This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
That's fine...but can you just tell me what the heck your icon is of? It looks SO FAMILIAR, but I just can't place it...
Ya know... not even I know what it's of... I gots it from Macrochan...
I've seen it around, but I don't know what it's from.
4chan, I do believe.
One of my friends told me that some people thought it was a pokemon.
But it's not. *sigh*
As of now, everytime I see or even slightly reminded of this forum, I WILL think of your little running friend, here, hyacinth
It's just too damn adorable and funny to forget!
Last edited by Hiraku (04-10-2007 12:03:53 AM)
Hiraku wrote:
As of now, everytime I see or even slightly reminded of this forum, I WILL think of your little running friend, here, hyacinth
It's just too damn adorable and funny to forget!
Oooh! Thank you! I think I'll call it Sir Archibald Bouncybouncy, Esquire!
I wonder if Sienna works?
I wonder if Coral works?:
BTW hyacinth_black, your bouncing llama looks familiar.
Last edited by Tamago (04-10-2007 07:08:01 AM)
Don't worry little Nell! Dudley Doo Right shall save you!
Okay, yesss... I am a Rocky & Bullwinkle fan... rabid, actually...
Due to her body being really wonky on her and all, Lady Lortab will NOT be posting in IRG for at least a couple of days. Sorry for those who really wanted to see my mommy, but it's not gonna happen for a while. But soon (if I win the wrestling match), she will be up and posting...
It's only a matter of time...Huhuhu...
Well, we shall miss her until she returns.
And our phone line got ploughed up by the construction workers earlier this morning. We expect it to happen on a somewhat irregular basis. IRG for me when the line's down!
to be slightly random i think that it is great that your mom signed up BioKraze and just wow sorry about your phone line
Last edited by SexingTouga24/7/365 (04-12-2007 11:20:07 AM)
Thanks for the reassurance, Sexing. And I, too, am glad my mom's on this board. She's got a few issues to deal with before she posts any more than what she did in the gripe thread (IFD). But she'll post eventually, don't you all worry about that!
Goodie, we love Mommies!!!! Especially, yours! Cause she's actually signed onto this forum. I wish I were close enough with my mom that she'd be posting in the same forum as myself...and not just making a post titled: Help My Hell-bound Daughter!
Anyway, that's very cool BioKraze, echoing the others: we will miss Lady Loratab, and hope your phone line is repaired soon so we don't have to miss you both for too long!
Meh. We've got construction workers who keep ploughing up the line every fifty feet or so. It doesn't happen ALL the time, but when it does, I get grumpy. And when I get grumpy, I feel the need to KICK SOME ASS!
Just like Saionji, only I'm cooler because I'm on the forum and he ISN'T.
...okaaaay, that was weird, even for ME...
Aw, crap. I forgot about the NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs.
Sorry guys and girls, but Lady Lortab won't be posting until hockey season is over. In our house, NHL is the absolute sports gospel. And now that I just realised the playoffs are on...(sigh) I'll try and encourage her to post late at night, so she can slander me behind my back.
...what? She's my MOM. She's got the right to badmouth me wherever and whenever.
What's her favorite team? Hockey's not my favorite but it's pretty cool...
The Ducks of Anaheim, CA.
Formerly the Mighty Ducks, but when Disney is running the team, it's kinda hard to be mighty when you're dead last in the standings...
*snerk* Yeah, Disney...
It's all about the Sharks from my end... probably because they're my local team...
You ever visit the Toilet...err, the Tank?
Seriously, the Sharks and the Ducks are kicking some major ass this season. My mom is very happy, and is referring to the Cup Playoffs as "Fights on Ice." Strange beast, my mommy is...
Haven't been in a while, though I pass by it fairly often. They are doing quite well, I'm proud of them. They're probably half the reason that the rest of the country has even heard of that shithole San Jose.
Man, will Jhonen Vasquez be pissed if he hears about that...Then again, the man's such a fucking hater, he might not be pissed.
He may be a hater, but he's one SMEXY HATER!!! I mean srsly... that guy has goth chicks on him like crabs on David Hasselhoff!
True dat. My sister-in-law has a concept character to a comic he never made. Isn't it cool?