This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Everyone in SKU should just have sex with everybody. Well, everybody with a name.
Why would you say that? This sounds like a troll comment I should ignore... but in reality most of the characters are pretty young, so it feels a little wrong to hear that...
I would gladly have sex with Kozue, yep....
No, seriously, the biggest villain in the show is sexual repression.
Overlord Morgus wrote:
No, seriously, the biggest villain in the show is sexual repression.
That comment just made my day and embodied in this all is Akio
Yes. Nobody gets laid without his say-so.
Overlord Morgus wrote:
No, seriously, the biggest villain in the show is sexual repression.
that's high school for ya then. it's a good thing i left to study horticulture.
Good job! How's that going for you?
I'm busy alot. Once I started Diploma, I stopped taking care of plants and have to look at management and report writing. I like to learn so I don't mind it, plus I can go on to Uni when I'm done (maybe) and the cost for enrollment gets tax refunded. I pretty much learn for free.
But there are all kinds of cool stuff to learn from plants. I borrowed a book that teaches you how to cook, make cordial and alchohol, eau de colonge, perfumes, bath stuff and cosmetics from herbs, fruits and little things like vodka and oil. Plus, If I ever wanted to feed someone a rotten apple, I know how, or how to make poison tea
Also, I learned a year of garden design. With that I'd like to lean on Utena and make some rose gardens of my own.
>Mikage Souji avatar
Black roses?
Overlord Morgus wrote:
Everyone in SKU should just have sex with everybody. Well, everybody with a name.
This reminds me of my weird personal canon that after-series Utena has a magic healing vagina. I don't know if it's some goddess lore that's rubbed off, or True Love's Kiss from fair tales taken to extremes...take your pick. Her princely bajingo will cure you of your psychological torment. I bet a heavenly glow comes out of it and everything.
I have a hard time visualizing her having sex with anybody other than close friends/badasses. No, wait, I have absolutely no trouble seeing her subdue some whiny teenage boy and rape him into sanity.
Last edited by Overlord Morgus (03-12-2011 04:44:23 PM)
Yep. Dios sword (and Black Rose part swords appearind) will surely be interestind interpreted by Dr.Freud
Saio wrote:
Yep. Dios sword (and Black Rose part swords appearind) will surely be interestind interpreted by Dr.Freud
Or perhaps the entire series Don't forget the tower of Akio, and all the giant phalluses and roses in the campus...
Ohtori it's like a highschool with a giant "Have sex with everybody!!!" sign xD