This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Stephanie wrote:
Question! *Again, sorry..
1.) What do the cars mean in the duel anyway?
No idea.
But I don't think they symbolize adulthood in the "real" sense -- the responsible, free-of-one's-coffin sense. They may symbolize adulthood in Akio's manchild sense. Certainly that's part of what they symbolize when he drives them.
2.) Why is the castle upside down?
Because a right-side-up castle in the sky would be pretty boring to look at from underneath?
Seriously, I think that's part of it. The other part is that the upside-downness further emphasizes the architectural impossibility of a castle in the sky. There's no such thing. The castle is obviously a mirage, yet the duelists sink heart and soul into reaching it. The more impossible the castle is, the more ironic the premise is.
Stephanie wrote:
1.) What do the cars mean in the duel anyway?
I know Akio drives them and so, but what has it do to in the battling arena itself?
What does it represent?
I wrote an interpretation on that a while back, and I think that this one is short enough that I can copy and paste it here.
Razara wrote:
Who here hasn’t asked themselves, “Why the hell are cars popping out of the floor of the dueling arena?” The answer, as you may have already guessed, is because it’s symbolic. The best place to examine this symbolism is in Saionji’s third duel. Since it’s the first time we see this symbolism, the way his duel is set up intentionally makes it very easy to interpret.
Perhaps I’m mistaken, and correct me if I am, but down the road that leads to the End of the World, they get a glimpse at eternity/miracles/everything that glows/the Power to Revolutionize the World/the Power of Dios there. If that’s true, then the cars technically serve as means of reaching the Power of Dios. When they go on a car ride, they come back different from how they were before because they got a glimpse at what it is that they desire.
The way that the cars move relates to what is happening in the duel. Before the duel, you can hear the engine warming up, just as the duelists are getting ready to duel.
The bells toll to start the duel, and so the cars appear once the duel has begun.
When the two of them begin to run, the car that was there ever since Saionji arrived begins to move. The car is powered by the duel. When the duel is moving forward, the car accelerates. Saionji and the other members of the Student Council are the only ones that the car driving along the side of the dueling arena symbolizes, and not Utena. Think of what this duel means. If they win, they’ll be a step closer to fulfilling their desires, so their ambitions are moving forward as well. In the end, this duel is a race towards power, and only the person that wins can continue.
In this duel, Saionji does not have a Rose Bride, but in Miki, Ruka, and Touga’s duel, we see the Rose Brides riding in the passenger’s seat of the car. The duelist powers the car, but the Rose Bride is in the passenger’s seat, because they get to share the Power of Dios with the victor. Miki, Ruka, and Touga all planned to share power with Kozue, Shiori, and Saionji in some way, so they ride in the car. Saionji, Juri, and Nanami, however, did not, and so they didn’t have a Rose Bride. Ruka and Touga were two rather unusual cases, because they just stood and watched, rather than riding in the car. It’s because Juri and Nanami did not plan to share the power with them.]
When the two of them clash swords, the duel is no longer moving forward, and so the wheels of the car stop. When Saionji slashes his sword at Utena, the duel is moving forward, so the wheels begin to spin again. It shows the car accelerate whenever Saionji and the other duelists are winning. … Cars10.jpg … Cars11.jpg
Before Dios appears, the headlines shine up towards the castle. Headlights make it possible to see, even on the darkest roads. When Dios was sealed away, the world was engulfed in darkness, so the headlights cut through the darkness of the world whenever he appears. … Cars12.jpg
When the duelist loses the duel, the car crashes, along with their chances of gaining the Power of Dios.
Hurray for symbolism!
Last edited by Razara (10-08-2007 12:21:37 PM)
Ah yes, I've been reading your posts in Interpreting Symbolism in SKU and I find it quite lovely.. n_n
I've only reached half of page 3 though, after an hour of reading..
16 pages!! And I will read them all!
*Looks forward to reading interpretation of OP/ED and Absolute Destiny Apocalypse*
Though, I do have some questions in my mind, don't know if they were asked or talked about already there..
Like this one:
Miki and Jury were talking about how Utena seemed like "A Girl" and it wasn't really like her, which gives Jury a bad feeling.. What do they mean she seems like a girl? Miki agreed she never seemed like one to him either, even if she is one..
Does that mean simply that she was acting all prince, and now she became like a princess (and abandoning searching for the prince cause of Akio)
Sorry for the impatience..
Utena asked if what ever was holding back Jury was Shiori.. (I got dumbfounded Utena guessed it so suddenly, after acting like not knowing anything) Then Jury said that Utena and Himemiya are probably the same.. Utena denies, but is unable to answer as said in this pic..
Umm.. Translations..? Meaning she already does, right?
Sorry, but I know Utena just had a glimpse back of something in her that Anthy is the child that has been struck with thousands of swords here..
Though, I can't help but feel all 'Yuri' in this scene..
And, when Akio presented himself in the 38th episode, he said dense Utena already knew about him being End-Of-The-World.. Since when did Utena knew about this?
And why is the castle upside down?
I'm quite sure there's a meaning to it, besides it's better facing downward than the castle floating upward in the right direction..
Last edited by Stephanie (10-08-2007 11:38:26 PM)
Waaaa... No answers!
Anyway, here's another question.. T___T
(hopeful to get a response)
I.. love you? lol
I wonder what the hell she wanted to say to Utena, it's always cut off.. *twice*
Even Utena had had a moment like this too.. "The truth is I.."
Going nuts!!
I can't find any answers to my questions..
And, what the hell is the dot in Anthy's head? Is she Indian?
We are lead to believe that Anthy is indeed Indian. That thing on her head is a bindi, and I swear I read a BEAUTIFUL analysis on what it means symbolically, but I can't find it for the life of me! It's like a third eye and a sign of magic and marriage.
I think Anthy was trying to tell her what she told her later on the rooftop, that she'd been using her and whatnot. Or it could also be what she showed her soon after, that she was sleeping with Akio.
I believe Utena knew Akio was End of the World subconsciously ever since the Barefoot Girl episode and pretty much knew for sure after she caught him and Anthy in their birthday suits.
The lack of Utena's answer when compared to Juri and Shiori I think can mean whatever you want it to mean. For those yuri-fanatics who want Utena and Anthy to be together, it can mean "YES! OH GOD, YES! THEY'RE TOTALLY SNOGGING!" For those viewers that don't quite buy the couple, it can mean "Eh, sorta looks like it, but they're really just friends who sort of transcend the normal boundaries of companionship." Ambiguity is key to having a generally accepted anime involving homosexuality.
Utena seemed more like a girl when she cast aside her ring (sign of princeliness) and decided to try out being Akio's princess.
Stephanie wrote:
Miki and Jury were talking about how Utena seemed like "A Girl" and it wasn't really like her, which gives Jury a bad feeling.. What do they mean she seems like a girl? Miki agreed she never seemed like one to him either, even if she is one..
Does that mean simply that she was acting all prince, and now she became like a princess (and abandoning searching for the prince cause of Akio)
Yes, I think so Utena is behaving like the show's Broken Female gender role -- waiting to be rescued, instead of proactively rescuing people like the Broken Male gender role.
Utena asked if what ever was holding back Jury was Shiori.. (I got dumbfounded Utena guessed it so suddenly, after acting like not knowing anything) Then Jury said that Utena and Himemiya are probably the same.. Utena denies, but is unable to answer as said in this pic..
Umm.. Translations..? Meaning she already does, right?
I know how much everyone (myself included) wants Utena and Anthy to be yuriing each other up, but I don't think they are. I don't think Juri's quote even necessarily means she thinks Utena is gay. Juri's pointing up the strange, semi-codependent relationship between Utena and Anthy. I think this foreshadows Anthy's suicide attempt later on.
And, when Akio presented himself in the 38th episode, he said dense Utena already knew about him being End-Of-The-World.. Since when did Utena knew about this?
Utena is incredibly dense, but if she's never once suspected that Akio -- brother to the Rose Bride, most influential man on campus, and notorious abuser of power -- might be End of the World, it's nothing but self-deceit. She doesn't want the man she's fallen in lust with to be EotW, so she pretends he's not. But you'll note how unsurprised she is when it's Akio who shows up at the dueling arena in Ep 38.
And why is the castle upside down?
I'm quite sure there's a meaning to it, besides it's better facing downward than the castle floating upward in the right direction..
Didn't like my last answer? Perhaps you'd prefer to hear that the upside-down castle emblemizes the "fairy tale turned on its head" that is the series as a whole?
Stephanie wrote:
I wonder what the hell she wanted to say to Utena, it's always cut off.. *twice*
Well, there are a few possibilities.
- Anthy is in love with Utena -- or is emotionally attached to her in a way she's never been to anyone but Dios/Akio -- but can't bring herself to say it.
- Anthy wants to warn Utena not to trust her or her brother, but can't bring herself to do that either.
- Anthy is willfully manipulating Utena, using her unfinished sentences to create the illusion of intimacy; she leaves Utena to fill in the blanks.
Pick your poison
And, what the hell is the dot in Anthy's head? Is she Indian?
The bindi and Anthy's skin color suggest that Anthy is Indian, yes, though we don't have direct confirmation of that. It does seem like a bit of an arbitrary choice of nationality for her, doesn't it? Why are Anthy and Akio Indian, do you suppose?
Yay! Answers!
(/^___^)/ *Smile reaches up till the ears*
Behh.. Maybe I wanted a 'yuri' of them in the series.. Since that's what I originally intended when I started watching it.. Though, even if not evident, thoroughly enjoyed it and continued watching it!
But, even Utena has a broken line like that.. "Himemiya.. the truth is.. I.."
Blah! I'll just stick my Yuri desire to the movie then..
And, the castle explanation was good, just that I thought it has a meaning or symbol to why it's like that, rather than it looking better than the right side up *which you do have a point*
They'd be looking at the foot of the castle
Last edited by Stephanie (10-13-2007 12:59:33 PM)
I don't think that Anthy was honestly trying to profess anything. I always thought it was a part of her plan to lure Utena in and drive her to 'revolutionize the world'. Just as she expressed to Utena in the first season that she wanted more friends, even though she truly didn't care. It was something Utena needed to hear in order to keep her dueling. Utena still believes Anthy to be a princess she must save, and Anthy is willing to milk that fantasy for all it's worth.
Well, that's what I always thought anyway.
I agree with dollface on this. Anthy could very well be playing on Utena's need to play the prince by providing enough emotional fodder to feed the fantasty. I do not completely rule out the chance that Anthy truly *was* about to make some sort of confession, though.
Regarding the upside down castle, it is interesting that Saionji in his very first duel remarks that it is nothing but an illusion.
It just means he believes fantasy is better than reality.. Maybe..
As for Anthy.. I remember, before that Akio grabbed her for incest moments, Akio asked what Utena was for Anthy, Anthy kind of answered (forgot exact answer) said she was a special friend.. This got Akio mad (I think, I forgot) and grabbed Anthy for an incest night..
dollface wrote:
I don't think that Anthy was honestly trying to profess anything. I always thought it was a part of her plan to lure Utena in and drive her to 'revolutionize the world'. Just as she expressed to Utena in the first season that she wanted more friends, even though she truly didn't care. It was something Utena needed to hear in order to keep her dueling. Utena still believes Anthy to be a princess she must save, and Anthy is willing to milk that fantasy for all it's worth.
It's plausible, but I don't feel like Utena paid too much mind to it. Why continuously use a tactic that doesn't do any good? Er, bad in this case. I'm also just not one of those "Anthy was pulling all the strings all the time" people. I feel like (or hope, at least) that little bits of the real Anthy peaked through every now and then and that those were the little bits that Utena so dunderheadedly ignored.
I always looked at the fact that they were holding hands as Anthy refused to to confirm Utena's request of friendship as a less-blatantly stated version of the Canteralla scene.
I think that Anthy had a certain sexual interest in Utena, but Utena didn't quite know how to return it. That's just a personal theory, a feeling I get. Mainly because of this...
And with that, we're getting off topic.
Would anyone else be interested in using a little necromancy on this thread to further discuss the relationship of Utena and Anthy?
Last night, actually 5am when I last visited here, I didn't want to sleep yet as I wanted to come to Anthy's defense.. And no, I'm not trying to be biased cause she's not my fave character..
I do not believe Anthy is truly evil at all. Sure, she may have caused misery and added fuel to the fire for the other characters.. But I believe you all know what depression can do to people, and her pain wasn't a simple pain, her pain can't even be compared to others..
"A Thousand Swords"
That is what her pain is like.. She feels worse than the dead. She is worse than a living corpse, her pain is like a living hell. No one, and I mean NO ONE at all in the series tried to understand her, even Utena who in the end admitted she wanted to act all princely, though Utena is the closest to giving her warmth, that is why a little crack of the little Anthy is set free at times.
We see her trying to suicide attempt in the end, trying to give up all she had planned and plotted for, because even with little kindness, she doesn't want anything to happen to Utena, the person who shares laughs with her, we even see her--even as the Rose Bride--laugh at times, and Akio hates it, her so called prince.
In the end, we see the 'real' Anthy, who came out in the coffin, goes off to look for Utena.. She promises to do the same, this Anthy free of swords.. The real Anthy..
"..I believe you all know what depression can do to people.."
I was wondering, if Himemiya was a guy, would she be thought of any different?
I personally believe Touga and Akio are more evil than her..
Touga, wanting power like Akio and not to mention breaking every girl's heart..
Akio, even after Anthy sacrificed herself to him, he generally didn't give a damn, and we see that in the ending once again..
Besides being pimps and not caring about girl's hearts, these two both have selfish desires for themselves, and THEMSELVES alone..
The anime was focused on Student Council Members and how they have a terrible time, but what about the pain of those which Touga caused? The plan Akio built of 'World Revolution' illusion? The way Akio puppeted Anthy for the duelist?
Yes, Akio DID have a string attached to Anthy and made her Rose Bride for his game of coffin trapping..
If I were Utena, I'd do exactly the same as she did in the series, save Anthy 'till the end..
I never hated Anthy in any moment.. She attacked Utena in the end? She was STILL the Rose Bride, no will of her own.. But as I posted above, this is not the real Himemiya..
Last edited by Stephanie (10-13-2007 11:10:29 PM)
Razara wrote:
In this duel, Saionji does not have a Rose Bride, but in Miki, Ruka, and Touga’s duel, we see the Rose Brides riding in the passenger’s seat of the car. The duelist powers the car, but the Rose Bride is in the passenger’s seat, because they get to share the Power of Dios with the victor. Miki, Ruka, and Touga all planned to share power with Kozue, Shiori, and Saionji in some way, so they ride in the car. Saionji, Juri, and Nanami, however, did not, and so they didn’t have a Rose Bride. Ruka and Touga were two rather unusual cases, because they just stood and watched, rather than riding in the car. It’s because Juri and Nanami did not plan to share the power with them.
I've been really thinking about this one, in particular, Ruka. I really don't think he planned to share anything with Shiori should he have won - his entire point in returning seems alternately at saving himself and/or saving Juri. He knew she was dishonest before the duel, which means if the strength of one's bride will aid in determining the Victor, he knew going into the duel that he was going to lose it aside from his suspicions of Dios' favoring of Utena simply on Shiori being there. That he dropped her immediately upon losing seems to indicate his selection of her was to break Shiori (promising her this miracle power, blaming his loss upon her, telling her she lost the possibility of ever obtaining it and with it him) as much as possible so his true target, Juri, would be vulnerable. There is always the possibility that if he won the duel, he'd have looked upon Shiori differently from that moment on, of course. I just can't see sharing the miracle power with her being in line with his plans.
On Juri's duel - there are no racing cars anywhere throughout it, as best as I recall, where as Nanami's duel is filled with shots of them, including a crash at the end even if there is no Bride passenger. Also in Juri's duel, the headlights never form a single beam as they do in the others. I'm not certain of the significance of this, but it is absent from it.
An alternative interpretation might be that the car doesn't represent the duelist as much as it does the hope of the respective Bride: Juri's is absent as Ruka has no ambitions for the power himself, and Nanami's car is present because Touga himself wants the power but knows or doesn't believe that Nanami is capable of winning it, hence he is absent from the car itself. (Or it could just be that someone in the studio loved the handsome devil and didn't want him going through the windshield. ) This would make sense with the presence of Kozue, Shiori, and Saionji in their respective duelist's duels. Unfortunately, it doesn't explain the car in Saionji's duel as he had no bride, unless you argue that Touga is essentially Saionji's bride by proxy as his involvement spurned Saionji into dueling again (as Kozue did for Miki, Shiori for Ruka via her connection to Juri, Ruka for Juri, Touga for Nanami, and Saionji for Touga via his help in getting Touga to admit he actually cared for Utena). If so, then this explanation holds true as Touga would not have any reason to believe Saionji would win the duel, and was merely following Akio's directions in pushing the duels forward.
As an avid and admittedly-biased Juri fan, I can offer yet another interpretation. The absence of a car in her duel is because she's Utena's mirror in this one - she's not dueling for herself but rather to "protect" Shiori from Ruka in the same misguided sense that Utena is trying to "protect" Anthy from the other duelists. Which is why I believe the Dios strike targeted the locket rather than the rose - because the only way to defeat someone operating on the same plane as Utena would be to make him or her lose heart. She has no car because Utena has no car, neither of them are dueling for the miracle power. Which would also explain why there are no shots of the engine throttling or wheels spinning during her duel as well.
Last edited by Ashnod (10-14-2007 12:27:57 AM)
Stephanie wrote:
I was wondering, if Himemiya was a guy, would she be thought of any different?
Actually.. then she'd be Mamiya.
I don't have the time at the moment to elaborate, but to touch on your mention of Akio pulling the strings as far as Anthy is concerned, my take on that whole thing is that it is in fact Anthy pulling Akio's strings for the entire series (yes, even from episode 1), merely allowing him to feel as if he's in control and manipulating her. Anthy actually has complete control over Akio and Utena in the series, which is something that small hints are given to at certain points of the series, especially towards the end. It is Utena that triggers the change in Anthy at the very end of the series, causing her (Anthy) to actually break out of her (the world's) shell, rather than continue the cycle of the Engaged and Failure to Bring Revolution, as alluded to in the Black Rose Arc.
Unfortunately, I don't have time to explain it better at the moment, but I'm sure that someone else here (or multiple someone elses) also has that interpretation and can possibly elaborate on it until I might get a better chance to...
Last edited by Imaginary Bad Bug (10-14-2007 05:46:05 PM)
Imaginary Bad Bug wrote:
Anthy pulling Akio's strings for the entire series
I definitely agree an argument could be made for placing her in the position of power thoroughout. Akio only ever cared for the illusion of being in control, that's why he's happy in the coffin everyone else struggles miserably in. I think though that the situation was more that they both pulled the strings of the other, and that's why they got so tangled up they snapped. Akio and Anthy are both, in their ways, very dominating personalities. They both demand control, a lot of it, and neither likes being without it. A little more submission from either party and they'd have been much happier, I think.
I guess you are right about that..
Akio and Anthy wanting dominating roles, and even if Anthy isn't doing much or appears 'doormat' like, she still stirs the events the way they are.. And Anthy and Akio I guess are pulling each other's strings, but likely Akio has the upper hand in this strings as he doesn't suffer the same thing Anthy suffers, and is clearly clear to him on what he really wants, but Anthy doesn't so she tags along, hoping for the castle up in the sky..
About your coffin idea of Akio, I truly believe no one is happy living in the coffin.. Akio may enjoy the puppet thing for everyone in Ohtori, but he's just a sad man..
I can see Akio and Anthy having an unspoken tug of war over power at Ohtori, but I still give the advantage to Anthy, myself. She is the Witch, after all, and it is her who decided who would eventually "save" her in the end. From the Black Rose Arc, I got the impression that it was Anthy's wish to never be saved, and keep Akio in his coffin, as it were. Anthy may have been acting in retribution for Akio trying to keep Anthy in her coffin, and the whole thing ends up as a snake-eating-its-own-tail kind of thing.
This is in part based on the fact that Akio and Anthy were together in deceiving Mikage during that experment in perception altering at Ohtori. (ie the Black Rose Arc.) It's also based on what Anthy says at the very end of the series:
Anthy & Akio wrote:
Akio: It hasn't been that long since then, but everybody's forgotten about her completely.
Akio: She didn't cause a Revolution after all.
Akio: Now that she's gone, she was just a dropout to this world.
Akio: I've got to rebuild the Code of the Rose Signet from scratch.
Akio: I'm counting on you, Anthy.
Anthy: You don't know what happened, do you?
Akio: What?
Anthy: It's alright now. Please go on playing make-believe "Prince" in this comfortable little coffin forever.
Anthy: But I must go.
Akio: Go? To where?
Anthy: That person hasn't vanished. She's merely left your world.
Akio: What're you talking about?
Akio: W-wait a minute! Anthy!
Akio: Anthy!!
Anthy: Farewell.
Anthy is the one who decided to leave Ohtori, hence bringing "Revolution" to herself if nobody else. Utena ends up winning the final duel, just not when she (or we) thought she did. She may have failed to save Anthy after finding her in her coffin during the "Revolution" duel, but after a while, Anthy decided that Utena was right, and decides to end the game. Anthy and Akio were the only two to actually remember Utena after the final duel, while the rest of the campus had already chalked Utena up to being something of legend very much like Mikage and Nemuro Hall were.
So yeah, it's still a tricky dynamic to figure out between Akio and Anthy, but I believe that Akio wasn't as all-powerful as he thought himself to be, especially towards the end. He was absolutely a Machiavellian figure, but his sister had him all figured out long ago.
Last edited by Imaginary Bad Bug (10-16-2007 09:55:19 AM)