This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Im Rinnie, and Im new to this board. But it's about time there was a comprehensive forum for SKU. I've been into SKU for about ...what is going on 6 years I believe. I was attracted to the story because at the time I was this huge sailor moon fan (still am!) and I was just trying out different bishoujo animes...I came across Utena @ blockbuster and at first I didnt know what to think of it, but I have grown to adore it. It is one of my favorite shows, ever. My fave character is Juri , Utena and Nanami.
A little about me, Im 20, a psych-major ...right now I'm working with a friend on the development of an art project. I write for my school's newspapers, collect CDs and mangas. Once I like something , I have this consumption issue where I must have everything. so hello everyone!
Room for an asexual mutant on this forum (I know, I know! )? I feel like such the black-sheep Utena fan. Though, really, my own lack of interest in a sex life of my own doesn't necessarily preclude me from interest in anyone else's, lalala.
Anyway, random facts! I'm Leah, and I'm:
- 26 years old
- a senior-year film student at San Francisco State University (screenwriting and postproduction)
- an everything-but-math nerdus maximus
- a hyperlexic bibliophile
- an epileptic Aspie with ADD on far, far too many medications
- a complete food nut
- a flaming Bay Area liberal with a gay mom and a fundamentalist dad. Yikes.
- a gamer (console, IRC RP, tabletop RP, banned from both Scrabble and Trivial Pursuit)
- an anime fangirl with a particular fetish for psychedelic shoujo and hard sci-fi
- the ungirliest girl you're ever likely to meet, with the exception of my sewing perseveration
I first saw SKU in toto roundabout 1999. It was so far out in left field it was love at first sight. Subsequent viewings increased my appreciation of the series, and I give the movie props for being the most absolutely incoherent piece of really really pretty art since Dadaism went out of vogue. Favorite characters include Saionji (poor thing), Anthy (because Evil Anthy is really,
really fun to watch), and Mikage (because I still can't figure his ass out). Least favorites are probably Shiori (not because I think she's evil or anything, but because I think she's boring, whiny little tart) and Ruka (...tell me why he was in the show, again?).
Anyway, this seems to be quite the rockin' forum, and I enjoy reading everyone's comments. Congrats to Gio and Yasha for their success!
- Leah
ExpositionFairy wrote:
I'm Leah, and I'm:
- 26 years old
I've been starting to feel like a senior citizen here at 28 with all the 18-20 yr olds that have joined up recently. Glad to know that I'm not the only SKU fan in their mid-late 20s!
Last edited by Imaginary Bad Bug (11-28-2006 03:55:41 PM)
Hurray! I like the broad spectrum of people in this board.
And errr.. yeah, I guess I'm a little late in posting here. I've been running around the other parts, and I have been for a few days. So I'm soorrrryyy, it must've seemed so rude.
Hi, I'm Sandra, I live in Calgary, AB, in Canada. I'm 17 and am in my first year of university. I've been a huge Utena fan since the middle of jr high, and would watch it by stalking people on WinMX. So of course, you can imagine how long it took me to finish all the episodes.
And I'm really, really glad to be here. Everyone is fabulous.
Sskessa wrote:
Отлично, но холодно. Сегодия идет снег. А вы?
Здесь тепло, и иногда идет дождь. Мне такая пагода нравится, потому что на последном году было марозно. I'm not even sure if it's grammatically correct. My Russian sucks quite a lot, in spite of 6 years of studies.
Heya. I'm an acquaintance of Gio's from a few years back now, mostly known if at all for being "the guy who did all the pictures from the Sega Saturn game and accompanying artbook; also, the gushing essay about how Keiko is awesome". I luvs me some Keiko. Also Shiori, Saionji and Kozue, in about that order.
I know Alan Harnum! Oooh! Bet that would have been more impressive seven years ago! But he's who introduced me to Utena, and I'll always be grateful for that even if the bastard never updated the Eat Flesh For Shiori site to let me join.
I'm 27, an actor (nope, you probably haven't seen me in anything unless you watch quirky Canadian home improvement shows), a writer (don't worry, once I have a novel published, you'll all know), and a seller of the finest cutlery in all the land (y'know, to make actual money). I dearly love Utena, have pushed it on everyone I know, and firmly believe it's more brilliant than almost anything else out there, anime or non.
I was once gonna cosplay as Saionji, but chickened out on bleaching my hair and dying it green.
My life's ambition, now that I've gotten the only piece of merchandise of Ranma 1/2's Pink and Link that exists, is to get a cel of Keiko in rollerblades, on account of that was so freaking awesome:
Someday. Someday.
I dunno how often I'll post, but I'm happy to be here. Cheers, all.
I love your website. Especially the Shiori gallery, and the rant that comes with it. Not to mention your amazing Keiko essay... Okay, I'll stop now.
Oh wow, somebody's been to my site. Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it! I will eventually make a lot more Utena galleries, as I want to thoroughly cap the entire series and colour-correct it for maximum prettiness, but I keep getting delayed by other projects, the fact Gio's gallery is so awesome there's less "need" for more Utena pictures, the fact I keep lending the series out to people, and that I want to get the original Japanese DVDs for eps 1-13 so there's no hardsubs in the duels.
(Hey, Shiori's in Hybrid Theory! You only have to read the equivalent of about two full-sized novels to get to her!)
'lo all, I'm Syna. I'm 21. Telling you why I love Utena should explain everything about me that you'd be interested in.
- I'm very interested in stories, the way stories are constructed, and the impact stories can have on a person in terms of formation of their ethics and values and in terms of the ways they decide to live their lives in general (Jung, crackpot he is, is fascinating to me), and Utena, surreal and metaphorical and inspired by mythology as it is, is perfect for analysis and re-analysis and re-re-re-analysis;
- The theme of nostalgia, holding on too tightly to one's childhood, of trying to reconcile childhood ideals with adulthood, hits very very close to home for me, and anime/RPGs are part of my own personal nostalgia;
- Devastatingly hot, tormented lipstick butch fencers are... well... devastatingly hot;
- So are bishounen, particularly lovely, adorable, younger piano-playing bishounen;
- If I were a character I would want to be a cross-dressing heroine;
- Yuri is my girly equivalent of a chick flick;
- I'm fascinated by androgyny and sexual fluidity to an absurd degree;
- I adore obscure esoteric references to philosophy and the occult and mythology and even though I can barely cook a grilled cheese sandwich I know most of them;
- Swords are freaking badass and I want to learn how to duel if ONLY to pretend a dueling chorus accompanies me.
... I just realized that this show brings out my hormones like nothing else. Jeez. Horribly appropriate, though. So, um, hi!
Syna wrote:
'lo all, I'm Syna. I'm 21. Telling you why I love Utena should explain everything about me that you'd be interested in.
- I'm very interested in stories, the way stories are constructed, and the impact stories can have on a person in terms of formation of their ethics and values and in terms of the ways they decide to live their lives in general (Jung, crackpot he is, is fascinating to me), and Utena, surreal and metaphorical and inspired by mythology as it is, is perfect for analysis and re-analysis and re-re-re-analysis;
- The theme of nostalgia, holding on too tightly to one's childhood, of trying to reconcile childhood ideals with adulthood, hits very very close to home for me, and anime/RPGs are part of my own personal nostalgia;
- Devastatingly hot, tormented lipstick butch fencers are... well... devastatingly hot;
- So are bishounen, particularly lovely, adorable, younger piano-playing bishounen;
- If I were a character I would want to be a cross-dressing heroine;
- Yuri is my girly equivalent of a chick flick;
- I'm fascinated by androgyny and sexual fluidity to an absurd degree;
- I adore obscure esoteric references to philosophy and the occult and mythology and even though I can barely cook a grilled cheese sandwich I know most of them;
- Swords are freaking badass and I want to learn how to duel if ONLY to pretend a dueling chorus accompanies me.
... I just realized that this show brings out my hormones like nothing else. Jeez. Horribly appropriate, though. So, um, hi!
Whenever you get your sword..come find me! I shall give you a duel alright...heh heh.
It's okay. We're a hormonal bunch.
::composes self::
Last edited by Hinotori (12-05-2006 03:50:13 PM)
Hey all.
I've never been much of an anime fan in particular (i didn't dislike it either, I'd seen a few Miyazaki films that I enjoyed), but my last year of college I took a film studies class about the topic - partly for fun, and partly to learn more about something who's fans seemed, often, kind of out there, and that I knew very little of myself.
It was a great class. I had a fantastic time and learned all sorts of stuff. It was neat to see how much symbolism/creative effort goes into some of these animated tv shows. I'd never have imagined that that was the case before hand. Anyways~ the highlight for me (in retrospect) was when we were shown the first Utena episode as part of one of the evening screenings. I thought it was hilarious, at first. The "absolute destiny apocalypse music", the abuse of Himemiya by Saionji (abuse, obviously, isn't funny at all - i found the really over the top way it was portrayed to be something though, after the initial shock), and Touga's sitting up watching the duals concluding the episode with "this is getting interesting, baby", or something really like that. I laughed a lot, and kind of put it out of my mind.
Awhile after graduating, I started geting nostalgic. As I was browsing the net, I found a pretty cheap offer for the whole series on DVD and jumped on it.
Now I think it's one of the most amazingly well done things I've seen. I watched the series twice, since then. I want to go back a third time soon, but really take notes and stuff... like note every time Miki uses his stop watch to try and figure out what the instances have in common, or to try and see how the Nanami/Tsuwabuki thing reflects Anthy/Utena, etc. It's so neat, each time I watch something, new stuff pops up. The first time I had no clue that the Nanami/Tsuwabuki scenes served as parallels to the Anthy/Utena relation, for instance. Hopefully by looking at stuff like that later I can get some better insights into a few parts of the show.
I found Empty Movement a few months back, and enjoyed reading lots of the essays written by Gio and Yasha, as well as some other people. There was a notice they were working on forums, but it sort of slipped my mind after awhile. I remembered recently and - low and behold - the forums are now here, so I thought it would be neat to log on and say hi to everyone, especially Gio and Yasha. The effort they put into getting this site together must have been huge. It's amazingly well done, and has so much interesting stuff scattered throughout it. The discussion on body language you have in (i think it was) the Akio part, for instance, are just wow. I'd love to write an essay of my own, if I can find the time for it. But real life obligations are being stern and greedy, as always, and I'd like anything I make to be something I could be proud of having written.
Hi to you all though. Hopefully I'll get to know some of you a bit better, by and by.
Why hello party people! I'm the new kid on the black apparently. Since this is where the introductions happen I suppose I should lead off by saying that I'm a virgo who loves long walks on the beach and....
whoops, wrong intro!
Actually, I'm just a nerd. I like Utena, it was one of the first anime's I saw. It was also one of the first series I ever cosplayed. I enjoy the fact that it's vague-ness allows the watcher to make decisions for themselves.
But this is about me right now, I'm a desk jockey by day and a couch potato by night. As previously admitted, I'm a cosplayer, a writer, a dancer and a fencer.
Long before I saw Utena I was on a fencing team, foil was my dominent weapon. I've gotten back into the sport recently, and still enjoy it. And even though no one would get it, I have the almost undeniable urge to pull my mask off and holler "Next!"
I guess that's all for now. Glad to be here, I've always enjoyed the shrines and essays at Empty Movement.
Ok bye!
Greetings and salutations, person whose birthday is three days before mine. Welcome to the home of the masturbating smileys.
Since I'm avoiding finishing the paper that is due in three hours, why the hell not?
Greetings one and all. I'm a college freshman at ASU majoring in biochemistry and Japanese, I've been in the Utena fandom since I was 12 (that was... huh, 1999? 2000?, and I clearly have pretty chill parents), and I hope to have a rollocking good time here.
Hello to all, I guess that I will stop stalking this awesome forum and join it now. I have been stalking it sense 10/20/06 and due to the fact that I am in college and need to not get distracted by stuff on the internet (guess this is not helping). I tried to resist but really it is like trying to resist the seduction skills of Touga and Akio
sigh…I had no chance in hell
oh well. Anyway I took some test online it was telling you what person you would be from Utena and I got Touga
… and just gave in and signed up.
I love Utena and have watched most of the show and I think that I have watched the movie somehow but can’t recall it… perhaps I blocked it all out.
I have noticed a lot of intelligent people in this forum and while I admire that greatly… I cant spell and don’t have any grammatical skills to save ny life please be kind and if possible try and education and enlighten me... if possible
Hey, I should learn stuff afterall, I am in college
… cough…sigh…Anyway, I love to communicate with other people so if you want to know anything else about me just ask
…whether I answer you back well we will see
PS:Could someone help me do a pic for my profile I want a real hot one of Touga shirt less please.
Last edited by SexingTouga24/7/365 (12-10-2006 01:26:40 PM)
Holy crap I'm completely stoked on finding an active Utena forum.
I'm Em. I'm 21 and I live in Florida. I first saw Utena when I was . . . ohhhh, I'd say 14. I don't really care for anime anymore but Utena has stuck with me through all these years and it still manages to blow me away to this day!
I work as a musician and musical director at the local theaters and I'm going to school to study musical directing, teaching, and conducting. In my (very little) spare time I play video games, collect music, and read!
Hello. *smiles and bows* My name is Rose, I joined about a week ago or so (which makes me a newbie in the house.) It's nice to be here; I hope it would be a good place.
I'll be around then. *waves*
Last edited by FencingCaptain (06-24-2008 03:19:48 AM)
'Sup guys.
I'm Alexa, and Utena has been one of my favorite things ever since I first saw it in like, 7th grade. And I like a lot of other stuff too.
KissingT.Kiryuu & SexingTouga24/7/365
....yeeeeeah. I'm waiting for FuckingTougaAllNight to join.
Hello, everyone! First of all, my parents are russian, though we live in Sweden, and are much more of Swedes than Russians . I betcha Sweden's far away from all of you
My name is Natasha (duh).
I am a teenage girl, who've just watched the whole SKU series, and the movie (still a bit confuzzled about that one though:dance: ), and also read practically all the essays on this fantastic SKU page (omg soo fucking interesting about the body language of Akio...).
I also own a beautiful dog, an irish terrier (A girl that's originally Russian, that lives in Sweden and owns an Irish dog... try and top that one:grin: )
Hmm... well, what more can I say? I study french, I like various manga series (not as much as when I was like 12-13 though) and good animes, I sometimes play my PlayStation2 (I'm a true games nerd T__T), mostly Final Fantasy or good japanese horror games:chef: . Oh, I am also kind of obsessive.
Haha I just noticed those little smileys
LOL I'm afraid it might take some time before I'll be using them though
I can't think of anything else about me right now, but feel free to ask, I don't bite... much.
Whoops and one more thing: I speak swedish and russian just as well as english, it's the french that creates major problems...
Last edited by o0Natasha0o (12-14-2006 03:13:11 PM)
Giovanna wrote:
KissingT.Kiryuu & SexingTouga24/7/365
....yeeeeeah. I'm waiting for FuckingTougaAllNight to join.
Teehee dont tempt me i had typed in FuckingTougaForLife as my name but a rare out break of tact struck me at that point
lucky yall... damn
Touga for not being real....