This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
9 of them!
i think its genius.
been playing it all day, my ears are in Utena heaven.
one of the best soundtracks in anime, if not ever.
Last edited by utenatea (02-01-2011 01:01:32 AM)
JA Seazer is a genius-not only is it an incredible soundtrack, it's actually relevant to the story!
I've always felt Utena sort of has its own genre of music, like Juno or The Shining- it's all in the same genre, but it's difficult to pinpoint a specific one.
Virtual Star Embryology
Utena has an oddball, experimental sound and I think we all love it.
Yeah, I have most of the Utena music as well and I love it. In particular, as dorky as it is, the opening song is an always wil be my favorite Utena song and one of my favorite songs ever
I love the creepy cool music that's always playing during the duels. I really feel like those were a nice/epic touch to add to the show
I've been listening to Truth for about a day. For some off reason it allways gives me strength to push ahead. 3 Luca Yumi's voice helps too.
Celaenoe wrote:
Yeah, I have most of the Utena music as well and I love it. In particular, as dorky as it is, the opening song is an always wil be my favorite Utena song and one of my favorite songs ever
I love the creepy cool music that's always playing during the duels. I really feel like those were a nice/epic touch to add to the show
I know! I forget the title of it..but that music that was playing on the car ride back from the amusement part allways calms me down n__n~
VintageRoses wrote:
Celaenoe wrote:
Yeah, I have most of the Utena music as well and I love it. In particular, as dorky as it is, the opening song is an always wil be my favorite Utena song and one of my favorite songs ever
I love the creepy cool music that's always playing during the duels. I really feel like those were a nice/epic touch to add to the showI know! I forget the title of it..but that music that was playing on the car ride back from the amusement part allways calms me down n__n~
yeah it's really nice, despite how unsettling parts of that episode are :p
I have the first OST CD, Virtual Star Embryology -the CD, not the song- and the J.A. Seazer Chorus album in my ipod. They make a long boring bus trip worthwhile...
The lyrics of cgoruses are pure genius...
I actually kind of like the non-JA Seazer tracks more. I think they work better in the context of the show than on their own. It's like an opera or something. Still may end up getting that non-Utena JA Seazar Uenta CD at some point. lol