This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
...i gotta keep this thread about a nice drawing of a pink sweet loli...
its not my best work....but the loli is deffinatly a cutie! it makes me think of Princess Peach if she wore loli....heh
Last edited by KissingT.Kiryuu (03-14-2007 07:39:37 PM)
Teapot wrote:
Other lolita-related goodness would have to be... Novala Takemoto. He's just great. His essays are really interesting, too.
Even if you're not into the whole "lolita girls revolution" kind of thing, it's still pretty neat. And funny, too.
lolita r my life... but I can't pull it off... so mostly I just go for the whole masculine lolita thing... suits and whatnot...
Haha, holy crap. I was reading through those essays, and...
It was at this moment I began to think, "Huh. At this planetarium, the stars that I'm looking at right now aren't real." Usually, I don't really look at the night sky. But the projected starry sky at the planetarium pulled at my heart more than the actual night sky ever had.
Lolita Anthy, anyone?
O.O her pink outfit at the end is kinda loli lookin....
KissingT.Kiryuu wrote:
O.O her pink outfit at the end is kinda loli lookin....
I dare you to draw loli Anthy.
Teapot wrote:
Welll, Anthy wears a lolita dress in the movie...
The flashback scenes. It's really cute, but you don't see too much of it, unfortunately.
Shiori seem to me more as a lolita, with all the adjustments in her dress
Romanticide wrote:
Teapot wrote:
Welll, Anthy wears a lolita dress in the movie...
The flashback scenes. It's really cute, but you don't see too much of it, unfortunately.
Shiori seem to me more as a lolita, with all the adjustments in her dress
Let's not forget to mention movie Utena's secret stash of poofy dresses... the movie in itself was a lot frillier than the series, which makes its lack of Nanami disappointing, because if you were judging solely on the typical nature of lolita (in the subculture sense, not the Nabokov sense), she fits it really well. =[ Shiori and Anthy do, too, because it's all about exaggerated femininity and independence (whether it's proclaimed, striven for, or in a roundabout kind of way) with a hint of venom. That's why Utena is a prince instead, because according to the Theory of Roriita, she's not malicious enough to wear the poofy pink dress.
I brought you a lady dandy.
I love lolita accessories. They get miniature hats, collars, plushies, parasols, aprons...
Dandies have pocket watches, umbrellas, canes and top hats.
I wish I had a top hat.
I don't feel fancy with a pocket watch and umbrella since I've had one everyday forever, and I can't make a top hat.
Accursed hard to make items.
...This being said, I'm probably the only person in Texas who gets good use out of a brolly.
And I get plenty odd looks for it.
That kinda looks like me when I crossdress and pretend I'm Sir Princeypants!! Can't really tell in this pic, but I wear the little hairbow-ponytail thing all the time. And I carry a pocketwatch with me, too.
LOL, that picture raises a lot of questions about me, but whatever. Strategically-placed stick-hands Yes, I luv me.
Me being cool and incognito
Romancing a tree like a true prince/gentleman should
Teapot, you're adorable. I'm digging all the pictures.
And I love the Visual Kei / Gothic style -- I tend to dress tomboyishly, in black suits with elaborate neckties and the like. More simple than the average Loli, since I'm lazy as hell. Granted, this is not normal day wear, as I live in Arizona, and it's too much trouble to throw on all that stuff to go to class and the lab.
if your digging my pics, go to my DA page and show me some love please! all of my lolita creations are there!
self advertising.. (my DA page is my website button)
Kissing, I want the dresses you draw.
alot of my friends do too. im designing wedding gowns for WAY to many people. lol
You asked for SKU characters in lolita, and here they are. (some of them, at least) They're still works in progress, but I was in a hurry, sooo...
See, she totally rocks the lolita look. I can see her going totally overboard with the frills and proclaiming herself a queen.
I think she looks best in red.
I have another picture with Juri all dandy-like, and Shiori in lolita, too, but I'm still working on it.
Oh my god, those are fantastic.
If you want to submit as fanart, just email them to me.
Loli-Nanami is totally cute, but... Lolita Anthy FTW!!
Last edited by Raven Nightshade (03-30-2007 11:01:09 PM)
LoliNanami = Win.
That is all.
LoliAnthy looks like a mischievous sprite about to be naughty.
Last edited by Imaginary Bad Bug (03-31-2007 04:19:59 PM)
Teapot wrote:
ANTHY!! … hy_wip.jpg
I think she looks best in red.
I have another picture with Juri all dandy-like, and Shiori in lolita, too, but I'm still working on it.
One of my friends said only white skined girl could dress lolita because we "morenas" don't look good in lolita... with this I will prove her she is very wrong.
It doesn't matter what colour skin and hair colour you have, just as long as the colours on the clothing goes well with him. Any beautician worth her salt knows about choosing the best colours for that person.
my lolita drawings just got ZOMGWTFBBQEGL-POWNED
Romanticide wrote:
Teapot wrote:
ANTHY!! … hy_wip.jpg
I think she looks best in red.
I have another picture with Juri all dandy-like, and Shiori in lolita, too, but I'm still working on it.One of my friends said only white skined girl could dress lolita because we "morenas" don't look good in lolita... with this I will prove her she is very wrong.
Yeah, actually I think some colors that lolitas often wear would look -way- amazing with darker skin... especially red. Red against really fair skin can suck the color out of it. Pink and white also look really good with a tan complexion! I'd say the only color that's harder to work with is an all-black ensemble. It's just like a really pale girl with platinum blonde hair wearing all white. Not enough contrast. Then again, the monotone look can be really interesting if it's pulled off elegantly.