This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
So, Organizing my files in preparation for backing up to my new external Hard Drive, I discovered this gem from one of my livejournal RPs
and I apologize for any errors in advance...
Anji and her LJ RP Partner wrote:
Kozue in her best older woman voice chastised the young man sitting in the bed. "Tsuchiya-san, you shouldn't be up on that thing so much..."
"Mm, well, I wouldn't dare be on the computer much longer with you around," he said with a slow smile. "Not that anyone would."
Kozue smirked and strode into the room. She was dressed in a 'sexy nurse' costume, complete with thigh-highs, heels and a stethescope.
"Happy Halloween" she purred, setting the bag she was carrying on the bed on an open spot. Shutting off the laptop, he grinned again, noticing with obvious pleasure the way the tight-fitting costume looked on her.
"And I told you that you didn't have to bring anything! You're just far too much, really, Kozue," he said silkily.
"Hey, you know I like to make my visits special..."
She reached into the bag, and handed him a chocolate bar shaped like a screw, the words " hospital food" embossed on the front.
"I know you do." Ruka took the chocolate. "Hospital food? It'll have to taste better than the real thing." He unwrapped it, breaking off a piece and chewing on it mock-thoughtfully.
"I was right."
Kozue laughed. "You're forgetting the screw part, dear."
Pulling out a bag of sour gummy worms, she smiled sweetly at him. "So I hear you want out" she murmered as a real nurse walked by.
"I should've known that couldn't have been coincidental." He leaned in closer to her. "Of course I do. I'm dying here." Ruka laughed sardonically.
She pouted harshly at the joke, but even through her irritation he could see the corners of her mouth lifting.
"That's right, smile," he said. He broke off another piece of the chocolate and held it to her mouth.
She took the chocolate gingerly and it was hard for him to tell if the brush of her lips on his fingers was accidental. "Thank you" she said after she swallowed the candy.
"No problem," Ruka said, as he watched her. He couldn't help but admire how self-assured she was, though he guessed he should expect that. "No problem at all."
"Am I your first visitor?" she looked at him in the same way a cat would, both interested and bored at the same time.He wasn't completely sure if she was like this with everyone or not.
Taking a chance, he said "No, but the first cute one in a long time, definitely."
"Wonderful that I could rise above expectations, eh?" The girl giggled a bit and reached back into the bag, setting a small, grinning jack-o-lantern plush on the small night table.
She edged a bit closer to him, not touching but enough to show that she was interested. He moved closer, too, lightly putting his hand on top of hers.
"Makes me feel lucky."
Kozue looked from his hand to his face, quirking an eyebrow and smiling an equally half-cocked grin.
"Maybe I'm lucky too."
Another nurse passed and very quickly kept moving when she saw the intimacy in their body language. The wild blue-haired girl chuckled.
"They sure do spook easy..."
Ruka laughed, leaning closer, to the point he was almost whispering in her ear.
"They're afraid of anything fun. We should scare them awhile, what do you say?"
Kozue laughed, a full complete wild laugh, as she moved her hand to brush his hair from his face."You are so devious, Ruka-san."
She moved down along his jawline to his chin. Mischief was alight in her eyes, as well as a deeper pleasure.
"Me? Devious? I have no idea what you're talking about," he said, not minding her playing with his hair by any means at all, and moving his other hand to stroke her face.
She leaned in, nose barely touching his. "Oh yes," she murmered "I think I'm starting to like you best"
“Really now?" he whispered, smiling mischeviously. She was so close it was intoxicating. Not able to stand it any more, he suddenly kissed her on the lips.
Her reaction was surprisingly calm, despite the suddeness of the kiss. Warmly and receptively she returned it, but not wanting to push him unneccessarily. Ruka's eyes widened, pleased at her reaction. He pressed slightly harder into the kiss, impulsively putting his arms around her as he did it, hoping it wasn't too much.She encircled her arms around his shoulders and gently moved her body close to his. Pulling back slightly, she smirked.
"Careful, we might end up giving them a show..."she purred.
"Isn't that what we want?" he said slyly, watching her expression. "If they don't like it, they can look away. It'd be selfish to deprive them."
"Devious" she hissed,smiling and equally sly. Her deft hands took to caressing the spot of skin right at the nape of his neck.
"Pot calling the kettle--" he started, but at her touch he stopped. She was being gentle--like a good nurse, he thought wryly--and he reciporated, carelessly moving one hand up to finger her hair, then running his fingers along the side of her face.
This just made me realise how much I this pairing now...
Very nice...
Saionji and Chu-chu
I'm particularly fond of Utena/Miki myself. They're so adorable in the manga. :33
Imaginary Bad Bug wrote:
Saionji and Chu-chu
*shoots self*
The sad thing, Saionji x Chu-chu would still feature Saionji as the uke
As for me...Mikage x Miki. It would be fun to pair two geniuses and I'd pay to see what kind of mind games Mikage would play. And I am thinking...strip chess for the win.
Also, Kanae x Nanami. It would be fun to see these two together.
RukaXKanae.....and Seme!SaionjiXTouga (that's non-traditional, right?). Also SaionjiXTatsuya. Mikage X
Nocturnalux wrote:
The sad thing, Saionji x Chu-chu would still feature Saionji as the uke
When it comes to Chu-chu, everyone's an uke.
Nocturnalux wrote:
As for me...Mikage x Miki. It would be fun to pair two geniuses and I'd pay to see what kind of mind games Mikage would play. And I am thinking...strip chess for the win.
I like this idea, too. It's a bit surprising that, with all the manipulation and symbology SKU contains, a chess board never shows up. (Although that tends to be an overused idea, which makes it even odder not to have been parodied.)
Maarika wrote:
...And I don't know why.
I've considered it more than once.
I pretty much approve of anyone paired with Kozue. My favorites are Kozue/Shiori or Kozue/Kanae. On that note, I'm fond of most people with Kanae as well. (it's different because for me, Kozue could never be submissive, and Kanae could never be dominant. So the pairings always feel different, even if they're essentially the same.)
My yaoi tastes don't venture too far out of the ordinary. It's always just been Touga/Saionji ftw. I do like the idea of Mikage/Miki though. Or Mikage/Ruka. Or Mikage/Tatsuya.
....Mikage/Nanami. DON'T ASK.
dollface wrote:
....Mikage/Nanami. DON'T ASK.
I had to ask anyway.
Great little scene there!
As for unconventional pairings, I love Ruka/Mikage best, but also like the idea of Juri/Nanami or Juri/Kozue.
Ragnarok wrote:
Nocturnalux wrote:
As for me...Mikage x Miki. It would be fun to pair two geniuses and I'd pay to see what kind of mind games Mikage would play. And I am thinking...strip chess for the win.
I like this idea, too. It's a bit surprising that, with all the manipulation and symbology SKU contains, a chess board never shows up. (Although that tends to be an overused idea, which makes it even odder not to have been parodied.)
What about the scene where Juri confronts Ruka? That's kind of chess-boardish...
How about Juri x Miki? If anyone is up to dealing with Kozue's inevitable interference, it's Juri, and she's always seemed charmed by Miki's innocent streak.
I'm fond of KozuexJuri. I think they're both the right kind of crazy for either a stable relationship or a gigantic disaster.
Alternatively, MikixShiori. C'mon, think about it. He's ambitious, she's ambitious. He's got self issues, she's got self issues. Of course, the only way this could work would be if the above pairing were already going on, Kozue would rip out poor Shiori's throat with her teeth otherwise.
Nocturnalux wrote:
The sad thing, Saionji x Chu-chu would still feature Saionji as the uke
Ragnarok wrote:
When it comes to Chu-chu, everyone's an uke.
Chu-chu is the ultimate seme!
Nocturnalux wrote:
As for me...Mikage x Miki. It would be fun to pair two geniuses and I'd pay to see what kind of mind games Mikage would play. And I am thinking...strip chess for the win.
Ragnarok wrote:
I like this idea, too. It's a bit surprising that, with all the manipulation and symbology SKU contains, a chess board never shows up. (Although that tends to be an overused idea, which makes it even odder not to have been parodied.)
Whenever I see that scene in which Mikage tries to convince Miki to join his seminar, when they are sitting at a low table, I always imagine an invisible chess board between the two. And I bet Mikage would twirl the black pieces and do everything in his power to make Miki cringe.
Nanami x Mikage would be like...Misa and Light
BioKraze wrote:
dollface wrote:
....Mikage/Nanami. DON'T ASK.
I had to ask anyway.
Think about it-- in the entire series, Mikage is the only remotely acceptable man she shows interest in. Usually her life is so dominated by Touga, she never steps outside of that for romance. (Mitsuru is arguable, but like I stated above, he wouldn't generally be accepted because of the age gap) However, when Mikage rolls around to provoke the younger boy, Nanami is shamelessly smitten by him. As for Mikage, although I don't think he'd ever love her, the sibling-complex she shares with Tokiko, though vastly different, could still grab his interest. I can see him attempting to "fix" her.
Last edited by dollface (05-30-2017 02:52:51 PM)
Ragnarok wrote:
Nocturnalux wrote:
The sad thing, Saionji x Chu-chu would still feature Saionji as the uke
When it comes to Chu-chu, everyone's an uke.
Nocturnalux wrote:
As for me...Mikage x Miki. It would be fun to pair two geniuses and I'd pay to see what kind of mind games Mikage would play. And I am thinking...strip chess for the win.
I like this idea, too. It's a bit surprising that, with all the manipulation and symbology SKU contains, a chess board never shows up. (Although that tends to be an overused idea, which makes it even odder not to have been parodied.)
Yey, i like Mikage/Miki too. I think me and a friend are the only ones that have ever draw a fanart with this pairing.
Ruka x Mikage, anyone?
.... Miki x Shiori ---->
I think it's the 11th time i post this pics in this forum
Epi_lepsia, that Ruka/Mikage manip is gorgeous. Fantastic work!
Touga/Miki. I'm not really a huge fan of Touga ships, but this would be an interesting dynamic, mainly because I firmly believe Miki will age to become a combination of Touga and Mikage. The series shows his admiration for Touga and that in combination with his sister's influence explains a lot of his sexual corruption.
One of the lesser explained elements of the show is, I feel, is Miki's steady progression towards becoming corrupt. He doesn't quite arrive at that point, but his fixation on Anthy is symbolic of his transformation. It begins as very pure and innocent idealization of the gentleness she supposedly embodies, then develops more and more into sexual desire. In the Akio car scene, he comes to associate his sister (i.e. seductiveness and promiscuity) with Anthy. Anthy is seen with a rather inviting smile, giggling at him while she reclines in a submissive position in her seat. Her heat is not-so-subtly located near her crotch. Miki imagines himself driving the Akio car, wielding power and sexuality like Akio does. His position there indicates his desire for control and also his desire for adulthood. Adulthood, however, is represented in the show as corruption, sex, and power. He comes to associate maturity with characters such as Touga and Akio.
Creepy point to bring up: He imagines himself as Akio right after Akio presumably had sex with his sister, in addition to superimposing Kozue' sexuality upon Anthy. Also he's imaging himself as Akio, who is screwing the hell out of Anthy. Ah irony.
Anywhoo, Touga and Miki would sort of be like the point where he's finally broken in and begins to take up the lifestyle that he perceives as mature. Touga would be to Miki what Akio is Touga: a mentor, teacher, and tool. It'd be truly fascinating, I think.
Truly non-conventional pairings, hm? I don't think Saionji/Nanami would exactly be erotic, but it would certainly be interesting and amusing. Think about it. He seems to regard her distantly as the younger-sister type, and Nanami could easily associate him with her brother. Happily, they're not related. And Nanami seems to be the one woman who is fully allowed to beat Saionji into a pulp without the slightest hint of protest from him. There has to be something present that makes that dynamic different from the rest.
And finally, Kozue/Shiori and Kozue/Juri are always fun.
I love the idea of Touga/Saionji, but that's not really an uncommon opinion. Their personalities fit together for the perfect love-hate relationship, and we already know from Touga's trysts with Akio that bisexuality isn't a problem.
(Actually, now that I think about it, Saionji's resentment towards Touga is extremely similar to how Shiori feels about Juri.)
If not for Anthy, I'd really love the idea of Utena/Wakaba. It would be innocent and cute, and completely unlike any other relationships in the series.
Last edited by Adrasteia (03-17-2008 06:55:55 PM)
Epi_lepsia wrote:
Ruka x Mikage, anyone?
I think it's the 11th time i post this pics in this forum
I heart this pic it makes me want to
thank yall.
As a thought how about RukaXtouga my fav
AnthyXJuri and AkioxMikage
as for three ways RukaXtougaXAkio AkioxMikageXTouga ....The mindfucking and the actual fucking would be out of this world.
Last edited by SexingTouga24/7/365 (03-17-2008 08:23:20 PM)
Jellineck wrote:
I don't think Saionji/Nanami would exactly be erotic, but it would certainly be interesting and amusing. Think about it. He seems to regard her distantly as the younger-sister type, and Nanami could easily associate him with her brother. Happily, they're not related. And Nanami seems to be the one woman who is fully allowed to beat Saionji into a pulp without the slightest hint of protest from him. There has to be something present that makes that dynamic different from the rest.
Oh oh, I like this one too. Putting them alongside Saionji shows you what Nanami and Wakaba have in common, because it's that set of traits that would make them both appropriate foils for him. They'd in their different ways neither of them put up with Saionji's bullshit, and I suspect Nanami's got just as much room as Wakaba does for senseless outpourings of affection.
That said, Nanami's a much bigger princess. The hairclip would have touched her but a constant stream of expensive indulgences would be less about affection than obligation.
As for my favorite non-traditional pairing, I know it's kinda crazy and no one would ever think of it but I think Akio/Kanae could be interesting.
Giovanna wrote:
Last edited by BioKraze (03-17-2008 10:03:21 PM)