This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Now, I've never seen the original, but this popped up on youtube of the new version of Rose of Versailles!
Thank you so much for letting us know about this!
I love Rose of Versailles series to pieces. To think that they're gonna do a motion picture after all these years...
The graphics is excellent with the 3D feel being put into the screen, not to mention that the music is composed by Yoshiki! X-Japan's Yoshiki, right? I love his music, too!
Again, I can't thank you enough for showing this clip
[...I was hoping for some Oscar/Antionette, though. >_>;]
wow it looks really nice. I wasn't never able to see the anime or read the manga but I have heard really wonderful things of that series. It's nice it will be a movie.
There actually is a live-action Rose of Versailles movie out there, y'know - it was actually filmed in Europe with European actors, and then released in Japan with Japanese subtitles, I believe. I'm pretty sure I have a link to where you can obtain a copy, too... I'm gonna go look for it.
A Day Without Me wrote:
There actually is a live-action Rose of Versailles movie out there, y'know - it was actually filmed in Europe with European actors, and then released in Japan with Japanese subtitles, I believe. I'm pretty sure I have a link to where you can obtain a copy, too... I'm gonna go look for it.
I knew the theather version was very popular but didn't knew there was a movie.
Oooh, wow, from what I can see it looks beautiful and captures the style of Riyoko Ikeda's artwork very well... I hope the execution of the plot is carried off just as well, considering how long of a story it is.
I read Berubara for the first time when I was 9 and I didn't really get it, because my Japanese wasn't very good, but I read it again last year and broke out in tears because it's so sad. I couldn't bring myself to finish reading it because I was too upset about what happened to Andre.
A Day Without Me wrote:
There actually is a live-action Rose of Versailles movie out there, y'know - it was actually filmed in Europe with European actors, and then released in Japan with Japanese subtitles, I believe. I'm pretty sure I have a link to where you can obtain a copy, too... I'm gonna go look for it.
The movie you were talking about. I think I saw it in Youtube once...
I felt it literally derailed from the original context of the Berubara, but at least people had a taste of Berubara outside of Japan
Hiraku wrote:
Thank you so much for letting us know about this!
I love Rose of Versailles series to pieces. To think that they're gonna do a motion picture after all these years...
The graphics is excellent with the 3D feel being put into the screen, not to mention that the music is composed by Yoshiki! X-Japan's Yoshiki, right? I love his music, too!
Again, I can't thank you enough for showing this clip
You're welcome! I figured it would be of interest to more than a few people around here. Actually, I only found out about that video from another message board, myself. I've wanted to see the original anime version for quite a while now, but have yet to find the best, ahem, way to.
Actually... now that I think about it... if the new movie eventually gets licensed and released over here, wouldn't they (whoever theoretically licenses it) also want to get the original series too? There may still be hope!
Imaginary Bad Bug wrote:
You're welcome! I figured it would be of interest to more than a few people around here.
Actually, I only found out about that video from another message board, myself. I've wanted to see the original anime version for quite a while now, but have yet to find the best, ahem, way to.
Actually... now that I think about it... if the new movie eventually gets licensed and released over here, wouldn't they (whoever theoretically licenses it) also want to get the original series too? There may still be hope!
Hope springs eternal! Until then, I go to my fandubs... or not, since I haven't watched it yet and never seem to have time to watch anything anymore.
I must watch this. Deon is not satisfying my Versailles craving.