This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Like in your mind.
I see "Ohtori" and instead of thinking the academy when watching Utena I think of Kyoya Ohtori. Every time I'mwatching Host club I think of the academy instead of the character!
Am I the only one who does this? Am I the only genre mixing weirdo to put the two together?
Look at everywhere...
Last edited by Aya (12-23-2009 02:26:22 AM)
Well, two of the animators from Utena did work on Ouran, so a lot of the animation looks similar (check out the Nemuro hands in the Alice episode....err....arrows....)
Shadow kings need to stick together. Akio/Kyouya.
Or Touga/Tamaki.
Too much fun this is.
Oooh, Ouran's one of my favorite shows! Yoji Enokido worked on it, so I wouldn't be surprised if he deliberately made some Utena references.
OnlyInThisLight wrote:
Or Touga/Tamaki.
Too much fun this is.
Okay. That settles it.
You're officially my new best friend. It's great to know I'm not the only one who's fantasized about this.
Renge/Saionji might work if he's into girls like Wakaba although I think her geekiness would scare and confuse the hell out of him.
OOH! What about Hunny/Wakaba? The cuteness would be overwhelming!
Hunny and wakaba!!! /starts new fan circle
and though I'm not entirely keen on this next idea, I love the new word it makes....
Intertwincestual Relationship
But what about what about Mori?
Speaking of Mori, I think Mori/Akio would be good. The combined manliness would cause an explosion of fan girlyness.
Riri-kins wrote:
Renge/Saionji might work if he's into girls like Wakaba although I think her geekiness would scare and confuse the hell out of him.
Oh, dahlink, who said anything about it being consensual?
I can see it now; Saionji's parents have arranged him to marry Renge; The Kyouichi's provide the prestige, the Houshakuji's bring the moohlah. Saionji is all too happy to help pay for his tuition at Ohtori by honorably sacrificing his will and acquiescing to his parents. Plus, he gets a well-mannered, demure and proper little bride to hold his elbow.
Renge is all for it. Let's say Saionji resembles a character from a romance sim game. And that hidden angst? Oh, she will just eat that UP.
Saionji is appalled to find himself marrying a otaku version of Nanami, but grins and bares it, trying and failing to mold her into a proper, silent young lady and put off by her assertiveness. And, after awhile, realizes that he doesn't mind spending the rest of his life with a girl who not only challenges his stiff upper lip and chauvinism, but shares his predilection for cheesey romance.
Last edited by OnlyInThisLight (12-23-2009 09:17:42 PM)
I just wanna see what happens when Saionji meets Casanova-kun...
Best friends, or worst enemies ?
An epic battle to see who posses the deepest scowl.
There can be only one.
OnlyInThisLight wrote:
shares his predilection for cheesey romance.
Rent Love and Honor.
Seriously, I spent the whole movie imagining Saionji watching it.
Or Touga/Tamaki
The first paring has crossed my mind a few times...and the second just blew it! The shattered pieces of my brain hinted at a fourway between them Also Touga/Mori
. Also You could totally set whole Host club idea up at Ohtori.
Giovanna wrote:
OnlyInThisLight wrote:
shares his predilection for cheesey romance.
Rent Love and Honor.
Seriously, I spent the whole movie imagining Saionji watching it.
Oh crap. This....this needs to be done...
Renge/Wakaba is so meant to be.
Movie!Utena/Haruhi would work in that weird platonic/romantic sense. BUT WHO WOULD TOP? They're both confused for men, both have similar hairstyles (you know, when Utena's isn't flowing out of all directions), both have a sense of nobility and duty. Series Utena also works, but the gender confusion is too good to pass up.
Haha, I think that Saionji/Bossa Nova would be fucking hilarious.
And YES YES YES to double twincest! Kozue/Hikaru/Kaoru/Miki.
Saionji/Bossa Nova?
And Mitsuru would meet Hunny and they'd engage in some special training together.
Honestly, I think Mitsuru might despise Hunny. Mitsuru wants so desperately to be adult and Hunny's 17 going on 6, throwing that adulthood away. Hunny is exactly the part of Mitsuru that Mitsuru doesn't like, an inner child let loose.
I'd be most interested in how Renge and Touga would interact. I mean, they're both sexually driven, bored dilettantes. They might really entertain each other. I mean, I think she'd be all over him at first like all the others¸ but she'd also perhaps have more perspective to understand why he acts the way he does.
I think I just want to see Renge otaku-typecast/analyze the SKU cast...
Ranka (Haruhi's father) + Akio
Benio (Zuka Club President) + Juri
Hikaru (Straight twin) + Kozue
Kaoru (Gay twin) + Miki
Nekozawa + Anthy
Hunny + Chu-Chu {Both big cake eaters}
Renge + Nanami {Both scary laughers}
Aya wrote:
But what about what about Mori?
I think Mori would approve once he saw how kind and gentle Wakaba was to his little cousin. Granted, it would take a long time. If Hunny ever introduced her to him it'd be like a scary version of Meet The Parents.
Melancholic_Soul wrote:
Intertwincestual Relationship
Oh Gawd, that's brilliant. I can see it now. Kozue flirts with the twins to make Miki mad only to be unexpectedly charmed and invites Miki to join the fun!
OnlyInThisLight wrote:
I can see it now; Saionji's parents have arranged him to marry Renge; The Kyouichi's provide the prestige, the Houshakuji's bring the moohlah. Saionji is all too happy to help pay for his tuition at Ohtori by honorably sacrificing his will and acquiescing to his parents. Plus, he gets a well-mannered, demure and proper little bride to hold his elbow.
Renge is all for it. Let's say Saionji resembles a character from a romance sim game. And that hidden angst? Oh, she will just eat that UP.
Saionji is appalled to find himself marrying a otaku version of Nanami, but grins and bares it, trying and failing to mold her into a proper, silent young lady and put off by her assertiveness. And, after awhile, realizes that he doesn't mind spending the rest of his life with a girl who not only challenges his stiff upper lip and chauvinism, but shares his predilection for cheesey romance.
I want a crack fic with this plot. [It almost makes me think we Saionji fangirls would have a chance. (laughs)]
Also, Saionji has already been in a dating sim. What do you wanna bet Renge's played Four Days In Ohtori?
This seems a bit out of left turn, but I was watching Fate Stay Night yesterday, and one of the characters (Archer, I think) looks like the embodiment of Akio ! I was laughing so much... I haven't watched much of Oran Host Club to be honest (doesn't suit my style)
But I was just wondering, does anyone know where I can find the Utena Director's latest series Melody of Oblivion online? I want to watch the episodes, but its very rare...
Considering both Haruhi and Tamaki's sense of justice, they'd probably get along with Utena. They'd probably get along with Anthy as well, though not for the same reasons. They'd probably both be annoyed by Saionji's behavior, and Tamaki would definitely be put off by the way Touga treats girls, seeing how Tamaki likes to make girls feel good by complimenting them and harmlessly flirting with them, and Touga just sees girls as conquests/objects, seducing them and sleeping with them at his leisure. Haruhi would probably be more open to the opinions and concerns of the other characters. She'd probably also be able to avoid being seduced by characters like Touga and Akio. Tamaki and Miki could probably find some mutual ground through the piano. Hikaru and Kaoru would probably just run around causing havoc and pranking people. If Kozue took an interest in him Hikaru might go for it, maybe Kaoru as well, but more than likely Hikaru (He's the most flirtatious of the two right?). Mitsuru might be put off by Hani, or he might just be confused. After all, (for slightly twisted reasons) Mitsuru feels the need to become an adult, but then there's Hani, who practically is an adult, and yet looks and acts like someone several years younger, even carrying a stuffed toy around… Mori would regard most (if not all) of the characters with the silence and stotic demeanor he's known for. He'd probably get along with characters like Wakaba and Kanae.
Last edited by RhythmFusion (05-16-2011 04:21:09 PM)
Anthy and Kyouya would have a shiny!glasses-fake!smile-off.
And then creepy, unsatisfying sex.
Tamaki/Utena. He's princely and kind and I think that if she met him earlier in the series she'd really go well with him. He'd be good for her, because he honestly wants to "save" girls as well.
I don't know if Kyouya would like Anthy...he might see her manipulation as futile and for nothing, and the reflection of his own predicament might make him distance himself from her.
I was just thinking about this! I almost mixed up Ohtori and Ouran too. idea for a fic.
Haruhi: So what brings you to Ouran?
Random Original character: Oh, I was at another high-school but...
Random OC: Let's just say teen drama and swords are never a good combo. Never.
OnlyInThisLight wrote:
I can see it now; Saionji's parents have arranged him to marry Renge; The Kyouichi's provide the prestige, the Houshakuji's bring the moohlah. Saionji is all too happy to help pay for his tuition at Ohtori by honorably sacrificing his will and acquiescing to his parents. Plus, he gets a well-mannered, demure and proper little bride to hold his elbow.
Renge is all for it. Let's say Saionji resembles a character from a romance sim game. And that hidden angst? Oh, she will just eat that UP.
Saionji is appalled to find himself marrying a otaku version of Nanami, but grins and bares it, trying and failing to mold her into a proper, silent young lady and put off by her assertiveness. And, after awhile, realizes that he doesn't mind spending the rest of his life with a girl who not only challenges his stiff upper lip and chauvinism, but shares his predilection for cheesey romance.
Last edited by Duelist Megu (06-16-2010 12:39:32 AM)
Ooh, this topic is perfect. I can definitely see style similarities between the two series.
Akio and Kyouya are really different, because Kyouya really is a good, caring person underneath the seeming manipulation. He cares about the host club and about Tamaki. So I think he would probably be a good ally for Utena to have on her side.
I can easily see Tamaki/Utena. Benio/Juri would be really hot. I could maybe see Mori falling for Wakaba. Poor Haruhi would think the Ohtori students were insane, but she might also get along with Wakaba and Utena. I think Kyouya would see right through Anthy, and so would Haruhi. Kozue would try to seduce all the guys, but I don't think any of them would go for it. I think Kasanoda/Wakaba would be really cute. Touga would probably find Haruhi's androgyny offensive. Nekozawa would find himself amidst the shadow play girls' skits.
Someone should definitely write a crossover for this. Host Club + Utena vs. Akio!
Mock Puppet wrote:
Ranka (Haruhi's father) + Akio
Benio (Zuka Club President) + Juri
Hikaru (Straight twin) + Kozue
Kaoru (Gay twin) + Miki
Nekozawa + Anthy
Hunny + Chu-Chu {Both big cake eaters}
Renge + Nanami {Both scary laughers}
I'm definitely putting together snippets of at least conversation with these chara...
~~"She's not like other girls." How many times did Hikaru need to say it? They were brothers and should have shared some sort of knowledge of each other. Why couldn't Kaoru understand that this was right; That this was what Hikaru wanted? The Hitachiin brothers stood facing each other in front of Ohtori's gates, their car long since gone.
"Yeah, she's not like other girls, but that's why you should be worried. Listen to what people are saying about her." Kaoru gently grabbed his older twin's arm. "Listen to what I'm saying. Kozue is no good for you." It could be so useless trying to persuade Hikaru. Nothing sensible ever reached his head.
Hikaru shrugged off Kaoru's grip, as well as his warning. "Don't say her name so easily. I'm going inside now, don't follow me." The older boy slipped past the school's gates, ignoring the feeling that he was leaving something very important behind. There was a prize much brighter awaiting him,though. No need for such sentimental feelings now.~~