This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Trading card games (TCGs) have become a great source of fun for me. I'm currently in a whole bunch of them, all of them relating to a certain topic, like Sailor Moon. In fact, if you want to see what I have (or possibly join any of the TCGs in question, always remembering to mention Emma as a referral ), you can go here:
Anywhooooo (Samantha Bee's transition of choice), I was wondering if anyone knew of an Utena-ONLY TCG out there. Picture Perfect has some Utena stuff and I'm helping to put more up, but it's not Utena-only. If one doesn't exist, I don't want to make one, though. Why? I don't know Javascript or PHP or XGL or TBBXGEEORGA or whatever they use on them. (I think I made up the last two of those, but who knows?) If someone DID make one, though, I would join in a beat.
Just wondering! Thanks for reading!
Last edited by homogenized (01-21-2007 07:54:36 PM)
Why thanks! I guess I just kinda forgot to come here... I'll try to do better!
homogenized wrote:
Why thanks! I guess I just kinda forgot to come here...
I'll try to do better!
Well there is a heap of forum to scan through to see what subjects and threads interest you, there been a lot of fasinating stuff I can tell you.
You know what? I just looked at your profile today and wondered whether you were ever coming back. Welcome back!
SKU card games, though... does this help at all?
Wow, such a warm reception! I'm really surprised and moved!
And while that link isn't quite what I was aiming for, it's still funny!
Well, I need to go look around and see what's new.
Enjoy! I'm sure if someone's heard of an SKU card game, they'll post it in here, but I think we might be stuck making our own.
I must tell you, my mind is simply poor, and I see a large imbalance in our set right now. We have next to no good Black Rose Arc pictures. Therefore I'm just waiting for the update to use a bunch of good high quality Blackrose Pictures.. but that shouldn't stop anyone else! If they have ideas, please do not hesitate!
The gallery update is going to take a long, long time. PM Gio and see if she'll let you have access to the BRS caps beforehand, maybe?