This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Hello everyone
I've been a fan of Utena since about 2003. I got into it when friends of mine asked me to cosplay from it with them, and it's never left my heart since. I found not long after being intoduced to the series, and I was very exited to see the forums.
I'm 20 and living in Madison, WI USA, where I'm a CIS major at college.
Well, I think that's an introduction. Good enough for now anyway!
Hi, everyone. I was in such a hurry when I found this site, I didn't see the introduction thread. Anyway. it's so nice to finally find an live site of Utena (IMO one of the most cruelly UNDERRATED anime/manga franchises of all time. ) It seems that now every where i turn it's mostly all about the real popular shows like Naruto, FMA and Bleach (not that they are bad shows, the latter 2 are quite good) but I'm so glad to find a website were people come to talk Utena. Also nice hear from lots of people from outside the 'states.
To Gio and Yasha :
Your sire rocks, keep up the good work.
I look forward to making more posts.
wip wrote:
To Gio and Yasha :
Your sire rocks, keep up the good work.
What a typo! That sounds like some sort of Akio breeding service there, an idea that I'm sure would meet with approval by more than a few here...
The last thing on earth I'd use Akio for is breeding. He's a gorgeous man and strikingly intelligent, but I just can't imagine his children...
Giovanna wrote:
The last thing on earth I'd use Akio for is breeding. He's a gorgeous man and strikingly intelligent, but I just can't imagine his children...
Wasn't there a movie released some time ago where a bunch of white-haired children called The Village of the Damned or something? is that what you were thinking of when you imagined his children?
Maarika wrote:
Oh, and shouldn't this topic be sticky? It tends to get lost in the forum at times :/
Actually making the Intro topic sticky would be a pretty good idea, that way more new people would be more inclined to use it than if it ended up way down the list let alone if it disappeared from the front altogether.
Last edited by Tamago (11-14-2006 03:07:11 PM)
Well, hi..
I'm no good with presentations. My name is Wilhen, I'm from Venezuela, 23 years, studying librarianship and archives. I watched SKU around 2002 -03, my favorite char is Kozue, ( I like her attitude). not much to say...
I need to see the animation once again, it gave me so many strange ideas... He. it's really a pleasure to be here.
(P.D.: feel free to correct my english, or me if necessary).
Hello, I'm Kate. Shoujo Kakumei Utena has not only remained my favorite anime for many years, but has morphed into nothing short of an obsession. SKU= life, literally. I am completely and utterly devoted to Shiori, and I should give you fair warning to prepare yourselves. Other favorites are Kozue, Saionji, Mikage, Keiko, and Nanami. I've got a knack for sticking my foot in my mouth, and I hope you all can deal with me. Happy to be here!
Last edited by dollface (08-09-2009 01:48:44 PM)
<pimp voice> Heya, dollface. </pimp voice>
Sorry, couldn't resist. But yes, SKU is life. Welcome to the forum, since Miss Gio doesn't appear to be here to welcome you personally.
Well, I just slogged through all those pages of intros... and now can move onto my own! (it took me way longer than it should've to decides on that smiley...)
Hmm... as for Utena... I first started with the manga, then saw the movie, and then saw the anime. I love the movie to pieces, even if it still breaks my brain after having viewed it five times. I die over the artwork in the manga, although I prefer the anime because I hate Juri's character in the manga (it's so cliche!) and find the lack of Black Rose goodness unfortunate. I had actually wanted to see Utena for ages before I was able to view it, but when I was in middle school and I heard of it, I instantly wanted to see it since Utena's wish to be a prince and her ability to defy gender stereotypes sounded so cool! And I could relate to it (although, admittedly, upon viewing of Utena I found I could identify with Juri the most out of all the cast... dunno if I wanna know what this says about me!).
And for favorite characters... um... Juri, Mikage, Utena, and the Shadow Girls. The only characters I dislike across every incarnation were Saionji and Akio, and I didn't like anime-Touga much, or manga-Juri. Manga-Juri is such a disappointment because I think her anime character is quite compelling but her manga version is just such a bland and stereotyped character.
Last edited by A Day Without Me (12-12-2006 04:09:11 PM)
Dollface, you don't know how right you are. Or maybe you do.
A Day Without Me (we'll need a way to abbreviate your name I suppose), I bid you welcome and second you in your dislike of Manga Juri. She strikes me as a very two-dimensional character who exists primarily to act as a foil and a rival to Utena. Because you like Series Juri so much more than Manga Juri I'm interested in hearing your opinion on Shiori, since she plays such a big part in making Series Juri interesting.
ShatteredMirror wrote:
Dollface, you don't know how right you are. Or maybe you do.
Actually I believe most fans are here BECAUSE SKU=life. Otherwise, after, all these years, the attraction should have died down. I think it is SKU that really touches our hearts and so, we can never live without it.
Actually I am planning to move All of my SKU stuff to my future home (I am getting married and I am living with my hubby.)
Hello, I'm Rachel, but have always used "Frosty" online... which I have had access to since I was sixteen and I am twenty-five now, so it's ingrained.
I am an art student, located in awful Louisiana - but I take lots of vacations away, and will move as soon as the degree touches my fingertips, so it's okay. I've minored in psychology, which I see is a popular major for a lot of fans on this forum (surprise), but I forget the details of who invented what theory and stick with remembering the details of strange experiments.
I found an interview with Ikhuara in an Animerica issue about five years ago. After which, I got online and read all the scripts from the Utena Encyclopedia. I continued by reading fanfiction, then finally bought the first DVD. I think it played in a loop continuously, until I had my hands on the second from Netflix. I watched them all with the exception of the last disk. Anyone ever read a very good book which they did not want to end, so you end up folding the corner of the page and tucking it under your bed for several weeks? Same thing. Before I watched the ending, I bought the entire series, the manga, collected a few trinkets from ebay, memorized Jaquemart and Archimage, watched the great fall of the Utena Encyclopedia, and lurked over the remains of AFU. Then I played the last disk, and here I am.
The story was so attractive to me initially, because I liked Utena's idealism. I know, I know, that is usually looked upon with scorn, but I was still young and idealistic too. I appreciated the concept of personal sacrifice, and wanted to emulate that in my own life. Handle your problems with a good attitude and eventually you will overcome. Growing up, I find I am a little too cynical to believe that any longer. Still, I love the series, thinking about what it means, or what happens after, perfect daydream fodder when you are stuck in traffic.
I was not active in the Utena fan universe, although I have continuously read fanfiction and watched websites come and go. I believe the term is 'lurker'. For five years, I really found no online source to discuss Utena, which is why I am very excited Empty Movement's got this one going.
Sounds exciting, can't wait to discuss. Warning note: I have not ever been a member of an online forum before, so some of the little things common to others might be unknown to me. But I think I can tell, from reading everyone's post before, that you've gotta pick a smiley to represent your "Introduction" post? Okay then... Not that it's apparent from this dry intro, but I have a wicked sense of humor!
I entered Utena all out of order. I read the first manga, then saw the first arc, then the movie, then the rest of the manga, then the rest of the series. Now, of course, I've seen it all in order thousands of times, so it's all good. Of them all, the series is the best. I really disliked manga Juri as well, she was just such a let down. Plus, Shiori is my favorite character, so... Anthy is much much creepier in the series as well, which is her winning point for me. And in the manga, you can't hear Akio's voice!
But the manga was still excellent, don't get me wrong.
Last edited by dollface (08-20-2007 11:57:53 AM)
Hey there. I'm Puel, although I also answer to Churri. I'm a college student in Maryland and an SKU geek since early high school. I read the manga in Animerica Extra for a while, and then my mom ended up buying me the DVDs as a reward for getting my schoolwork done without procrastination. Yay bribery.
I fell pretty hard for the manga, but I fell even harder for the anime, mostly because of Mikage. And Juri, who's not nearly as cool in the manga but who pwns in the anime. Honestly, though, I'm hard pressed to think of characters in the series I don't like. Well, other than Touga, and I've even warmed up to him a little lately. Maybe. A tiny bit. The screwed-up relationships in particular really get me. I love how fucked-up everyone is. If that makes me a bad person, so be it.
I love how unapologetically convoluted the series can get, and I like how it invites you to come up with your own interpretations. It's like an English nerd's dream come true, really.
I'm not really active in the Utena fanverse, although I've written fic for the series. I just live in mortal fear of actually posting it online.
Oh, and I've adored for ages, so when I saw that y'all had a forum up, I just had to register.
Anyway, that's me. I think I'll have fun here.
ShatteredMirror wrote:
Because you like Series Juri so much more than Manga Juri I'm interested in hearing your opinion on Shiori, since she plays such a big part in making Series Juri interesting.
EDIT: I started to answer that here, but I'm actually gonna go over to the Shiori thread to answer it - fits a little better over there
Last edited by A Day Without Me (11-19-2006 04:52:48 PM)
Hi there! My name is Ayumi Hasegawa commonly known as Cloudy Star. Revolutionary Girl Utena was one of my founding animes (and very first manga) and I've loved the series since the moment I started reading the manga in Viz's Animerica Extra. I was really happy when I finally started collecting the DVDs and yeah... I basically your general Utena girl who has attempted to explain the Black Rose Saga to both her English and Psychology classes! XD BTW, my favorite characters are (in order) Touga, Mikage, Ruka, Akio, Anthy, Saionji and Mamiya.
I am a cosplayer and most recently I have had the honor to cosplay Anthy Himemiya in her anime Rose Bride gown. I recently wore it to AnimeUSA (this past weekend actually). Not meaning to brag, but I'm gaining a pretty good reputation by wearing that costume. Other than that, I'm just your abnormal otaku girl who aspires to travel the globe, learn Japanese, study art... and get my psychology teacher to see the value of the Black Rose Saga! XD Seriously, it's my personal mission this year to get the class to understand it all.
Anyway, I'm glad to be here and I'm very happy my favorite Utena site has a forum now. I look forward to making friends! Thank you!
Sweet! Another psych student! (or am I assuming too much, Cloudy Star?)
Cloudy Star wrote:
Hi there! My name is Ayumi Hasegawa commonly known as Cloudy Star. Revolutionary Girl Utena was one of my founding animes (and very first manga) and I've loved the series since the moment I started reading the manga in Viz's Animerica Extra. I was really happy when I finally started collecting the DVDs and yeah... I basically your general Utena girl who has attempted to explain the Black Rose Saga to both her English and Psychology classes! XD BTW, my favorite characters are (in order) Touga, Mikage, Ruka, Akio, Anthy, Saionji and Mamiya.
I am a cosplayer and most recently I have had the honor to cosplay Anthy Himemiya in her anime Rose Bride gown. I recently wore it to AnimeUSA (this past weekend actually). Not meaning to brag, but I'm gaining a pretty good reputation by wearing that costume. Other than that, I'm just your abnormal otaku girl who aspires to travel the globe, learn Japanese, study art... and get my psychology teacher to see the value of the Black Rose Saga! XD Seriously, it's my personal mission this year to get the class to understand it all.
Anyway, I'm glad to be here and I'm very happy my favorite Utena site has a forum now. I look forward to making friends! Thank you!
O MAH LAWD YOU LOOK ABSOLUTELY AWESOME. I have a dream to cosplay as Anthy Himemiya and it is soo awesome to actually meet a cosplayer who totally got her look.
But I digress, it's great to see another Utena fan find her way to the ends of the (net)world and join the rest of us in discussion of Utena.!
Cloudy Star wrote:
Other than that, I'm just your abnormal otaku girl who aspires to travel the globe, learn Japanese, study art... and get my psychology teacher to see the value of the Black Rose Saga! XD Seriously, it's my personal mission this year to get the class to understand it all.
Anyway, I'm glad to be here and I'm very happy my favorite Utena site has a forum now. I look forward to making friends! Thank you!
I'm a theatre geek, and I'm desperately trying to help everyone understand The Shadow Girls. So I can sorta relate. The Black Rose Saga is my favorite of the Utena Arcs.
Hopefully, you and I [and everyone else] can become better acquainted. Friends of the Revolution!
Last edited by dollface (08-09-2009 01:26:33 PM)
A Day Without Me wrote:
Sweet! Another psych student! (or am I assuming too much, Cloudy Star?)
Yeah I'm psych! XD
G&Ysnumber1fan wrote:
O MAH LAWD YOU LOOK ABSOLUTELY AWESOME. I have a dream to cosplay as Anthy Himemiya and it is soo awesome to actually meet a cosplayer who totally got her look.
But I digress, it's great to see another Utena fan find her way to the ends of the (net)world and join the rest of us in discussion of Utena.!
Thank you so much. Anthy has quickly become my favorite cosplay and I plan on doing every version of her I can. I hope your cosplay comes out well when you do it! And I'm glad to be here.
dollface wrote:
I'm a theatre major, and I'm desperately trying to help everyone understand The Shadow Girls. So I can sorta relate
The Black Rose Saga is my favorite of the Utena Arcs! I did three projects on it [looooserrrrr] Squeeeeeeee
Hopefully, you and I[and everyone else too]can become better aquainted. Friends of the Revolution!
Ah, The Shadow Girls are very hard to understand sometimes, lol. W00t for another Black Rose Saga lover! I hope to make two Black Rose costumes for Anthy one day (one rose bride gown and a duelist uniform mwhahaha X3)
Yes, lets all become friends and dive deeper into our madness together!
My name is Kristina, but you can call me Sskessa or Kess or whatever you feel like.
I live in Eugene, OR and go to University of Oregon. I think I saw one other Oregonian on the forum already?
I'm not Russian but I am learning Russian and I love to speak it.
It seems like a really friendly place with nice, mellow people here.
You've already won me over with this icon:
Well, seems damn near everybody 'cept me has the entire collection. Aw, well. For reasons that are better left unsaid, my name shall be "BioKraze." I happen to live in the land of sage, sand and saguaro. When I'm not out of my mind, I'm directing idea traffic control on the graveyard shift. Yay for me. I might not post often (because I may not have much to say...for now, at least), but when I do, head for the hills! A natural jabbermouth with a little too much free time on my hands, I exist to terrorise small children and make older people shake their heads in bemusement.
Anybody who wants to give me a holler is fully empowered to do so, but be warned that your sanity might not come out of the wash smelling like a rose...!
Thank you all for allowing my humble presence to survive (and maybe even thrive) here in this rose garden.
Allow? More like request, my friend. Welcome! I hope you find this a place you can thrive in. We're always happy to see new growth.
Thank you and you're welcome! Already I feel makes my bitmapped heart grow almost 1600% from its original size.
Espero que encuentre alguien que viva cerca mía xD
Hi 8D you can call me however you want. A little bit about me: i'm a psycho, passive-aggressive, a little bit paranoid and almost enough polite to disimulate it. It's hard for me to express myself in english -i know how to speak it, but isn't the same, it's hard enough in my language and i can't use the same vocabulary that I use normally- so maybe you wont notice at first sight what i am trying to say xDu.
I draw fanarts and I cosplay (and crossplay) (Y) also I make icons for livejournal, and all that shit, when i'm so bored and there's no more space to write things over my arm.
Anyways, actually i'm living in Spain, since 3 or 4 years ago already (and i have moved 4 times in this city). My mother is spanish, but i was born in my oh, beloved Mexico. We move, a lot, it's a malformation in the right side of my mother's brain, i think it's from birth, and i can not do anything for it. I've already get used to it, and she's thinking about moving to England this summer, or Belgium, or United States.
I love Utena, i wish i could find more utena-fandom over here, but it's kinda ignored. Favourite characters: Mikage (duh), Ruka, Kozue and Miki. Stupid nickname i've got this time D: no inspiration û_u but psche.