This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Giovanna wrote:
Sometimes I do this thing where I wear a mask I mean to have seen through, and I get annoyed when people fall for it. Like I present myself in a certain way I mean for people to see beyond to whatever may or may not be beneath, but my mask manages to be opaque enough that no one ever sees through it. It's confusing, and somewhat aggrevating, because you end up thinking it should be obvious, but that people are so dumb that for them it's not. Who is at fault there?
I dunno which character that part makes me. I think it's probably still Saionji.
I bet Anthy has days like that, too. Probably a lot of them early on, long before the series started, as well as about the time she and Utena move in with Akio.
Juri too, now that I think about it. That might just be my own interpretation of her, though.
I would say Nemuro. Most of the time I feel utterly disconnected from the people around me and have a serious problem with establishing empathy. One could say that I suffer from severe emotional alienation. I also tend to over intellectualize virtually everything and get myself quite lost in the process. Like Nemuro I have always felt like an outcast without ever being able to fit in. And I occasionally have my Mikage-like days as well. *lights a match*
...I identify more with Saionji than I ever thought I would.
Yeah, Saionji here, too. Although, I feel more like Shiori quite often recently.
I get jealous easily, especially when I felt I deserve a little attention from time to time. Can't be helped, I have a lot of pride in me... Even though I know it's the normal thing to be happy for whatever success that comes to your friend, I can't help but feel a little um... disgusted sometimes when my friend gets surrounded by people, which makes me feel a little bit out of place. At least I'm content with the fact that the situation's completely different when it's just the two of us.
And then, I can still remember a time when I actually felt a part of myself dying just because a friend of mine offered to bring cookies for "everyone", and ended up coming back only giving cookies to everyone but me <_<
Tamago wrote:
I have Anthy's passive-aggressive tendencies, Utena's gender fluidity, Miki's sex drive and Nanami's sense of superiority.
Miki's sex drive is... um...
Are you sure you have Miki's sex drive?
What exactly is Miki's sex drive like?
How can you have something that isn't... you know.... existing?
I'm probably Anthy before we found out she was EVIL.
Or a mix of her and Wakaba.
Maybe I'm just a shy subservient Wakaba.
Red Angel wrote:
How can you have something that isn't... you know.... existing?
I'm probably Anthy before we found out she was EVIL.
Or a mix of her and Wakaba.
Maybe I'm just a shy subservient Wakaba.
I think she was 'EVIL' to begin with, like someone said, she's the one probably who posted Wakaba's love letter to Saionji..
What do you mean something that doesn't exist? What's that having 'something'?
Sorry for being a nosey bugar
Stephanie wrote:
What exactly is Miki's sex drive like?
Red Angel wrote:
How can you have something that isn't... you know... existing?
Miki's sex drive is somewhere between Neutral and 1st Gear if I was to borrow an automatic gearbox metaphor.
I mean how they perceive her. ;
That's why I added Wakaba.
I'm not happy like Wakaba, but I am kinda the sidekick.
And I'm not evil like Anthy, though I am shy and subservient.
Perhaps maybe the manga Anthy that glomped Utena.
And I don't see how someone can have something that doesn't exist is the thing.
Miki's sex drive is... um...
Are you sure you have Miki's sex drive?
He's actually a fairly sexual character, just young and rather naive. Remember that childhood incest is rather implied by his relationship with Kozue. He knows what sex is - his sister, Touga, and even his parents seem to set certain examples. It just hasn't blossomed actively yet.
Until, of course, his second duel. Kozue's suggestive pose is replaced with Anthy, and Miki takes a good look at where her skirt ends. Plus, what Tamago brought up and the fact it's in the Akio car. Ironically, it's Miki who is one the only duelist who fights for Anthy out of his sexual desire for her. His drive is repressed but definitely not non-existent.
I actually think that as he matures, Miki would take on more characteristics of Touga (who as we see is something of a guardian to him). He will learn how to get what he wants and start taking advantage of his looks and talent. Damn...good fanfic material.
Jellineck wrote:
I actually think that as he matures, Miki would take on more characteristics of Touga (who as we see is something of a guardian to him). He will learn how to get what he wants and start taking advantage of his looks and talent. Damn...good fanfic material.
QUICK! Somebody start typing something slashy, now!!
Red Angel wrote:
I'm not happy like Wakaba, but I am kinda the sidekick.
I think that was just a face Wakaba shows, you know what other people show, probably a fake smile..
If Wakaba was truly happy, she'd be out of the Ohtori stronghold..
May I ask, are you happy? Sorry for personal question..
Something that doesn't exist? Abstract things cannot be seen or touch, but they exist..
Like intelligence, love, feelings, etc.
Or maybe you mean a fantasy world?
@Miki's sex drive
Ahh.. I see.. Hahaha, from what you post, I doubt you do have Miki's sex drive
Hiraku wrote:
Jellineck wrote:
I actually think that as he matures, Miki would take on more characteristics of Touga (who as we see is something of a guardian to him). He will learn how to get what he wants and start taking advantage of his looks and talent. Damn...good fanfic material.
QUICK! Somebody start typing something slashy, now!!
*Didn't actually read this thread until after she posted her weird Ruka/Miki fic in the IFD* You mean Miki's not the happy little uke that always seems to get molested?
Figures. I always seem to mix up which one is supposed to be seme and which one is uke.
Razara wrote:
*Didn't actually read this thread until after she posted her weird Ruka/Miki fic in the IFD* You mean Miki's not the happy little uke that always seems to get molested?
Figures. I always seem to mix up which one is supposed to be seme and which one is uke.
What would be really interesting is reading a slashie where Miki is blatantly seme
Hiraku wrote:
What would be really interesting is reading a slashie where Miki is blatantly seme
I can easily see movie Miki been seme, but series Miki is A-grade Uke.
That's why seeing him act as seme would be so funny.
You asked for it.
WARNING: Adult material.
Mmmm. How he loved that how the crimson welled, contrasting so beautifully with skin the shade of cinnamon. And it was just as sweet. Especially when flavored with a layer of whipped cream. Whipped cream...heh heh heh...the irony was just so poetic.
Those emerald hued orbs were wide with terror, but Miki could just taste the excitement coursing through his victim's veins. He could feel his massive duelist's blade pressing against the itchy layer of his pants as he viewed the once proud Chairman strung up in chains for his amusement.
"Why, Akio," he purred intimately, dragging the edges of his tapered digits along the muscular expanse of his toy's back. "Who would have known that the Devil himself could experience sweet fear? Do you know how tempting that mix of terror and musky desire is? I'm going to have to bask in those lovely scents, yes."
"No..." the Chairman whimpered, but he knew that pleading was useless. Miki could not be bargained with. Touga has tried, tried so hard to appeal to the ghosts of reason that plagued the demonic lust incarnate. And now he endured a fate worse than any of the cast aside toys of his past.
He heard the clicking of a stopwatch, and knew that Miki was going to try to his break his old record. It was time for the Devil to suffer all the torments of Hell.
Somewhere in the Rose Garden, a flower wilted and died.
Jellineck wrote:
I laughed! I cried! I masturbated!
Then I cried again.
Jellineck wrote:
Not enough
in the world
The horror, the horror...
I have to say, that I'm most like Saionji and Juri. I have a bit of a mean streak, and hold grudges like nobody else. I'm bitter, and I'm not strong enough emotionally to fix that. A dash of Akio accounts for my manipulative tendencies.
Unlike Saionji, I hate eggs.
Last edited by Lady Nilamarthiel (10-13-2007 04:29:09 AM)
Lately... I think I've been like Mikage.
i'm focusing too much on things that already happened, and I'm making weird little scenarios to get things (ie, people) back from then. Hmm.
...And I have recently bestowed a black rose signet onto someone while wearing a silver one. If that doesn't make you feel like Mikage, nothing will.
Who best represents your philosophies and outlooks on life?
* Mikage - Too logical for my own good... and yet, trying to find use in something of significance beyond facts and figures.
* Saionji - I guess... that desperateness to be of use/worth, to find something eternal... to appreciate true friendship... and to sense and despise false ones.
Any visual or stylistic matches?
* HAHA.. ummmm.. tough when they mostly wear uniforms. I guess... Utena, since I do the whole "rather dress like a boy" deal. Not that many boys wear biker shorts... >_>
Similar interests or hobbies? Experiences and memories?
* Miki - Have played piano since I was a kid.
* Mikage - being a complete nerd.
* Saionji - I'd like to think I'd be into a kendo club if it would have been available to me in my school days.
* Shadowplay Girls - being a complete freak who has fun making weirdly symbolic representations of things. ;
Last edited by Scortia (10-14-2007 08:58:17 PM)