This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Hey all,
I am back from Katsucon 2010, here in the DC area. My friends and I were part of a huge Utena group that we coordinated ourselves, ( I cosplayed Saionji). First of all, I'd love to thank the gallery for giving us all the reference pictures needed to complete the costumes, second, I figured I'd share some pics from our photoshoot as well as invite anyone else who may have Utena cosplay pics to do the same!
I am so sorry I missed Katsucon this year T^T These are great pics, and the costumes seem well made. Thanks for the post!
also 's for Shiori, because I NEVER see Shiori at cons...
Last edited by Melancholic_Soul (02-17-2010 06:36:29 PM)
I just love your costumess (L)
the sofa's pics are amazing. all of them. omg, you guys are great ;_;
congrats! my favs are the studants council one and the JuriShiori '-' in this last one the girls are so deep in the characters :3
see, I'm a cosplayer too and I want so hard to do a lot of versions of Utena.
my dream is to find a huge and amazing group like this here in Brazil :}
I'm trying to convince some friends of mine to make a group, but in fact they do not like SKU ... how could they??!!
Shiori is working it like the rent is due. Love it.
I love everyone's costumes. They look so good~ And it took me a second to notice it but your group has a Black Rose Wakaba! I never see anyone cosplay her Black Rose counterpart. for her.
to all of you guys for such a awesome Utena cosplay group!
That is the sexiest Shiori I've ever seen, and this means a LOT coming from me.
...Everything said about Movie!Shiori, I second.
Also, damn does your Utena look fine.
Also again, you look like a total badass in the Student Council pic.
KillerxXxQueen wrote:
...Everything said about Movie!Shiori, I second.
Also, damn does your Utena look fine.
Also again, you look like a total badass in the Student Council pic.
Thank you! The Utena is actually my Fiancee.
It's really nice that you could manage a group that big! Awesome costumes.
Wow!! Congrats guys!! You look so great!! And I'm agree with everybody: Shiori is great *.* (even when I hate her in the show XD).
I'm a cosplayer too and I'm thinking to make Utena, but I can't decide yet which version to choose.
You guys are FANTASTIC!! I think that the two girls that play Juri and Shiori are great, really stunning.
Jodan Kamae wrote:
Hey all,
I am back from Katsucon 2010, here in the DC area. My friends and I were part of a huge Utena group that we coordinated ourselves, ( I cosplayed Saionji). First of all, I'd love to thank the gallery for giving us all the reference pictures needed to complete the costumes, second, I figured I'd share some pics from our photoshoot as well as invite anyone else who may have Utena cosplay pics to do the same!
(insert really amazing photos here)
WOW! i mean WOW!!!!!
That shiori does "work it like the rent is due" and MAN am i impressed!!!! this whole group looks awesome. Your fiancee looks divine and you should tell her we all said so!
Mega props. Mega PROPtarts.
Im floored and very impressed.
Where's Nanami?
No Nanami this time around, because we wanted to do a Movie-Based group. But, we still wanted our Wakaba with us cause we love her so. But we did have a Nanami last time we did the series.
Yes, they are IRL twins.
Sh-Shiori.... so beautiful...
You all look incredible! The costumes are so precise and accurate and colorful-- fabulous!
I'm sorry that your Nanami couldn't come along, as she is truly one of the best Nanami's I have ever seen! Ditto for your Miki and Kozue! And everyone, really!
Juri is amazing! ._.
Omg, want to have some friends to do that stuff, haha!
It's a beautiful work
Jodan Kamae wrote:
No Nanami this time around, because we wanted to do a Movie-Based group. But, we still wanted our Wakaba with us cause we love her so. But we did have a Nanami last time we did the series. … group2.jpg … anthy3.jpg … anami4.jpg … kozue1.jpg
Yes, they are IRL twins. … utena1.jpg … utena2.jpg
Oh, thank god. I needed a Nanami cosplayer. Especially not a fat one. I've only ever seen really fat Nanamis, which made me incredibly sad.
I am appeased.
dollface wrote:
Sh-Shiori.... so beautiful...
You all look incredible! The costumes are so precise and accurate and colorful-- fabulous!
I'm sorry that your Nanami couldn't come along, as she is truly one of the best Nanami's I have ever seen! Ditto for your Miki and Kozue! And everyone, really!![]()
Actually, our previous Nanami is now our Juri. The one cosplaying Miki in the movie group was originally Ruka.
Shiori is also series Miki.
Your cosplay group makes my heart happy.
hi!! I'm Jodan Kamae/Blake's fiancee, the Utena above. :3
Thank you guys all so much, I had to go join.
And it's totally weird that someone registered as Tangerine Lieutenant, I registered with this name like 2 days ago, weird.
But I'm obsessed with NajiMinkin's Utena dubs so I couldn't resist. /pokes Blake cause he didn't register as Salem Witch Trials.
And I think we'll be at Animazement to meet Chiho Saito because uh. I'll just die if I don't.
- tini
Yea the Nanami is pretty wicked! *sigh* how i wish i had the money or the time to do such things.
The Miki/Kozue are PERFECT
Whenever I see a male Akio cosplay I'm always convinced he's not really an SKU fan and got badgered into the outfit by his SKU fan girlfriend and has no idea he's walking about dressed as a sister-screwing bisexual rampant whore.
'Hey honey, um...why do people keep giving us dirty looks? I thought you said we were brother and sister...'
lieutenant tangerine wrote:
Introduction-y things.
You are simply gorgeous. Also, your wigs are incredible! You fit the character so well. Actually, everyone fits fairly excellently. I wish I knew enough fans to cosplay.