This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Welcome to the hotel. Leave your worries and clothing at the door.
This thread's creation is for the Role Play of explicit scenes, whether for fun or for practice. Sit back, enjoy and...don't be too frightened. *beckons you in.*
Oh, KTK. Wicked, wicked girl.
You think im wicked?
punish me.
Shouldn't. its in IFD and gives warning. Im sure there are others who would LOVE to use this. I think of it as, inspiration for those who like to write explicit material. Sometimes you gotta get in the mood before creating. *nod nod*
*Smirks* I'm sure Sei-Sei will have fun doing the punishing.
Seitokaichou, there's only one way to find out, I suppose. -lol-
I believe you had me pinned and were about to tell me your tragic story? *resumes the position* This thread is comfy!
Oh my, how you can read my mind... *Grins* But, I wouldn't want to take an amusing girl away a from good friend like you, Sei-Sei.
But, I want to hear the story too. *Stretches over piano bench*
Last edited by Iris (09-25-2008 05:13:39 PM)
*She sighs again, arching her back a bit* Well then, if you don't like that story, then tell me another one. *plays with your hair, looking over at iris* Amusing huh...
*Smirks* I wandered in here. It'd be rude to leave right away, don't you think?
I'll give you two the privacy you need... *Grins wickedly*
*Puts out a hand* why not join us?
*Laughs lightly* My my, I wouldn't want to mess up a rouge's style with the ways of a witch. Unless the resident Rouge protests, this witch will slip away to the piano and practice my half of the duet.
*Transforms into Odette, blue hair forming a poor cover for her helpless expression. Struggles against the invisible binds, the poor thing becoming more flustered with each little of her own movements* "But..." *It's obvious from her blush she delights in the idea of watching Narin and KTK in action, but still puts on the pretense of embarrassment*
"I... I know...." *Odette manages to murmer, soft eyes locked onto fierce ones. Her struggling stops completely to let Narin do what she pleases, biting her own lip softly as she's exposed.* "Is that part of your story? Pain begetting pleasure?"
Last edited by Iris (09-25-2008 05:45:05 PM)
*looks up at the girl who is bound by invisible force from beyond her curl. She seems almost shocked at the power of this person, never seeing such magic before. Her green eeys filled with a hint of fear for her predicament, hoping the pretty girl isn't to be hurt.*
*The feeling of nails on her delicate, pale flesh sends shivers down her spine. She gasps.* "Should i be?" *her heart starts to race in both fear and excitement*
(i could guess, nice. XD vampires and lesbians RAWK)
*Her eyes widen at the power this woman possesses. She becomes a little freaked out and starts to struggle.* "what are you!? and what do you mean, my flesh?" *her cheeks turn pink looking down at her own exposed chest.*
*Odette's soft eyes watch the girl struggle, her own binds keeping her quite tight and unable to do anything but that. Watch and squirm. Focus returns back to Narin, almost trembling from fear and curiosity from the intensity of the look. Blood slips down between the two in front of her, cheeks reddened from the image*
Last edited by Iris (09-25-2008 06:35:45 PM)
Seitokaichou wrote:
I hope we don't get in trouble for this.
Ha ha, no, no one's in trouble, though I do wonder what the difference is between this thread and the Flirting thread across the street. So far they seem pretty identical, and we don't usually like duplicate threads active at the same time. Isn't one enough for this sort of thing?
satyreyes wrote:
Seitokaichou wrote:
I hope we don't get in trouble for this.
Ha ha, no, no one's in trouble, though I do wonder what the difference is between this thread and the Flirting thread across the street. So far they seem pretty identical, and we don't usually like duplicate threads active at the same time. Isn't one enough for this sort of thing?
For the most part, all of us have been being rather tame in the Flirt thread compared to what we normally would be.
*tears begin to run down her cheeks* You're going to kill me aren't you? *she fought more and more, though her limbs grew tired of the struggle and she grew limp, giving in*
(it can be for both, depending on the mood or the conversation.)
(P.S.- i can't stop laughing every time i click the "Submit" button.)
Last edited by KissingT.Kiryuu (09-25-2008 06:50:11 PM)
*Again she gasps. No one has ever touched her in such a way before. It was exhilarating but at the same time she was scared.* Please! * A hand slipped free and she placed it on the woman's hand that was heading under her skirt. She began to feel hot. Her pale flesh turning a rosy pink from embarrassment.*
(Is it a bad time to mention i have a HUGE vampire fetish? )
*Odette attempts to hide herself from the image in front of her, the long silken hair falling in front of her face. Still, eyes peek from between the strands, her blood making her body throb with desire and confusion. Finally she realizes that the question about Akirah had been directed at her, eyes darting down with embarrassment at the flesh mentioned. All of it was so improper, but it was even worse that she liked it. Her head filled with strange thoughts* "... Yes, she is..."
Last edited by Iris (09-25-2008 07:18:01 PM)
*She let out a scream of disapproval as she was now fully exposed to the world. Besides the point that she is naked, there are signs of her enjoying this struggle. Her head turned to the side allowing her two toned locks to cover her face. She closed her eyes and wished it would end soon. Looking up briefly at Odette.* "You two are in this together aren't you?"
(And i like the struggle. It reminds me of the hunt! )
*She arches forward and tilts her head up, almost as if gasping for air. This sinister woman, why would someone torture for fun? Her breathing became labored, her chest rising and falling with every hard breath. She tightened her legs to try to hinder the woman from touching her. Her words were like poison to her ears, and she wanted more.*
*Odette's embarrassment rises at being called 'slave,' soft gray eyes issuing an unspoken challenge. Passive and quiet as ever, nothing else really changes besides the little spark in her eye, blue hair moved away with a flip of her head. Eyes widen as she's reminded of her mistakes, even more curious as she watches the girl get hurt. There was beauty in Narin's cruelty, and it seemed so strange to hear and watch those actions be used on someone else.*
*Her eyes shot open feeling the warmth between her legs. She cried out in pleasure, her body twitching with every move of her tongue. Again she found herself gasping for air, but for a different reason. She looked down but quickly looked away, not wanting to see what she was doing. It made her feel...dirty. All she managed to do was whisper between her gasps and moans...* "Im sorry...i won't refuse you again."