This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Yasha wrote:
I just got a message from Gio, she says she's fine and she may call me tonight. Does anyone want me to say anything to her? I will let her know about all your good wishes, for sure.
Please tell Gio that we miss her, and that we hope she feels better soon.
Tell her she better get well soon. I just bought the fixin's for eggplant parm. Also that we adore her and miss her and stuff.
I'm glad to see you so happy Gio. :D
Last edited by Drukqs (04-12-2007 08:52:40 PM)
I just talked to Gio on the phone, and I relayed everything that you guys said. She seemed very happy to hear it, but she also seemed a little out of it. She says she's pretty drugged up, and that they wouldn't let her walk or anything today, but that tomorrow they were going to try it and we'd see how happy she'll be once she has to stand up with all of those stitches in her. She also said that she wasn't as scared as she thought she might be, and that she misses you all and will be back soon.
Also, that's the quietest I've ever heard that girl talk in my life. Her voice is rough from the tube they put in, and she kinda trailed off at points, when usually she's loud and bitchy. Those must be some good drugs.
Oh god, I'm so glad she's doing okay, and that the cysts were benign. If you talk to her again soon, please tell her I'm thrilled her surgery went as well as can be expected.
We you, Gio. Hang in there.
SleepDebtFairy wrote:
Oh, and Clarice, I agree with what you said.
Positive thinking is a major factor in healing. When someone thinks they're about to die, it makes it easier to die. But if they're determined to live, it makes it easier for their body to get over it.
I agree too. And it's not only about living or dying, it's about any health problem really. I've noticed that people who are sick or have to deal with a disease that isn't easy to overcome have a much more positive outlook on life. I know most people feel very devasted when they find out that something's wrong with them, but it is possible to get over it. When I was in the hospital a year ago, I was quite depressed and I couldn't understand how the hell all those people around me could be so happy and carefree. Now I know that accepting one's illness is not the same as giving in to it. Even though there is no cure for all diseases it's still possible to live with them as best as possible. Which is pretty much my case. And to be honest, I've never been happier than I am right now. Funny, what it takes to start appreciating life.
Wah, that was sorta off topic. >_<
Anyway, I'm glad to hear it went well! I hope she'll be back soon.
I just got another message from Gio, and this one is less about the happy drugs and more about the excruciating pain. She said that they told her the worst part was between 24 and 48 hours after the surgery, and that she's inclined to agree. Other than the pain, she says she's fine. I may try to call her tonight... I hope she gets some rest, though, and that I don't disturb her if I do call.
We all love you both, but I think that Gio deserves an award for going through with this. My mom understands the kind of pain she's in, as she is mostly in that kind of pain herself. Tell Gio that we all love her very much, to get better soon, not to overexert herself, and that she gets a special hug from the Forum Mommy.
Last edited by BioKraze (04-13-2007 09:01:39 PM)
I'm definitely seconding the love. At least this one little bit of pain will most likely save her a lot in the future and that's something to look forward to. I hope it goes quickly for her.
I'll third the love!!!
Now that Gio's into recovery time - I'd say: Relax, put those feet up, all the good stuff that comes along with recooperating! Play video games, watch movies, have a lot of reading material, and enjoy the break from everyday grind, while keeping pain to bare minimum!!!
I'm just glad everything went over smoothly. Yikes, I hate the pain from surgery, but I think I might hate the pain killers more. Bah, pills make me feel sick ,even if they aren't supposed to. Anyway, I guess I don't have anything different to say, just let Gio know we're all here and we all care
Yasha wrote:
I just got another message from Gio, and this one is less about the happy drugs and more about the excruciating pain.
She said that they told her the worst part was between 24 and 48 hours after the surgery, and that she's inclined to agree. Other than the pain, she says she's fine. I may try to call her tonight... I hope she gets some rest, though, and that I don't disturb her if I do call.
Yeah, last night sucked. Frankly it had more to do with being kept on my back for about 28 hours than it did the operation itself. My muscles were sore and spasming, also I was deathly cold, and for a while the nurses were worried I might go into shock. But I got through it, and saw the doctor this morning, by which point I'd been eating and walking just fine, and he said he'd leave it up to me whether I go home today or tomorrow. Well hell. I'm home, and doing alright. You know, a bit sore, a bit tired, but right now I feel much better than I thought I would so soon after the operation.
Thank you so much for all the support, Yasha kept me up to speed, and I had Dr. Malcolm to hug. (Also Frosty sent me naughty joke flowers. All the dilaudid in the world isn't going to make me not catch Akio colors when I see them. ) I love you all. When I was in the prep room, for just a moment, I got so nervous I started gagging (there was nothing in there to bring up), and I thought about Yasha, and her books, and all of you and your dino, and it helped calm me down. You've all been fantastic to me, and you've made rather unpleasant business much, much easier. I won't be as present as I usually am yet, since I do need to alternate positions and not sit up too too much, but I think the worst is over, and you all have helped me through it.
Welcome back Gio! Glad to hear that everything went well.
It's good to know that you are over the worse of it Gio-tan
I did get you some poptarts but...
...this damn cat got to them first, but don't worry, Nanami knows how to take care of pesky kittys who steal other peoples food.
Welcome back Gio! Glad to hear that everything went well, and to see you back with us so quickly
Furthermore, here's hoping the next time you're on your back for 28 hours, it's for a much better reason
That's priceless, Tamago (and horribly cute).
Yay to have oyu back, Giovanna! Have a poptart.
Welcome back, Gio! I'm glad to see that you're okay.
Tamago wrote: … artcat.jpg
...this damn cat got to them first, but don't worry, Nanami knows how to take care of pesky kittys who steal other peoples food.
Now just imagine if Nanami had drowned the kitten in a Pop-tart box. o _o
Razara wrote:
Welcome back, Gio! I'm glad to see that you're okay.
Tamago wrote: … artcat.jpg
...this damn cat got to them first, but don't worry, Nanami knows how to take care of pesky kittys who steal other peoples food.Now just imagine if Nanami had drowned the kitten in a Pop-tart box. o _o
Not only would fangirls everywhere hate her, btu the rest of the forum would be rallied against her.
Our blessed poptarts!
I'm glad we helped you a little bit! And I'm also glad you're home. . ::hug::
Tamago wrote:
It's good to know that you are over the worse of it Gio-tan
I did get you some poptarts but... … artcat.jpg
...this damn cat got to them first, but don't worry, Nanami knows how to take care of pesky kittys who steal other peoples food.
Oh no! That damned kitty... I don't think Nanami is the type who likes pop tart in the first place. There should've been a filler episode where Anthy turns Nanami into pop tart, and when Nanami wakes up, she'll find herself on the breakfast table, just underneath our forks
Of course, Gio gets first bite
Welcome back lady. Stay well and take care of you.
Tamago wrote:
Hiraku wrote:
I don't think Nanami is the type who likes Poptarts in the first place.
I'm not so sure I agree with you there. … i12pop.jpg
I stand corrected, Tamago.
But still, I believe Anthy should've turned Nanami into a pop tart on the breakfast table, but not actually killing her since doing so would rob the show of the beloved Royal Cow who Lays Eggs.
Gio's back! Gio's back! The world can start again!
...I'm happy... :cries:
ShatteredMirror wrote:
Gio's back! Gio's back! The world can start again!
...I'm happy... :cries:
Gios is always here. There's no other reason we're keeping this forum alive, except if you're hard-core Utena fans (Actually, we all are since you kinda have to know and love Utena to actually know this site exists)