This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Ruggahissy wrote:
The poofy uniform sleeves always bothered me. When I first saw the show my first thought was "WTF is up with those sleeves?"
omg, this just reminded me that I made this not that long ago.
dollface wrote:
lololololol Napoleon Dynamite reference!
I was hoping someone would get it.
Ikuhara would NEVER go on dates with old men as Sailor Saturn.
He only does that as Mars.
God. The Ohtori green. (That was one of my good friend's private school's colour sadly...) They're like SCRUBS. but with RED. WHY DID THEY KEEP IT WITH RED. Anthy's dress is horrid cause of that damn green. I mean, they shoved pink down our throats and cool it off with that GREEN.
Also, what the hell is with those shoulder thingies. They look like giant seafoam green rabbit feet.
As for the musical, that Utena HAD to be giving sexy time to Saito. She HAD to be. There's no other explanation for... whatever that was. ....Can I blame that on Saito too? To go with the crotchlessness and Jay Leno chins?
I fucking hate those uniforms. Granted, they did do well by not making it the generic red-white-blue sailor suit, but come on. When I first saw the series (the dub, unfortunately), that was one of the first things I noticed, besides the huge chins and extremely long legs. I understand a slight puff on some sleeves, but damn! Those things are ridonkulous!
There is only one character who makes those uniforms bearable.
I always took the uniforms to further illustrate the suckiness that is Ohtori Academy and how everyone is brainwashed. I mean all the girls, wearing that, look happy! You CANNOT tell me there isn't something wrong with that.
OnlyInThisLight wrote:
There is only one character who makes those uniforms bearable.
They were made for Wakaba--and no one else. She needs giant puffy sleeves. Needs them!
You could make a good argument that the sleeves add even more unreality and the motivation to revolutionize the world to the series.
The Nanami filler episodes. I liked them the first watch, and I understand the importance in them and for Nanami's characterization.. but gods they make re-watching the series difficult! I always want to skip over the filler episodes and get to the more interesting stuff. I love Nanami's characterization, especially towards the end, but its' too much.
About Utena's ignorance, I actually LIKE it because she's a selfless, naive, innocent anime character who has a real flaw. I get so sick of the standard "innocent" selfless anime girl who is so cutely naive... yet at the most appropriate times, when a person needs help, she suddenly knows how to relate to that person's problems perfectly and save the day with her kindness. Not Utena. She's naive all around, its so realistic.
I agree about the uniforms. And the male version bothered me even more--it's just a sea of hideous green...
Also, did the movie have to be so crazy? My best friend tried to get her boyfriend into the series, but because he wandered in when she was watching the movie he wants nothing to do with it. We used to say that the movie would confuse the hell out of you whether you put the subtitles on or not. It's so pretty, but...seriously?
ETA: Just remembered this in the shower. The character design for Miki's piano teacher. "OH HI MIKI, MY CHILD-MOLESTER MUSTACHE AND I WANT TO TALK TO YOU."
Last edited by Katieryn (12-08-2009 08:26:02 PM)
Yeah, the movie is kinda out of whack, but I see it as a way of explaining the series in a different light.
I just thought of this - what pisses me off a ton is how Tsuwabuki and Keiko get Black Rose duels. I mean, what the fuck?!?!
Everyone else with a black rose signet on their finger has a good reason to duel except for those two, imho.
Let's see... Kanae hates Anthy because she won't call her "big sister". Kozue hates Anthy because all her brother's attention is being focused on her. Shiori duels because she feels inferior to Juri and wants to finally beat her. Wakaba hates Anthy because Saionji loves her. Mikage duels because he just wants Anthy dead.
What, the desire to be an adult and wanting a man?
For me, that's just not "deep" enough to be real reasons to actually be a black rose duelist, compared to the rest.
They might as well have let Tatsuya duel.
I always thought Keiko going after Nanami and Tsuwabuki going after Touga would have made more sense for their Black Rose Duels.
But look at it from a perspective of a young kid.
"I want to be a grown up, period". He must be much more twisted, than he seems in the show, if he participated in the Black Rose Duels...
Sat posted an absolutely delicious essay on the analysis section of EM concerning just how the whole Black Rose pulling swords business works and why Tatsuya was turned away -it's pretty enlightening. And I believe somewhere on the SKU Symbolism Thread (NOW ARCHIVED DO YOU KNOW HOW HAPPY THIS MAKES ME) there are huge pieces of analysis by the lovely Razara that go into delicious detail the symbolism and meaning behind both Mitsuru and Keiko's Black Rose Duels.
Trust me, Mitsuru is messed. The fuck. Up.
And really, when it comes down to it, every duelist has a rather stupid reason for dueling in the show, and even if it they weren't, dueling with swords in order to fix them is dumb enough in its own right, which is teh point SKU tries to make. That doesn't make their motives less complicated or deep, however. Which is part of why it's so hard for them to see how childish they are all acting.
OnlyInThisLight wrote:
Sat posted an absolutely delicious essay on the analysis section of EM concerning just how the whole Black Rose pulling swords business works and why Tatsuya was turned away -it's pretty enlightening. And I believe somewhere on the SKU Symbolism Thread (NOW ARCHIVED DO YOU KNOW HOW HAPPY THIS MAKES ME) there are huge pieces of analysis by the lovely Razara that go into delicious detail the symbolism and meaning behind both Mitsuru and Keiko's Black Rose Duels.
Trust me, Mitsuru is messed. The fuck. Up.
And really, when it comes down to it, every duelist has a rather stupid reason for dueling in the show, and even if it they weren't, dueling with swords in order to fix them is dumb enough in its own right, which is teh point SKU tries to make. That doesn't make their motives less complicated or deep, however. Which is part of why it's so hard for them to see how childish they are all acting.
I disagree with some of the things that Sat posted in that essay, mostly where Keiko is concerned. Not for the choice of Keiko as a duelist but her connection to Touga and why she is able to pull his Heart's Sword. If we take Mikage's line to Mamiya, "However, drawing their heart's swords requires a hand that can capture their hearts," with any truth to it, then Keiko's connection to Touga is tenuous at best, and Mitsuru's to Nanami only slightly stronger. Touga cares nothing for Keiko, and Nanami doesn't truly hold that much affection for Mitsuru. At least not in any way that would allow him to have a hold over her heart.
It does seem when one is willing to let it be drawn that it is a bit easier to do, such as Shiori pulling Ruka's and Ruka pulling Juri's, though you can make a case for Ruka having some hold over Juri's heart, and we can make a very large case for Ruka's romance of Shiori as an elaborate set-up to get someone to pull his Heart's Sword since Juri certainly wasn't going to do it. If we look at it in that way, Touga's whole reconciliation with Saionji at the end of the arc can easily be interpreted as needing someone to pull his own Heart Sword for him, because none of the other Duelists are going to help and Nanami certainly isn't after their most recent spat. It also lends credence to the idea that Touga knew what End of the World was up to with the Black Rose Duelists and willingly allowed Keiko to pull his, even though he had no real attachment to her.
It also makes a huge case for Akio's romance of Utena, as Utena certainly isn't going to give up her Heart's Sword willingly to anyone but Anthy, and his relationship with her allows him the necessary connection to her heart to allow him to take it in Episode 38 as he does.
Touga cares nothing for Keiko, and Nanami doesn't truly hold that much affection for Mitsuru.
I agree with you completely on Touga, but Nanami is probably nicer to Tsuwabuki at some points in the series than she is with anyone else. She does show signs of genuine caring. During his dueling episode, she lays her hand on his head tenderly and tells him that she likes him just the way he is. It wasn't what he wanted to hear, but it seemed authentic. She goes out of her way to save him from the kangaroo as well. True, he'll never have a hold on her like Touga, but there is at least some kind of a connection there.
Katzenklavier wrote:
Touga cares nothing for Keiko, and Nanami doesn't truly hold that much affection for Mitsuru.
I agree with you completely on Touga, but Nanami is probably nicer to Tsuwabuki at some points in the series than she is with anyone else. She does show signs of genuine caring. During his dueling episode, she lays her hand on his head tenderly and tells him that she likes him just the way he is. It wasn't what he wanted to hear, but it seemed authentic. She goes out of her way to save him from the kangaroo as well. True, he'll never have a hold on her like Touga, but there is at least some kind of a connection there.
But "just the way you are" could also mean young, naive, obedient, and subservient. Not saying that there isn't the possibility she is being completely honest and that yes, she does look at him the younger brother she doesn't have. But she doesn't seem mature enough at that point in the series to think of him as anything more than a resource.
KillerxXxQueen wrote:
It seriously bugs me that all of the female cast are supposed to be in their early, budding teen years and they flounce about with perfect, 25-year-old boobs and enviable hourglass figures and shit. And have freaky-weird pubescent sex [cough, Kozue] without anyone seeming to care about statutory rape charges. I dunno, maybe I'm the crazy one, but it drives me insane.
I agree, but I have to add the same for the male characters too. When they take off their shirts (which is often) Touga and Saionji are pretty buff for high-schoolers.
The legal age in Japan is 13 , and all the characters on the show but Tsuwabuki are 13+, which is prolly why statutory rape isn't addressed. Honestly, though, if there's any anime which can handle teenage sex tastefully, it's RGU. Kozue might be the middle school's female whore, but her emotions, her fears, her wants, they're addressed. She's treated as a full-out character, rather than fanservice, and the same is true for all the other characters; they're physically unrealistic, but not emotionally or mentally so. RGU explores an underside to the psychology of sex that most anime authors, or authors in general, aren't aware of and never will be. And that's why I'm not annoyed by the series' perversity. To an extent, I even welcome it.
Katieryn wrote:
I agree about the uniforms. And the male version bothered me even more--it's just a sea of hideous green...
Also, did the movie have to be so crazy? My best friend tried to get her boyfriend into the series, but because he wandered in when she was watching the movie he wants nothing to do with it. We used to say that the movie would confuse the hell out of you whether you put the subtitles on or not. It's so pretty, but...seriously?
ETA: Just remembered this in the shower. The character design for Miki's piano teacher. "OH HI MIKI, MY CHILD-MOLESTER MUSTACHE AND I WANT TO TALK TO YOU."
Meh, it's not like the series is the height of sanity either. The main reason for dislike of the movie tends to be the characterization. Akio fans hate the reality of their idol being shoved into their faces.
winksniper wrote:
Yeah, the movie is kinda out of whack, but I see it as a way of explaining the series in a different light.
I just thought of this - what pisses me off a ton is how Tsuwabuki and Keiko get Black Rose duels. I mean, what the fuck?!?!
Everyone else with a black rose signet on their finger has a good reason to duel except for those two, imho.
Let's see... Kanae hates Anthy because she won't call her "big sister". Kozue hates Anthy because all her brother's attention is being focused on her. Shiori duels because she feels inferior to Juri and wants to finally beat her. Wakaba hates Anthy because Saionji loves her. Mikage duels because he just wants Anthy dead.
What, the desire to be an adult and wanting a man?
For me, that's just not "deep" enough to be real reasons to actually be a black rose duelist, compared to the rest.
They might as well have let Tatsuya duel.
That's precisely why Tsuwabuki and Keiko were chosen, because they weren't deep.
Remember Ep10, when Nanami joined the duels, and there was a shadow girl play about naming a cat? Ako and Bko kept thinking up grander and grander names when a simple one would've sufficed. Like Tsuwabuki and Keiko, Nanami isn't as deep as the other characters either. Up until the Akio Car arc, she's driven by a single-minded obsession for one person, but it doesn't matter how deep she is, because the pain and the drive she feels to Revolutionize the World is just as strong as that of the other duelists. People like Nanami, Tsuwabuki, and Keiko show that not everyone needs smart motivations or goals in order to want to change those around them. Sometimes, people will try to do ridiculously grand things for ridiculously stupid reasons. As long as Tsuwabuki and Keiko love/envy Nanami and Touga enough to pull out their soul swords, they qualify as Black Rose Duelists.
Last edited by Nights1stStar (12-10-2009 06:30:50 AM)
WTF for 39 episodes ya'll couldn't hold out and do one more and make it an even 40; also the distribution of the shows episidies the furhter in you go the smaller the arcs get.
Also the lack of Ruka is annoying. I don't understand why he did not show up eariler in the show...sick...right,right What in the hell was the student councel smoking when they let Nanami step in as president??? Maybe they whole president thing works diffrenly in anmie but for the life of me it does not logically compute. I understand that Touga is hurt, Saionji is expelled so they have spots missing but Nanami?
In fact that could have been a good time to introduce/reintroduce Ruka as temporary acting president.
Chiming in on the fashion. Overall most of SKU's fashion is just kinda fucked up looking to me; however it could just be all anime fashions or the fact it was a product of the era it was created in. Also seeing how supposedly Utena is wearing an older version of the boys uniform, (I think it comes up somehow) seeing the current SKU school uniforms for either sex, I can't blame her. Possibly at some point the uniforms looked less hideous, just a theory.
Last edited by SexingTouga24/7/365 (12-13-2009 06:08:00 AM)
After awhile, most of the outfits kind of grew on me, but it's hard to get people into this show when they first see it and are all EWW WTF ARE THEY WEARING?
What pisses me off is that the style works (sharp lines for cute little skirts and various military touches = love), I really wouldn't alter much on the student council uniforms, it's the colors. Nanami's horrid president's uniform could have been more palatable if they hadn't colored it that hideous, hideous, mustard yellow. In some of the series artwork, it's a much brighter, more electric yellow, and it looks a lot better, but in the series.... just yuck.
Speaking of Nanami...anyone else wonder why the whites of her eyes aren't colored? It's just flesh tone where white should be.
OnlyInThisLight wrote:
Speaking of Nanami...anyone else wonder why the whites of her eyes aren't colored? It's just flesh tone where white should be.
Yeah, that's what I hate about Nanami's design the most. Her eyes. Not only does she have no whites in her eyes, but did anyone else notice that she's the only character who has black in her eyes? Everyone else just has darker/lighter shades of the same color.
winksniper wrote:
OnlyInThisLight wrote:
Speaking of Nanami...anyone else wonder why the whites of her eyes aren't colored? It's just flesh tone where white should be.
Yeah, that's what I hate about Nanami's design the most. Her eyes. Not only does she have no whites in her eyes, but did anyone else notice that she's the only character who has black in her eyes? Everyone else just has darker/lighter shades of the same color.
Huh... I wonder if that's why all this time she reminded me of "little green men". She did look prettier in her second and last duel against Utena, though. That episode, she looked... "matured". I wonder if that was intentional.
SexingTouga24/7/365 wrote:
WTF for 39 episodes ya'll couldn't hold out and do one more and make it an even 40; also the distribution of the shows episidies the furhter in you go the smaller the arcs get.
This is actually standard for most anime series. A run is roughly 13 episodes, where you have things like Lain and Haibane Renmei. Medium length shows tend to get 26, which is where Escaflowne and Evangelion rest. Escaflowne was meant to be a 39 episode run, and you can tell by the pacing in the final few episodes that they were trying to cram 13 episodes worth of conclusion into what was left of the 26 episode run. Utena being 39 episodes is normal for something broken into 3 separate sections.
Even longer series tend to follow this convention. Although Sailor Moon's season one went 46 episodes, the remaining seasons all went 39 each.
Thanks for the information poet...and I decided to try not to think of
Nanami's horrid president's uniform could have been more palatable if they hadn't colored it that hideous, hideous, mustard yellow... just yuck.
... I fully agree just no.
Last edited by SexingTouga24/7/365 (12-14-2009 08:39:48 PM)