This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
(And because Razara and I thought it was a good idea for the forums...)
For those of you who have heard of Invader Zim...good for you!
For those of you not quite with the knowing, it's a show about an incompetent alien invader (Zim) whose authority over the planet's demise is challenged by a fifth grade paranormal enthusiast (Dib). Their neverending battle over the Earth and its fate is the highlight of this highly entertaining and amusing show, with both Zim and Dib losing in their schemes by surprising margins. The show was very popular with teens and young adults, not quite appealing to its parent channel's demographic group (it aired on Nickelodeon; their target audience is 12 and below). After only 27 episodes, it was unceremoniously cancelled, and didn't see the light of day again until its DVD release to the masses.
Sadly, the DVDs are getting harder to find, much like our beloved SKU DVDs. But now I'm getting off topic.
The point of this thread? Feel free to discuss anything and everything related to Invader Zim here, in the safety of the General Discussion forums! Episodes, quotes, characters, the possible future of the show had it gone on, whatever! Please observe the rules of the forum, however; we don't want anybody kicked out for inappropriate content!
Should you desire guidance in the ways of the Irkens, here are some links to help you out:
RWaM & GIR Frequently Asked Questions
The AMAZING Invader Zim Website
Bad Bad Rubber Piggy -- Screencap Gallery
And if you want even more information, I (BioKraze) and my fellows Razara and hyacinth_black shall be happy to answer your questions about the show and what it entails.
Have fun and remember...OBEY THE FIST!!
BioKraze wrote:
After only 27 episodes, it was unceremoniously cancelled, and didn't see the light of day again until its DVD release to the masses.
Does the show not air in the US at all? They've been airing it Fridays on YTV (at 12:30am or thereabouts) for a long time.
It still airs in Canada? Lucky! No, they took it off the air in the US. They show it on their other channels, why not American TV?
But it's all good. I got my DVDs to hold me over whenever I need a fix.
EDIT: I have satellite and they're not showing it. WTF is up with that?
Last edited by BioKraze (09-16-2007 02:16:40 PM)
I've been a fan of Invader Zim ever since the first airing on Nickelodeon. I just found my GIR plushie a little while ago, and he was always my favorite.
I'm so sad that they canceled it. BioKraze was telling me about what was going to happen next if they didn't cancel the series, and it sounded so awesome. They need to make new episodes!
Razara wrote:
I've been a fan of Invader Zim ever since the first airing on Nickelodeon. I just found my GIR plushie a little while ago, and he was always my favorite.
I'm so sad that they canceled it. BioKraze was telling me about what was going to happen next if they didn't cancel the series, and it sounded so awesome. They need to make new episodes!
Unfortunately I doubt they could ever talk Jhonen Vasquez into more. Ah, well. If you get your hands on the boxset, mind, they have audio from some of the episodes that actually went beyond pre-production; there was one called something like Mopiness of DOOM! and the recorded dialogue is hysterical. I also appreciated the return of Keef. Heh.
You can download MP3 rips from the box set disc of the audio episodes. Get them at Bad Bad Rubber Piggy's audio/video download centre:
Lost Episode Audiotracks
Have fun with them, but mind you, they'll kill a dialup connection, as each of them is about fifteen minutes' worth of audio. Be careful unless you have a high speed connection!
I adore Invader Zim. Though I think my little sister stole my DVDs during my moving. Hrm. I haven't even rewatched half of them yet and I've had them since they came out.
I must say I liked Dib the best. And Mini Moose. And the Santa song...
My brother won't watch it since he has this rivalry in is head with Jhonen Vasquez since there can't be two people named Jhonen or something. I think its the most rediculous thing I've ever heard.
allegoriest wrote:
And the Santa song...
I forgot all about that until I just asked Kealdrea just now. That was the best song ever.
Clarice wrote:
I also appreciated the return of Keef. Heh.
I loved the episode with Keef. A while ago, I got the image of Juri and Shiori doing their Best Friend routine, especially the part where they dance around the pole without actually moving.
Razara wrote:
I loved the episode with Keef. A while ago, I got the image of Juri and Shiori doing their Best Friend routine, especially the part where they dance around the pole without actually moving.
Ah, Keef...I started watching the show somewhere in the middle, so I didn't appreciate the total crack that was Keef until later on. What amuses me most about that episode, mind you, is the commentary on it. It's the second episode of the series, and at the moment Zim gives Keef his "gift" everyone goes quiet. Jhonen then remarks something along the lines of: "...yeah, it was about then we realised the powers that be weren't really paying much attention to what we were doing." Mwahahahahaha.
My favourite episode is Backseat Drivers From Beyond The Stars (I'm a Red and Purple fan) but I also particularly love Bolognius Maximus and Germs. ...dammit, why are all my DVDs in New Zealand? Can't watch them from here. [sulks]
Is anybody else into other Jhonen stuff like JTHM? I made a ghetto-fabulous Johnny costume a few years ago for Halloween.
Can't speak for myself, but I know Hyacinth's really into Nny and the other stuff Jhonen does. You can chat her up about such things, if you wish.
Trench Kamen wrote:
Is anybody else into other Jhonen stuff like JTHM? I made a ghetto-fabulous Johnny costume a few years ago for Halloween.
I own both JtHM and Squee, but I'm not really into comic books as a general rule so I have trouble reading them sometimes. (Yeah, I know, weird for someone who watches anime, but I was a Japanese language student before I got into anime...
) They're the kind of things I read sideways, start laughing hysterically at the punchlines of, then look around guiltily in case anyone saw. Because laughing at it surely makes me EVIL. But HILARIOUS EVIL.
I love this show . . . !
I mean really, I cried when Nick canceled it! (The bastards!) And when I read the future plot of the show . . . OH THE WRONG AND EVIL CANCELATIONS!!!!
Clarice wrote:
Trench Kamen wrote:
Is anybody else into other Jhonen stuff like JTHM? I made a ghetto-fabulous Johnny costume a few years ago for Halloween.I own both JtHM and Squee, but I'm not really into comic books as a general rule so I have trouble reading them sometimes.
(Yeah, I know, weird for someone who watches anime, but I was a Japanese language student before I got into anime...
) They're the kind of things I read sideways, start laughing hysterically at the punchlines of, then look around guiltily in case anyone saw. Because laughing at it surely makes me EVIL. But HILARIOUS EVIL.
Yeah, I'm a comic book whore.
I just did my re-reading of JTHM for the billionth time. It's so much easier to see what a hypocrite Nny is now that I'm almost 20 and not 14.
I just finished watching the series, and I almost forgot just how much I love this series. GIR, Gaz, and Tak are still my favorites, but I really like Dib now, too.
The episode that was meant to test whether or not anyone would like Zim to begin with had such a Nickelodeon feeling to it that it was rather disturbing. I mean, imagine if Utena had that happy feel to it like in episodes 1-3 for the entire series? Or if it was made by Nickelodeon?
Episode 1: When Utena was six-years-old, she watched the movie Bambi with her friend Anthy, and was very sad when Bambi's mother was shot. Anthy's nice older brother Dios told her not to be sad, and that it was just a movie. But then Utena was happy again when at the end of the movie Bambi grew up into an adult. She was also inspired not to be an evil person like the hunter that shot Bambi's mom!
Later that day, Anthy had to move far away, but she gave Utena a friendship bracelet that her older brother made. Utena eventually forgot all about her friend Anthy's name and what she looked like, but she never forgot the movie that they watched earlier that day, and was inspired every time she looked at her bracelet.
Years later, Anthy and Utena met again, only they didn't know that they were the lost friend from their childhood. Even so, she, Utena, and their other friend Wakaba all became best friends!
Episode 2: Utena's friend Wakaba had a crush on Saionji, a member of the Kid's Council, which is a secret organization that has meetings to discuss how they can make the world a better place. However, Saionji broke the number one rule about their club... "Don't make someone else unhappy!" Not only did he reject Wakaba because he thought that she had cooties, but he also insulted Anthy!
To fix this, Utena made a bet with Saionji... If she could beat him at hopscotch, which is how all disputes in their neighborhood were settled, then he would apologize to her friends. Even though Saionji was the champion hopscotcher, and Utena had never played hopscotch before, Utena managed to win, anyway!
Episode 3: Anthy was sad because she couldn't make friends as easily as Utena, so Utena suggested that they should go to a party together, since that would probably be a good way for her to make friends. Anthy was a little nervous at first, but before long she made a new friend named Nanami, the younger sister of the president of the Kid's Council!
Episode 4: Utena was so busy trying to make the world a better place that she forgot to study for her math quiz! The frowning face on her paper would haunt her for the rest of her days! Miki Koaru, another member of the Kid's Council, felt that it was his duty to help her study when he saw how sad she was. With his help, Utena, Anthy, and their new friend Nanami all got perfect scores on their next test! What a great guy!
Episode 5: Miki was confused because his twin sister Kozue suddenly stopped playing the piano one day. He asked her why she suddenly stopped, and eventually she confessed that she felt that she couldn't play as well as him, and that was why she had stopped. After Miki reassured her that she was a great piano player, she realized that she was just being silly, so the two of them made up and went back to normal. To celebrate, their parents took them out for ice cream that evening!
Episode 6: Nanami's little brother Mitsuru wanted to be a great guy just like his older brother Touga, but when he tried to help his older sister Nanami out with some gardening that she was doing, he only made things worse on accident by over-watering one of the flowers. Luckily, his older brother Touga was there to help! He felt fortunate to have such a great role model for a brother.
Episode 7: Juri was upset because she found out that her good friend Shiori took her other friend Ruka to the amusement park without her, which was not a very nice thing to do! When Shiori came back from the amusement park later that evening, she apologized to Juri for making her sad. She explained that she thought that Juri was going to be busy that day, and so she thought that Juri wouldn't be able to come even if she invited her. Juri told her that it was alright, and the two of them went out to eat Dippin Dots together afterwards!
Episode 8: The Kid's Council decided to have a bake sale so that they could raise money to give to the poor. Anthy decided to help by baking a cake, but when she realized that she was out of eggs, she asked Nanami to go to the store to buy some for her. But when Nanami arrived at the store, she discovered that it was closed, so she had to go to another store, but that one was closed, too! By the time she finally bought the eggs, she was upset over what a horrible day it had been. Even though she was convinced that nothing could make her feel better, she decided the happy look on Anthy's face when she finally arrived back had made it all worth it!
Episode 9: Touga and Saionji were best friends, but Saionji was upset because Touga was such a better hopscotch player than him. One day, after Touga beat him at hopscotch again, Saionji got so upset that he pushed Touga down, and he scraped his knee! Touga was so upset that he told Saionji that he was banned him from the Kid's Council, but he soon realized that he had overreacted once Saionji apologized, and he let him back in. What good friends!
Episode 10: Anthy gave Touga The Lion King 2 for his birthday, and the part where one of the lions died reminded her of how they had watched the original Lion King on Touga's birthday several years ago, and about how sad it was when Simba's father died. Fortunately, no real kittens died. That would be inhumane!
And that's what would happen if Nickelodeon created Utena...
(I know that I'm the one that wrote it, but this scares me. And I'm pretty sure that hopscotch isn't a competitive sport...)
Yeah, the test pilot episode did seem too forced for something as naturally dark as Zim. Jhonen should have gone to Cartoon Network or better, the Sci-Fi Channel (even though they really don't take cartoons).
What truly terrifies me is that you actually put some serious thought to that last post, Razara.
"I know, I'm scared too..."
BioKraze wrote:
What truly terrifies me is that you actually put some serious thought to that last post, Razara.
Quite the opposite. That last post contains no thought whatsoever. I just wrote the first thing that popped into my head, regardless of whether or not it made sense.
Edit: I find it strange that right now, rather than a song being stuck in my head, just the words, "Dance with us, GIR~! Dance with us into oblivion~!" keep repeating in my head.
Last edited by Razara (09-28-2007 09:45:57 PM)
You didn't think it through? Because if you didn't, that's damn scarier than before.
Oh yes, I'd dance with them too...
"WEENIES! Weenies! Dancin' weenies!"
Perhaps next I should write what would happen if GIR created Utena. I'm sure that it would involve a flying squirrel.
GIR kind of made me sad this time through the series. Just things like him saying, "Aww, I wanted to explode," him saying "Finally!" when Zim told him to self destruct, and also how he said that he didn't like being Zim's servant when he was smart. It just makes it seem as though he's not really as happy as he seems.
My conviction is that GIR is smarter than anybody gives him credit for. To know human emotions, to feel and live, is something no true robot can do. GIR's Artificial Intelligence is more than artificial: it breathes life into a cold metal shell and creates a creature much like a precocious toddler.
To illustrate, I'll post something I said on the Gaia guilds here for all you IRG peeps and Zim junkies...
GIR is overrated for the right reasons and underrated for the wrong reasons. He's a seeming hunk of junk that the Tallest gave to Zim, because they didn't want to give him a SIR Unit that would obey the overzealous Invader without question. (He took care of that little oversight by building MiniMoose, by the way.) He acts in a manner that would make any lesser simian feel shameful. He behaves worse than a two-year-old human smeet!
But behind it all, GIR has learned more than Zim. He knows what emotions are. He feels, he thinks beyond the mission and the desires of his master. Mere robots -- yea, even the masses of SIR Units! -- are no match for his art. GIR could infiltrate human society far more subtly than Zim and conquer the entire world without much bloodshed. In order to defeat your enemy, you must think like your enemy. GIR can do this and more, since he truly has free will, Artificial Intelligence, whatever you wish to call it.
GIR is the cold Steel Slave with a Heart of Gold. He is truly intelligent because you never quite know what he's thinking behind his vacant facade...just like any other human you have met or will ever meet. It's not the quiet ones or the crazy ones you have to watch out's the ones who catch things without appearing to. GIR is the master of understanding, a seemingly slippery rock with a truly safe grip in a world which spins topsy-turvy.
GIR's too smart to let Zim know. GIR is integral to the progression of the mission and the development of the Irken Invader as a whole. Even Minimoose can't beat GIR's kind of logic, innocent as it might be. And that's the reason I love GIR so much. Because he thinks when he doesn't appear to.
But do post your thoughts on GIR as Ikuhara. That would be something for the times, surely.
Razara wrote:
Perhaps next I should write what would happen if GIR created Utena. I'm sure that it would involve a flying squirrel.
GIR kind of made me sad this time through the series. Just things like him saying, "Aww, I wanted to explode," him saying "Finally!" when Zim told him to self destruct, and also how he said that he didn't like being Zim's servant when he was smart. It just makes it seem as though he's not really as happy as he seems.
The GIR moment I love most, in that it makes me laugh hysterically and kind of sad, is his horror when Zim says to him: "No GIR. Never. I never want you to mention biscuits ever again."
I think that one of my favorite GIR moments was when he ordered a pizza, and said, "Thank you... I... I love you," to the pizza delivery guy. A really long time ago, my best friend and I dared each other to say that to the pizza guy when we ordered pizza, but I can't remember if we actually went through with it.
If GIR really is smarter than he seems, then the only thing I don't like about that is that it seems more likely that he hates ZIM. He's constantly letting people come inside when he's supposed to be guarding the house, and when ZIM was being held captive in Foodcourtia, he "forgot" to call the tallest for help. If he really is smart, then does that mean he does all of these things on purpose?