This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
MissMocha wrote:
I'm out, unless my situation changes drastically (i.e. I win the lotto) or RC10 is held in Orlando. Not gonna lie, there is stuff to do here aside from Disney, but it's not much, and it's very little of it cheap. Also, no transit system. Soooooooo, yeah. Have fun guys. I'm gonna be standing in the corner, being all jealous.
Don't be too jealous--I'm still placing my Orlando trip over RoseCon (since I was already planning it), so if it's not in Florida or in the near-Midwest, I likely won't be attending either.
Unless it's in Edmonton. Then I might stretch it since it'll also take care of one of my 101 things--traveling internationally.
Boston yay! I know nothing about it, but I'd love to meet Razara.
And make her rp with me in person, probably to her extreme dismay.
Boston would probably be about the most feasible place, since it actually has a subway system. My experience in NYC makes me feel like that's a necessity.
Aya wrote:
Duelist Megu wrote:
Wait, since when is there another Minnesotan in here (aside from long-gone Suncat)?
Oh, I haven't been here long enough to be noticed. Enjoying the (curse the word) snow?
People should also take note that the giant cherry on a spoon is in MN. Marvel at our art! Where would a better place to hold Rosecon be than an art centered city?
D'oh, that's a good point, we do have arts stuff coming out of every orifice up here.
Also, I'm a polar bear, I love that we're having a real winter again. It's summer I don't deal well with.
And I know several artists, if it were here in MN we could have the sweetest RoseCon decorations ever.
I'm going to second what Stormy has said. A decent mass-transit system is almost essential to a con like this unless we are planning on all staying at the same location and renting a car or two to shuttle everyone around. Of the available choices, Boston does seem to be the best considering it has fantastic mass-transit.
Saying that, though, I would volunteer to organize one in Kansas City if enough interest in KC as a location was there. I know Stormy and I would love to have everyone come to the center of the United States.
Last edited by Ashnod (01-08-2010 10:18:07 AM)
Mylene wrote:
Unless it's in Edmonton.
Dare I dream...?
Since I'm up in Canada, I think I will sit back and see what we all decide on. For me, one city in the US can't be differentiated that well from the other.
Question: are we allowed to bring non-IRG people for reasons due to safety and/or parental approval?
Last edited by Syora (01-08-2010 10:23:23 AM)
Syora wrote:
Mylene wrote:
Unless it's in Edmonton.
Dare I dream...?
Since I'm up in Canada, I think I will sit back and see what we all decide on. For me, one city in the US can't be differentiated that well from the other.
Question: are we allowed to bring non-IRG people for reasons due to safety and/or parental approval?
Twas allowed at RoseCon'08, so I don't see why not.
KC is maybe worth considering. The expense of a couple of rental cars would be offset by the cheapness of other things, and there are more attractions than you might think. Plus I have a nice little home theater we could use for SKU viewing. I'm with Ashnod on this, if people want to come here, we can whip up a pretty nice weekend for y'all.
It's wonderful to see Boston being taken into such strong consideration as the next location for RoseCon! I'm already looking forward to meeting other IRGers at what I'll ensure to be a well prepared RoseCon!
satyreyes wrote:
When would you want to host it?
I'd like to determine the date based off of what month is best for most IRGers (especially those with a higher chance of attending.) Most people travel to New England during the fall for the foliage, but any time of the year other than winter is fine.
Woah, Boston, what? I COULD GO. Like, no questions. I would go if it were in Boston. And I would love it.
Except if it were after late August, due to colleging.
Agreed that the public transportation of Boston makes it a great site. I think it's a great choice, all things considering with our other options. While I'm sure there's a way to figure out how to juggle cheap transport, it adds a whole new dimension that we haven't tackled before. Even though I'd love for something in the South(only fair, right?), Boston may be our best option.
...ALTHOUGH, I will say that if New Orleans were to be chosen, you could walk to pretty much everything cool if you got the right hotel. There's gotta be a cheap slum hotel SOMEWHERE near the French Quarter. God knows I somehow found a good hotel along the subway lines in Washington D.C. for 70 bucks during Katsucon. Ooooh, wait, what about Washington D.C.?
In talking with l'boyfriend, who wants to take a vacation together this year, he mentioned really wanting to go to Boston. And now I see that Boston is a RoseCon possibility! Makes me happy. Not going to say OH IF IT'S BOSTON I CAN DO IT OMG, but I think I could probably sell him on it. He can do some weird music related shit while I wonder off with IRG peeps at some point. Totally depends on timing and our respective money situations, but it could be a consideration.
Frau Eva wrote:
Agreed that the public transportation of Boston makes it a great site. I think it's a great choice, all things considering with our other options. While I'm sure there's a way to figure out how to juggle cheap transport, it adds a whole new dimension that we haven't tackled before. Even though I'd love for something in the South(only fair, right?), Boston may be our best option.
...ALTHOUGH, I will say that if New Orleans were to be chosen, you could walk to pretty much everything cool if you got the right hotel. There's gotta be a cheap slum hotel SOMEWHERE near the French Quarter.God knows I somehow found a good hotel along the subway lines in Washington D.C. for 70 bucks during Katsucon. Ooooh, wait, what about Washington D.C.?
You should tell me about this hotel...for research!
I am totally on deck for Washington DC : ) and New Orleans ...however I think that Boston looks good as well.
As for when that is tricky because we need to allow people time to get their money together!! So how much time do yall want to give folks?
Are we looking at the west coast at all?
Finding some cool place with a off season would lead to epic cheapness. I was in a beach town in DEC 30th and a all right hotel was 35-40$ per night!
Of the options mentioned so far, Boston is my first choice too because I haven't been there in so long, but I'd also be happy with Minneapolis or Kansas City
SexingTouga24/7/365 wrote:
As for when that is tricky because we need to allow people time to get their money together!! So how much time do yall want to give folks?
August has been floated a couple times, and I think that would be the best time for me too. I don't know my exact schedule for school, but I'll definitely have no classes between the 6th and the 23rd. A lot of it is distance learning, though, so that's not to say I couldn't come at any other time; it would depend on the exact weekend. Razara, is August a sane month to come to New England from a price perspective?
I don't expect Kansas City to win out over Boston, but I'm going to do the research and put together a possible itinerary either way as a back-up plan. This way we will have something to fall back on.
And I don't expect Minneapolis to win at all, but we can hope, right?
That's reassuring, but your odds are slim, no? I think it will be a bit hard for everyone this year, considering the economy still not feeling good and all.
If I couldn't make it to New York last time, there's no way I'd be able to make it Kansas City or Minneapolis. I'd like to have it in Boston not just because it's far away, but because if I'm to arrange it, then being near home will allow me to do things more efficiently. If I forget anything or decide to go grab something to bring to Boston, it won't be impossible to do. Plus, I'm quite familiar with the city.
satyreyes wrote:
Razara, is August a sane month to come to New England from a price perspective?
It should be fine! Better later in August than earlier, since humidity can be be a bit of an issue in the summer.
I'll need a few weeks to put all the research and information together, but when I do, I'll make a new thread for it. Boston has a lot of museums, insane amounts of historical sites, restaurants, stores, a china town, anime stores... That's just off the top of my head. Oh, and there's pigeons, too!
Razara wrote:
I'll need a few weeks to put all the research and information together, but when I do, I'll make a new thread for it. Boston has a lot of museums, insane amounts of historical sites, restaurants, stores, a china town, anime stores... That's just off the top of my head. Oh, and there's pigeons, too!
Can I contribute to this effort? I'd be willing to do some scout work as I should be staying for a week in the Boston area during February.
Although Id be useless in the organization of it I'd like to suggest Philadelphia. We have amazing museums, a metric fuck ton of historical whatsits and we are know for no less than 5 different food stuffs. So it's a lot like Boston just not quite as northern.
SexingTouga24/7/365 wrote:
You should tell me about this hotel...for research!
I am totally on deck for Washington DC : ) and New Orleans ...however I think that Boston looks good as well.
As for when that is tricky because we need to allow people time to get their money together!! So how much time do yall want to give folks?
Are we looking at the west coast at all?
Finding some cool place with a off season would lead to epic cheapness. I was in a beach town in DEC 30th and a all right hotel was 35-40$ per night!
Okay, just looked up my old Katsucon notes. It was actually $80 a night, but still, that's pretty good for its location. And the subway was easy to get to, and certainly a quick trip from where we were trying to get to(the Katsucon hotel). Also, of course, put money aside for parking fees if you're going by car; I can't remember how much it was, unfortunately. There are Motel 6s in the area that are cheaper(around the 70 I originally quoted), but I have no idea how easy it would be to get to a subway.
Hotel: Connecticut Avenue Days Inn
Address: 4400 Connecticut Ave Nw
Washington, DC 20008
Price: $80 per night, per room
Phone Number: 202-244-5600
Phone 2: -- * Fax: 202-244-6794
Check In: 03:00 PM
Check Out: 11:00 AM
I know, New Orleans would rock for me on so many different levels. But it looks like Boston is gonna win, and it's not so bad. Just remember us Southerners next time, kay ya'll?
NajiMinkin wrote:
Can I contribute to this effort?
I'd be willing to do some scout work as I should be staying for a week in the Boston area during February.
By all means, go right ahead! More contribution will result in an even more epic RoseCon!
Ahh, all of these locations sound great!
If it were in DC, which I kind of doubt it will be, I can say with (almost) absolute certainty that I'd make it-- I mean, it's pretty damn close to me, and could be relatively inexpensive, depending on the activities we choose to partake in. Boston sounds much more exciting though, but it is a longer trip for me. Right now, everything is still 50/50; it's not really the distance, but the cost. I'll have college right around the corner (August! Ahhh! It's too soon to be growing up!), and after graduation, a few of my friends had discussed a little post-Senior celebration (which probably wouldn't be terribly expensive, considering how close we are to both the beach and the mountains, whichever we choose). Anyway, although none of that is related to RoseCon, it could put a bit of a dent in my budget.
Oh, but Boston sounds like such an exciting place! I'll try my hardest.
Oh my gosh. Frau Eva, I'm so sorry. You'd double-posted this wonderful write-up about New Orleans, and you deleted one half and I deleted the other. I don't have any way to undelete it. Um... Let me know if I can help...