This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
*is keeping score of votes for the boys*
top of my list is Akio.
i'm deeply depraved, and he just flat out does it for me.
then, it's Anthy. how can i not love her? she's so messed up, it makes me well up with that sense of Nobility that quickly melts down from "I must take her away and save her," to "I must take her away, and save her for dessert."
i'll finish this later, 'cos there are others, but i'm in need of some "outside time."
Agreed on Akio and Anthy. Kozue in a close third.
The hottest hmm?
I think Akio has the best looks. Long hair, long body, tan body, gorgeous face.
But Touga ain't bad either, but I think his her looks too much like sephiroth.
But Saionji seems fun too, because he's insane and I'd like to try and manipulate him. Hmm.
Anthy seems like fun too and so does Mikage and so does Miki. gah! SKU is filled with pretty (insane) people.
Akio's gorgeous. Mainly him, really. No one else really does it for me as far as the "rawr, unf unf unf" sort of thing goes.
My vote is cast for Mrs. Ohtori. Sex is all she does does; her only real "career" in the series, seemingly, was that she was a mother (which involved her having sex) and then she is clearly still romping about past that point. And her clothing was gorgeous, her hair was gorgeous... She was just such a Mrs. Robinson.
Ah, crap, this thread just makes me want to read some pr0n with Mikage in. And considering there's very little of that about...ah, fuck, I'll have to write it myself, won't I?
Clarice wrote:
Ah, crap, this thread just makes me want to read some pr0n with Mikage in. And considering there's very little of that about...ah, fuck, I'll have to write it myself, won't I?
Yes. Yes you will. (Utena/Mikage? *has always been intrigued by this possibility*)
Esmenet wrote:
Clarice wrote:
Ah, crap, this thread just makes me want to read some pr0n with Mikage in. And considering there's very little of that about...ah, fuck, I'll have to write it myself, won't I?
Yes. Yes you will. (Utena/Mikage? *has always been intrigued by this possibility*)
Damn you! [shakes fist] Although with that said, I've just spent some time this afternoon editing a ridiculously silly Mills-and-Boon-esque novella, so writing dodgy fic really shouldn't be beyond me. shall I start?
Need I say more?
Soukougnan wrote:
okay.'s Anthy. how can i not love her? she's so messed up, it makes me well up with that sense of Nobility that quickly melts down from "I must take her away and save her," to "I must take her away, and save her for dessert."
i'll finish this later, 'cos there are others, but i'm in need of some "outside time."
I second that!
From the bottom of the list: Juri (ah, a real strong woman) and Kanae (oh just look at her glorious hair!)
At the top of the list: series Anthy and movie Anthy. In either case, Anthy is a messed up character like Soukougnan said, but that only added to her aura and all the more alluring.
My answer should be evident: Touga.
Why? Because he's a ruthless bastard. Because he's the type of person that will always be where the power is. Because he's sensual, oversexed, ambitious, and he doesn't let anything get in the way of his success-- not morals, scruples, friends, nothing. And because there's something so very appealing about a man with all of these characteristics that really doesn't know his weaknesses, and doesn't believe he can have human faults.
Not to mention you can manipulate men like that very easily sometimes. That is also very, very hot.
Of course, I couldn't tell you why other people find him hot. This is all just me.
Saionji is also very hot, because given the right girl, he would have a gooey marshmallow center and do stupid things like save a leaf that he picked out of her hair on their first date. Combine that with his awful temper, his massively prickly exterior, and his air of MASSIVE SEXUAL REPRESSION-- hot. Just plain hot.
Also, Akio is hot, but not as hot as Touga, because you can't win with Akio. You just bend over, let him do whatever he wants, and try not to cry while you pick up the pieces, because if you resist you're just going to get it harder. It would be fun for a while, but I get tired of games I can't win. Hot, but has some downsides.
Soukougnan wrote:
okay.'s Anthy. how can i not love her? she's so messed up, it makes me well up with that sense of Nobility that quickly melts down from "I must take her away and save her," to "I must take her away, and save her for dessert."
i'll finish this later, 'cos there are others, but i'm in need of some "outside time."
That was well said! Agree 150%.