This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Thank you for all the support over the years. Without the continued support, Archimage would have turned into one of those abandoned fics, but I felt a responsibility to give it all to the readers who kept reading, commenting, emailing, and doing beautiful fan art.
I hope it has been worth the wait.
Jude, congratulations on finishing your epic. I'm so, so glad!
Jude- it's debthemango- WELL DONE!!! Thank you for going against all expectations and actually finishing an epic, amazing, wonderful story about fascinating characters. You respected your audience, and deserve every ounce of praise you get. Thank you again.
I started reading from the beginning so I can catch the nuances and possible shift in writing style. I still have a little while to go until the new and final chapters, but it's really a pleasure to read this fic again. I think I found it originally through a link on this site, back before we had this forum. A really nostalgic piece, that.
Well shit, maybe I should check back on my Duke Nukem Forever preorder.
Seriously, though, round of applause for Jude!
Lightice wrote:
I started reading from the beginning so I can catch the nuances and possible shift in writing style. I still have a little while to go until the new and final chapters, but it's really a pleasure to read this fic again. I think I found it originally through a link on this site, back before we had this forum. A really nostalgic piece, that.
I started reading in 2001 or 2 so I had to start over again I know exactly what you mean- you can tell exactly where the gaps happened and the style changed but I love all of it!!
When I saw the title of this post I almost fainted! INCREDIBLE!!! Archimage is my absolute favorite SKU fanfic - there are scenes that stick in my head from this story, just as well as any from the series itself. Anthy calming the storm, the hospital reunion.... such a brilliant job of capturing the Utena/Anthy relationship as I see it personally. This story to me, is like Stephen King's Dark Tower series....I started so long ago, love it so thoroughly, I'm almost AFRAID to read the end. But read I shall.
Thanks again to the author who is so awe-inspiring to me for writing Archimage I have always fangirled over anytime we've spoken on the forums, one time I got so nervous I accidentally called her Tohoboho....
But so gracious is she, just to laugh it off. Anyway, BIG FAN of the story, BIG FAN of the author as well. Anything you write, I'll be reading!
I LOVE YOU JUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*throws roses*
I've been away from the Utena fandom for a couple months, and I came back today to find out that the remastered DVDs are coming to the US AND that Archimage has been finished. If I wasn't already, I would definitely need to sit down.
And just when I was beginning to wonder what I wanted to do for the rest of the night....
Congrats on completing your saga. I cannot wait to see how it all comes together.
Thank you all so, so much! We're very glad to have it finished, and glad that everyone so far has enjoyed the ending and felt that it was worth the wait! (Oh, how I angsted about whether it was EPIC enough!)
As promised, I have updated the PDF so there are now TWO COMPLETE ARCHIMAGE PDFs -- one formatted all fancy, as it has been all along, and one simple (which saves all of about 30 pages). The final word count was 139,000 (give or take a few hundred), which is a nice, respectable size for a novel (though a little long to be considered as a first novel ).
Thank you again. It's been one helluva ride. I hope I'll have the brain juice to get back into writing more fanfic sometime soon. Meanwhile, I am writing original fic -- the link is on the Archimage page -- and enjoying that a great deal.
Today is a good day to necropost. One of the bigger epics of Utena fanfics. Well, I think it's worth it to remind folks of it.
I seem to have missed this one the first time around, so thanks for the necro Anthiena.
I just let out a fangirl squeal that only dogs could hear. I can't believe it!