This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :) … ode-19-the
Don't know what to think of his character anymore.
I'd like to hear your thoughts on this.
This post neatly sums up what I've always thought of Tatsuya. The fact is, he is indeed a Nice Guy TM. First he attempts to get at Wakaba through her friend while simultaneously treating her like crap. It reeks of some very, very nasty connotations in regards to how he intends to treat Wakaba in the future. If he'd succeeded with drawing attention from Utena, the next step would have been to target Wakaba with a "See? See? Your hot popular friend wanted to date me, aren't you lucky and grateful that I chose you instead? I'm such a great guy, but I'm settling for you. Aren't you everso thankful? Aren't I a fabulous catch?" And then when Wakaba neatly sidesteps him for Saionji (the wrong choice for the right decisions, that poor lass) instead of going, "Well, that tactic backfired on me. Maybe it was the wrong way to go about it", he instead said, "She threw me off! She wasn't grateful for the attention I gave her! She didn't realise how great I am! No one will ever be as good as me! It'll all end in tears for her, mark my words! I’m going to go sit on the sidelines and wait for her to come to her senses!”
Tatsuya acted like a prick and when it backfired, it wasn’t *his* fault. It was *her* fault, it was the fault of the guy that drew her away from him. He is a textbook case. Nice Guy TM personified. What a dickhead.
I'd say I'm polarized about this. I sympathized with Tatsuya when I first watched that ep, I think a lot of people have, but you've got to absorb the entire series before you can begin to understand that it's nowhere near a typical anime, and things that are taken for granted elsewhere are dissected and subverted, more often than not. His behavior of 'watching from the sidelines and loving her no matter what she does' is all nice and romantic and whatnot, but in his case, it comes off as selfish and patronizing. Sure it might seem like unconditional love, but his actions up to that point suggest that he's not that selfless after all.
Which is quite normal, really. But the problem here is that most people would root for such a character before they would for someone like, say, Saionji or Nanami. Their own (numerous) issues aside, are their motives not pure at the core? Are they not motivated by love, when you come down to it? And isn't their selfishness similar to his, with the difference that they don't try to hide it from other characters and the audience?
Sure, he cannot become a Black Rose Duelist, precisely because becoming one would mean owning up to his baser urges and basically admitting to himself that his motives are ultimately selfish, or at least more selfish than he's willing to admit.
All in all I don't see Tatsuya as being bad because of this. He's just a kid with a few issues, and wow that's a first-timer in SKU...One of the major points of the series is that everyone is messed up to some degree, and the ideal is unreachable. And that everyone gets selfish sometimes and that's not such a big deal.
But then there's this
She’s so innocent! He’s going to have SEX WITH HER, and then she’ll be TARNISHED and she’ll run back to him and he’ll accept the poor, broken ruined thing who will now be dependent on him and he can look down on her all he wants! Jesus Christ, this dude totally hangs out on Reddit. In the end, he just doesn’t understand why he’s not good enough for her. LISTEN TO WHAT YOU JUST SAID DUDE. IN THERE YOU WILL FIND THE REASON.
I remember posting in a similar discussion on IRG a while back. I'm still not really sure how to feel about this. It's a chilling similarity to the whole ''Waifu'' thing that's been popular in so-called Otaku circles on the Internet. I don't know if it's just foolishness, but those people seem to believe that real women are sluts by default if they do anything sexual EVER, yet idolize 2D females they view as pure and untarnishable. Even putting such characters in sexual or provocative situations cannot 'ruin' them, as they don't actually exist. And somehow that's viewed as better and more meaningful than a relationship with a real person.
Honestly, I do not understand such behavior, but I can see what may be the reasons for it. Same goes for Tatsuya's tirade.
I feel that I haven't written anything meaningful here. That may be due to my own feelings not being entirely clear on this subject, after all. But nice article, food for thought...
The thing I'd say about Tatsuya is he's represented in the show as a 'normal' person, like Wakaba. So that means he has normal issues and reacts to them in a normal way. That doesn't mean he's supposed to be perfect, he isn't a person without any problems who always does the right thing. He fits the Nice Guy description, but he's not the only character in the show who does. Mikage describing him as a good person doesn't mean much, because it's Mikage; but the show itself doesn't treat Tatsuya like a villain or even an antagonist as it does with the 'special' students. He doesn't go to the extremes that the black rose duellists do, even though he does have an emotional breakdown in the elevator.
That doesn't mean the message is "Hey guys, be like Tatsuya!" because the series isn't about him. This isn't the story of how Tatsuya lost and then regained his childhood love. Even this episode isn't about him, it's about Wakaba; he exists to give us insight on her, on her ideal prince figure and to set up the reveal at the end with Saionji.
As with most characters of SKU, it needs to be said that this is a person going through the difficult time of adolescents, they don't always make the right decisions or recognize their failings. The characters aren't who they want to be, and the hope for them is that they'll become better people as they mature. If Tatsuya was a 20-something guy doing these same things it would come across more damning and more hopeless, just as it would for any other character.
tl;dr Yes his actions are those of a Nice Guy and that's bad. The show doesn't support him, it doesn't even give him the chance, because he won't fight for it. But that doesn't mean the correct interpretation of his character is a straw man who exists only to hate.
I've seen arguments along these lines before, even on this forum. I think it's just a matter of certain lines and cues coming across to different viewers in different ways.
OK, before we go judging the Onion Prince, let's take a look at the courtship strategies of the SKU main cast.
Saionji: forced exchange diary, slapping
Juri: cry in shower, secret locket
Miki: do her homework, fail at duels
Keiko et al: become his little sister's brute squad
Nanami: spy on him in shower, bully people
Mikage: burn some guys
Utena: wait for the magic ring to do something
Wakaba: free room, lunch allowance
Touga: "next!"
Ruka: comes back from dead to have sex with your gf
Anthy: stabbing
Akio: rape
Tatsuya is a profoundly boring character and I wouldn't root for him in anything, but IMO he's lacking the obnoxious streak that characterizes NG(TM)s. He's not honest about his feelings, but that is best explained by (justified) under-confidence and inexperience. He doesn't whine or act entitled or get angry, even though the object of his affections is in love with the biggest jerk in school. Feel free to correct me on that last point, his character is so forgettable that I can't really remember much of his dialog. In private he might be all /r/fuckthefriendzone, we don't know.
Sure, he cannot become a Black Rose Duelist, precisely because becoming one would mean owning up to his baser urges and basically admitting to himself that his motives are ultimately selfish, or at least more selfish than he's willing to admit.
I gotta disagree there, I think that even if your bitterness is deeply subconscious, Mikage can find it. Tatsuya is just too wishy-washy and unsure of his own feelings to make the grade. Not exactly a virtue, but better than the alternative.
I agree with a lot of what the author of the post says. It's just about the most unfavorable spin you can put on Tatsuya's actions, but it's legit; Tatsuya is indirect, passive, and mind-gamey in his approach to Wakaba, and that does smell like Nice Guy(TM). (Then again, is he more indirect or passive than Keiko? Shiori?...)
I think what I'm most uncomfortable with about the post is the author's lionization of Wakaba and demonization of Tatsuya. Hypothetical question: if Wakaba had been kicked out of school and had nowhere to go, how would Tatsuya have dealt with that? Would he, maybe, have offered to let her stay in his dorm room? Left her some lunch money? Would he have never ever hinted that he might have a sexual interest in her, yet felt horribly jealous and betrayed when he discovered that she still wasn't over Saionji, because in his mind she owes him for taking such good care of her? Yeah -- yeah, that's exactly what he would have done. The thing is that if Tatsuya is going to be crucified for being a Nice Guy (TM) vis-a-vis Wakaba, by the same standard we ought to crucify Wakaba for being a Nice Girl (TM) vis-a-vis Saionji.
Alternatively, we could crucify neither of them. We could say, hey, these are fourteen-year-olds who have never been in relationships before. The role models around them are people like Akio and Anthy and the Student Council. And in spite of that, they have managed to muster what appears to be genuine caring about another person, even though they don't understand how to express that caring, or how to respect the autonomy of its object. They have a lot to learn, but all things considered, they are not doing half bad.
The thing about Wakaba losing her purity that Tatsuya says in the elevator -- yeah, that's terrible. She'll be tarnished by having sex with another man, oh noes, not my blushing virgin bride. (Which, haha, sweetheart, Wakaba has deflowered herself very thoroughly already.) Tatsuya has soaked up some sex-negative virgin/whore bullshit. So sue him. As Ragnarok said, this is not a twenty-year-old channer. If Tatsuya had escaped the gender role expectations of his culture at the tender age of fourteen, that would be really remarkable, bordering on unbelievable. We shouldn't be surprised that he hasn't. What's more interesting, I think, is what Tatsuya doesn't say. The true Black Rose duelists have lines like these...
Kanae: Up until now I've done my best to like her... But I just can't! No matter how hard I try... I CAN'T!
Kozue: That's why I purposely go out with people that I know Miki would hate. . . . But, Miki's attention is gradually going to that other woman. It's going away from me.
Shiori: She suffered alone, looking at my picture in secret... That was Juri-san? Poor thing!
Mitsuru: I want to wreck the world!
Wakaba: That girl, with her face that says she alone is special, will steal* everything and anything away from me. I simply can't bring myself to forgive her.
Keiko: I was only with Nanami-sama to get close to Touga-sama, even the littlest bit. Without that reason, who'd want to be with her?
*[And geez, Wakaba, are you even listening to yourself? Don't you know that no one can steal a person from you, because people are not your property, and they get to decide who to be with for themselves?]
But Tatsuya says:
Tatsuya: But it's okay. No matter how much of her purity she'll lose, she'll come back to me.
Tatsuya: Because of my love for her.
Tatsuya: Yes, 'cause in the end, love always wins.
Tatsuya: I would be able to make you happy. I would be able to give away anything for your sake.
Tatsuya: I would... I would...
Tatsuya: Why can't it be me?!
Yes. He's sex-negative and self-deluded. But you know what? He doesn't hate Wakaba. Not even a little. He actually does want her to be happy. He wants to be the one to make her happy, which, okay, yeah, is selfish, but surely in a relatable way. And he's convinced that no one else can make her happy, which is narcissistic in the way that fourteen-year-olds can be narcissistic. But the endgame is for Wakaba to be happy. No true Black Rose duelist is trying to make someone else happy. Hell, only Mitsuru is even not trying to make someone else suffer.
And by the way, you can almost imagine Utena saying the same words to Mikage sometime during episode 12, can't you?
So I dunno. No one in SKU is a good person without qualification. But I feel like the author here is holding Tatsuya to an unreasonably high standard, considering his age and his peers. In ten years, he has as good a chance of ending up an okay person as just about anyone in the show.
Last edited by satyreyes (11-28-2014 12:31:17 AM)
I'd dare say that Tsuwabuki is way more messed up for his age than Tatsuya, and even he is not shown to be beyond hope (so to say).
That kid tried to kill a person even before Mikage tampered with him. I think his stalking of Nanami was exaggerated for comedic purposes, but still.
Tatsuya at least didn't actively try to hurt the person he cares for, before or after the elevator. Well you could consider his machinations as causing emotional trouble for Wakaba (which they did, at least a bit), but I don't think it occurred to him or that it was his intention.I for one had quite a few similarly stupid ideas when I was a kid.
I agree that maybe we're judging Tatsuya too harshly and forgetting what it was like to be a teenager. It messes with you.
Whatever the validity of her opinion of Tatsuya's character, she doesn't really prove her thesis—that being that Ikuhara intends for us to see him this way. She does include a quote from the liner notes at the beginning, but like almost everything else Ikuhara's written, it's absurdly ambiguous...and I still read it more as "Tatsuya is too good to become a Black Rose duelist" rather than "Tatsuya is entitled and boring."
[Also, while I don't want to go off-topic, I wonder if she'd give the same credence to what Ikuhara writes about Ruka? He's pretty unambiguously favorable towards him.]
Yeah, the closer one looks at Tsuwabuki, the more one has to go "...huh."
Ikuhara's commentary is always to be accepted at our own peril, but I think that for the most part he's surprisingly straight with us in the re-release pamphlets. His reading of Tatsuya, and of Mikage's rejection of him, seems plausible to me. Ikuni says that rather than fight the system, Tatsuya will accept his fate and "pray for Wakaba's happiness from the sidelines." He's not a fighter -- he doesn't have the will to power, as it were -- and so he's no good to Mikage. Mikage shorthands that to "you're a good person" because Mikage's frame of reference is the other Black Rose duelists, who seethe with hatred and want to go choke a bitch over it. Tatsuya is good in that he doesn't hate anyone or want to choke a bitch; that's all.
I'm not sure how our Tumblr author gets from there to "Unlike Wakaba, he’s too entitled to put in effort." First of all, Ikuni didn't say anything about entitlement. I think Tatsuya behaves in an entitled way towards Utena -- it is not okay to ask a girl out in order to get closer to her friend -- but why are we saying he is entitled towards Wakaba? Because he thinks that she will like him? Because he's upset when she doesn't? Those things are called "misreading signals" and "being disappointed in love," respectively, and you don't have to be entitled to do either of them. He does treat her with some disrespect and even callousness, and he'd be wise to work on that. But not with entitlement.
And second, it sounds like the author is saying that Tatsuya would be a better guy if his approach to relationships were more like Wakaba's -- if he were willing to fight for the person he loves, even when that person has rejected him. But I feel preeeetty sure that Wakaba's episode does not endorse her possessive and entitled (!) feelings about Saionji. And for that matter, I'm pretty sure that this Tumblr author does not actually think that you should keep hitting on someone after they've rejected you. So I'm not sure where that's coming from, either.
Rereading these too-long posts of mine, I'm realizing how hard on Wakaba I'm coming off as! I'm sorry, Wakaba! You are my favorite or second-favorite character in the series, along with Utena. You are not perfect -- in ways that juxtapose interestingly with Tatsuya's imperfections, which is why I'm ripping on you -- but you are well-meaning, you have the world's biggest heart, and you are the first person in SKU to behave with honest and uncompromised love towards another person (in episode 12; the only other person is Utena, in episode 39). Mostly, you just need to place responsibility where it belongs: the responsibility for Saionji's feelings rests with Saionji, not with Anthy or you, and the responsibility for your feelings rests with you, not with Anthy or Saionji or Utena or the "special people." But you're going to figure that out, and you're going to be one of the few people to graduate from Ohtori without lifelong psychological scars.
Last edited by satyreyes (11-28-2014 11:56:48 AM)
satyreyes wrote:
hard on
satyreyes wrote:
satyreyes wrote:
I'm coming
satyreyes wrote:
I'm sorry, Wakaba!
satyreyes wrote:
I mentioned in my first post that Tatsuya isn't the only character who fits the Nice Guy description. I'd also say that it's really easy for a fictional character to get put into that category, because fiction loves unresolved unrequited love and the term itself is used very broadly. You could apply it to nearly any character in SKU if you really wanted to, but with Tatsuya we don't get enough of a character study to see what else he's about.
What I'm trying to say is the Nice Guy™ personality stems from immaturity and becomes a problem when that persists into adulthood, but this is a series about characters who are not yet mature adults. Calling out a single character for acting his age is disingenuous.
purplepolecat wrote:
Ruka: comes back from dead to have sex with your gf
Come on, we've all been there.
Last edited by Ragnarok (11-28-2014 04:24:40 PM)
purplepolecat wrote:
doing my job
Your psychological discernity leaves me aFreud!!!
Aaaaahhh...I'll let the suckiness of that one sink in.
So IMVHO, I subscribe to the idea that the artist offers a meaning, which is then negotiated by the audience. I think Ikuhara's commentary here is a little contradictory. SKU seems very much centered on the themes of individuation, maturity, and leaving behind childhood conceptions to embrace adulthood. Utena grew the most when she came to realize that Anthy was a separate person with a separate will - not an object to facilitate her princely delusions of protection.
How is Tatsuya different? The dueling system was a broken superficiality. My interpretation of his elevator statement was that Wakaba wasn't his to protect. Furthermore, he seemed to recognize she was going through her own journey: I doubt anything would have prevented her from dueling. She had to lose in order to mature. He had to wait until she was ready to engage in something more than a fantasy.
At the end of the series, it shows the two casually talking together before Wakaba is glomped by her new best friend. I see that as pretty indicative. They've both grown up. Tatusya isn't half-assedly playing games he's no good at; Wakaba isn't reaching for the moon. That allows them to come together as people and not wannabe archetypes.
Last edited by Katzenklavier (11-29-2014 01:04:20 AM)
Katzenklavier wrote:
This is also my opinion on Tatsuya.
My reaction to that episode was basically "wow, this male is relatively a great person, considering all the others!"
I do not quite understand everything that tumblr post speaks of due to romantic love being a sort of concept I can't really 'get', so I'm probably missing a lot from my perception of the episode, but Tatsuya still strikes me as a pretty okay guy. Not great, but okay.
You know, until this thread I never noticed how sex-negative that whole situation was. Yes, bent in that he figures he'll outstay her purity, but I didn't really consider the implications of that, and the conflicting message. We would see that line of thinking as very sex negative, yes, but in a culture that does still value virginity more than our own (which is saying something,) is what he's saying more virtuous or is it worse?
Satyr has a point, we tend to forget how young these characters are, and the extraordinary maturity they sometimes exhibit shouldn't become an expectation of advancement beyond their years. Maybe Tatsuya's outlook on sex and dating is the first step toward a wider enlightenment. It's a different step than, say, Touga would it more healthy? Less healthy? The point's been made that Tatsuya does clearly place Wakaba's journey on equal level with his own, and he doesn't believe it's in his power, or that it's his right, to interfere. That's great! Touga certainly stumbled on that one.
But...I don't know. Even spun as negatively as the Tumblr post does, all I keep reading from it is Tatsuya's extraordinary lack of self-confidence. 'She'll come to me in the end,' feels to me to be said more in the tone of 'when she's run out of other options,' than in the tone of 'when she realizes I'm the best man for the job.' He feels like she'll eventually settle for him; the classic deluded friend-zoned Nice Guy. He tries to be a prince for her, but even that ends up sex-negative in the sense that it assumes that's what she wants. The show plays on the idea that to Wakaba, Saionji is her prince...but it's pretty clear even by her treatment of him that she isn't looking to be princessed, exactly. If anything, the other way around; Wakaba is happiest when she's protecting him. Even though, on some level, she realizes that privilege comes from him having no other options.
Tatsuya's ego is strained under this idea that he is the option she'll come to when all others fail. It's inevitable! (We won't get into what that says about his evaluation of Wakaba's odds with others.) But this lack of self-confidence appears to be in his head for no reason; we're told he's actually quite a little playboy, so where's this idea come from that he should sit back on the sidelines? Wakaba, by contrast, is living the reality of being a last option; for many, the experience she has with Saionji would be crushing. Imagine the guy of your dreams right in front of you...and knowing he's there by necessity, and not choice. Need drove him, not desire. Nevertheless, she drags a positive experience out of it, even if she deludes herself to do it. Would Tatsuya be as eager to bask in the glow in her position, if she came crawling to him because no better suitors favored her? In the situation she's in with Saionji, we see what Tatsuya's victory would look like. It's bittersweet, at best. And depending on your outlook, what does it say about either of them that they'd ultimately make themselves be happy being the last resort?