This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Dyepez wrote:
If there is no ChuChu sub-series included, he can eat his remastered dvds... lol jk... or maybe not
Reminds me of the Chuchu vs Saionji animated shorts I proposed here some time ago..
As for all of the suggestions re: getting around DVD region coding, I appreciate the ideas, but aren't we putting the cart before the horse at this stage?
Last edited by Imaginary Bad Bug (12-16-2007 07:09:24 PM)
Imaginary Bad Bug wrote:
As for all of the suggestions re: getting around DVD region coding, I appreciate the ideas, but aren't we putting the cart before the horse at this stage?
Not if there were other R2 DVDs you were interested in but thought you couldn't get until now.
Yes!!! Yes!!! Yes!!! Such good news for us Utena fans!!! Can't wait to see the final product!!!
Cerise wrote:
Imaginary Bad Bug wrote:
As for all of the suggestions re: getting around DVD region coding, I appreciate the ideas, but aren't we putting the cart before the horse at this stage?
Not if there were other R2 DVDs you were interested in but thought you couldn't get until now.
Indeed, that much is true.
It's the idea of placing pre-orders for remastered HD Utena already that seems a bit premature.
This is amazing news. It's so great to see Utena getting fresh attention. I really, really hope, like everyone else, that they smoothen out the kinks in the animation. Like, y'know, the entire first arc.
And wow, he mentioned Jacob's Ladder? That's... hardcore. I had no idea that was an influence for Utena.
About the DVD coding problem, I'm fairly sure there will be a fansub group who will take it upon themselves to re-release Utena with subtitles via torrents. I'd be surprised if nobody bothered.
Cerise wrote:
Yes, I'm sure that I did not install anything beyond VLC (and maybe some codecs, but that was for formats, not region coding).
Curious...That sounds counterintuitive to what I know about the way the area-coding works. There are, as I said, two levels - drive firmware and player's program. VLC should bypass the second level by the simple virtue of not checking area codes on its own, but not the first where the drive itself does the checking. I can only guess that the newest versions of VLC has gone further than that, but it's strange that I haven't heard about it - normally I have pretty good tabs about these things. Otherwise I wouldn't even know about the firmware hacking...
And wow, he mentioned Jacob's Ladder? That's... hardcore. I had no idea that was an influence for Utena.
Really? The staircase in the series resembles this painting quite a lot - that was one thing that got me intigrued in the very first episode...
About the DVD coding problem, I'm fairly sure there will be a fansub group who will take it upon themselves to re-release Utena with subtitles via torrents. I'd be surprised if nobody bothered.
No doubt about that but many want to buy the offical publication, as well. Myself included. But I don't doubt that it'll get done eventually. It's a different matter how soon...
Ikuhara's latest blog entry is only indirectly Utena-related, but it was cute, so I thought I would share:
At a meeting, I saw Lady Saito Chiho for the first time in while.
Just like always, she was beautiful.
I also saw Chu-Chu-Taro for the first time in a while.
Just like always... is that really a cat?
He's gotten enormous...
Be sure to check out the photo, too! … e=20071219
Last edited by atolm (12-20-2007 08:11:42 AM)
atolm wrote:
Ikuhara's latest blog entry is only indirectly Utena-related, but it was cute, so I thought I would share:
At a meeting, I saw Lady Saito Chiho for the first time in while.
Just like always, she was beautiful.
I also saw Chu-Chu-Taro for the first time in a while.
Just like always... is that really a cat?
He's gotten enormous...Be sure to check out the photo, too! … e=20071219
atolm wrote:
Be sure to check out the photo, too! … e=20071219
Chuuuuuu...... :3
Imaginary Bad Bug wrote:
atolm wrote:
Be sure to check out the photo, too! … e=20071219Chuuuuuu...... :3
You know how pets usually look exactly like they belong to their owners? (Sometimes even looking like them?) Yeah. As for Ikuhara, who is the chick in his layout? Looks vaguely like Nagano's work.
Gio wrote:
As for Ikuhara, who is the chick in his layout? emot-confused Looks vaguely like Nagano's work.
According to the little blurb under the picture, the illustration is by Nakamura Asumiko, from "Nokemono to Hanayome" ("The Outcast and the Bride"). I assume it's a more recent project of Ikuhara's, probably in collaboration with voice actress Kawakami Tomoko? I should probably mention that he shares this blog with this voice actress (about whom I know nothing). It is quite literally their own Exchange Diary!
I found her official site for the artist, for anyone who's interested:
Wow. It would be nice if they found a way to use the UE Translations for a remaster sub version... now that would be nice. A redub would be nicer. Like how Sailormoon went from Amy Something to Ami Mizuno. The subtitles are awful... they didn't even translate the 'Saioji Kyouichi is expelled' sign.
It would be good at the very least to see this happen to the remaster in order of preference:
1/ Nice clear duotone subtitles you can read no matter what colurs happen to be behind it.
Notice that in both examples that having a thicker high contrast haze or border around the letters makes it easier to read even against backgrounds where the letter would be obscured? Also they should also translater written words and revelent signs. Thats my first wish.
2/ Rewrite the subtitles so they reflect the original Japanese dialogue better, keeping in the -san, -chan, -sama, -kun, -sensei and -sempai in as most SKU watchers have absorbed at least the basics in common Japanese suffixes, if they didn't they wouldn't be all that interested in the original Japanese language version in the first place.
3/ Redub it! While some of the dubbed characters were up to scratch IMHO (Shiori ), some of the other voices were way off (Tsuwabuki sounded like his 'balls dropped' bigtime
) and when they do the dub dialogue, keep the suffixes and get them to pronounce the names right. (Its Kozue not 'Clothes away'
4/ Replace stock footage like for instance, Utena climbing up the stairs with ones that suit the mood for that episode (show it from different angles for example) and maybe even have a different version of ZUM that reflects the mood.
5/ Fix up some of the crappier frames where mutant hands and stuff like that show up.
Everyone, say 'thanks' to Ikuhara for this Christmas present
I just hope that YamatoVideo will also buy this remake, because I love Mikage/Akio/Utena italian voices.
1:I liked the idea with the duelling arena reflecting the opposing duelists mood/situation/etc.
2:Sanjouin Chigusa, anyone?
3: Utena is a series that makes you want more, so I'm always up for 139 episodes. Won't happen, but hey...
4: Whoever did the movie's animation NEEDS to come back.
I would love to see chigusa in it,but i doubt that would happen. At least mention of her would be nice. As for the animation i like the way the series was drawn. I doubt they'd re do the animation.
IceQueenChigusa wrote:
As for the animation i like the way the series was drawn. I doubt they'd re do the animation.
I love the style the show is animated in, just...
Giovanna wrote:
IceQueenChigusa wrote:
As for the animation i like the way the series was drawn. I doubt they'd re do the animation.
I love the style the show is animated in, just... … 35_024.jpg … 36_063.jpg … 36_118.jpg
I see what you mean,As long as they don't drastically change it.. correcting a few things might be for the best,haha
Giovanna wrote:
I've probably been staring at this image for too long, because it looks perfectly fine to me.
News from Ikuhara's blog! … cgi?no=336 (Waiting for atolm translation).
And be sure to click also here. Summer 2008!
Last edited by Sey (12-24-2007 11:11:51 AM)
Complete CD Box? As in, complete-complete? That would be...mmmm....
I did Babelfish. That can turn out hilarious. "The success person rides in the bonnet". I am going to guess Utena as written is translated as "A you". Some of the footage was badly preserved and someone was off-key, perhaps Iku-sama himself. (That's how I understand the terribly translated stuff anyway.)
Anthiena wrote:
I did Babelfish. That can turn out hilarious. "The success person rides in the bonnet". I am going to guess Utena as written is translated as "A you". Some of the footage was badly preserved and someone was off-key, perhaps Iku-sama himself. (That's how I understand the terribly translated stuff anyway.)
(This is going to be somewhat off topic, forgive me.)
No, that's just Babel Fish being a shitty translator. Everything you put into it comes out as "Engrish" -- horribly mistranslated Japanese to English because the translation system doesn't compensate for hiragana/katakana/half-width/full-width/Roumaji and grammar/syntax checking. There are surely better translators out there, it's just that Babel Fish is the most popular.
I once tried translating some videogame Japanese with Babel Fish and it came out terribly butchered beyond belief. No, best to have somebody who knows Japanese translate the thing for you. Patience is a virtue, not a curse.
If Atolm's too busy, I can probably do an approximate translation sometime tomorrow. It will take me a bit longer than a fluent Japanese speaker, though, since I have to look up quite a few of the kanji.
OMG YAY! *KERMIT FLAIL!!!* How'd I miss this thread? XD
Has anyone else seen the Evangelion Platinum DVDs? I don't pay much attention to re-masterings and the times you can notice it, it sometimes looks like crap (Hi 'Cinderella' DVD. I AM LOOKING AT YOU.) The series' look improved ten fold. The first arc just needs new animation, but color clean-up would look great on the rest. Especially the last episodes. All the color gets washed out in the last episode. XP
Omg, I'm so excited for this. Might be worth blowing money on a second DVD-ROM for a Region 2 player.