This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
I've been watching a LOT of Utena in the past few days, so much that it has invaded my DREAMS!
I had a dream where Akio was driving around with some person (I forget who) in his pimp-nificant Akio Car, and they were getting in the mood or something when all of a sudden he started turning into a girl...
If you think that's strange, read the rest
...He had passed out in the car after pretty much an almost complete transformation and woke up in this houseish place. He got all flustered about his prediciment and this weird red and black cat thing that looked like a weasel came in and followed him around for a while. Then he got scared of it and ran away. He walked down the stairs in a sort of feminine manner and saw his male self and Kozue standing by the door (I dunno how Kozue got in here but, oh well). For some strange reason, he fell in love with himself and walked over and hugged the male version of himself in a really sexy, romantic way (O_O). His male self smiled almost demonicly and looked like he was enjoying himself when...all of a sudden...BATMAN FLEW IN AN RAN OFF WITH KOZUE!!! one seemed to notice...(lol) Then, a bunch of GetBackers characters came in (kazuki, juubei, ginji, and yukihiko for some reason) and started having a battle with a bunch of ninja people who looked like they were from naruto. It was really weird and people were dying, like, if somebody bumped into them...It sure was crazy,,,
Then Kazuki ran off and tripped and died and Akio pretty much 'sploded in a fiery burst of I dunno what (NO! NOT AKIO!!! ) and I woke up...
I reeeeeally need to stop watching so much anime...I don't even really like naruto anymore...
I can't believe that I actually had this was soooooo weird and awesome!
Don't worry, we all have strange dreams on occasion. Your dream sounds like the makings of a good fanfiction.
I agree...but making a fanfiction out of this'll be pretty friggin hard though... XD
My dreams are about floating frogs.
Epi_lepsia wrote:
My dreams are about floating frogs.
You say "floating frogs" and I think, "How do they get down from there?"
Akio would totally have sex with himself.
And I'd totally watch, I bet he makes for a hot chick. (Well I guess he'd turn out looking rather like Anthy. If you evened out their ages I would almost say they look like twins...oh boy.)
Giovanna wrote:
Akio would totally have sex with himself.
And I'd totally watch, I bet he makes for a hot chick. (Well I guess he'd turn out looking rather like Anthy. If you evened out their ages I would almost say they look like twins...oh boy.)
The horrible thing was that...his hair was in double braids with pink ribbons for some reason and he was wearing gothic makeup and a shreddy, hot-looking dress.
I'll draw it later and post it up
I've had a lot of strange Utena dreams. The dream I had last night was so strange that I don't even want to put most of it into words, but there are lots of other dreams that I can share.
A while ago, I dreamt that Touga, Nanami, and Juri were all at a student council meeting. Touga declared that everyone in the student council had to give up something precious to them. Juri, apparently, really likes lollipops. It never specified what Touga or Nanami gave up, but Nanami was a Juri fan, and she was cosplaying Juri at the meeting.
Later on in the same dream, the setting was at a store in my Sim's world (The Ohtori Shoppes.) The real Shiori was there, and she was shoplifting... Once she was done stealing, she snuck in on Kozue while she was changing and molested her.
It's rare that I ever actually see Shiori in my dreams. Most of the time she's mentioned, but even my subconscious doesn't recognize her as a real person, (which is annoying. ) But once I dreamt that the manga had more than five volumes. I flipped through one, and saw that Shiori was in it. She and Juri were having a deep conversation in a field of flowers, and Shiori was wearing her dueling outfit. Another time I dreamt that I was with my friend, when suddenly we saw Butterfly-Movie-Shiori. (She was her normal size, though once I dreamt that Shiori was sitting somewhere, and then she "poofed" into a poorly drawn butterfly.) My friend then explain to me that they were going to to make an entire movie about Shiori... I was so disappointed when I woke up. One of my stranger dreams is the time I dreamt that my friend became president, and he was going to dedicate an entire holiday to Shiori.
Before I had even considered the KozuexShiori pairing, I had a dream that the two of them were in love. But then Kozue said that she was just pretending to like Shiori, and stole that guy from her that she had stolen from Juri, because apparently she thought that Shiori was in love with him. But then Kozue and the nameless boy were driving together in Akio's car, and she was starting to feel bad about what she did. She told him this during a beautiful sunset, and he suggested that she should apologize to her and take Shiori back. Later on, after they were back together, Kozue and Shiori were just about to kiss, when suddenly they were eaten by a swarm of ants. That's when I woke up.
Ants... Why ants...? o _o
I'm sure that I'm forgetting a lot of the dreams that I've had, but that's all that I can remember at the moment.
Late Edit: If any of my dreams are interesting enough to go up there, I'd be more than happy to let you add them in the next update.
Edit Again: I reread this post, and realized that I said that it was Shiori who was driving with the nameless boy, but it was actually Kozue.
Last edited by Razara (01-19-2007 09:45:29 AM)
Oh my! That must've been intiresting, Razara...
I REMEMBERED WHO WAS IN THE AKIO CAR WITH SIR. SEXALOT!!!! It was Shiori!!! Thanks for reminding me by mentioning her Razara-sama!
Last edited by Shmeecherz (01-06-2007 10:50:43 PM)
I've been working way too hard on the gallery. Last night I dreamt I was sitting at my computer editing together a panned shot of Nanami...making out with Dios.
She had her hand in his pants and he looked flustered.
Awww! Poor Dios!
Last night I dreamed that there was a pedophile in my house that lookied a lot like Touga with a mohawk...
Hey guys, will you give me permission to put these dreams in the dreams section of fandom? Let me know if that's all right with you, I won't do it without explicit permission.
I had a pretty stupidly bizarre Utena dream over the summer that completely revolved around me being attention starved.
The earliest part of the dream that I remember is that this one online comic had decided to become, instead of just a generic anime gaming comic, an Utena fancomic. This one character from the comic kept getting redesigned as more and more gruesome until they finally decided to go the pretty route instead and settled on it looking like a girl with aqua braids and dark skin. (Interestingly, the particular design was that of a character I was once requested to draw for someone. I haven't seen the girl in years, though.) Then the fact that it was a comic sort of faded away or maybe I became part of the comic, I'm unsure, but I was in there, regardless. And I remember this bit where Movie-Akio and the aqua-braided girl both hugged each other and fell backwards into Anthy's lap. The next part I remember clearly is being part of a large group of people training to defeat Akio. (Movie-Akio, that is. He was Movie-Akio during the whole of my dream.) This faded in between being actually serious and being a sort of virtual reality video game, where I was aware that I could "restart" if I failed. The girl who was valedictorian at my school this year informed me that I was not going to win and in defiance I put a forum post (not ItRG, some random forum that doesn't actually exist) in queue about my glorious victory. One by one the others were defeated, until it was just me and my friend Jessie's exboyfriend, (they were still dating at the time I had this dream, though,) Zack. He was very very serious. During the whole of this, Anthy was simultaneously inside the room where people were fighting Akio and outside with us. Inside she was wearing her Rosebride dress--outside she was in a simple, white nightgown. I hugged her, at one point. I don't remember much until I was actually fighting Akio and I only vaguely remember that. It was like a mixture of the duel with him from the series and the duel with him from the comic with the car-changing scene from the movie thrown in in this weird, sterile blue-ish room with gears and a lot of mist. Anthy was there in a simplified version of her Rose Bride dress. (Just a red dress with white borders.) I remember a part where I shoved Akio into the car-making machine thing and my hand got cut. I believe this is when I won, and I left the room triumphantly. I announced to the valedictorian that I had actually beaten him and she asked me what had happened to my hand. I looked down at it. There was little dots on it, four of them in the shape of a large square. (One dot at each corner.) As I looked, the dots grew into little weird blobs of this sort of combination of puss and dried wood glue--all bumpy and yellow-ish. I picked them off, each one with increasing difficulty. Finally they were all gone and left tiny pin-pricks in their place.
During the next part I can recall, Akio had come back to life. (I dunno if he'd died in the first place, but, you know.) He was having all of the people who had fought him earlier participate in this weird orgy/prostitution kind of...thing. (I know that sounds really really really stupid, but it felt serious in the dream.) He was just sort of standing there and overlording over everything. The people who had fought him earlier were behind him, including me. We were lined up to enter this huge warehouse-like room where there were a bunch of creepy, scruffy, overweight males lounging around. I just stood there until I heard someone annouce that the trumpet player hadn't come yet and I ran to take over. I stood just outside the door on the other end of the room, (parallel to the door everyone was lined up at,) but somehow I could see through the wall. The people in the line behind Akio were tentatively entering the room. Every time someone got too close all of the men would shout their name and announce that they were wearing too many clothes. The person would proceed to take some off, usually just a few items. I started to play the trumpet and did so until my dad ran up and told me that HE was supposed to be the trumpet player. I gave it to him, saying that he was better than I anyway. He said, "Yeah, I really am." (My father used to be in a band, playing the trumpet. I can barely get one to make noise. Except, in the dream I was playing this one song from a Bugs Bunny cartoon quite competantly, so I was sort of hurt.)
So, I went back over to where Akio was standing. I sort of wanted to go into the room, but I didn't want my dad to see. And then the door between the room and my dad closed so that my dad couldn't see me anymore. (Even though earlier I could see through the wall? But somehow it didn't occur to me that my dad might be able to also.) So I sort of wandered around really nonchalantly, like I didn't really know what I was doing, because I didn't want anyone to know I wanted to be in there. (I was afraid of people thinking scornfully of me, but I really wanted the men to notice me and find me attractive.) Finally I got too close and they yelled my full name out and announced that I was wearing too many clothes. Akio looked really shocked and kind of disturbed--I somehow knew that it wasn't because of what they said but because it was me and he had respect for me because I had defeated him. (???) He didn't seem to want me to go in, but I did anyway and took off my boots and skirt. So I was only wearing my underwear and this white wifebeater with a picture of Traci Lords (a former child pornstar who dated Marilyn Manson & grew up to be a clean, serious actress) on it. I tried to pull it down over my hips (it was a really long wifebeater?) but it was too tight, (I have sort of big hips) so I pulled it back up around my waist. I sat down next to my friend Jessie and wondered why no one seemed to think I was attractive. Jessie looked really bored, then asked if maybe I wanted to go up to her room instead and look at this video project she was working on. I said that that sounded nice and we went through the trumpet-playing door and up a staircase and down a hallway. (It was a staircase and hallway from the house of a childhood friend of mine, whom I haven't seen in years.) We got to Jessie's room (which was the room of a different childhood friend of mine who had the same name spelled differently [Catie/Katie]) and she sat down at her desk. I stood above her. She shuffled through some papers and went on about her video. I kept worrying she was going to lose sight of the summer video project we'd been assigned for school (which didn't really exist, by the way) and told her so, but she brushed me off. I shrugged and went downstairs again.
Downstairs the weird warehouse-room had turned into a chapel. Everyone (the former duelists and the males) were sitting in the pews, dressed in fancy clothing. Other people were filing in slowly. (All friends of my parents and their children.) Akio was standing at the altar in a very fancy, embroidered, gold and white priest's outfit. I knew somehow, even though there weren't any cameras around, that this was a scene for a movie. And I badly wanted to be in it so that I could have my name in the credits. I looked down at my clothes and knew I wouldn't be allowed in, then remembered that I had a fancy blue dress somewhere in the house. I scrambled back upstairs for it, grabbed it, and threw it on. Hannah and Sarah, two of my parents' friends' children, ran up to me and told me we had to hurry downstairs or we'd miss it. We ran downstairs as fast as we could and then slowly entered the chapel. I sat in the back and Hannah and Sarah sat next to their parents. I can't really explain the person I was sitting next to--it was like it was one of the creepy males and also Anthy at the same time, if that makes sense. Then my dad came in and sat down next to me on the other side, even though there wasn't room for him there. (There were little raised borders around the availible seats-per-pew. He sat in a raised-border-area that wasn't big enough for him.)
It was around here that my mother called and woke me up, so...
You can post it if you want, Yasha, I don't mind. It's sort of stupid, though.
Thanks, Nessy! It's not st6upid, a lot of the dreams in that section are really strange.
I had a dream where I was being chased by an unseen, dark presence around an abandoned shopping center, and when I opened one of the rooms I saw Anthy, (sort of a mix between a woman in real life and an anime-style one), in something like a dark light lit room, except the lighting was red. She was lying on the floor and completely wrapped in spiderwebs save for her head, and her eyes were wide open and frosted over like she was blind.
It wasn't really long enough or detailed enough to send in, though.
Last edited by Ivy-chan (01-07-2007 11:47:31 PM)
There's a section for short dreams. If you want, I could put it in there. It sounds really creepy.
Yeah, it was pretty creepy. I thought of it as sort of a dream fragment and not even a short dream, since I woke up too quickly. Sure, put it up!
Awesome! Thanks! I've got to get started on the next update soon...
Okay...I have officially had the WEIRDEST Utena dream EVER!
For some reason, SKU was made into a musical...Don't ask why. It was kind of weird because EVERYONE in the show was in Ohtori Academy....Even the ones that don't go there...Also, the dream was live-action and it looked like it was filmed in the eighties (around the time of 'Breakfast Club'
The only scene of the dream that really stuck in my mind was when Utena and Wakaba were talking then everyone in the hallway started whispering and talking and goggling at something. Utena looked up over the crowd and asked Wakaba, "Hey...who's that"
Wakaba was staring mouth agape into the hallway and she said to Utena, "That's Akio" In this really entranced, kind of funny way.
Akio was strolling down the hall all cool-like and winking at girls in that corny way. And, all of a sudden, music started to play and he began to do this really sexy dance and sing "Sexbomb" by Tom Jones
It was reeeeeeally.....uhhh....I dunno...I'm just afraid.
OH OH OH. I had an SKU dream. It didn't involve Akio fucking me. I'm not so good at the lucid dreaming these days.
I dreamt I was walking out of the doctor's office and decided randomly to buy an anime magazine. (Haven't bought one of those in years.) I'm on my way home and flipping through it (funny how there was no dream conflict in my lazily reading while I was driving) and near the back was a bigass two page spread advert for the SKU musical. The picture was kinda a paintbrush stylized picture of Touga holding out a sword so that he's in the bottom left and the sword covers both pages. There's a pan of his second duel like this but I don't have it in photobucket, so no example for you! Now, this wasn't the Japanese musical, or anything remotely like it; it was a Broadway production. Apparently a rather expensive one because there were little pictures of grossly extravagant sets and the costumes were insane. I dunno how I knew this since it didn't say it, but Akio's armbands were actual solid gold, as were all the other gold accents in the costumes. Also they'd somehow managed to rig the theater with a domed ceiling and the set cut into the audience in the middle because there was a functioning projector set into the floor that came up for the right scenes. (A lot of planetariums are built with receding projectors.) In another part of the stage was a functioning seitokai/BRS elevator. My first thought though was that the actors were genetically engineered for this or something, because there was no 'oh wow that looks like him', they looked exactly like the characters.
I flipped the page and to go with the musical they were releasing a new game on the PS3, it was more like a classic Japanese RPG than a dating sim, and I distinctly recall a picture of Utena staring down into her reflection on a lake, and another of Saionji as a playable character in 3rd person view. I flipped back to the musical and saw it was going to be a touring production after a few months in NY, and its first stop was Miami. The rest of my dream was me flipping out on the phone trying to figure out if I could afford to drag Yasha and as many IRG members as possible over to NY to see it or if we'd have to wait for it to come here.
That's be so awesome if it were true. But only in a dream would it come out well.
Giovanna wrote:
OH OH OH. I had an SKU dream. It didn't involve Akio fucking me.
I'm not so good at the lucid dreaming these days.
I dreamt I was walking out of the doctor's office and decided randomly to buy an anime magazine. (Haven't bought one of those in years.) I'm on my way home and flipping through it (funny how there was no dream conflict in my lazily reading while I was driving) and near the back was a bigass two page spread advert for the SKU musical. The picture was kinda a paintbrush stylized picture of Touga holding out a sword so that he's in the bottom left and the sword covers both pages. There's a pan of his second duel like this but I don't have it in photobucket, so no example for you! Now, this wasn't the Japanese musical, or anything remotely like it; it was a Broadway production. Apparently a rather expensive one because there were little pictures of grossly extravagant sets and the costumes were insane. I dunno how I knew this since it didn't say it, but Akio's armbands were actual solid gold, as were all the other gold accents in the costumes.Also they'd somehow managed to rig the theater with a domed ceiling and the set cut into the audience in the middle because there was a functioning projector set into the floor that came up for the right scenes. (A lot of planetariums are built with receding projectors.) In another part of the stage was a functioning seitokai/BRS elevator. My first thought though was that the actors were genetically engineered for this or something, because there was no 'oh wow that looks like him', they looked exactly like the characters.
I flipped the page and to go with the musical they were releasing a new game on the PS3, it was more like a classic Japanese RPG than a dating sim, and I distinctly recall a picture of Utena staring down into her reflection on a lake, and another of Saionji as a playable character in 3rd person view. I flipped back to the musical and saw it was going to be a touring production after a few months in NY, and its first stop was Miami. The rest of my dream was me flipping out on the phone trying to figure out if I could afford to drag Yasha and as many IRG members as possible over to NY to see it or if we'd have to wait for it to come here.
If only that was true
That dream is made of win and roses. (HAWHAW! Get it? WIN and roses??? Heheheh... okay I'll shut up now...)
I wish I had dreams like you guys.
I wish I could have lucid dreams to begin with.
I've been trying for months now, but nothing has happened! And, I've been trying to astral project for about a year or two & nothing has happened. ;_____;
hyacinth_black wrote:
That dream is made of win and roses. (HAWHAW! Get it? WIN and roses??? Heheheh... okay I'll shut up now...)
Har har har.
hyacinth_black wrote:
I wish I could have lucid dreams to begin with.
I've been trying for months now, but nothing has happened!
I have limited experience with it. It's mostly a matter of training. The two most important things are a dream journal and recognition. The journal is because you lose most of a dream in the first 10 minutes of being awake, so you need to get the information down ASAP. The reason you need to recall your dreams in detail is to prepare for the latter half. You need to find some minor trend in what you dream, or what you notice. Say you notice you write things a lot, or there are a lot of windows, or water. That's the thing you have to start practicing recognition with. In your daily life, whenever you do or see that thing, you imagine it changing. Imagine the window turning black, or the stuff you're writing turning into cursive. Do this until it's habit and you'll do it in dreams, and usually it'll make you lucid. The trick after that is getting used to this enough that you don't wake up the moment it happens. THEN you start screwing with things. First little things; I found changing the colors of things especially good practice.
By the way, you need to be very used to this before you start trying to pull entire people out of the ether. Trust me on that. A better thing to do is take a person in the dream already and start changing them bit by bit into what you want.
Edit: Also, the last thing you're ready to do is have sex, because it will wake you up, since physical arousal in a dream transfers to your sleeping body.
Edit2: Wow I guess it's pretty obvious what I was using this skill for, huh.
Last edited by Giovanna (01-19-2007 10:35:37 AM)