This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
)(I love that song. It used to be one of my favorites to play before I stopped having access to the piano. It's on my list of music to buy and relearn.)(
Iris wrote:
)(I love that song. It used to be one of my favorites to play before I stopped having access to the piano. It's on my list of music to buy and relearn.)(
((( It would be a treat to hear you play it one day. *smiles* )))
Seitokaichou wrote:
((( It would be a treat to hear you play it one day. *smiles* )))
)(I'll be more then happy to relearn and record it for you )(
*Skips merrily down a path, then suddenly stops.* Well hellooooooooo there, sexy. *walks over to Iris* I've been waiting my whole life for a girl as drop-dead sexy and charming as you. *walks past her to a conveniently placed mirror, then sighs happily* Oh, who's one badass sweet ho? You are! *points to mirror* You are!
*LMAO* Jelli-Kat, I you
*Calls over to Katzenklavier from where she is still seated at piano*
"Oi you, get away from my mirror!"
*grins evilly*
"C'mon over and share my piano bench. We can even play Chopsticks together...y'know you want to..."
*stands ever so still just off to the side, glaring over at Iris* Such a filthy, little princess. *walks over and starts to dust off the piano*
Katzenklavier wrote:
*Skips merrily down a path, then suddenly stops.* Well hellooooooooo there, sexy. *walks over to Iris* I've been waiting my whole life for a girl as drop-dead sexy and charming as you. *walks past her to a conveniently placed mirror, then sighs happily* Oh, who's one badass sweet ho? You are! *points to mirror* You are!
*takes pictures* For blackmail purposes, of course. *smirks*
*hears slight buzzing noises* Sssh, my darling. *strokes mirror intimately* Pay no attention to the interferers....they simply do not understand our deep love. *smears saliva all over reflection of face* Ooooooh, you're a bad little girl. *pauses* Wait, did I hear an invitation to sing?
*skips happily over to the piano bench, swings butt at sharnii to push her aside, and promptly begans pounding indiscriminately at the keys* Shake it fast! Watch yourself! Shake it fast! Show me what you're workin' with! *warbles in a high-pitched operatic tone* Attention all ya players and pimps...*mirror shatters* Noooo, my love! *grabs sharnii* You must help to bring her back to me! And kill that person over there! *points to Seitokaichou*
Katzenklavier wrote:
And kill that person over there! *points to Seitokaichou*
*whips out sword* You can't kill me. I'm immortal--and there can be only one.
But... wait... *wears a black trench coat* ..there. Bring it on. *fangy grin*
*falls on butt next to piano bench thanks to Katzenklavier's rude swing-butting maneuver and covers ears at musical talents which are ensuing.
The mirror cracks from side to side!*
"The curse has come upon me wait, sorry, that quote doesn't belong here..."
*Is grabbed by a distraught Katz who is mourning the loss of her mirror love.*
"Ow, your fingers are pinching me. Don't you know I'm currently a delicate princess?" *sniffs mournfully*
"Unhand me you rough beast. Or at least do something interesting to me..."
*Glances over at person who Katz indicates must be killed to avenge horrifying death of mirror lover.*
"Kill Kaichou? But wait...Kaichou is wearing a delicious trench coat. Hawt. And she has fangs. Very hawt. Maybe I should go over there and er defend the uh honor of the um mirror. Just so as to feel that trench coat and see those teeth up close. But since I'm going over there to 'kill her'..."
*Checks cleavage for breast dagger.*
"Yep, still got it."
*Pushes self up off the floor by pushing down on Katz' shoulders. One hand slips to hover over Kat's lovely breast. Makes sure to cop a feel while getting to feet.*
*Approaches Seitokaichou somewhat nervously. Keeps one hand at top of low-cut gown near the handle of her breast dagger. Stretches out the other hand to stroke the sleeve of Kaichou's smexy black trench coat.*
"I was once quite innocent...a young untarnished maiden of virtue pure. Ah, those were the good old days. Birds flew freely in the sky. Crickets chirped Beethoven in the moonlight. But then something horrible happened..."
*Scene switches to grainy scene of sharnii. Slowly, she licks her thick lecherous lips, the saliva of lust dribbling perversely down her sexual chin. Her hand descends over my precious boobies. With a maniacal gurgling laughter, she takes advantage of my state of enraptured musical joy to fuel her dark desires. Lightning crackles ominously in the sky. The formerly singing birds plop dead out of the sky. Somewhere, in the distance, Anthy gives Saionji cancer. Twisted creepy music begans to play.*
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" *I run off sobbing loudly into the trees. There, I find a 24 hour convenience church and then sprint out with holy water. Sprinting over to the two gropey people (the vampire and my merry rapist), I shower them with the droplets.* THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU!!! THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU!!!!!"
*Suddenly, I recall the topic of this forum.* "I mean...I find you both very sexually attractive." *My groping tools descend upon their wondrous sexual eggplants* "Let us copulate like the primordial ooze descendants that we are."
*Enjoys the delicate texture of Seitokaichou's trenchcoat sleeve beneath her stroking fingers.
Suddenly hears loud scream from behind and glances back to see Katzenklavier (who doesn't seem quite well somehow) sprinting into the nearby magically appearing forest.*
"WTF is up with her? But hey...nice assets." *grins*
*Suddenly Katzenklavier is back and throwing holy water all over sharnii and Kaichou, while yelling about the power of Christ compelling.*
"Uh...what does it compel me to do?"
*Looks down at own chest and appreciatively notices her gown is sticking to her own (obviously luscious. obviously) breasts by way of the water. Feels all flushed. Glances over at Kaichou. In the strange light a drop of water on Kaichou's chin appears to be a drop of blood. Gasps.*
*As suddenly as before, Katzenklavier declares that sharnii and Kaichou are "very sexually attractive" and comes up and starts groping their eggplants before citing their primordial ooze heritage as her justification. sharnii enjoys said groping and positions her eggplants for best access by groper.*
"Mmm. Well you're not a sweet talker, by any means. But your mood changes are somewhat exciting. Tell you like this? Because if you don't, it's okay not to do it. No really. Despite the name of the thread. And despite your compromising position. And despite the fact that I could throw you down and take you before you could even get back to reply to said taking..." *licks lips* "But obviously I won't do that. Because I'm not like that. Or at least I'm not like that in princess-form. Boy, are you lucky that I'm in princess form!"
*Places her hand tentatively over Katz's questing one.*
"If however, you find you do like it please continue with this copulating you mention."
*Scene switches to grainy scene of Anthy standing over Saionji's cancer-ridden form in a badly rundown hospital.
"I've given you cancer!" hisses the rose bride. "What else do you want me to give you?"
"Sex!" *gasps Saionji with one of his (many - think movies where hero takes forever to die) many dying breaths and pulls Anthy on top of him on the hospital bed. Bed starts rocking. Anthy starts rocking against Saionji. Saionji starts slapping her in time to the rocking.*
*Scene shifts back to present. sharnii is looking turned on. Her grip on Katz' hand tightens.*
Hmmm...*I tap my chin ponderously.* Somehow, it's not quite as pleasurable when you take such obvious enjoyment in my advances. Princess form? Such an adorably transparent facade. Even your attempts at attempting a visage of sweetness are tampered by your baser motivations.
*I raise my hand, digits grazing lightly against the sensitive flesh of sharnii's downy cheek. Such a tender expanse. Fascinated, I watch the faint streaks of white that my nails leave.* But's so kind of you to take my desires into consideration. Often, I don't bother to return that very special favor. I consider it a honor I should bestow rather than a right I should respect. *Stroking down towards your chin, beneath the fullness of your lower lip, I lean in.* Thankfully for you, I find your compassion rather repulsive.
*I stand back and stick out my tongue, wagging in a grotesque manner.* Please, ladies. Continue your fun. I wouldn't want to take away the spotlight from the supremely skilled Seitokaichou. in this instance, I'd derive far more detached pleasure from simply observing and taking notes. *Finding a convenient bench, I withdraw and pull a notebook from my womb, pencil readied.*
Katzenklavier wrote:
*I stand back and stick out my tongue, wagging in a grotesque manner.* Please, ladies. Continue your fun. I wouldn't want to take away the spotlight from the supremely skilled Seitokaichou.
((( Oh shush! I ain't supreme. Skilled-with-sex, yes (says Touga). Lol. )))
*Realizes by Katzenklavier's (cruel ) fake teasing that she doesn't want anything to do with anything sexual, at least in a hands on way. Sighs in disappointment. Turns back to Seitokaichou.*
"What about you, Kaichou? If I touch your sleeve again are you going to disappear in the first rays of the rising sun, perhaps in a pile of ashes? I lose track of who's here to flirt...I may have to write a masturbation scene next."
sharnii wrote:
I lose track of who's here to flirt...I may have to write a masturbation scene next."
((( Lol @ masturbation scene; posting said scene will not show any mercy to my voyeur self. Seriously. Why don't I direct you to the Pent-up Sexual Frustration Thread? I just might follow you. *chuckles* )))
*I cock a brow at sharnii's lovely fingers trailing up my sleeve*
"Your lust smells so sweet..."
*swiftly, my hand clings to the hand protecting the dagger hidden beneath and I pull her closer; dipping her body gently, as if we were in a dance, my lips tease her roseate cleavage--until I pull the dagger out with my teeth*
"...As sweet as your deadly intent."
*spitting the dagger out and upward, it falls precisely within my grasp; intentionally dropping sharnii to the floor, I pin her down and deviously point the tip of the dagger to her beautiful face; after a taunting smile, I slide the flat of the blade from her temple down her neck; my forefinger slips inside her cleavage, momentarily feeling the warmth between her breasts; I pull the wet fabric up from the hem, and the dagger cuts through, sliding downwards*
(((Lol @ pent-up sexual frustration thread idea, quite a good idea )))
*takes a sharp indrawn breath at Seitokaichou's tantalizing words;
takes another sharp breath as her lips glance over my cleavage, before pulling out my dagger;
gasps yet again at masterful maneuvering of said dagger, and myself onto the floor;
enjoy sensation of fear stroking down my spine as the dagger strokes my neck.*
"Deadly intent? Surely you understand that it is a princess' first duty to protect herself?"
*Stoically ignore dagger cutting my bodice and the chill night air causing my nipples to stand out in stark relief. Is unable to stop a slight flush from heating my cheeks.*
"I don't see any prince around to do it for me."
*Trails one hand down cleavage following in wake of Kaichou's cutting.*
"It seems I'll have to do whatever this devilish rogue wants me too..."
*I arch my brow at her sweet delicate words, tossing the puny dagger away*
"Why the need for protection? I'm here to steal your heart--not your life."
*I give her my genuine smile, being careful not to agitate her that much with my fangs*
"You do believe me... don't you?"
*I caress her flushed cheek, her tempting neck, and round her naked plump chest where I can hear her heart beating in rhythm to my raging lust*
Last edited by Seitokaichou (10-12-2008 01:14:26 PM)
*I smile up into Seitokaichou's charming smile, admiring the tantalizing hint of sharp teeth...*
"I'll believe whatever you want me to believe."
*Lean into her caress, and arch my neck and torso in helpless response. My heart pounds in my ears as I grasp her hand and draw her index finger into my mouth. Her nail is sharp and I accidentally cut my tongue on it. I continue moving my lips over her finger regardless.
I stare up at her in mock challenge.*
Oh but we have been busy.
((( sharnii darling, I'm terribly sorry that it took me a long time to reply to your post; it slipped my mind that we have an interaction here. Apologies. *bows* )))
The ruby-like glow from my vampiric eyes melted into a soothing glimmer of jade: a sign of definite delight. For a moment, the warmth inside her lips tamed my bloodlust. I felt a sudden inclination to prolong it, but I unintentionally pained her with my bestial claw. I gently pulled my finger out of her teasing mouth, and as I covered her naked top with my embrace as cold as death, I tortured her with delay.
"Do you know that a woman’s blood can be as maddeningly fragrant as a rose if she offers herself to me willingly... without fear, moreso with love?"
I momentarily restrained myself from tearing the roseate skin of her neck; the tips of my fangs, however, reveled against her throbbing pulse, sliding up and down her tensed pores.
"I have no use for human lust, but do you know why I’m delaying my hunger for your bodily pleasure?" My tongue slipped out of my glacial lips, and tasted the acrid flavour of her sweat which blended well with her perfume.
"It makes your blood warmer and addicting like wine."
I licked up to her chin and parted her lips to meet her tongue with mine, stroking the mild cut to have my first taste of her blood.
(((Hi Prince! *waves* And that's cool, kaichou - I'd forgotten about this too heh BTW I'm switching pronouns after reading in the question thread of your preference.
Okay, back to the lovely action...)))
"Do you know that a woman’s blood can be as maddeningly fragrant as a rose if she offers herself to me willingly... without fear, moreso with love?"
*The vampire's words entrance me. The feel of his fangs sliding over my neck rob me of almost all conscious thought. The urge to surrender is powerful, instinctual. My blood roars in my ears and it excites me, to know that Seitokaichou can hear it.*
*I moan against the sensation of his cold tongue licking the sweat from my neck. The ice of his body makes mine even hotter, as it automatically works to try (uselessly) to warm him up. My breasts are aching with the heat they are generating. I arch upwards again, seeking the cool relief of Kaichou's skin.*
"Like wine?" *I manage to gasp out in response to his tantalizing revelation:* "It makes your blood warmer and addicting like wine."
*His tongue slides up over my chin and parts my lips with deliberate intention. I gasp helplessly against his cool strength. The cold of his tongue brushes the cut on mine, sending a chill sparking through my center. I press my tongue harder against the invading one. I slide my hot hands over the taut muscles of his back. My legs automatically spread wider on either side of his narrow hips.*
And you guys keep my thread alive. Hey there. My birthday's next Friday, the 14th. Happy 18th b-day to me. You may now carry on. See you guys in a bit.
Prince_of_Stars wrote:
And you guys keep my thread alive. Hey there. My birthday's next Friday, the 14th. Happy 18th b-day to me. You may now carry on. See you guys in a bit.
Advanced Happy Birthday--and welcome back! *winks and fondles*
sharnii, I'll reply to your post in a little while.