This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
satyreyes wrote:
Ha ha, shows what I know
I did see an anime -- I think it was Niea_7 -- in which the main character's parents owned a hot spring resort, but bizarrely I don't think there were any actual hot spring episodes in the usual sense.
I'm embarrassed to admit this (though it will come as no surprise to people who know me), but I seem to have a problem with being compulsively impatient. This has come out with all the driving I've done in the last few days. I never drive the speed limit if I can get away with speeding, and I'm constantly glancing at my GPS to see what my estimated arrival time is and how it's changing as I sit at a stoplight or go eighty down a stretch of interstate. :/
I've always been horribly impatient, but now that I'm out of school, time feels as if it's moving incredibly slow. For twelve years, I've dreaded each passing day because it meant I was a day closer to going to school, so time always seemed to move too quickly, even when I was anticipating going somewhere or doing something fun.
Portcon is this Friday, but last Monday feels like two weeks ago. Let it be Friday already!
Razara wrote:
I've always been horribly impatient, but now that I'm out of school, time feels as if it's moving incredibly slow. For twelve years, I've dreaded each passing day because it meant I was a day closer to going to school, so time always seemed to move too quickly, even when I was anticipating going somewhere or doing something fun.
That is a hell of a transition, isn't it? I don't think I felt quite the same way in the summer between high school and college, but that's partly because I had a new girlfriend and she filled my days. College itself feels different timewise from high school, too.
I think that's because you have way more control over your time in college. If I want to skip class to go shopping then I do. But then again, if I need to stay at school till 9 to study, then it gets done.
I am embarrassed to admit this, but only a bit, that I am a complete Harry Potter freak. I have a genuine love for it. I see things HP and I think "amazingness".
I read a lot of HarryxDraco fanfiction too.
I kind of adore the movie Gidget. I think it's the sweetest thing; Moon Doggie, Big Kahuna... All of it. It's the kitschiest thing ever and I love it.
I used to obsessively collect Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh cards. Now I flip through them and wish I could duel/battle someone...
...also, I wish they still mass produced the original cards so I could finish my collection. I was only missing seven of the original 150 Pokemon...damn Charizard.