This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Kita, you are absolutely correct. If a build is next to somebody's, ask before putting something up. I just saw Kiseki talking about swamps and recalled an old, old build of mine in a swamp that'd do.
At any rate, thank-you for remembering!
sat, pretty much yep. However, I do have complete access to the server's back-end, and can take over much of Aine's duties (and indeed may have to for a while, in the near future).
As for the connection issues, that's something I've not the foggiest over. I got kicked myself yesterday. I'll see if I can't look into it, but I can guarantee no success if fixing it.
EDIT: Well, this is no bueno. Server's offline and won't even start when I kick it in the back-end (bad pun, I know). I'll notify Aine when I can today.
Last edited by BioKraze (09-05-2014 10:04:21 AM)
The subscription expiration date is approaching soon on my friend's Realms server so I took pics of some of the things we did in there. (Next time I take screenshots I'll remember to press F1 to remove the UI and arm.) Three of my friends and I worked together to build this smallish-scale Eiffel Tower. You can also see a pixel art thing of bread, and the other smaller building was supposed to be a Roman building of some sort that one of my friends made.
...I think what may be my favorite part of this image is my friend's message in the chat box after they just barely escaped a mob.
Well... If they did get murdered at least there are catacombs nearby to dispose of the body.
Hey, it looks to me like the server's up. Shall I see if I get booted off in the next 5 minutes?
Here's one of the first things I had built on my friend's server. I started off simple and decided to try to recreate the farm in Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town. I had to put torches and glowstone lamps everywhere 'cause the monsters were annoying me.
Last edited by Kiseki (09-05-2014 09:51:36 PM)
Kita, did you have any luck maintaining a connection to the server that day?
The server I played on with my friends is officially expired now. Playing there made me wanna create cool stuff because it was a space that my friends inhabited and we would actually give a damn about appreciating each others' creations. I guess Minecraft is the sort of game I only ever want to play as a multiplayer gig.
Here are some sceencaps of the best thing I'd ever made thus far. An attempt at recreating the Bastille as it was in 1789 France. I think I spent about a week and a half working on it for a couple of hours each night. (I'm sort of a slow builder.)
Since drawings and paintings vary on the fortress' appearance, I used this cool site that lets you see 3D models of famous buildings (currently existing or now gone) in Paris! It's like a virtual tour... Check it out.
Anyway on to the screenshots.
Various views of the structure from the outside.
The Governor's residence as seen from the courtyard inside the walls.
A prison cell in one of the towers.
I was attempting to be as historically accurate as I could, and according to this website, there were many facilities within and surrounding the Bastille. Alas, I ran out of time to outfit the interior in its entirety as well as building any of the surrounding structures.
I'm glad we had that server over the summer and it was fun cooperating with my friends in building stuff as well as trying my hand at building things on my own in a space where my friends could explore it.
Can't wait until the server is up again so I can join you folks.
Last edited by Kiseki (09-09-2014 09:14:42 PM)
Holy cow, Kiseki! I am suitably humbled. That must have taken a lot of talent and a lot of time, not to mention passion for your subject matter. My poor micronation...
If you use /weather thunder, does that count as storming the Bastille?
I think only my admin friend could have done that. Before the server was gone for good, I considered using TNT to blow the building up... but I just couldn't go through with it.
I'm not sure what got into me while building this. I guess it was because I had a vision and dedicated time to working on it routinely. The 3D Paris site helped immensely as having a good reference always helps if you're trying to create something based off a thing that already exists/existed. Everything we built on the server was constructed in Creative Mode. I have no idea how I would have done this in Survival.... Firstly, gathering all the materials manually, and then making scaffolding or something to build up high without flight. I bet I would have died many times falling off of blocks. Of course, it would have also taken much more time to complete.
I'm not particularly good at thinking up concepts for an original structure. One of my friends was good at that. He particularly excelled at creating his own European castles, mansions, and Japanese-style castles, too. It's a shame he gave up on the castle he was going to build on our server... But I know how hard it can be to summon motivation at times.
Last edited by Kiseki (09-09-2014 10:15:11 PM)
Okay, so that day went fine, I was on the server until I was super tired and didn't feel like doing it for the science was worth it any more, but now it says it can't connect. Dunno if it's me or the server, but it's done it every time.
I suppose it's still the server. I haven't had any luck connecting to the server since my first attempt. Still using version 1.7.5.
Kiseki wrote:
I suppose it's still the server. I haven't had any luck connecting to the server since my first attempt. Still using version 1.7.5.
Well, there's your problem, right? The server is running 1.7.2, and I don't think you can connect with any version other than that. That said, I'm on 1.7.2 and I'm getting a "can't connect to server" message too.
I've used the 1.7.5 previously, and it's… it's worked. Later versions not so much, but 1.7.5 should be fine, I think?
I specifically used 1.7.5 at the suggestion of Bio when I first asked about joining the server.
" need to be able to have backwards-access to Minecraft 1.7.5 to be able to play..."
The current Minecraft launcher has a convenient customization option in which you can choose which version you want to access before starting the game. And the 1.7.5 suggestion worked when I first logged on five days ago. I recall exploring for about 5-10 minutes before I was suddenly booted with the error " Connection refused: no further information:." Even now if I attempt to connect it just shows me that error.
I remember that same day, when my friend's Realms server hadn't expired yet, I was able to easily connect to my friend's server. (Using the most current Minecraft update, of course.) I'm still confused as to what the cause(s) of the problem could be. I don't think there's a firewall issue on my end. It allows Minecraft and Java on my computer.
... Eh I'm probably over thinking it and simply should be patient with adjustments to the server. I wish we had more people that play on this server so they could test out their connections.
If the server is down for one person, it might be a firewall issue. If the server is down for three people, it's a server issue. We've gotta be patient and let Bio and Aine figure it out.
I see... Hehe that's what Bio said to do a few days ago, too. I suppose I won't attempt to connect for the time being as the result has consistently been the same error no matter what changes I've tried on my connection. I'll wait patiently until we get a status update from Bio or Aine.
What can we share in the meantime...
Do any of you like to make Minecraft skins? If so, I would love to see.
I can apparently do nothing about the connectivity issue. The server is listed as offline again. I can't bring it online, it simply ignores my input. If Aine can't handle it, then it's the hosting company's problem.
I'm sorry, everyone.
Bio, is Aine in a place where she can handle it? Will it help if I put in a call or support email to the hosting company, and if so, what do I need to know?
Hey, Bio, it's fine.
I'm perfectly aware that any disappointment I might feel at the server being down is entirely due to how delightful it is in the first place, so I'm just grateful you're jumping through the hoops to make it happen in the first place.
So thanks! Thanks for doing what you can to deal with this, and I hope the issues get resolved.
sat, usually when there's an issue and Aine doesn't catch it that day, I go and notify her. I just haven't yet, is all. I'll do that today.
Kita (and really, all of you!), thanks for being so understanding. I really sincerely appreciate it.
I'm sorry for being mostly unreachable except through Bio. It is a very reliable method of contact, mind, but still. It's a bit unprofessional of me, and I do apologize. I've been adjusting to a new job that's third shift [as in I work 10pm - 6am] and juggling all the things. I sort of forgot the server and the forums were a thing for a while there.
Anyway, the main reason I'm coming on today to talk is to ask what we want to do about the server. I'm not sure if anyone else has heard, but Bukkit's not a thing anymore. There was a giant mess, and a lot of drama, and there's something about a DCMA takedown of the downloads of it. I need to update it to the new version with the new whitelisting system anyway, and I don't think we were using any mods anyway. Do we want me to just switch the server to 100% vanilla, since that's mostly what we were anyway? I'll work on it this weekend since I have today and Sunday off, if we can all come to an agreement.
Yeah, barring litigation or a change of heart on either Mojang's end or the other guy's, it sounds like Bukkit is dead for the foreseeable future. The IP law of the whole deal would make a good case study. I'm happy with vanilla, myself!
If we lose the un-explodable structures I'll be sad, but I'm really okay with whatever works. I'll just update how I light things.