This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Raven Nightshade wrote:
Scortia wrote:
Well, the real question would be "Ikuhara-sensei, will you give me an answer beyond 'himitsu desu'!?"
You mean, Ikuhara is actually Xelloss from Slayers?! I knew it!
I can't remember which con it was... one of the west coast ones. I had read a transcript from it and almost every question he'd either answer back with a question or say it's a secret. Like Miki's stopwatch, the world will never know. ;
Maybe we would just be better off asking him something like, "If you could be any type of tree, what type would you want to be?"
You could ask him something absurd enough that maybe he'll dignify it with an answer.
'Saionji: boxers or briefs? '
*snerk* Good one, O Ends of the Forum.
Scortia wrote:
Raven Nightshade wrote:
Scortia wrote:
Well, the real question would be "Ikuhara-sensei, will you give me an answer beyond 'himitsu desu'!?"
You mean, Ikuhara is actually Xelloss from Slayers?! I knew it!
I can't remember which con it was... one of the west coast ones. I had read a transcript from it and almost every question he'd either answer back with a question or say it's a secret. Like Miki's stopwatch, the world will never know.
He's answered quite a bit of questions on the symbolism in the commentary for the last 3 episodes if I remember right.
On Miki's stopwatch, didn't he say that Miki was counting the seconds between people's lines?
If I remember right, a lot of Ikuhara's explanations for things seemed to be a little silly and unusual at times. In the commentary, Chiho Saito recalls asking him about a lot of the symbolism and her response to almost every instance of his explanation was "...HUH????"
I've got nothing but respect for the guy, but even he himself said that some things were just done for the "coolness factor". It's a lot like Takashi Miike. His films can seem extraordinarily deep on the surface and you can come up with all sorts of amazing interpretations to the symbolism in his films, but half the time... if you ask him, his explanation can be so simplistic that it's a bit jarring.
Last edited by Mendou (12-17-2007 09:39:48 PM)
"When you made the Utena movie, what exactly were you smoking, and where can I get some?"
...Oh, that's technically two questions, isn't it?
Mendou wrote:
If I remember right, a lot of Ikuhara's explanations for things seemed to be a little silly and unusual at times. In the commentary, Chiho Saito recalls asking him about a lot of the symbolism and her response to almost every instance of his explanation was "...HUH????"
What I got the most out of the commentary is that all Ikuhara ever does is sleep, ramble, and tell people to do their work over again.
Giovanna wrote:
'Saionji: boxers or briefs?
Scortia wrote:
Giovanna wrote:
'Saionji: boxers or briefs?
Only Saionji is man enough to wear a loincloth.
I was going to use Akio or Touga but then I realized how slim the odds are they bother with either. Whores.
As for Ikuhara, I did get into a chatroom interview once. I think I asked something to the effect of why does Chu-Chu dress like Akio and he said it was because Chu-chu's a fan of Akio's style. In other words, I knew better than to ask anything important.
Are you compensating with the Ohtori tower Ikuhara?
Sevelle wrote:
Are you compensating with the Ohtori tower Ikuhara?
Phallic symbols in Utena:
-Ohtori Tower
-Ohtori car
-Swords. Lots of swords
-Sword penetrating flower
My my...
I'd ask him his opinion on Utena herself.
She's rather forgotten for the main character of the show....
Ah...I'd have to ask him why he enjoys screwing with the fans so much by not answering questions seriously.
Iris: Don't forget carrots!... I know there's way more. I discovered so many sexual images I never really paid attention to when I made my AMV. Ikuhara is a dirty boy.
Giovanna: Dunno if you watch Metalocalypse at all, but I figure Akio and Touga would share Skwisgaar's philosophy on underwear... you freeball it unless you get some of the kinky undies for sex games. >_> We know Akio doesn't wear them in the tv series, we've seen his pants unzipped low enough to see pubic hair if he had any.
Scortia wrote:
Giovanna: Dunno if you watch Metalocalypse at all, but I figure Akio and Touga would share Skwisgaar's philosophy on underwear... you freeball it unless you get some of the kinky undies for sex games. >_> We know Akio doesn't wear them in the tv series, we've seen his pants unzipped low enough to see pubic hair if he had any.
The sad thing is that I own Season One and I know that dialogue between him and Murderface.
And for some reason, regarding Akio, it just seems so RIGHT.
Translation: Regarding Shoujo Kakumei Utena, why do you like killing gorgeous male characters?
I once read an interview with Naoko Takeuchi (manga artist of Sailormoon) confessing that she likes killing her bishounen characters; I want to know Ikuhara's reason.
".........Are roses REALLY that hard to draw??"
Hee hee. This question is based on pure unadulterated frustration. I remember watching the commentary on the movie (and you know he never bothers answering anything properly, or at all) and we get to the arena and what does he do??? Instead of talking about the symbolism or the meaning he starts talking about how hard it is to draw all those roses, to make them seem unique in that big field..... for some reason that quote has stuck with me as the epitome of why its impossible to get an explanation out of the man.
.......I DO sincerely hope someone else remembers this moment, so I don't look like a moron. LOL
"You once said that you didn't like the shipping tendencies of Sailor Moon fans. Does it bother you that a lot of Utena fans do the same thing?"
I'd like to know if there might be a chance of a live-action movie.
would fans even like that ?
When are you going to make more anime?
Also, from the Opening Theme, what is:
"In the sunlit garden, we promised each other stuff" I don't recall seeing it in the anime..
stuff = we'll never fall in love with anyone else.
Might be better to ask what Okui Masami thought about that as she wrote the song. Albeit after probably having some 'coaching' about SKU.
I think I may have touched upon that in the article I wrote about the opening theme in the EM analysis section but I would rather forget about all that..
I imagine its just Okui using Miki & Kozue's garden thing as a nice analogy to describe a romantic view of a couple, be it Utena & Anthy or whoever, for that moment in the verse. Its not terribly clever like Virtual Star or the dual songs but there's certainly enough gone into it to represent Utena well enough. I believe she just used it more for how it appeared and to refrence that element of the show.
Last edited by Nickyhabac (03-06-2009 09:39:23 AM)
Razara wrote:
I'd ask him what he thinks of Shiori.
According to Ikuhara's Adolescence of Utena commentary, he included Shiori in the movie because he "likes bad girls"...make of that what you will.
'if you could have sex with any i'm joking.
well, i wouldnt be able to ask one question...i'd ask at least 20