This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
For those of us here who enjoy reading and/or writing Utena fics, I was curious as to what everyone's favorite moments were from the stories they've read. Post them here.
My all-time favorite is when Anthy chants, "I am Parvati. "I am Durga and Kali. I am Diana and Hecate and Circe. I am Tiamat. I am the salt waters. I am the great sow that births and devours her young." It's from Alan Harnum's The Graduates. A close second is when Touga and Saionji snuggle under the covers in mistr3ssquickly's "Knock Before Entering" because I'm a sucker for sappy yaoi.
Last edited by Riri-kins (01-20-2009 09:55:14 PM)
I'll add to the Alan Harnum love, with this line from Sonata for Piano Duo, my personal favorite of all his work.
"I think that made me glad; hate is a strong
feeling, strong as love. Anything you love, you must also hate a
little as well, for making you needy, for carving out a hollow
place in you that only it can fill."
Then, from Luc Court's butterfly in nine laps: lap 02 juri
"That was how she meant it, on his twelfth birthday.
For his thirteenth, Juri put flowers on his grave. She chose tiger’s-eyes."
And from Sylvia's Ever After
"At least he knew he'd only imagined the hint of a malicious smile that had seemed to be playing on Anthy's lips, because Anthy did not smile like that."
Riri-kins wrote:
My all-time favorite is when Anthy chants, "I am Parvati. "I am Durga and Kali. I am Diana and Hecate and Circe. I am Tiamat. I am the salt waters. I am the great sow that births and devours her young." It's from Alan Harnum's The Graduates. A close second is when Touga and Saionji snuggle under the covers in mistr3ssquickly's "Knock Before Entering" because I'm a sucker for sappy yaoi.
I've read that one by mistr3ssquickly I love it too.
Hoorah for sappy yaoi!!!
So many, so many...
But just for starters my fave moments from In Opposition to Roses by Kanna-Ophelia (gorgeous writing style):
"I was watering the roses."
Utena could actually taste the words All night? in her mouth, unless that was the dying taste of the rose petal, but she swallowed against it.
Anthy's hair was still down in heavy jacaranda-purple waves, but she'd replaced her spectacles, apparently in order to watch her little portable television set. Utena glanced over to see what had caught Anthy's fancy enough for her to stay up watching it in the small hours of the morning, after such a distressing scene; but then, perhaps, to the Rose Bride it
had not been distressing. It was a game show, currently involving naked middle aged men being tortured with scorpions and honey. Utena felt the familiar confusion that someone could be so very, very dear and precious, and still so alien.
"I put the rose in water, Miss Utena. I thought it was ruined, but - see." Anthy pointed to something, but Utena didn't follow the gesture.
"The rose isn't important, Himemiya."
Anthy continued to look gravely at her from behind the circles of glass, while shrieks and wails rose from the television. "But it's still alive and beautiful. I thought that it was spoiled, but you see - it was too pure. It survived handling."
Utena still didn't look at the flower. She knew Anthy was offering comfort in her odd way, but...
I wish I could find the original piece, unfortunately the internets fail me so I'll have to try to remember.
It was a fic about how the sekito came together ten years after the duels ended. They didn't really understand why, but they felt drawn to return to Ohtori. None of them remembered much about Utena, but the more they talked and remembered what had happened, Anthy appeared and was able to summon an image of Utena.
Up till that part it was a pretty hokey read, but the last few lines caught me. Utena was drinking tea alone. Anthy cried with relief to see her, drinking tea just as she had promised she would ten years before. It was hokey, but those last few lines made it worth while...for me at least.
I was inordinately pleased with the scene with Utena and the Shadow Girls in the taxicab in chapter 10 of Alan Harnum's Jacquemart. Not only was it partially a homage to the second Urusei Yatsura movie, Beautiful Dreamer (a particular anime favorite of mine), it works extremely well on its own merits. The Shadow Girls are really well written, both whimsical and damn creepy. And, as icing on the cake, it provides a great explanation for why there's no D-ko in the Utena multiverse.
Dallbun wrote:
I was inordinately pleased with the scene with Utena and the Shadow Girls in the taxicab in chapter 10 of Alan Harnum's Jacquemart.
Exactly the same as mine!
Alan Harnum wrote:
Utena took a single, desperate breath, clawed for the door
handle, and threw herself out of the cab, slamming the door
closed behind her. She scrambled away on her hands and knees
over the snow-dusted road, clutching the sword, gasping. So
thick, the shadows, suffocating her--
"That's so rude. Just like you."
"Just like before. Do you know what an honour it is to be
offered a place among us? A place in the Theatre of Shadows? We
even saved a name for you--a name that nobody else can ever use!"
"You could have been the magnificent D-ko, fourth member of
our troupe!"
"But instead, you decided to stay as an ordinary girl."
Utena only stared, shaking, not just from the cold. The
colour of the cab seemed to be leaching away, monochroming as she
watched. Inside, the shadows swirled and capered, becoming one
thing, and then another, then another, endlessly--
Slowly, the rear door she'd exited through creaked open
again, revealing an interior thick with darkness.
"But there's still room for one more," something said from
within; three voices, speaking as one, or one voice that spoke as
three, a voice childish, ancient, mocking, serious, foolish,
wise, cynical, idealistic... "Room for one more, room for one
more-- one more-- more-- more-- more--"
I loved the face off between Sae (Sp?) and Utena in Blood Soaked and Honorbound. That was all sorts of awesome. Mrs. Ohtori makes an awesome master vampire.
...but for sap, I have to say that the chapter "Spirit" from the fic Kakumei Muyo (on - should be easy enough to find) was so very touching. That fic period has a lot of WAFF qualities to it. It does have it's creepy moments, though. You can tell how much Utena misses Anthy and how much she has changed from the girl who challenged Saionji without knowing what that entailed. That was awesome.
...but seriously. "The Graduates" was one bit Crowning Moment of Awesome for Anthy.
I can't remember the exactly title of this fanfiction, but people had been losing their minds across Ohtori and murdering each other. Shiori was after Juri with a knife while they were on top of the dueling arena. Though this may not have happened in the actual show, Saionji ended up saving Juri from Shiori. He grabbed Shiori and held her while Juri escaped. He then jumped off the arena, Shiori in tow, killing her and himself.
I dunno why, but I loved that scene
BlackRoseVixen wrote:
Riri-kins wrote:
My all-time favorite is when Anthy chants, "I am Parvati. "I am Durga and Kali. I am Diana and Hecate and Circe. I am Tiamat. I am the salt waters. I am the great sow that births and devours her young." It's from Alan Harnum's The Graduates. A close second is when Touga and Saionji snuggle under the covers in mistr3ssquickly's "Knock Before Entering" because I'm a sucker for sappy yaoi.
I've read that one by mistr3ssquickly
I love it too.
Hoorah for sappy yaoi!!!
*squeals* Then I take it you also liked "A Cinderella Story." I can't exactly describe my favorite part of it here, but it involved honey.
Riri-kins wrote:
BlackRoseVixen wrote:
Riri-kins wrote:
My all-time favorite is when Anthy chants, "I am Parvati. "I am Durga and Kali. I am Diana and Hecate and Circe. I am Tiamat. I am the salt waters. I am the great sow that births and devours her young." It's from Alan Harnum's The Graduates. A close second is when Touga and Saionji snuggle under the covers in mistr3ssquickly's "Knock Before Entering" because I'm a sucker for sappy yaoi.
I've read that one by mistr3ssquickly
I love it too.
Hoorah for sappy yaoi!!!
*squeals* Then I take it you also liked "A Cinderella Story." I can't exactly describe my favorite part of it here, but it involved honey.
Sure did, sugar That happens to be my favorite part too. <.< Honey-hamu...
OnlyInThisLight wrote:
And from Sylvia's Ever After
"At least he knew he'd only imagined the hint of a malicious smile that had seemed to be playing on Anthy's lips, because Anthy did not smile like that."
BEST FIC EVER! I just love the whole damn thing, though my favourite moment has to be Saionji telling Touga not to be an idiot, that the power to revolutionise the world doesn't exist. And then the face-fault you can just SEE on Touga's face when he realises just who he's really speaking to.
Last edited by Clarice (01-26-2009 12:24:38 AM)
I'm trying to remember if I've read that one... *goes to check favorites* Yup, read it
Last edited by BlackRoseVixen (01-26-2009 01:17:30 AM)
I want to vote the disturbing one with the dragons as the best entire-fanfic-long moment in fanfic history. Clarice knows which one I'm talking about, it's that TxS one, but I don't have the link because my old favorites are vanish'd. Clarice, will you post the link please?
Etrangere wrote:
EVERYBODY READ THIS. I wish Sylvia was on this forum. I'd glomp her stupid and Yasha would kick me off for being a fangirly fool. And none of you would pity the fool.
But in all seriousness, Yasha's right, this is a fantastic story and probably the best bit of SKU fic I've ever read.
Clarice wrote:
But in all seriousness, Yasha's right, this is a fantastic story and probably the best bit of SKU fic I've ever read.
Yeah Ever After is an awesome fic, tis true. Not one of my faves, but not through lack of it being beautifully done. (I think not a fave only cos I don't believe in the reason for Touga being bad, or becoming good. But hey, I find the Saionji spot on.
My fave lines from that fic since we are drooling over it:
There was something even more compelling beyond the beauty you saw so easily once you had learned to look... something you couldn't see, but only feel as a subtle thrum deep behind your eyes, in your chest, in your sex. A resonance sounding in your bones and flesh and blood, as though the presence of Himemiya Anthy struck a chord in the very essence of you.
He didn't know what to say. He never knew what to say to her except that he loved her and needed her and would do anything for her, and now that he could not with honor speak any of the words that wanted to leap from his heart to his tongue, there was nothing left but silence.
But no matter that he had to stop after saying her name, helplessly casting around for anything to excuse his crimes, floundering before the embarrassed and slightly fearful expression on her face. No matter, because his entire being thrilled to her nearness. The familiar surge of wild emotion was rising in his chest; his heart was racing, his cock hardening.
Mmm. So well said. So very Saionji. And behold the power of the rose bride...
Though I absolutely loved the entire thing, this one paragraph in the second chapter of Juxian Tang's fanfiction Paper Soldiers made me smile. The story is told partially in Touga's POV, partially in Saionji's POV, and partially in third person. This one part was in Saionji's POV.
"I took our intertwined hands and brought them forward, towards her. For a few moments she didn't seem to notice or didn't want to react - and then her small hand lay over mine, her fingers plaited through Touga's. It was so quiet... just the sound of the engine, of the tires rustling on the road. Nothing more. No one else in the whole world. Touga's palm was hot and solid under my palm and Nanami's little fingers clasped on mine from above - and I thought I'd never felt more complete... more real."
No, they're not in the Akio car, lol.
I dare say I enjoyed Nanami's role in this fic, which is rare. And this part kind of made me more in tuned with the sense of family that the three of them perhaps share. I encourage everyone to read this fanfic, which is two chapters long. It is very good. One of the best I've read. It competes with Ever After, in my opinion anyway. <---- Chapter one. You, go read this, nao.
I'd like to add that chapter fifteen of our own BlackRoseVixen's Withered Roses Don't Always Die should be a required read for fans of Utena action/adventure fics. The battles use the wonderful red light/green light formula and the pacing gets the reader pumped.
i actually forgot what fanfic i was reading, but it included the Touga x akio explicit sex scene and it was great, i just wish it were longer..
i also enjoyed The Prince, and thought that was great.
Riri-kins wrote:
I'd like to add that chapter fifteen of our own BlackRoseVixen's Withered Roses Don't Always Die should be a required read for fans of Utena action/adventure fics. The battles use the wonderful red light/green light formula and the pacing gets the reader pumped.
Thanks, Riri-kins I worked hard on that fic.
Anthiena wrote:
I loved the face off between Sae (Sp?) and Utena in Blood Soaked and Honorbound. That was all sorts of awesome. Mrs. Ohtori makes an awesome master vampire..
Oh wow, I thought I was the only one who remembered those. Great times. Makes me think of browsing anime sites in my high school computer lab way back when.
I must recommend this parody of the Utena movie to comedy fans if only for the following scenes.
Anthy: Teehee. I scored a PERSONALITY in this movie. This ROCKS.
Shiori: I'm a bitch.
Touga: I know.
Shiori: No, I'm really a bitch.
Touga: Yes, I know.
Shiori:You're dead.
Touga: Yes, I- no. No, I'm not. Eheh. Hush.
Touga: Hello. I'm in the girl's bathroom and no one's noticing except you.
Utena: It's because you're exceedingly girly. Have you ever had sex with Anthy?
Touga: Quite possibly. On the second part, not the first.
Need I say more?