This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
We all know that the music is at least 1/4 of what makes Utena so great. This thread is to post links to what YOU think are the greatest songs in Utena.
My first few selections come from the movie. It was difficult choosing my favorite tracks, but it finally came down to:
1. Adolescence Rush: The rearrangement of Rondo Revolution(and some other stuff) that plays during the end of the movie. Really triumphant, not too loud and it's actually timed well.
2. Abraxas/Hikari sasu niwa: The song that plays during the elevator scene. The orchestral version of Sunlit Garden is great, but Abraxas sounds so mystical and creepy.
3. Fiance ni naritai: So 80s but it's really good: the song that plays over the end credits. Very triumphant—just like Adolescence Rush.
And from the series:
4. Rose and Release: The final ending. Just incredible.
5. Nemuro Kinenkan: A pseudo-Renaissance style piece makes Nemuro Memorial Hall feel truly ancient. Awesome.
6. Tainai TokeiToshi Oruroi: The duel theme from episode 38. Really great and scary.
EDIT: Removed links in case SOPA or PIPA pass—I won't get blammed.
Last edited by Atropos (01-20-2012 07:24:18 PM)
I like Adolescence Rush and the last duel song also
My other favorites are
First of all, the theme song! I knew and listened to it way before I knew anything about Utena except that she could pull a sword out of Himemiya. After I watched the show fully I felt more qualified to listen to it xD
"Watashi Banbutsu Hyaku Fushigi" ... One of Juri's. I dunno why, but for some reason I just love watching the duel with this song because I think it's awesome
"Poison" It's creepy and sexy at the same time, like Akio! lol is it bad to like that?
"Akio Car" akio car
~Shoujo Kakumei Overture~ Love this. I'm just ;___;
I kinda like all the duel songs really.
So, without any ado...
1. Rinbu Revolution! Can't get enough of that spoilery epic goodness
2. "Bara no Rashin" (Juri's movie duel theme)
3. "Shine" I forget when exactly this song shows up, but what the hey. … re=related
4. Zettai Unmei Mokushiroku (I also really like the karaoke version --->)
5. There are two that I kind of consider to be "companion" tracks of sorts... "Bara no Tameiki" … re=related and "Poison" The latter is kind of a twisted version of the first one, and together they can give you a good summation of Anthy's character. Or I like to think so, anyway.
6. Tenshi Sunawachi Hikari (Juri's first duel theme)
I pretty much agree with all the ones you guys posted too. (Except Fiance ni Naritai...I don't really like it because it doesn't sound like Utena. But it's a good one objectively.) You'd be rather hard pressed to find any song in RGU that isn't awesome, all the remixes of Hikarisasu Niwa aside.
1. Abraxas-The Sunlit Garden [Adolescence of Utena] I dunno, something about this song and part of the film just gets to me in such a way...
2. Bara no Rashin [Juri's duel song in the Adolescence of Utena film] I love that part of the film as well, and Juri's duel songs are always nice anyway.
3. Watashi Kuusou Seimeitai [Mikage's Duel] The whole duel is sad and strangely touching, along with what happened to Mikage afterwards... ='(
4. Tenshi Souzou Sunawachi Hikari [Juri's first duel] The way Juri loses is so dramatic, along with the music, it builds up to the moment beautifully.
5. Last Evolution [Nanami's First Duel] I love the whole song.
6. Tainai Tokei Toshi Orrery [Akio's Duel] Pure epicness.
Does it need to be our top six, or do we just put down our all around favorites?
Of course!
1. Rinbu Revolution
2. The Red Rose Remix of Rinbu Revolution
3. The Adolescence Rush version of Rinbu Revolution
4. At Time, Love Is (Toki ni Ai wa)
5. Every version of Absolute Destiny Apocalypse
6. Ouji-sama ga Ii
7. Seikai wo Kakumei Suru Tame ni 1
8. Kage Shoujo 1
9. Welcome 2
As you can see, my favorites are mostly "popular" tracks and four tracks from the musical.
My favorites (in no particular order)
1. Revolutionary Girl Overture
(my favorite variation on that bit of theme music, )
2. Pray to Dios
(that, bow-chika-wow track that plays over the sword pulling scenes in the first arc, )
3. Inhabitants of Planet Kashira
(Shadow-girl music, )
4. Her Tragedy
(Nanami's drama-drama music, unfortunately not the best combination of words to run in a Google search)
5. Pessimism
(background music used periodically, -> actual track starts playing about 10 second in)
and, last but not least, I'm seconding Bara no Tameiki for 6th.
I got so many favourites, it's pointless to type them ahaha pretty much everysong is ear-gasm
there is one song though that I really love and squeeeeee over it
Welcome II from the musical ( just loooook at them
it's one of the sweetest songs ever loving how Utena is all like: "I want to protect you so this smile of yours will never fade
I'm kyaaaa-ing so hard at that moment when Utena also touches Anthy's cheek and then gets all shy and SAXOPHONE ahhh I love saxophones
Last edited by Karuka (06-28-2014 12:04:08 PM)