This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
I must admit, I spent most of the series kind of meh about Kozue, but the Anthy car scene was very distracting (Miki can attest to that ;P) "Oh show me that amazing power people can get by winning you..." *seat goes down and my distraction level goes up*
Also going to agree to Nanami being very hot minus the braid. I remember thinking "Hmmm... lose the braid more often please" after that.
Zabel Z wrote: … 1380853726 … 1380853726
and finally: … 1380853727![]()
yes, Iam weird
Thank you for, this ...
Sexiest moment? The whole friggin series!
Need I say more?
Well TV wise, i'd say this money shot right here comes a close second in my book.
When else do we see Juri unclothed? That whole episode strips her down and leaves her bare personality wise. It was one of my faves.
I always thought the sexiest moment was actually in the movie.
I really do love kozue and Miki. And it gets better when this happens...
To this day, I still can't figure out what transpired afterward.
Last edited by Rose Rust (06-17-2010 11:24:29 AM)
winksniper wrote:
Tamago wrote:
The picture with Kozue & Anthy
Anyone else notice that Anthy's hand is placed impossibly on the car door?
Why? Just her right hand under Kozue's leg.
Hermine wrote:
That has to be the sexiest moments in the series to me. Her body language is just incredibly
I am giving this a double!
Last edited by Saio (06-17-2010 02:50:06 PM)
With this series, I find most of the guys hot to various degrees, but the ladies really do it for me.
Every moment of Juri's is a sexy moment. She could just pin me down on the fencing practice room floor and I'd be in heaven. Who needs Shiori? Anything with Juri/Utena or Shiori/Juri just gets me all hot and bothered.
This scene and the duel from that episode probably make the top of my list. Juri's sarcasm (ouji-sama!) during the duel turned me on.
Basically all of the Black Rose Duels with the girls were sexy because of all the emotion and anger. I find duels in general to be really intense and sexy. Heck, even Miki is hot when he duels with Utena. Badass Wakaba was especially wicked, and the way she actually pulled Saionji's sword out of his chest herself was so crazy.
Oh, Kozue should not be as hot as she is:
SKU brings out my kinky side, and I'm one of those horrible people who found this sort of thing to be kind of sexy:
tarah, tarah, Anthy's hands dance all around...
tarah tarah tarah her hands dance, her hands dance...
dance all around...
Anthy's hands could dance on me whenever she would want to
Hi guys, just a little question, I was reading the vol 4 of the manga and came across this:
Are you sure it was Ms. Saito who didn't want Anthy and Utena kissing. Because they totally do in the manga.
That last panel... Saving that like whoa.
Grell Sutcliff wrote: … i/Kiss.jpg
OMG my heart pounded so fast when Mikage kissed Mamiya's fingers after Mamiya accidentally pricked himself on a black rose
So romantic yet erotic at the same time.
Omg THIS. I loved this scene. I already liked Mikage and I'm such a shonen ai fan, this scene made me swoon. (Though oddly enough, none of the other potential boy couples in Utena get me going.) I always have to rewind and watch a couple of times when I'm on that episode. xD
I also liked all the other little moments with Anthy pressed up against Utena. Any contact between them is a good thing in my book. I was going to list some specific moments, but I like them all. I guess if I had to choose, I would probably pick how Utena shielded Anthy during the last battle, and how Anthy hugged Utena right before she stabbed her.
Last edited by HonorableShadow (08-05-2010 05:17:24 PM)
HonorableShadow wrote:
Omg THIS. I loved this scene. I already liked Mikage and I'm such a shonen ai fan, this scene made me swoon. (Though oddly enough, none of the other potential boy couples in Utena get me going.) I always have to rewind and watch a couple of times when I'm on that episode. xD
There's a doujin you would like; I bought it off eBay because of the misleading but extremely pretty cover of Mikage/Akio writhing all over each other. Turned out to be Mikage/Akio...
Mikage/Akio or Mikage/Mamiya? Because if it's some Mikage/Akio I'd actually want to see to see it like burning
Android raptor wrote:
Mikage/Akio or Mikage/Mamiya? Because if it's some Mikage/Akio I'd actually want to see to see it like burning
Argh...actually, I meant to say Mikage/Mamiya. And I mean the original Mamiya with freckles too, not Anthy in drag. Sorry, half asleep. Akio/Mikage all over the cover, all Mikage/Mamiya inside. God damn false advertising.
Oh wow. The real Mamiya? That sounds pretty rare! Do you know if there are any more copies on ebay? I would definitely be interested in that!
On Ebay you say? I will have to look that doujin up, because it sounds steamy and romantic all at the same time =w= I would love to see the "real" Mamiya in a comic-drawn doujin, especially with Mikage to see how well they look together since we, the viewing audience, did not get the chance to see those two together in the series.
Okay, I've just had a look and it's definitely not on there. I have to go away for a few days, so I won't be able to scan my copy in until after I get home. In the meantime I'll keep an eye on eBay and see if it does come up; doujinshi availabilities tend to flux and wane.
All intimate moments between Anthy and Utena are sexy to me, but this scene always makes me think of so much more~ (yes, I know it's only in my head)
I know Calamity mentioned this scene already, but I think this particular shot is just fantastic! Oh~ Anthy can pierce me with a sword and then whisper in my ear in her sexy low voice, regardless of the pain I will die a happy soul~~~ (yes, I admit I am slightly not normal)
I guess our picks of sexiest moments are not limited to the TV series? I think most of you would agree that this whole segment in the film oozes sexiness. The dimmed light, their low voices, Anthy bringing Utena's hand up to her lips, her long hair slightly in disarray, then she sliding her hand downward, her teasing remark...and then that wondrous sound of a zipper being unzipped....Oh, it's heavenly~~~~ Needless to say, I was VERY disappointed by Utena at the end. If I were in her place, I would just lay back and completely surround myself to Anthy~
In the TV series, we never see Utena getting physical toward Anthy like what happens here. In the film, an angry Utena pushing a helpless Anthy down onto the floor. Oh, imagie the possibilities! Quite frankly, I wish she would have done more. I know I wouldn't let such an opportunity pass if I had Anthy pinned underneath me like that...(please forgive my impure thoughts....)
Last edited by Itsuke (08-29-2010 02:59:22 PM)
If you're not normal, neither am I bb. ;)
The bed scenes I have to completely agree on. There's just something about the way they lay down together, and the whole overlapping arm thing. I can't explain it but it's sexy as hell.
Need I say more?