This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
The Dueling Game in Utena where the duelists fight for eternity, their "shining thing", and to gain access to the heart they love. I thought it was time to try an action amv with epic over-the-top emotion, and what better but the Twilight soundtrack.
Sidenote: It's interesting that by trying to "take" the hearts that they love the various duelists always end up losing. Only Utena (eventually) gives her heart (maybe even in a literal and/or physical sense) and ends up winning.
Music: Neutron Star Collision by Muse
Genre: Dance
Focus: The heartache and climaxes of the dueling game
Find it here:
your videos,
this AMV.
On a side note, a fair number of songs from the Absolution album sound to me like they'd make great Utena AMV material as well...
(Adolescence) Apocalypse Please
Butterflies and Hurricanes (Ode to Utena)
(Juri's) Time is Running Out
Sing for Absolution (Also Juri-centric)
Then again I also think... well, actually just about any song off that album would work, I just listed the most fitting ones I could come up with atm.
Have been listening to Muse and hey those are some good suggestions, Chrome. I think I might do one or two, thanks...although I've always thought of "Time is Running Out" as a Mikage song (and have an unfinished amv to that effect).
Really? I guess now that you point it out that perspective could make sense as well, but while part of the song doesn't jump out at me as having appropriate Juri/Shiori context to fit perfectly, the second verse in particular is what sells it for me:
I wanted freedom
bound and restricted
I tried to give you up
but I'm addicted
now that you know I'm trapped
sense of elation
you'd never dream of breaking this fixation
Those just scream episode 17 in my mind's eye. Most specifically the last three lines, those just fit so perfectly with Shiori finding the locket, her scene in the elevator, and finally the awakened Duelist seeking out Juri and flaunting her newfound "power".
aaaaaaaaaugh it's been taken down
...Thank you for bumping a thread containing one of the most embarrassing posts I've ever written in my history at this forum
Speaking of which, sharnii? If you happen to catch a glance at this, please accept my apology for shoving my idea in your face so inconsiderately. It wasn't until I noticed weeks later I hadn't received a response that I actually looked at it again, and fuck if it isn't painful to do so. In my short-sighted excitement I demonstrated a distinct lack of tact in my writing, and nothing is more shameful to me than knowing I can't fix that kind of mistake.
That said, once again... I'm terribly sorry about that.
It's been taken down? No! Youtube seems to do this randomly and fairly consistenly. I never know which video it's gonna be next...
And not to worry, Chrome. I can't see anything wrong in your previous comment - I didn't find it offensive in any way. Your Juri/Shiori idea makes sense to me. So not to worry! But thanks for having the bravery to apologise, I admire that.
Hey guys, I love you!
Also, is it possible to upload the vid again? This is one of the ones I never saw...
Edit: Also, sharnii, I saw you did an Akio vid for Monster, but I've also got an idea for an AMV for that song. What's the etiquette for this, on the off chance that I ever try to make the AMV?
No ettiquette Yasha, in my opinion.
Go ahead and make it! I believe fandom exists so we can all create and co-create madly and enjoy our creations together.
Thus we're likely to use the similar or same inspirations. Ideas are built upon ideas upon ideas.
BTW the video is still active in my country (Australia). So I'm guessing youtube's only removed it from certain countires? Where else would I upload it too ... I don't want to get banned and have to open new accounts. Too much work!
You should just put up an archive of all your vids on some cyberlocker, password protected and named something innocuous so hopefully it doesn't get noticed by the copyright gestapo. Then put the password here in image form so only registered members can see it.
BTW, there's another video that got pulled that I really liked and would love to see again. I'm not sure if it was one of yours though. It was mainly footage from the movie, set to Bruce Springsteen's "Tramps Like Us."