This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Pay no attention to my Satyreyes. He lies, and I am here and ready to play
Nice to meet you all, hope I won't have to kill you in your sleep!
Nice to meet you too, and you just might. But we will just have to wait and see about that.
I'm amazed at how even the gender split is, considering how skewed IRG is in the female direction generally. Some nice fresh meat too. Should be fun!
And I'm expecting Razara and Kealdrea to be more suspicious of each other than anyone else.
Stormcrow wrote:
And I'm expecting Razara and Kealdrea to be more suspicious of each other than anyone else.
I don't think that I'll suspect Kealdrea very easily because it's hard for me to imagine her as a crazy homicidal lesbian. However, I can imagine myself going crazy and wondering what side she's on, and resiting the temptation to ask.
Edit: Also, yay, the game starts tomorrow! I can't wait!
Last edited by Razara (07-25-2007 12:33:45 PM)
That it does. O:
This will (hopefully) be enjoyable for all participants.
Hinotori wrote:
This will (hopefully) be enjoyable for all participants.
I'm sure that it will be. The last one certainly was, even for those who weren't participating.
Yeah. Exactly. Are we waiting for more, or will we just have the people who are already on the list?
I'm not going to send out the roles until tomorrow afternoon, but from the looks of things nobody else is going to join. Still, since I said tomorrow at 2 I'm probably going to stick to that just incase.
And since we have an even number of people I'll prooooobably start it with night. Everything I've read says that's a good idea. Just giving a heads up to those of you who get mafia.
Well this looks to be great. Yay, gay mafia.
Part of me wants to plead "don't start it at night!", because then at least one person -- maybe two, depending on whether there's a serial killer or competing family -- doesn't get to play. That doesn't seem like much fun. I guess the competing argument is that if someone's killed before the game starts, maybe people's reactions to the killing will give them away, giving the town something to go on on Day One? But that seems a little strained to me. I don't know. I'll defer to your judgment
Yeah, that's true. I don't want that to happen but from what I understand the game goes a bit smoother when it starts at night. D: But then again, the doctor (if there is one) wouldn't have one clue who to protect. I'll see how things work out. o:
Well I'm probably going to just start with the day and add a wild card to mix things up a little for the mafia. And since our first day in the last game lasted a few days you won't actually miss anything. In fact by the time you wake up there a good chance nobody will have even voted yet.
I think we had this exact same problem in the last mafia game, haha. Only not the same time difference. Arki's in Croatia, I believe. It wound up rectifying itself that way.
If you'd still like to extend the time it'd probably be more like an eight hour extention (since I'm not positive I'll be up at 4AM Friday) but I think I could manage if everyone else is okay with it.
I wasn't quite fast enough on the delete key; I misinterpreted part of the original post. Worry not! Whatever the original schedule was is fine.
Am I able to join now? then the total no. of people joining can be odd
Hope you won't mind me for joining so late.
If this cannot be arranged, it will still be ok. Then I can sit back, relax and watch.
It's fine. That's why I kept it up this long anyway.
Hinotori wrote:
Well I'm probably going to just start with the day and add a wild card to mix things up a little for the mafia.
Hinotori, what is a wild card? Sorry! Is that a reference to the miller, which looks guilty when investigated but is really innocent?
I guess you could call the miller a wild card, but that'd mix things up for the town, not the Mafia. I can think of a few roles that would complicate the Mafia's life; could be a vigilante, a kind of townie who can kill at night (often just once per game); could be a serial killer, who definitely keeps the Mafia on its toes; could be a roleblocker, who -- if they target the Mafia man responsible for sending in the Mafia's target -- can block the kill entirely. (They can also block town roles from fulfilling their functions, though.)
Should be fun I'm glad we're starting with day.
Oh, oh, I see! Good move! Naming a wild card without specifying the exact role is a way to keep all of us on our toes! That way we know to expect some kinks, but not exactly what to look for. Very exciting, indeed!
My toes are already sore and we haven't even started with the game yet.
Just an hour left until our roles are sent out, right? I can't wait! (I've been feeling so impatient while waiting for this all week.
Ins are closed. I will be sending out PMs shortly.
Edit: In the meantime. Have some facinating reading material!
The rules (stolen entirely from satyreyes. I hope he doesn't mind)
satyreyes wrote:
THE RULES (cribbed a little from
0. Regardless of your win condition, the object of the game is to have fun. Do not flame. Be nice. Remember that lying and treachery are part of the game; if you are feeling morally outraged at someone’s lies or accusations, take a step back or ask me to replace you. Do not post in anger.
1. Rule One of Mafia: Don’t talk about Mafia. Do not discuss this game by any means outside this thread unless your role specifically allows you to do so. (The only people in this game that are allowed to talk outside the thread are the Mafia themselves; they’re allowed to talk at night to strategize and decide who to kill, but not during the day.)
2. Use bold text to place your vote: vote satyreyes. To make my life easier, if you’ve already voted and want to change your vote, please unvote before you cast your new vote: unvote satyreyes, vote ikuni. You can also unvote without casting a new vote.
3. When a player has a majority of votes, that player will be executed (or “lynched”). From the moment the deciding vote is cast, that player’s fate is sealed, even if I’m not around at that moment; in other words, unvoting will not save him. Vote wisely.
4. Night begins when I post the death scene. No one can post to the thread during the night. Night ends when I receive all players’ night choices via PM (the Mafia decides who to kill; cops, if any, decide who to investigate; doctors, if any, decide who to protect) and post the results. I reserve the right to end the night early if someone is taking too long to PM me with their decision.
5. Dead men tell no tales. Once you’re dead, you can’t post to the thread until the game is over. That said, if you want to make one farewell post that doesn’t contain any game-related content (along the lines of “thanks for the game”), I’ll allow it.
6. Do not delete or edit your posts! No, not even for spelling errors. If you need to correct or add something, make a new post.
7. Do not quote my PMs to you! It turns out that there’s a really game-breaking strategy where townies can figure out whether someone’s a townie by testing them to see if they know the specifics of the PM I sent them (e.g. “What’s the fourth word in your role description?”) Don’t do it. You can state your name and your role; that’s all.
8. QUESTIONS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME. Ask in-game or by PM, whichever is appropriate.
Also I didn't really explain the extra characters, so I'm going to do that in the free time we have and also get a chance to use some of the stupid names I came up with for them. :3 Only the Mafia and Townie roles are a given.
Evil Gay Mafia
This is the mafia. Not much explaining to do. Your job is to reclaim this fine land for the corrupt gay government through murdering all the straightmen. Surpirisingly enough, you win when all the breeders are dead and at least one of you is alive.
The Breeders
This is another role I shouldn't have to explain much from the last game (and I'll be doing so more comprehensively in PM. Innocent vanillia townies. You win in the event that all the mafia members are dead and one or more of you is alive.
The Closet Case (Miller)
Alright. You're gay. I know you're gay. The law enforcement knows you're gay. Your own parents probably know it too, but you don't. I sent you a message notifying you that you were a townsperson with no special powers, and since you sympathise with the plight of the straight man for endgame purposes it's true! However, if the dectective investigates you you'll return a guilty verdict because you're not really foolin' nobody. Hopefully your friends will have enough faith in you not to lynch you when such a time comes because after you die they'll discover the truth.
The Fairy Godfather
You're the head of the evil lesbian mafia. Nothing happens in this town without you knowing it. If there's ever a tie in the mafia voting then you're the one that breaks it. When the cop investigates you you'll show up as normal boring mafia, and to add to the fun you know when you're being investigated, but not by who.
Confused Bisexual (Serial Killer)
Congratulations! You don't know what fucking side you're on so you're just going to kill a random person every night and hope for the best. You're basically a mafia of one. For endgame purposesyou'll be considered an innocent but if you're still around by the end of the game then YOU win. Everyone else is a big fat loser.
Prostitute and Porn Shop Clerk
These are the doctor and cop roles. I figured since everything else is tainted why not go the whole nine yards. Same rules apply. I've seen the doctor be refered to as prostitute in other games under the guise that (s)he will "occupy you for the entire night" and who better to know the sexual habits of the people in the town then the guy tending to their more secret sexual needs? I swear this game is starting to need cheap 70's porn music playing in the background.
1) Ragnarok
2) satyreyes
3) Stormcrow
4) Arki
5) Frosty
6) Clarice
7) Razara
8) Kealdrea
9) AnjitheArtist
10) Quiet Israfel
11) ShatteredMirror
12) Tokenas
13) Tenjou_sailorsaturn
I think it should also be mentioned that while in the spirit of IRG you'll all get a character name from Utena, these roles were decided as randomly as the mafia members. Any connection is something I free-associated together after the fact. Utena could be mafia just as easy as Kanae could be a townie. I played with how I was going to do this for a while and part of my descision was that I didn't really have an even number of "good" to "bad" characters, and on top of that part of the beauty of SKU is you can never tell who's good or evil 100%. Plus, I think it might be more fun this way, but that might just be more fun for me.
Last edited by Hinotori (07-26-2007 01:20:10 PM)
Welcome home...FAIRY!
Hasn't anybody else noticed that this whole thing is being run by a FAIRY???
I smell a fix...
A lesbian fairy at that!
This game does not bode well for the town.
PMS HAVE BEEN SENT OUT. Now it's time for me to pray to whatever god there is I sent the right ones.
Err, I mean. PM me if you didn't get one.
Last edited by Hinotori (07-26-2007 02:06:53 PM)
WOOOOOO! \\// ( O _ O ) \\//
Porn Shop Clerk is a perfect title for the doctor. Go you
Now, are you telling us for a fact that all of these roles exist in the game? We don't have to wonder about whether there's a cop or doctor, like I made y'all do last game?
Also... names are assigned randomly to roles? So Juri could be straight, Tatsuya Kazami could be the most homosexual guy in the series, and Utena isn't necessarily the miller?