This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
To quote everybody's favorite dysfunctional SIR Unit:
I just started watching the commentary, and it's hilarious.
Razara wrote:
I just started watching the commentary, and it's hilarious.
For quite some time after watching the commentaries, I wanted jhonenbabies. My personal favourite moment is when they discuss how no-one up front was obviously paying attention to them yet during the infamous A Gift For Keef scene (...I love how they all go silent and then comment on it...), but dammit, the guy who does Zim's voice is hysterical when he gets going (and completely oblivious to what everyone else thinks of him!). And all they seem to do with Dib's voice actor is give him shit. It's like the show all over again.
I like how in the episode where ZIM gets kidnapped by people who find his ship they make comments like, "Yeah, he's dead now." I also like the comment, "You know, it wasn't until halfway through the series that I got the Nobel Peace Prize for creating GIR." "What did you spend the money on?" "Pez."
Ragnarok wrote:
I always think of GIR as being female, for some reason.
Am I alone in this?
The guy from Mysterious Mysteries said, "Be quiet! Can't you see she's upset?" while referring to GIR. His voice is high enough to be female, but I was actually kind of surprised to hear him refer to GIR as a "she."
Tak's SIR unit is female, isn't it? Maybe I just think that since it's called "Mimi" (Meme? Meemee?) which was my nickname when I was a kid, and my older sister still tends to call me that. I like that it takes the form of a cat.
I really need to watch the commentary tracks. I have the DVD set, but I've just never watched them. They sound funny as hell.
If Nick had created Utena, there would be more slime jokes. Wait, that was back in the 90's. Nevermind.
Razara wrote:
Ragnarok wrote:
I always think of GIR as being female, for some reason.
Am I alone in this?The guy from Mysterious Mysteries said, "Be quiet! Can't you see she's upset?" while referring to GIR. His voice is high enough to be female, but I was actually kind of surprised to hear him refer to GIR as a "she."
Tak's SIR unit is female, isn't it? Maybe I just think that since it's called "Mimi" (Meme? Meemee?) which was my nickname when I was a kid, and my older sister still tends to call me that. I like that it takes the form of a cat.
The announcer referred to GIR as "she" because GIR was assumed to be the woman hiding in the bushes who saw everything. Personally I've always thought GIR was "male," inasmuch as a robot can have a gender.
...dammit, now I want to go watch the episodes with Tak! (All my DVDs are at home, and I won't be there for another six weeks. ) I personally love it when Dib hacks the mainframe of her ship and it proceeds to beat the crap out of him with Tak's voice. Ah, the beauty of that show; how I miss it!
(I got bored one day and made my first MV ever with this show and the song Can't Get Enough Of You Baby because at the time? I really couldn't. It was just so ironic that this was a month or so before a) the DVDs started coming out and b) I was due to go to America to visit my parents, so I spent rather too much time in Hot Topic. Heh.)
"Intruder detected! Get your filthy alien meat out of the cockpit!"
Tak is just awesome like that.
And yes, GIR is a male. And yes, MiMi (spelled properly with both Ms capitalised) is a female. And I always thought that if MiMi had a voice (you have to remember, she was made over the course of 50 years spent on Dirt), she'd sound kind of perky and cheerful. It's a shame she doesn't get any lines...
Trench Kamen wrote:
If Nick had created Utena, there would be more slime jokes. Wait, that was back in the 90's. Nevermind.
Did Nick ever stop the slime jokes? Last time I checked, they were still doing things like, "SlimeTime Live," and stuff like that.
I love Tak. She would have made a great Invader. Her disguise was actually good, and she even fooled Dib. I don't really support her revenge against Zim, though, because it's not as though he did it on purpose. However, I can sympathize with having her dreams of becoming a soldier being crushed.
I like Tak too, but her plan could have used a little extra finetuning. For one, where would she put all that molten magma from the Earth's core? And second, where would she find enough snacks to replace the core's mass and matter? Third, wouldn't the snacks get crushed under the sheer force of pressure down there?
Eww...squished candy bars and smashed chips are no fun at all. Not to mention the many Space Sodas that would have met an untimely demise...
There's a lot of things wrong with draining all the magma from the Earth's core... Her plan would have been good if she intended to destroy the Earth, but filling it up with snacks doesn't really make sense.
Clarice wrote:
so I spent rather too much time in Hot Topic. Heh.
Wait, there are no Hot Topics in England? I could have sworn there would be.
Okay, I suppose I can subject you all to another scenario, this one concerning Zim's ability as an Invader. Printed in its entirety, lifted from a post I made at Gaia...
Okay, I'm going into Kollege Lecture Mode again. Zim would never, ever, in a million years, conquer the Earth...unless, of course, he did it accidentally!
Zim threw all of Irk itself into perpetual blackout on his birthday (smeeting day?). The blackout lasted five years. Horrible Painful Overload Day, also Zim's birthday. Zim then blacked the planet out again, for another four years trying to escape his smeet skooling. Horrible Painful Overload Day II. Zim singlehandedly murdered Tallest Miyuki with a science experiment gone awry. It later returned for Tallest Spork. Zim used a Maim Bot and a snack machine to throw half of Devastis into a blackout. This got countless potential Invaders missorted and thousands more lost in the system, including Tak. Zim destroyed half of the Irken homeworld by stealing the Frontline Battle Mecha #4.
Inconceivable stupidity on Zim's part, yes.
But they were all accidents.
Because he's so narcissistic and tunnel minded, Zim wouldn't take the Earth with any plan he cooked up, whether Dib was there to stop him or not. But set him up for an accident, and the pint sized alien would pull it off flawlessly. He might wreck his base as collateral damage, but if it was an accident or was ripe with the potential, then...
"Prepare for some DOOM!"
I've always felt that Zim was not only a pussy and a moron, but also a really shitty Invader. But he's good at turning accidents into victories, it seems. What do you folks think?
Last edited by BioKraze (10-20-2007 08:41:19 PM)
Zim really is a pretty lousy Invader. Gaz is as smart, or perhaps even smarter than her brother, and her views on the matter is that Zim won't actually reconquer the planet anyway, so she shouldn't have to help stop him.
I both agree and disagree with Gaz's views. He really is horrible at trying to destroy the Earth, but he's still a threat. Thought I can't think of any at the moment, I'm sure there was probably a few occasions where Zim would have succeeded if it hadn't been for Dib.
Turning accidents into victories seems to be a sort of talent of his. A lot of the time, it's dumb luck on his side, rather than intelligence. It's kind of like that story by Mark Twain called, "The Fool." (I think that's what it's called.) "One of the best things to have in life is to be born lucky."
Trench Kamen wrote:
Clarice wrote:
so I spent rather too much time in Hot Topic. Heh.
Wait, there are no Hot Topics in England? I could have sworn there would be.
Closest thing I've ever found is Blue Banana.
As for Zim's skills as an invader, and his level of threat...he can be a danger, yes, because he has a knack for creatinh chaos both with and without intention. However you can see Gaz's point, because she seems to work on the assumption that while Zim is capable of destroying the world by accident, he's likely to try and take command (and therefore credit) of the situation before it ends, thereby ruining it. Although to give Dib some credit, he has actually stopped Zim from wrecking Earth the way he has Irk several times. Poor wee Dib; never gets it easy, that boy. I'm really rather fond of him sometimes. Must be the bologna thing...
I was raiding the Encyclopedira Dramatica when I found this. It made my minute.
The ED Invader ZIM page is... Enlightening, to say the least. I mean, the description's nothing special (your typical "PEOPLE WHO LIKE THIS ARE DUMB AND SCREW RABBITS" paragraph and a half) but it's got a very interesting collection of images.
So I decided to play with that lovely Sloganizer thingy that Razara posted in another thread, and came up with this. FEAR:
It totally made my day.
BioKraze wrote:
So I decided to play with that lovely Sloganizer thingy that Razara posted in another thread, and came up with this. FEAR: … Rthink.png
It totally made my day.
That would make an awesome bumper sticker, or something.
Oh! Oh! I squee in joy, for Zim is back on the boob tube where I live!
Damn it! I double posted! Oh well, can't help it now.
What do you folks think about hybrids (half Irken, half human creatures) in Zim fanfiction? Not necessarily the stuff produced by Zim/Dib slash, but still...what's your take?
I have another thing to share with you all, but first I wanna see what others think about hybrids.
Razara wrote:
Gaz is as smart, or perhaps even smarter than her brother
There's no perhaps about it. She fixed his ship when he couldn't get it to fly, she usually merges COMMON SENSE with her ability to intuitively tell what's going on, and she's smart enough to lay low until she can strike, while Dib opens his mouth again and again to people he KNOWS won't listen and gets himself held up in diplomacy instead of just taking action. He's a loudmouth and an attention whore. I him.
BioKraze -- seriously? Which channel? Do you get the Phoenix channels?
I have DirecTV (sp?), so I have satellite TV. I don't get local channels at all.
Last edited by BioKraze (10-22-2007 09:41:05 AM)