This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
This has probably been covered in some post I haven't caught up with yet, but who here watches Rome? It seems like EXACTLY the kind of show that should be followed by the members of this forum.
Me and my roommate Cinnie just got the first season box and we LOVE it. Especially Atia and Servilia. And it's so much fun watching Octavian grow up into the budding sociopath we all know and love. Also, why haven't Pullo and Vorenus made out yet? You know they want to.
- Leah, who really, really needs to be doing dishes and not getting ready to go see Spidey 3 while simultaneously chatting on IRC and posting on internet forums and reading at Sadly, No! and Television Without Pity. God I missed the intarwebs.
*Take note to my Screename*
(Well actually it is how I used to spell that Spanish city . . . but it kind of looks like Servillia.)
The second season is a lot better than the first. Simply amazing! However nothing is as amazing as the scene of Marc Antony in the courtyard with Vorenus . . . !
ExpositionFairy wrote:
This has probably been covered in some post I haven't caught up with yet, but who here watches Rome? It seems like EXACTLY the kind of show that should be followed by the members of this forum.
You mean because of the sex? It had some of the best sex scenes I've seen on TV. And some of the worse, in a purely 'OH GOD
' kind of way. There's something disquieting about 'Uh it's our wedding night we should fuck' 'Fine whatever' 'Turn over then', but then I guess it goes that way sometimes...
As for whether the first season's it's hard to say. I loved where they took Octavian but the ending felt so...I dunno. Puttered out.
Giovanna wrote:
Puttered out.
Strange, my mother said the same thing.
Well it's really, really hard to beat the death of Julius Caesar for a closer. Sure, the rise of Octavian is impressive, and yeah, Cleopatra and Antony, but seriously, after a season finale like the first, pretty much everything short of Nazis coming to Rome riding T-rexes with laser beams shooting out their eyes is going to be a disappointment.
That said, my complaint with the second season was they skipped huge blocks of time between episodes. This was necessary I realize, but the pacing was off in comparison to the rest of the series, to the point where you're losing track of your emotional link to the characters. Like Pullo and Gaia. We learn absolutely nothing about how they grow together. If they were going to speed up time, I wish they'd have done it earlier. I really wanted to see more of Octavian's relationship with that bitch Livia. Especially the sex. YOU PEOPLE DON'T JUST TEASE US WITH SEXY POWER STRUGGLES, DIDN'T WE GET THAT ENOUGH FROM AKIO AND TOUGA?
This is true, it is really hard to top Ceaser's stabbing. And I will agree that it irked me how Pullo and Gaia suddenly were all buddy buddy. I just wish they would do a third season of ROME. Atia kicking Livia's ass would be really interesting.
I demand to know where I can purchase this show, because it involves two of my most favorite things: sex, and ancient rome...oh and I do love a good corrupted government official who was originally good and then turned evil.
Sevelle wrote:
This is true, it is really hard to top Ceaser's stabbing. And I will agree that it irked me how Pullo and Gaia suddenly were all buddy buddy. I just wish they would do a third season of ROME. Atia kicking Livia's ass would be really interesting.
They definitely underused the character of Livia. You only got a taste for how manipulative she is. And how she bounced off Atia would have been awesome to see, Atia and Servilia were a totally different beast. These two speak each other's languages, it would have been like bombs going off. Bombs of SEX.
Pallas Athena wrote:
I demand to know where I can purchase this show, because it involves two of my most favorite things: sex, and ancient rome...oh and I do love a good corrupted government official who was originally good and then turned evil.
Season 1
Season 2 (Comes out in August)
It's worth the green. If you're a hardcore history buff, you'll probably find plenty to complain about, but if you sit back and relax, it's an awesome series. The acting is great, the script is great, the settings are great, and for the liberties they took, they things they went for accuracy on are awesome little details.
Giovanna wrote:
. . . the settings are great . . .
Correction, the settings are total kick ass!!!
Giovanna wrote:
Sevelle wrote:
This is true, it is really hard to top Ceaser's stabbing. And I will agree that it irked me how Pullo and Gaia suddenly were all buddy buddy. I just wish they would do a third season of ROME. Atia kicking Livia's ass would be really interesting.
They definitely underused the character of Livia. You only got a taste for how manipulative she is. And how she bounced off Atia would have been awesome to see, Atia and Servilia were a totally different beast. These two speak each other's languages, it would have been like bombs going off. Bombs of SEX.
Pallas Athena wrote:
I demand to know where I can purchase this show, because it involves two of my most favorite things: sex, and ancient rome...oh and I do love a good corrupted government official who was originally good and then turned evil.
Season 1
Season 2 (Comes out in August)
It's worth the green. If you're a hardcore history buff, you'll probably find plenty to complain about, but if you sit back and relax, it's an awesome series. The acting is great, the script is great, the settings are great, and for the liberties they took, they things they went for accuracy on are awesome little details.
So you mean to tell me that they do NOT speak with a Brooklyn/Jersey accent? How dare they!
No I am joking....but seriously...why is it that everytime they do a show on Greece or Roman they always have these psuedo British accents?
Pallas Athena wrote:
So you mean to tell me that they do NOT speak with a Brooklyn/Jersey accent? How dare they!
No I am joking....but seriously...why is it that everytime they do a show on Greece or Roman they always have these psuedo British accents?
Well they do have the British accents, I'm afraid. It's because most of these things are made with English actors, I think Rome was produced with the BBC.
Speaking of which, I watched a bit of Pride and Prejudice last night and saw the actor that played adult Octavian in another role where he was a bumbling mushy wuss.
I missed the rough sex.
Giovanna wrote:
Pallas Athena wrote:
So you mean to tell me that they do NOT speak with a Brooklyn/Jersey accent? How dare they!
No I am joking....but seriously...why is it that everytime they do a show on Greece or Roman they always have these psuedo British accents?Well they do have the British accents, I'm afraid. It's because most of these things are made with English actors, I think Rome was produced with the BBC.
Speaking of which, I watched a bit of Pride and Prejudice last night and saw the actor that played adult Octavian in another role where he was a bumbling mushy wuss.
I missed the rough sex.
Well...if BBC for that matter has the stake in historical dramas, I for one am glad that they didn't get the rights to produce and air ROOTS.
I miss sex in's hard working two jobs, but hopefully I'll get into the Police Academy.
But it's good to know that ye old tradition of erotica in Roman times is not lost on this show.
Well I think the reason they do British accents in this is to show class distinction. At least that is the information I got from their “Behind the Scenes” blips. Of course I could be totally wrong.