This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Trust me. Watch all of it. Not quite work safe.
Yasha wrote:
This is not safe to look at. … video-nsfw
Shame, shame. I was saved only by whiplash reflexes left over from the days of Goatse.
KillerxXxQueen wrote:
Trust me. Watch all of it. Not quite work safe.
Whereas this is just awesome. Whoever cooked this up knew what they were doing! Perhaps they were doing it by the book, but I doubt it was a piece of cake.
My contribution:
Wikipedia: "Before coming to the Olympics, Moussambani had never seen a 50 m (160 ft) long Olympic-size swimming pool. He took up swimming only eight months before the Olympics and had practiced in a 20 m (66 ft) pool at a hotel in Malabo."
Last edited by satyreyes (12-14-2010 01:13:16 AM)
A bunch of Canadian dudes gettin' drunk off the biggest breakfast you've ever seen. They built a fortress to keep out the haters.
A documentary from 1989 of the Kowloon Walled City in Hong Kong, torn down in the early 90's. And now you know where cyberpunk got its inspiration. … r_embedded
The_A_Man wrote:
Soon the whole world will own the Apple "i"!
Now I'm interested in knowing what this is supposed to do.
Its obvious really, you get the 'i' so you can brag to all your hipster friends on how cool you are to be one of the first (and last) to own this obver-sized piece of shit.
Tamago wrote:
Its obvious really, you get the 'i' so you can brag to all your hipster friends on how cool you are to be one of the first (and last) to own this obver-sized piece of shit.
You forgot to mention that it's over priced, though the richer you are, the less expensive it will seem.
recorded acid trip audio set to a CGI gecko
"Not my chair, not my problem."
NECRO'D to replace our new video thread we didn't need.
Now for an experiment: How many people will understand this?
And now for something completely different.
Being a gigantic fan of Guilty Gear, I usually find it sad when I can't share my favorite combo movies and matches with people.
However, I seem to have stumbled upon something even those who have never seen or played the game before can enjoy...
Without further ado:
If you liked that one, here's another:
It seems there are more of these than I thought...
Can someone recommend some good AMVs? I used to watch a lot about 7 years ago, but I haven't been able to get into the ones I've found lately.
In the now closed thread I posted this video for Casshern Sins.
Also... (checks bookmarks list) this one for Soul Eater and this one for Mononoke.
I'm sorry for starting a video thread when I didn't see a video thread, and the video thread that became the video thread was originally only about one video back in 2006, and not about videos in general. Whatever.
Tsubasa gets his freak on
For AMV's, I contribute THIS:, an accurate representation of how cool I thought Gundam Wing was when I was 11.
For everything else, there's THIS: which I'm sure most of you will have seen already but if not, you're welcome.
I everyone, I found this video ages ago, is about Anty and the song is Italian. Very cute, I'll write here the translation
The Fairy
There's only a flower in that room
And you move with patience
The medicine is bitter, but
You already knows that he will drink it
If he doesn't give up, you tempting him
And loose the node of your hips
And you just open that dress
Who pick the flower, will go crazy
For you, he will do everything
And you, sister, mother and spouse(hu!)
You, queen, or fairy, you..
You can't pretend more than this
...You, queen, or fairy, you..
You can't pretend more than this.
And maybe, is for vengeance
And maybe, is for fear
..Or just for madness
But, so far,
It's you, that pays the most
If you wanna fly, they taking you down
And if it begins the witch hunt, the witch is you...
And you follow childlike dreams
And you ask for love, and you are sincere
You don't perform magics, or tricks, but
No one already will believe it
There's who scream you that you are pretty
That you're a fairy, your a star
Then make you slave, but, no
Call it "love" you can not.
And maybe, is for vengeance
And maybe, is for fear
..Or just for madness
But, so far,
It's you, that pays the most
If you wanna fly, they taking you down
And if it begins the witch hunt, the witch is you...
There are those who exalt you, those who adore you
There are those who expose you in a showcase
It is said "love"..but, no
Call it "love" you can not is said "love"..but, no
Call it "love" you can not
I tried to shape the text and make them follow the timing of the phrases and music, you can print it and read it right whan you're watching the video..hope you enjoy!
Last edited by SeizonSenryaku (11-18-2011 07:44:42 AM)
SeizonSenryaku wrote:
And if it begins the witch hunt, the witch is you...
SS, that was really nice It was slightly disturbing how well that song fits Utena, both in terms of its lyrics and its Mood Whiplash presentation.
here's a video so I'm not derailing
Origin - Secret of Mana
Makubi wrote:
SeizonSenryaku wrote:
And if it begins the witch hunt, the witch is you...
SS, that was really nice
It was slightly disturbing how well that song fits Utena, both in terms of its lyrics and its Mood Whiplash presentation.
here's a video so I'm not derailing
Origin - Secret of Mana
I HAVE to see that show , so I have stopped the AMV at 20 seconds, afraid to spoiler me something. It seems great, tough.
About Bennato's song, yes, is so appropriate to Anthy, I would think that is directing inspired by SKU if it was written after the airing of the anime. Weird enough, I have casually jumped to a song of a group called Rush, and one of their songs is intited "With Hunt". This, and your comment, made me think over about comes that many songs, used in AMVS, fit so much the story? Almost like, in some way, is true what many religions or esoteric school says, that all is connected. Make me wonder about fate. Ok, got to stop here
However, Edoardo Bennato had writen many songs related to bedtime stories, like Peter Pan and Pinocchio.
I found another song of him that was associated with Akio (italian translation in the description of the video)
Is all right with my english, by the way?
Last edited by SeizonSenryaku (11-18-2011 10:58:37 AM)
Squee! My celebrity crush saw and reposted one of my youtube videos, so I had to brag to-I mean, tell the world.
Riri-kins wrote:
Squee! My celebrity crush saw and reposted one of my youtube videos, so I had to brag to-I mean, tell the world.
Riri, you are so terribly adorable.
Riri-kins wrote:
Squee! My celebrity crush saw and reposted one of my youtube videos, so I had to brag to-I mean, tell the world.
When I saw the part "But who cares!" I was like
satyreyes wrote:
Riri, you are so terribly adorable.
Shucks, I'm blushing. You better watch out or I might forget that I'm taken.
Last edited by Riri-kins (11-25-2011 04:43:31 PM)