This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
*braindeath from too much consecutive Kanon* X_x
I just started watching The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.
I love mucho.
Red Garden gets a visit from the Subtext Fairy.
O lawd.
Last edited by Hinotori (03-07-2007 03:04:27 PM)
Anyone getting excited for the upcoming Spring series? I feel like the winter season was pretty much a wash for new anime (although, admittedly, it usually doesn't have much to offer), so I'm getting all excited for the new season coming up.
Animes I intend to check out:
Chikyuu he... (a.k.a. Toward the Terra) - I feel like I keep running into this anime's movie version over and over recently. I'm actually quite surprised its getting a TV series - the move came out in 1980, so that's nearly thirty years! But I'm all excited.
Romeo x Juliet - While Romeo and Juliet is probably Shakespeare's most done to death play, this looks really freaking cool. The animation looks amazing, and it actually sounds like it'll be interesting take on an old story - I like all this Montagues as dictators thing, it sounds like it could be wicked awesome.
Hitohira - I have low expectations for this one really - I'm not even sure why I'm checking it out. Probably because I'm a sucker for mute characters.
Hayate the Combat Butler - I like the manga
Darker than Black - Oh please please please be better than Ayakashi Ayashi - god, that show had such wasted potential! But this one looks cool. Of course, so did Ayakashi Ayashi, but then it suffered massive pacing issues.
Kamichama Karin - Oh, the cuteness ;_; That was a happily crying face, for the record.
Princess Resurrection - I honstly don't know anything about this, except it's apparently horror, and I am sure I'll be missing horror when Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori ends.
I'm really looking forward to Hitohira, actually. I'll probably get extremely disappointed, but the official site looks really promising. The art is great, the facial expressions are genius, and the characters seem to be gay. But then again, good shoujo ai animes are harder to come by with every passing season. Meh.
It does seem like we're never gonna get anything as good as Maria-sama - now that was good shoujo-ai.
Oh, and I must say I'm hoping that Romeo x Juliet does not have a happy ending - even in a re-envisionment it should NOT have a happy ending.
Last edited by A Day Without Me (03-08-2007 05:18:19 PM)
A Day Without Me wrote:
*braindeath from too much consecutive Kanon* X_x
I have to ask, is Kanon any good? I saw a few clips from my brother and it looks very OMG KAWAII GIRLS. He wants my 9 year old sister to watch it.
YamPuff wrote:
I have to ask, is Kanon any good? I saw a few clips from my brother and it looks very OMG KAWAII GIRLS. He wants my 9 year old sister to watch it. :eyeroll:
I feel so weird saying this, because it is harem, but... yes, it actually is good. And, shockingly, pretty much appropriate for a 9 year old - I'm not sure she'd be interested, but Kanon is extremely clean, and completely devoid of panty-shots or any of the more adult fanservice stuff. The only episode where we get anything close to 'adult' fanservice is that there's a dance in one episode, and some of the girls have dresses on where they have cleavage - but that's it! Harem with almost no fanservice? I never knew ye existed!
Another thing it doesn't have in common with many staple harem shows is that the girls themselves actually behave like normal human beings - there aren't constant scenes of girls throwing themselves in degrading fashion at our main guy, which is such a relief. In fact, so far none of them have explicitly stated that they like the main guy. One of them kissed him on the cheek, but that's the most any of them have done. And the main guy is actually a good guy, not one of those bland things that usually get the male lead in these types of shows - this is a guy where it actually makes sense that girls would like him.
Anyway, it is a lot of OMG KAWAII GIRLS, but the show is overall pretty serious in tone. It's not a happy story - bad things happen to the cast members. I suppose one could take it as being a bit angsty, although it seems to maintain a somewhat hopeful tone despite bad things happening. It's hard to say much without giving away entire story arcs.
I would personally recommend it, although I would never say it was something anyone would enjoy. On the flip side, I am not a person who usually enjoys harems, so I'd say it probably has at least some appeal outside the target audience. All I know is I've managed to watch 18 episodes in less than a week ^^;
Thanks! I heard it was a harem anime so I was thinking it was along the lines of Love Hina or something. My brother doesn't always have the best taste in kid's things so I have to keep an eyes out. Now I'm just worried about the sad things. He said it was so sad and she gets up upset easily. She's the type who always cries during Disney's Fox and the Hound.
YamPuff wrote:
She's the type who always cries during Disney's Fox and the Hound.
Hey, that was a sad movie!
YamPuff wrote:
I heard it was a harem anime so I was thinking it was along the lines of Love Hina or something. My brother doesn't always have the best taste in kid's things so I have to keep an eyes out. Now I'm just worried about the sad things. He said it was so sad and she gets up upset easily. She's the type who always cries during Disney's Fox and the Hound.
Well, then she'll probably cry during this if she watches it There's actually a fox in the storyline who has a sad ending, too.
Kanon and Love Hina are extremely different - its funny now that I think of it that both are harem anime when they're almost nothing alike.
First of all, Day, you and my sister need to have a long chat about Kanon.
Second of all, Tohru from Fruits Basket is so adorable...
I've been rereading the manga while sitting through those horrible loadtimes, and now I want to watch the anime again so that I can hear her use formal language.
Razara wrote:
First of all, Day, you and my sister need to have a long chat about Kanon.
Does she like it too?
I'm kind of embarassed to admitting to liking Kanon, 'cause it is still harem, after all.
She loves it.
The reason why it's a harem anime is because it was based off of a visual novel. A visual novel is like a book, but there are CG's of the characters on the screen while you read, and you get to choose options that affect the plot. Originally, you would get one scenario for each girl, which is why the anime turns into such a harem anime. The visual novel version of Kanon was very popular in Japan.
Even so, I was complaining about the fact that it's a harem anime as well when I watched it.
(*Subliminal Messages* WatchAirWatchAirWatchAir.)
Yeah, I know - and it was originally an h-game, too! But they have released several non-hentai versions since. I kinda wish someone would license the hentai-free versions ^^;
That's the problem with anime based off of visual novels. The entire time I watch, I always think, "Somewhere in the world, there's hentai of that guy fucking that little girl." Well, maybe the girls in Kanon aren't that little. How old are they?
Razara wrote:
The entire time I watch, I always think, "Somewhere in the world, there's hentai of that guy fucking that little girl."
Isn't it like that with every fandom in existence?
Hina the Prince wrote:
Razara wrote:
The entire time I watch, I always think, "Somewhere in the world, there's hentai of that guy fucking that little girl."
Isn't it like that with every fandom in existence?
Yeah. There is porn on everything. Even Calvin and Hobbes (don't ask - I was scarred for life).
But I'm pretty sure that most of it isn't official.
Razara wrote:
How old are they?
Well, the oldest one is supposed to be eighteen, two of them are supposed to be seventeen, and the youngest is supposed to be sixteen - but, of course, they don't look remotely their age (although, the main guy doesn't really look like he's seventeen either, I suppose). One of the girls simply doesn't have a clear age - its never stated, and it technically doesn't really matter anyway because SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER she's not human anyway.
A Day Without Me wrote:
she's not human anyway.
Is that the demon slayer girl? I stopped watching just as she was introduced. (I really need to continue where I left off...)
In the original version, this is what the main character looks like. There is something horribly, horribly wrong with his face. Is that his chin, or something?
Lightice wrote:
Hina the Prince wrote:
Razara wrote:
The entire time I watch, I always think, "Somewhere in the world, there's hentai of that guy fucking that little girl."
Isn't it like that with every fandom in existence?
Yeah. There is porn on everything. Even Calvin and Hobbes (don't ask - I was scarred for life).
Hina the Prince wrote:
Didn't I say "don't ask"? I'm sure you can find something if you really want to look - personally I bumped on one pic by accident. Like some motivational poster once said, the Internet has a way of raping your childhood.
Yeah, Rule 34 is evil. Invoking its power casually is a recipe for disaster.