This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Imaginary Bad Bug wrote:
There is nothing dangerous about driving down an empty road in a convertible and then proceeding to jump over the windshield to pose confidently on the hood of the car.
With passengers.
Who don't take the wheel from you when you jump.
Surprisingly no one has ever thought to slam on the brakes right after he does this, I know I might if I were a passenger!
I also learnt that if Utena had an older brother that would have led the story in an even more disturbing direction...
If you think you manipulate everyone, it is because someone manipulates you
Don't let your sibling attend the same school as you...or they might develop a...weird...complex.
Jellineck wrote:
Yep. The main theory - which I agree with - is that the growth hormones produced in mass marketed meat (i.e. fast food) is causing many girls to get their periods and hit puberty earlier.
That won't do - it happens all over the world and the use of growth hormones is minimal in EU compared to the US (actually it may be forbidden entirely, I'm not sure). And as Adrasteia pointed out, there's a completely opposite theory going on, as well. I wouldn't wonder if it was genetic, myself. Mutations are always around and it might simply be that people who get sexually active early are more likely to get lots of offspring. Changes like that can happen within a few generations.
It is, in fact, entirely possible to sleep your way to the top.
For both sexes. And it is possible to sleep your way into the Student Council, if Touga is any judge.
Also, banging your fiancées mother is a good way to keep the engagement intact.
I learnt that if you got problems, the best way to solve them is by spilling your guts while going down an elevator, wearing a magic black ring, pull some swords out of someone's chest and kill the Rose Bride.
One of the theories I have heard of that could explain why boys and girls are hitting puberty earlier than a few decades ago might be a psychological side-effect of constant exposure to sexualized imagery/movies/advertising might cause the hormones to kick in early.
Nanami's Rose Groom wrote:
If you think you manipulate everyone, it is because someone manipulates you
I concur!
Walking up a flight of stairs several hundred feet in the air will not make you tired; additionally, after walking up said stairs, your body will be in top condition to engage in strenuous physical combat.
Crossdressing is a red herring; everybody really want the penis.
Hair color is an excellent way to judge someone's personality.
Slapping people is fun! In fact, it's so much fun that even the school's Chairman condones it.
Apparently, "revolutionizing the world" is the only means of resolving teenage angst. That, and killing the Rose Bride.
ArsenicForBreakfast wrote:
Walking up a flight of stairs several hundred feet in the air will not make you tired; additionally, after walking up said stairs, your body will be in top condition to engage in strenuous physical combat.
Crossdressing is a red herring; everybody really want the penis.
Hair color is an excellent way to judge someone's personality.
Slapping people is fun! In fact, it's so much fun that even the school's Chairman condones it.
Apparently, "revolutionizing the world" is the only means of resolving teenage angst. That, and killing the Rose Bride.
I concor
Caring about someone close to you will only bring about their eventual violation of your body.
And the hatred of a lot of miffed people.
And pain.
Of pain.
Nothing says "Best Friends Forever" better than poison.
Everyone is bisexual until proven otherwise.
Taking it up the ass from an older male authority figure will in no way prevent you from becoming the biggest playboy on campus. Overcompensation?
Being sexual with everyone that walks will not only make you the most popular person on campus but no physical consequences will result. (STD'S, being knocked up and others )
Also one can retrieve and ( sheave? perhaps ) functional swords from people's chests without negative results.
Behold the power of Dios
Last edited by SexingTouga24/7/365 (12-04-2007 09:11:38 PM)
Deep down inside, we all have a sword living within us... deep down in our hearts,... past our ribcage.. a sharp sword that will never hurt our internal organs.
If swords left bodies like they did in X/1999, Utena would only be about half as long.
Nothing says 'I love you' like unwanted sex!
If your mother is similar to the Rose Bride, it doesn't mean you have any complex... does it?
Student councils are powerful organizations that influence the lives of everyone around them.
Grade schools have no shortage of tall, handsome, worldly men with long flowing hair.
Don't trust guidance counselors. Especially if they interview you remotely during an elevator ride.
Tomboys are the coolest!
Adolescents dueling with live weapons never accidentally skewer each other.
Everything is a metaphor. Everything.
Last edited by OnionPrince (12-05-2007 02:32:53 AM)
ArsenicForBreakfast wrote:
Walking up a flight of stairs several hundred feet in the air will not make you tired; additionally, after walking up said stairs, your body will be in top condition to engage in strenuous physical combat.
which would be the harder dueling field? The rose garden in the movie, or the arena in the series?
Both have loadz of stairs, but the series one seems to have more (it spirals afterall)
however, you're dueling on cement I'm assuming, whereas in the series, Utena had to step on slippery rose petals, avoid thorns, AND dodge Saionji's insane katana.
doot doot
Lesson learned: The less white you have in your eyes, the more popular you shall become.