Yasha wrote:
All right, you people have caught my interest enough that I wikisurfed some SH stuff. I ended up finding an artist who did some seriously SH-like dolls-- take a look.
They also used Bellmar's doll-designs in Ghost in the Shell: Innocence gynoids. Very creepy and cool artist, that guy. Apparently he did satire of the Third Reich's ideology of a perfect body with those dolls of his.
Yeah, I thought that was pretty neat reading about him.
Also, I was looking for those nurses on youtube cause I want to see what wiki was describing and ran across this. Thought it was kinda cute.
purplepolecat wrote:
hyacinth_black wrote:
GGYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *glomptackle*
I'LL DRESS LIKE A NURSE FOR YOU!!!!!Whoa ! Are you offering to polish my Great Knife ?
I'm offering to polish, sheath, brandish, and shine your Great Knife.
Me = PH fetish (have)
Yasha wrote:
Yeah, I thought that was pretty neat reading about him.
Also, I was looking for those nurses on youtube cause I want to see what wiki was describing and ran across this. Thought it was kinda cute.
Okay, THAT was brilliant. Spamalot meets Silent Hill. BRILLIANT.
LOL's at cosplay skit !
So, I hadn't really thought about it before, but there are a whole bunch of similarities between SH2 and SKU:
In Silent Hill 2, James goes to Silent Hill to find his (supposedly dead) wife Mary after receiving a letter from her. In SKU, Utena goes to Ohtori to find Dios after receiving a ring from him.
In SH2, James is tempted by Maria, who resembles a sexed-up version of Mary and shares some of Mary's memories. She tries to distract him from his quest. In SKU, Utena is tempted by Akio, who resembles a sexed-up Dios and shared some of Dios's memories.
James is always jumping down holes and riding down in elevators (never up), which symbolises the journey into his subconscious, just like the Black Rose elevator. Go deeper !
All the phallic & sexual symbolism (cocktower, PH's big red flared helmet)
James meets others who have been called to SH (Eddie and Angela) seemingly because they bear a burden from their past that they cannot shed. Ohtori also seems to attract these sorts (Anthy, Juri, Miki, Mikage). Utena succeeds in helping some of them, James does not !
After fighting many largely symbolic battles, each character has a revelation in which they discover that there was a lot more to their last meeting with Mary/Dios than they initially remembered.
After the final cathartic battle, each character is free to leave : but what life awaits them outside Silent Ohtori ? In SH2, the player's actions during the game determine the outcome, which can be good or very bad. What would the alternative endings be for SKU ? Something like:
1) Utena leaves with Anthy
2) Utena leaves with Touga
3) Utena stays at Ohtori to be Akio's concubine EDIT : or worse, the new Rose Bride !
4) Utena is abducted by the Shadow Girls' UFO (SH games always have a joke UFO ending)
Last edited by purplepolecat (04-04-2007 04:16:36 PM)
I think the moar proper ones would be...
1. Utena leaves with Anthy and Dios gives them a baby who will grow up to be the new prince.
2. Utena leaves, Anthy is trapped in Ohtori, but Utena still gets the baby.
3. As the castle and the Ends of the World crumble, Anthy tells Utena that they have to leave, but they are trapped.
4. The scene shows that Utena died with her parents in the car crash when she was young, and the whole thing was a dream.
5. Utena gets abducted by the Kashira girls.
hyacinth_black wrote:
5. Utena gets abducted by the Kashira girls.
Definitely! And then they abduct Anthy too and the aliens go to destroy Ohtori after they've heard of everything that's happened.
While I myself have sat through the games (don't play much myself) nothing scares my roommate, who loves the games, like pyramid head. We made me a crappy pyramid for my head for last halloween (ductape and corrugated cardboard) and it was awesome. I wore it around for pointless household tasks for weeks until I made it into a model for a class
Once I littered her desk with chibi paper pyramid head models with get well soon notes written on their knives... She was happily angry with me for weeks
...has anyone seen the my little pony someone made?
Haha! I love the Silent Hillesque Utena endings! As for Silent Hill, it's one of my favorite video games. I've played 1-3, and the first one is my favorite. Lemme tell you, I've had MANY a sleepless nights after playing. I would always hear the creepy background music/noise in my head and fear having the world turn into an alternate hell. O.o; And when the movie came out, I jumped with glee and when I saw it, I loved it. It really was the game on the big screen. I just need to get the DVD sometime...
allegoriest wrote:
While I myself have sat through the games (don't play much myself) nothing scares my roommate, who loves the games, like pyramid head. We made me a crappy pyramid for my head for last halloween (ductape and corrugated cardboard) and it was awesome. I wore it around for pointless household tasks for weeks until I made it into a model for a class
Once I littered her desk with chibi paper pyramid head models with get well soon notes written on their knives... She was happily angry with me for weeks
...has anyone seen the my little pony someone made?
It's my background.
And as far as these chibi pyramid heads go... how do i made chibi pyramid head model?