This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Found these guys the other day, I like this one because it is really good and the first one I did not get utena out right. ( Got juri first off, but took it again and clicked all that applied, you have to really think folks)
Anyhow copy pasta time … acter-quiz … acter-quiz
post your results peoples, i will do mine … 62/916317/ … 4/1060518/
Offline … 62/916318/ … 4/1060512/ … 4/1060517/
Eh..? Anthy and Mitsuuru? Uhm... okay. I did the male one again and came up with Mikage. Okay, that fits better. A combination of the 3 maybe.
Last edited by Randamonian (06-03-2011 01:13:05 AM)
You're Wakaba Shinohara, vivacious, bubbly best friend to the world. You're a romantic and a dreamer, with a smile, a big hug, and a nice word for everybody. You cling to your friends for dear life and could probably be considered a little co-dependant, but that stems from deep internal loneliness.
You're Kyouichi Saionji. The world sees you as an aggressive, misanthropic bastard - which you are, but there's more to it than that. You despise change and want more than anything for something in your life to be eternal, constant, something you can depend on. As it is, you're deeply paranoid and mistrustful of others.
I expected to get Wakaba on the girl's quiz...but Saionji? I swear I wasn't even trying to get Saionji on the guy's quiz. I got him two out of three times, though. I guess I need to work on my temper.
You're Utena Tenjoh, beautiful gender role scofflaw and Victor of the Duels. You're marked by a disturbed past, an idealistic and noble nature, and intense loyalty to your friends. Your innocence makes you an easy target for manipulation, but your determination and the power of your belief in goodness overcomes all.
Oh man. Watch out guys.
You're Ancy Himemiya, the multi-faceted Rose Bride. Through terrible situations, the outcomes of which were out of your hands, you've acquired learned helplessness, and thus appear to the world as a reserved, sweet girl without a will of her own. The face you show to the world masks resentment at your situation and maliciousness toward the world.
You're Akio Ohtori - megalomaniac, manipulator, and a sensual god. Though your are quite charming and come off as a benevolent and caring person, your motivations are purely selfish. That which does not further your purposes does not interest me; the same goes with people.
Last edited by iatemylavalamp (06-04-2011 04:31:48 PM)
iatemylavalamp wrote:
Oh man.
Watch out guys. … izancy.jpg
You're Ancy Himemiya, the multi-faceted Rose Bride. Through terrible situations, the outcomes of which were out of your hands, you've acquired learned helplessness, and thus appear to the world as a reserved, sweet girl without a will of her own. The face you show to the world masks resentment at your situation and maliciousness toward the world. … izakio.jpg
You're Akio Ohtori - megalomaniac, manipulator, and a sensual god. Though your are quite charming and come off as a benevolent and caring person, your motivations are purely selfish. That which does not further your purposes does not interest me; the same goes with people.
wow that is sorta wrong in a way lol. Glad everyone is having fun with this.
Offline … 4/1060516/
I got Miki which doesn't surprise me in the least.
You're Utena Tenjoh, beautiful gender role scofflaw and Victor of the Duels. You're marked by a disturbed past, an idealistic and noble nature, and intense loyalty to your friends. Your innocence makes you an easy target for manipulation, but your determination and the power of your belief in goodness overcomes all.
Her face o_O
You're Souji Mikage, enigmatic elitist. You tend to fall into the background, but that's exactly the way you like it - you can influence things quietly and with greater efficiency from the shadows. You have problems remembering things, want very badly to change the way the world is, and are extremely focused on your work. There is far more to you than meets the eye.
Funny because I actually took these quizzes the other day!
I reanswered the questions in the hopes of getting this result.
You're Nanami Kiryuu - snobbish and pushy, elegant and haughty. You are disliked by almost everyone because of the airs you give yourself, but no one sees that in actuality, you're very vulnerable. You just want attention and admiration, but the ways you go about trying to attain them drive away more people than they attract.
I'm kind of afraid to take the male quiz
Last edited by artemis88 (06-11-2011 08:23:51 AM)
On the female quiz I got Utena. It makes sense, she is probably the character I can relate to the most.
For the dude quiz I got though. Was kinda hoping for Miki but I guess I'm too much of a bitch.
I got Kozue and Miki....
D: Something's wrong with me!!
You're Utena Tenjoh, beautiful gender role scofflaw and Victor of the Duels. You're marked by a disturbed past, an idealistic and noble nature, and intense loyalty to your friends. Your innocence makes you an easy target for manipulation, but your determination and the power of your belief in goodness overcomes all.
You're Miki Kaoru, youthful genius. Your many talents have gained you acclaim and admiration, but you're seen as something of a pushover. Your past (which you'd do anything to change) has left you with a great deal of guilt, and thus you tend to blame yourself for things that go wrong. You're also obsessed with getting the one thing that you want.
Well now, an innocent pushover. I'm doomed.
I got Juri for the female quiz which... doesn't completely surprise me given my torment over a past lover that I have explained here before (and the trust issues, and the cynicism...). I have to admit, one part of the blurb cracked me up badly (I'll bold it):
You're Juri Arisugawa, unflappable ice queen with the worst possible taste in women. Great disillusionment has jaded you and left you a cynical person who rationalizes everything to a fault. Within your dispassionate shell, you are a wounded and weak soul.
Oh quiz... If only you knew how true that ended up being...
And then hilariously enough got Ruka for the male one. I don't quite know how I feel on that... I mean I do have the tendency to break my back for the people I care about (well really it's more endure anything mentally for the people I love), but I'd like to think I'm nothing like Ruka.
Was expecting Miki, got Tsuwabuki instead. Guess I don't carry enough self-hatred along with my immaturity. Anthy on the female test, which seems all wrong.
Shiori, selfish bitch, completely hated. To summarize, since the image won't show.
I think there's a contradiction.
Last edited by KaleMarsh (06-15-2011 11:51:31 PM)
Oh I remember my limited opinion, probs the best Utena tests out there. I wonder if my results have changed. Wish I could remember.
What a strange strange combination.
Ok...somehow I got the combination of Utena and Saionji. Paradox much?
You know, some of these combinations would make hilarious crack pairings.
Malacoda wrote:
Ok...somehow I got the combination of Utena and Saionji. Paradox much?
You know, some of these combinations would make hilarious crack pairings.
my eyes... do not want to see...