This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
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Other people have this tendency to ask me one question, that I after getting from a lot of people, is starting to piss me off!
The question is do you work here? I get asked that question at CVS/Peoples the most, Safeway, Salvation Army, A fucking pet store and Lane Bryant (that If I stopped being pissed long enough to think about it It is really an upgrade:eyeroll: )
It happens every so often enough for me to wonder if their is something wrong with me, not that their is anything wrong with working retail, but it is not something that I want to do.
Anybody have any idea to help me fix/negate this?
Last edited by SexingTouga24/7/365 (02-12-2008 06:30:06 PM)
Weird...about the only thing I can think of is some kind of offensive shirt that they wouldn't let you wear at work.
Hmm. The way I see it is it's not worth the trouble if you have to change the way you dress or act. But I imagine it would get annoying.
Hot Topic is about the only store where I'd get asked that question, because I love my bondage pants.
But if I REALLY don't want people to talk tome, I wear headphones. Most people get the picture, and I would imagine no one would ask someone who's listening to music if they "work here."
Oh dude or dudette I have tried headphones in to the ipod to no avail but thanks for trying to help me...perhaps if I get large studio headphones. oooooooohhhhhh Bondage pants
As for the offensive tee shirt idea I can try that...I have to find my Fuck, fucking, frinckin shirt
Last edited by SexingTouga24/7/365 (02-12-2008 09:08:29 PM)
I'm very much a girl.
Yeah, little ear buds would probably not deter most people. The average person is pretty dense. At least get the nice old fashioned doesn't-assault-your-eardrums kind that you wear like a headband. Maybe-- MAYBE those will work.
This shirt. Other than that... I don't know. I don't get the question often, but a friend who works in retail does.
ShatteredMirror wrote:
This shirt. Other than that... I don't know. I don't get the question often, but a friend who works in retail does.
That could work!
Actually, that shirt might just have the opposite effect, because it looks too silly to be taken seriously. d:
At least you'd get the satisfaction of questioning the asker's literacy? "Can't you read? I don't work here!"
ShatteredMirror wrote:
This shirt. Other than that... I don't know. I don't get the question often, but a friend who works in retail does.
Shattered I should so get that shirt...that way when people ask I can point to my chest and leave it at that.
At least you'd get the satisfaction of questioning the asker's literacy? "Can't you read? I don't work here!"
that would be a better response then the way that I tend to just stare in shock at people's stupidity at times.
Last edited by SexingTouga24/7/365 (02-13-2008 07:07:32 PM)
I would sorely love an excuse to question someone's literacy. Unfortunately, the only opportunities that arise are when I'm at work and in which case doing so would cause the loss of my job.
^same, and I work at a library.
Sexingtouga, I find big headphones do the trick. I was occasionally asked that question, but when I wear my ipod nobody ever bothers me.
You could also try looking really mean, and scare them away.
Today I got the large studio headphones and I shall try them out soon wish me luck!
Sadly I got the headphones and they worked but then they broke so I have to find a replacement.
I get are you a lesbian? From time to time as a question from people I know; (mom, mentor, some kinda of third party friend of my mom,) now I partly understand that I keep my private life to my self.
I don't really have my friends interact with my relatives/mentors at all and if so briefly. As for dates and sexing well quite frankly...I have a policy of keeping my business to myself. (I need my own place goddamn it!) In my defense, I want to avoid the goddamn Twenty Question that I think/know would result.
So, any way to tactfully put a response to the whole no being seen with cock = lesbian quandary?
Because besides getting married , getting a real boyfriend or making one up
I can't think of anything to send an; I am a flaming heterosexual point ............
If this sounds strange excuse due to annoyance clouding judgment.
I love answering stupid/annoying questions with jokes. You can use 2 kinds: nice jokes or mean jokes.
Nice jokes if you don't want the person to get offended, but want to get the info across.
Incredibly belittling sarcasm if you just don't care.
So cases in point:
Q: Do you work here?
A1: No, but it is my life's ambition!
A2: Yes, but I don't do customer service for customers such (say "you" in a very snobbish voice while looking them up and down)
Q: Are you a lesbian?
A1: No, but my boyfriend wishes I was. He wants a threesome. Up for it?
A2: Yes! *run your eyes lasciviously over their body if they are a woman*
*make a cross-sign while staring at their penis and start backing away if they are a man*
Excuse me girl, do you like hares?
I think I won't hear anything again in my whole life. I seriously started to think about this.
lol dlaire, what on earth did they mean?! Such a psycho question!
Q: "Are you single?" (asked by stupid men - don't get me started)
A#1: "Forever single, but dating only hot chicks, thank you."
A#2: "I know I don't look like one now, but I used to be a guy. You see, I ran out of cash because of this expensive face-up and all, that I failed to get a sex change. Want to see my d**k?"
A#3: (My lady date French kissed me in front of this guy and you could just imagine the look on his face. Priceless, I tell you. Lol.)
Q: "When are you getting married?" (asked by family - AND I AM SO SICK OF IT)
A: "I'm financially stable, and I don't want kids."
Q: "Do you have kids?" (asked by an 18 year old mom/acquaintance)
A: (I suddenly hated being an ugly hag while being asked by an 18 YEAR OLD MOTHER OF 2 KIDS. When I replied no, the next question was are you a lesbian? Ugh. Lesbians aren't losers if they choose not to get married. Period.)
Q: "Wanna get to know each other?" (asked by "I'm-so-perfect-for-you-babe-can-I-screw-you" type of guy?)
A: "You mean, f**k? Sorry I just had my fill from that sexy girl over there wearing that hot mini skirt. Excuse me, I think I'd be needing a second round."
...And all of these were spoken in my native tongue, which were far more vulgar and laughter-inducing, but I'll restrain myself because this thread is public.
Edited to correct misspelled words.
Last edited by Seitokaichou (10-24-2008 08:08:49 PM)
"Do you work here?
It's going to be the title of my memoir.
I worked in retail and I got that question to the point of ad nauseum, I can definitely relate to you where it's annoying. I would wear a polo with the company's logo and a name tag, and still get asked that. I used to think "man, people are really fucking dumb" but sometimes...they want to be surer than sure and so thats what they do. To thwart the silly people, if you inject the right tone of playfulness into your sarcasm...they might get the picture.
Other silly questions:
"Why are you so tall?"
A: Milk. Seriously.
"Are you really a lesbian?"
A: No I'm a leprechaun.
"What are you reading?" <<< Must be asked while you have on headphones, sitting on the bus.
Last edited by lex (10-24-2008 09:42:21 PM)
lex wrote: "Do you work here?
It's going to be the title of my memoir.
You must do this for real! I insist!
That is a great title. I'd read it, and I don't read memoirs.
I work at 2 retail stores, a book store and an electronics store. As being an "associate" for quite some time, myself and my fellow co-workers have decided that each individual has a certain "SMELL" when they walk into a retail store.. Once you have that "i work here" smell... it will NEVER come off, regardless if you sleep in a pool of skunks or bleach your skin... you will always and forever have the i work here smell.
So my friend, i'm sorry that you have been afflicted with this most horrible disease... but rest assured you are not alone!
We shall start a support group IFDWHA. (I F***ING Don't Work Here Anonymous)
There are few remedies to this situation:
1. Dress like a hobo
2. Don't walk into any store ever again
3. Wear aforementioned shirt. (just for shiz and giggles)
4. Walk around with sunglasses on and a cane.
5. Wear a shirt that says: "If you ask me if i work here i will kick your ass... and i mean it!" (does anybody want a peanut?) ((princess bride... )
And don't worry... even though I wear my "(BOOK STORE NAME HERE)" Apron... and my name tag.. i still get asked the question... "do you work here?" To which i so desire to reply...
"No F***tard, i just love this apron and name tag."
I had a bizarre question/conversation walking into Barnes & Noble last night for book club. 3 teens (?) stopped me and asked me how long a joke can go on. Now let me tell you...that was a first. I managed to fumble some response together and the guy seemed satisfied (he's the one that asked and I decided to defend him against the two girls going on about an inside joke), so I suppose that's good enough.
I get the "do you work here" a bit at the library, but usually at the academic where I work so I'm typically not wearing a name tag (which I should be) and the cart suggests I work there, but maybe I just get special it doesn't bother me. I don't think people ask me at the public library where I work, even without the name tag, since I'm usually doing "definitely works here stuff." I just wish they'd quit calling me ma'am. It makes me feel old and that I look as old as I actually am.
Headphones. You don't even have to listen to anything; just put the end of the cord in your pocket.
I'm afraid I don't have any funny weird people talking to me stories. Probably because when I'm out in public and not with friends, I've got headphones on.
Oh wait. There was a guy at the bus station who told me that Japanese hardware all had spy cameras planted into them. That was pretty entertaining.
Baka Kakumei Reanna wrote:
There was a guy at the bus station who told me that Japanese hardware all had spy cameras planted into them. That was pretty entertaining.
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