This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Unexplodable structures? I'm not sure what you...
That's mob griefing, I think you mean. That's an innate vanilla Minecraft gamerule you can set to true or false, and the server is set to false. We don't have enderman griefing either, or ghast explosions. I may have to reset that value, but no, we won't lose that capacity.
Well, it is for me.
Aww gosh darnit. I was gonna check to see if I could enter our server but it seems at this point in time I can't even launch Minecraft.. Apparently the services are down, according to MojangSupport. I shall try again at a later time.
EDIT: Blegh never mind. It appears I got my own password wrong or something. So I launched Minecraft 1.7.2 and after attempting to connect to the server with various errors, I eventually was able to make it in. But it's almost midnight right now and I have work to do tomorrow, so I'd best save establishing a shelter for a later date.
Last edited by Kiseki (10-18-2014 10:54:59 PM)
Let me know if/when you're going to be on, and I can try being your personal guide if you like. The rest of today will probably be spent working on homework with a break for cat box cleaning, and tomorrow… I'll probably have some time around midday (don't know what time that is for anyone else, it's midday for me) and in the evening.
Or not, up to you.
satyreyes wrote:
Kiseki, I'm having the same problem; how did you resolve it?
What in particular are you having trouble with? Launching Minecraft at all or getting into the server?
How about tomorrow night at 9pm Central Time?
Getting into the server. I hang at the "Logging In" screen, with an error message concerning ReadTimeoutException. If I try again, I get a message that the authentication server is down, which according to is not true.
I think that's about when I get off work. I'll log in when I get home.
satyreyes wrote:
Getting into the server. I hang at the "Logging In" screen, with an error message concerning ReadTimeoutException. If I try again, I get a message that the authentication server is down, which according to is not true.
Hmm... to be honest, I'm not quite sure how I managed to log in. While I don't remember exactly what my error messages said, I do know that they were not the one you mentioned. Initially, I realized that I was using the wrong version of Minecraft, so I changed that to version 1.7.2. Even after that, I still got two or three error messages while trying to log into the server before somehow getting in.
That said, I only walked around for about a minute or two. I really hope when I log in tonight that I won't get booted from the server after a short amount of time like when the server errors initially started for everyone way back when.
Sorry Kita, but I tried logging into the server just now and it gave me the same errors as the other day, but I couldn't solve it this time... I'm not really sure what to do to establish a stable connection.
Aw, drat. Have you tried using 1.7.5? That's the version I've got, and it's showing up fine. But then, I've got an unusually robust connection.
Huh, it worked. Silly me. Thanks for the quick tip.
EDIT: I was able to sustain a smooth connection and was not booted for the 20 minutes I spent exploring. I'm not really sure where to start, so I just went sightseeing for the time being. Corinthia's gorgeous, Kita. (Especially with the texture packs I have installed.
..Uh... Is there any way to get back to the teleportation hub from Corinthia? I couldn't find a button to go back anywhere.
Last edited by Kiseki (10-20-2014 08:48:51 PM)
Oh, yeah. The area you arrive in from the Transportation hub is the Transport District. The Departures Chamber is behind the Arrivals Chamber, towards the water.
Last edited by Kita-Ysabell (10-20-2014 08:50:59 PM)
I am currently working on updating the server to 1.8 and updating the whitelist to the newer version as well. Hopefully all goes well, but I'm not sure how long this process will take.
That was... eventful!
It... seems to be working, whitelist and all. I haven't fully doublechecked that the uuids that I know of for members match up, but I know I was able to log on after turning on the whitelist, so I take that as a good sign. Let me know if there are any issues, and I'll see what I can do.
WOOO! 1.8!
I'm in and it looks like it's working fine for me, though… not sure how I ended up where I did (mighta just logged off there) or how I got what I had in my inventory (pretty sure I was working on a different project…)
But it's all good.
Inventories and enderchests might be messed up. Same with locations. Mine seemed about right, and Bio's seemed correct once he thought about it, but if anything's missing, I'll replace it.
Works great for me! My location was wrong, but my inventory is fine, and I didn't have anything in my enderbox. The server was stable and smooth except for some weird lag when I teleported. Plus, there are rabbits in my birch grove! Thank you, Aine!
Everything seems up and running, if rather slightly dodgy. The server seems to like it, for me, when I connect around 6-10pm, Arizona Time. Which would be like. 8pm-midnight Eastern Time.
Enderchests are working, as are inventories. I'd merely forgotten I stowed my gear away as Aine had warned, and then forgotten I threw all my on-person gear out because I'm impulsive and hotheaded. You should all have everything from between the last time we tried updating the server and now.
On the Bio end of Things Being Done, the Sanctum has been moved one last time. And new rules written. And more importantly, no having to guesstimate how much quartz I'm demanding any more! I'll do all the math-y legwork for you now.
The Elizea Prefecture now has a shiny municipal office/town hall. ...okay, as shiny as wood gets. >>;;;
And I have plans to resurrect a build I'm (pretty) sure I said I won't try again. I just need to find a good swamp. More details as I work to find that.
Kiseki, there's a place that should be right, if you don't mind swampland and potentially lots of digging. Try the X,Z co-ordinates 598, 737 and see if it'll work. Just... don't tear down the railway. It's for that stupid "On a Rail" achievement.
(Double post, I apologize. I'll try not to make it a triple post. )
So part of my server project (you know, besides all my other builds floatin' around) is completed. For those of you who remember the lore of the Zakarum swamp-folk and their desert-neighbors of Kalamata, you prolly remember the swamp-village of Kurast. (Yes, the Diablo II Kurast Docks-inspired build.)
Well, I've decided to attempt resurrecting it, with your help. A Google Doc has been prepared for anybody interested further to read, provided here for your persual.
The only real limitation is that you must be a forumite who's registered on the server whitelist. That's pretty much it. Not a registered forumite and play Minecraft? Let us know your username here!
If this is successful (read: enough people are interested), I'll start a spin-off thread so we can discuss what-all we're going to build, and where. This won't work without your input, everybody!
NOTICE: If that link doesn't work, for gods' sake poke me and I'll make it work?
Looks like I'm going to need to start a vine farm.
I'm in, Bio! We need to build the Grand Hall first, right? I want to make tribute, but since the teleport point won't go up until the Grand Hall is done, I don't know where to go to donate! Coordinates?
You say that only Survival Mode players can donate -- is anyone on the server in Survival Mode besides me? Not that I mind sponsoring the rebirth of Kurast, of course, but everyone should be able to get involved! Maybe Creative Mode players can pitch in on the construction?
The Grand Hall is actually pre-constructed, since. If nobody else had interest, I would've asked Aine and crystlmalice and it'd have become a private project. It's ready to go, even; just access the Travincal teleport from the Central Transfer Chamber, or the Matango Colony. The coordinates are roughly -5000 on the X axis and +5000 on the Z axis, and is on the waterline. (Seriously, you can't miss Travincal architecture. ) The Grand Hall tribute comes in only whenever I feel it's been damaged too much (which is about 80% of the thing missing).
Tributes are made once we decide on the next thing to build, be it a roadway or a structure. They'll be made in the Grand Hall, once I decide a room to place them in. That'll be what the side thread's for, so we don't quite clutter up this one with the build stuff.
Survival users are the only ones allowed to donate, because I can't prove conclusively that a Creative tribute was legit crafted/mined, and not just pulled from the Creative Inventory. (See also: me. ) That said, everybody who's part of the server community (which does involve a few non-forumites) has a chance to decide what gets built, and which directions we go in.
I will handle construction myself, since I'm the one who has the blueprints. That said, if y'alls shoot for a Town's Pride, y'alls can build that yourself.
And if stuff gets damaged/used/lost, I will repair/replace everything.
The only people in Creative, to my immediate knowledge, are myself, Aine and Kita. Everybody else is in Survival, with OITL, Florence and a friend of a friend of Aine's being the three whose status I can't recall.
Last edited by BioKraze (11-06-2014 08:08:45 PM)
Very cool. We'll need to build at least one Pathway first, then, right?
I might suggest that the auxiliary thread should be in the Shaved Ice Lounge. Two Minecraft threads in General seems like too many, and SIL seems like a natural home for a side-game thread.
satyreyes wrote:
Looks like I'm going to need to start a vine farm.
I'm in, Bio! We need to build the Grand Hall first, right? I want to make tribute, but since the teleport point won't go up until the Grand Hall is done, I don't know where to go to donate! Coordinates?
You say that only Survival Mode players can donate -- is anyone on the server in Survival Mode besides me? Not that I mind sponsoring the rebirth of Kurast, of course, but everyone should be able to get involved! Maybe Creative Mode players can pitch in on the construction?
I am also in Survival Mode. I've been at a loss for some time as to what I should do or build on this server, so I'd be glad to pitch in and collect resources for you folks.