This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Someone whose relative is a silversmith apparently has duplicated the Bara no Kokuin and is putting it up for sale. There's a Black Rose version and they're making a movie version soon. … 9#t1891229
WOW. Fan-made, but this is the real deal, more authentic looking than anything I've ever seen offered up for sale online. *drool* Unfortunately it is $170, which I can't afford at the moment. Darn.
I really want to do this, and I know my mom would help me get it for my birthday, but I've never bought anything from a random individual online... Makes me a little nervous.
I would love a rose signet ring, and it's so disheartening to not even be able to find but one picture of an original. (Sigh)
Those rings are beautiful and look lovingly done, but I just wish they had better pictures. For a ring that's $170, I'd like to be able to see what color the ring is more clearly, whether it's more ruby or a pale pink. Oh, I'd so jump on pale pink...
Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking anyone's work; it's wonderful. I'm grateful to see the effort. I just want to see how this develops.
o.< zoinks i would love to have em both but $340 will take me awhile to earn u_u;;;
>.> i have my own movie ring but no fit my figer...*sigh* X3 i hope it would be still selling 5 years later
Why does this always happen when I have no money. That said, I'd also like to see some better pictures of them. Is anyone planning on buying? Maybe they'll get some clearer shots, like scanning the ring. You can't really see the fine metal work there, although that they're pure silver (and there's an option for black) is just delicious...
I do need a new one...
God T_____T they are amazing!!!! aaaaahhh why i can't work? they are so expensive really, not fair....
I was talking to my boyfriend on the phone while I was browsing this forum. He asked, "What happens if we don't turn out how we want?" Me: "I'd love you anyway, swe-OMFG I WANT IT!!!"
Him: "What?!"
Me: "I... ... Utena signet?" *scrolls down to the price and heart SHATTERS*. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! It's $200!! "
Him: "Birthday present....?"
Me: "......*very tempted*"
Calliston wrote:
I was talking to my boyfriend on the phone while I was browsing this forum. He asked, "What happens if we don't turn out how we want?" Me: "I'd love you anyway, swe-OMFG I WANT IT!!!"
Him: "What?!"
Me: "I... ... Utena signet?" *scrolls down to the price and heart SHATTERS*. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! It's $200!!"
Him: "Birthday present....?"
Me: "......*very tempted*"
Ooooh, lucky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You're lucky that your boyfriend is alive!
Mine's dead. And he's technically my husband... I wuv my widdul Jimmy!! *hugs 4 t3h Jims*
Not like he died recently though... he died in the 1800's... he b a ghostie!
Calliston wrote:
I was talking to my boyfriend on the phone while I was browsing this forum. He asked, "What happens if we don't turn out how we want?" Me: "I'd love you anyway, swe-OMFG I WANT IT!!!"
Him: "What?!"
Me: "I... ... Utena signet?" *scrolls down to the price and heart SHATTERS*. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! It's $200!!"
Him: "Birthday present....?"
Me: "......*very tempted*"
My my my T~T my french teacher would be the perect boyfriend for me u_û but but but >____> dang
You are so lucky û_u
I'm seriously considering it...I'm hoping they'll be able to send a better picture or a scan & some more info if I contact them about buying. Even though the pictures aren't very good, the ring looks pretty good... I'm concerned about sending my money to someone and not getting anything, or getting something crappy, though. ;; I don't trust people.
rhyaniwyn wrote:
I'm seriously considering it...I'm hoping they'll be able to send a better picture or a scan & some more info if I contact them about buying. Even though the pictures aren't very good, the ring looks pretty good... I'm concerned about sending my money to someone and not getting anything, or getting something crappy, though.
;; I don't trust people.
Yeah, I am seriously considering it too, for a purchase later next year after I pay all my bills for school and make more money at work
Another reason is that I saw there were one or two people who said they were interested in buying on that comm...gonna wait and see if they like it, how it fits, etc, and if the quality is worth it for $170. Better quality pictures would be nice too...I'm just psyched someone made a Black Rose version. I mean, wow.
(I would say that even if Mikage wasn't my favorite character XD)
both signets are pretty, i can't wait to see the movie signet
I wonder do they still use that price when they find out they have to ship it to Hong Kong. Yet, it is a bit expensive for me.
Just to let you guys know...
I spoke to the person selling. I don't know that I'll be getting one, for various reasons... But the individual said that if you keep your eye on the original LJ post, there will be new pictures at some point in the near future. And there's been at least one order -- the buyer will probably post a testimonial in a few weeks.
Oh good. I'd be a lot more keen on the investment if I could get some real, honest to god, high quality images of the product.
It's not much more than mine was, though. I'm surprised at that, I figured the silver would cost more now.
They don't look too bad, but why is the enamel red?
Last edited by Archambeau (12-12-2006 07:39:20 PM)
Okay I am SO buying one as soon as I get my paycheck. Well, actually, I'm gonna wait for pictures of the movie ring first, cuz I would KILL for that one. It would also be nice to hear from the person who bought one! That way I'll feel more confident sending my munnies so far away!
I've ordered a White Rose Signet from the seller (who also happens to be my realtime friend), and I've seen the working prototypes of the rings IRL. I did ask as to why the seals were red; the maker (not the seller) said that he was copying the color from the series. Makes a bit of sense actually; though he did say that they were just samples, and that the red seals would be changed into a better shade of rose or pink.
Plus, I did read that someone was (or at least that's what I thought I read) looking for photos of the original Rose Signets sold in Japan. I did a little researching, and well, here's what I found.
White Rose Signet (Shogakukan) 100 x 97 pixels
Black Rose Signet (Shogakukan) 100 x 98 pixels
White Rose Signet by Shogakukan - Close Up image 300 x 256 pixels
Movie Signet (MOVIC Japan) 400 x 321 pixels
Movie Signet by MOVIC Japan - Solo image 100 X 104 pixels
I don't wish to be (nor sound) biased, but in my honest opinion, the re-created signet looks better than the one from Japan. The details are far clearer and solid --- the Japanese make seems like the crest was soldered, not engraved, if you take my meaning.
But of course, that is only my opinion; others are free to make their own judgment. *smiles and bows*
(Images from E-bay and End Of Innocence.)
I sort-of thought the same thing. Though the images in the seller's post are a bit too blurry to really be sure about anything for those of us unable to see them in person... The ring from Japan, and Gio's original ring, make the crest look very delicate. I like the ... somewhat bolder (?) appearance of it on these handmade rings.
You should definitely post some pictures of yours when you get them, please!
FencingCaptain wrote:
I don't wish to be (nor sound) biased, but in my honest opinion, the re-created signet looks better than the one from Japan. The details are far clearer and solid --- the Japanese make seems like the crest was soldered, not engraved, if you take my meaning.
I agree a hundred percent. I really want one, but the only ones I could ever find were the Movic ones, and I hate the way they look. I think they're awful, despite the fact that I like the seal in the movie better. I like that it's pointy, heh. The bf was asking what I want for christmas, so I'll have to send him the link.
To be perfectly honest, I've at times owned the official rings, and they're cheaply made. The silver is a coating and it can chip, also the ring sizes assume you're an infant, which is a lot from me because I have thin fingers.
I liked that mine was intricate, but this one, if the higher quality images check out, is also really cool looking. I want one a bunch.
I wanna know if there are any SKU fans nerdy enough to use them as wedding rings. That would be the coolest thing ever. Also the most horrible given how they're used in the series. I almost want to get married just to make the joke.
I've been considering getting a handmade ring as well -- I believe I do have the fingers of an infant, as my MOVIC ring requires me to put tissue paper around my finger to thicken it up before wearing. I'm also partial to the idea of actually being able to use it as a signet for imprinting on wax.
I suppose I'll have to wait until clearer pictures of these new rings, with proper pink enameling, show up. I'm certainly interested, but the red color is off-putting.
Actually I'm kinda on the fence with the's not as 'genuine', exactly, but it'd match much closer with the stuff I wear.
Which is usually red.
Yeah, I love red myself... Though I've always had a dream of a rose signet inlaid with rose quartz.
One of the things it would be difficult to see, even if there were better pictures, is the relative size of the ring to my own hand. The seller shows it on the middle finger, which looks pretty natural. But the seller has nice hands and I don't think it would look too big on the ring finger in that picture, either.
I'd like to wear it on my ring finger, but I have weird, stubby, skinny ring finger...
That sounds sort of gross, doesn't it? Haha.
The design looks very similar to the rings that my wife and I bought each other some years ago. Does anyone know if this is the same silversmith and poster who took orders via the Utena Mailing List on the old Utena Encyclopedia? The enamel in ours is pink, and the rings have held up beautifully -- we wear them every day, and have for something like five years. The engraving isn't quite deep enough to leave a really clear impression in wax, but it does leave an impression.
Need to get the mirror polish done again -- they've gotten a touch battered over time.