This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)

#1 | Back to Top05-07-2010 12:25:48 AM

Mithos of the wild rose
Miki Molester
From: Oregon coast
Registered: 05-06-2010
Posts: 30

Revaloutionary girl Utena:war of roses fanfic … r_of_roses

Please read and post on this topic what you think.

Five princes met within the garden they were the worlds light,two prince's died,one gave up,one was sealed,and the last just vanished,When six Princess's are gathered the path to the future will appear,the path leading to REVALUATION.

This is thee prophecy of Mithos,the one who bears the Wild-Rose. :3



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