This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Okay, I think this is enough to actually warrant its' own thread (especially since I won't be able to do the watch-along with everyone else, I'll be moving. I'll have my laptop though, and I'll do my best to keep ahead of the crowd with the list and contribute to the discussion as I can. This is organized by episode, with the timestamps taken from a DVD rip divided up by episode. Feel free to make any additions, debate validity, howl at the moon, whatever. Maybe something useful will come out of this, I don't know.
Anyway, first the rules
Rule 1) Two people have to be involved. Saionji swinging a practice sword at the air doesn't count, nor would, say, a brick randomly landing on (insert your least favorite character here)'s head if that actually happened in-show. Addendum: As far as animals are concerned, only Chu-Chu counts as a 'person.' Chu-Chu is intelligent, very likely on a human level. The other animals in the show don't display anything resembling this.
Rule 2) There has to be evidence someone at least tried to hurt the other person. Either something shown on screen or a sound effect is required.
Rule 3) The hit doesn't actually have to land.
Rule 4) Duels don't count. I will be noting when they start and stop, and if anyone other than those competing get hit. Also, any obvious, egreigous violations of the duel code go here, so Nanami's first duel will probably have a fair amount of notation when I get there.
Episode 1
4:56 Schoolmarm strikes the screen with her riding crop, creating a cracking effect. The 'glass' falls away to reveal Utena not very upset and flipping through the rule book, so we can assume she wasn't actually hit.
5:20 Utena pushing her way through the basketball court. This one's pretty borderline, but I decided to include it since several of the boys look pretty unbalanced.
7:30 + 7:32: Saionji slapping Anthy. Iconic series moment. Only included twice because of the 'echo' effect.
7:42: Touga stopping Saionji from smacking again. (Toldya this was going to be needlessly complete.)
7:48: Wakaba tackling Utena near the open window.
8:46: Almost made it a minute without something that can be vaguely defined as violence! This time Wakaba gets Utena in a chokehold/hug that doesn't look at all comfortable for our Prince.
9:45: Eh, gonna go out on a limb here and call Saionji clutching Anthy to his side as a 'counts', only because Anthy doesn't seem too thrilled with the prospect.
17:09 Saionji slaps Anthy again, this time actually knocking her down.
18:34 Bells toll. The duel is on.
20:35 Bells toll. Duel off.
Episode 2
3:38 Wakaba being overly-enthusiastic with the hugs again. Starts with an almost-choke-hold and jumping up and down. This goes on for a few seconds, then Wakaba leaps on Utena for a piggy-back ride.
10:57 At the end of Saionji swinging the sword for practice, he clearly senses someone approaching, then brings the sword around in Touga's direction. Now, I think Saionji's good enough that he knows he's not going to hit whoever it is, but it's just debatable enough that I'm putting it in.
11:40 Again, swinging the sword at Touga by the green-haired one. Again, borderline.
12:45 Saionji slaps Anthy again, this time out in front of the dorm.
13:16 Chu-chu poking at Saionji with a fork . . .
13:19 . . . And Saionji stepping on Chu-Chu in response.
13:57 Even though it's part of the above, I'll count grinding Chu-Chu under his heel as a separate offense for Saionji
18:03 Duel start
19:12 Saionji kicks Utena, first time we see the rules come even close to being broken.
20:30 Duel end
Episode 3
5:46 Utena slapping Touga's hand away after he tries to play with her hair.
8:22 UUU-TEE-NAA-SAA-MAA!!! This time Utena nearly goes out the window.
9:21 Sound of a slap, from Keiko to Anthy. With anything but love.
15:46 Nanami grabbing Anthy. Okay, I know this one's pushing it about to the limit, but Anthy doesn't want to go, plus there is definitely hostile intent on Nanami's part (moving Anthy into position to disolve her outfit.)
17:43 This one is a bit less so, the waiter popping the cork and disolving the dress.
Episode 4
5:09 Slap from the distance again. Keiko, again. If memory serves, this happens a lot, need to come up with an acronym.
10:56 Shadow Play Girls wrestling each other...erm..not sure which is A-Ko and which is B-Ko, and I'm also not sure it matters.
(Note: The events that befall Nanami here are self-inflicted, at least by the direct definitions I'm using. No events for the list, even though there's plenty of mileage for discussion there.)
Episode 5
1:33 - 2:04 Miki/Juri practicing fencing.
17:26 Duel starts
19:35 Duel ends
Edit: Saionji's kick inserted.
Last edited by CMK (11-23-2006 11:04:55 PM)
CMK wrote:
8:22 UUU-TEE-NAA-SAA-MAA!!! This time Utena nearly goes out the window.
I don't think Wakaba glomping Utena like that would count as 'violence' so much. :/
Unless they'd actually fall out of the window. Ohh, this calls for a fancomic!
And does anyone else find it strange that with all the duels and fights in Utena there's not enough blood. I mean, there was not a single drop of blood even when Utena was stabbed!
However, when I was rewatching the whole series last time, I found a scene that actually had REAL blood in it. I forgot which episode it was, but I think it was "Cowbell of Happiness" where Utena punched Yamada, Tanaka and Suzuki. And their noses bled.
Maarika wrote:
And does anyone else find it strange that with all the duels and fights in Utena there's not enough blood.
I mean, there was not a single drop of blood even when Utena was stabbed!
I guess it just adds to the overall surrealistic feel of it all.
Maarika wrote:
And does anyone else find it strange that with all the duels and fights in Utena there's not enough blood.
I mean, there was not a single drop of blood even when Utena was stabbed!
When you look really close at Utena being stabbed, I could swear that the blade never actually touches her. It goes by her side, just like in theatre-plays. But how she then feel the effects of the stab? I have no idea, but I can speculate: the state in which Utena, Anthy and Akio are, at that moment is even farther from conventional reality than most of Ohtori is. Utena isn't physically harmed, but her heart gets wounded, so to speak, from Anthy's betrayal, which renders her incapacitated in a place where metaphors more or less equal reality. That'd also explain ripped clothes, later on (nothing rips them, as far as we can see), as well as the miraculous recovery.
What I find even more curious is that no-one ever gets wounded in the duels, just by pure accident. Even Utena who has barely held a sword before never botches and cuts somebody. You can't overemphasize how hard it'd be to aim a sword that precisely, in real life. Another aspect of unreality in Ohtori's little world, I suppose.
Last edited by Lightice (11-13-2006 11:30:04 AM)
YES! YES LIGHTICE! That ALWAYS irked me! I made this huge theory that the sword had made some psychological/spiritual effect, but not a physical wound! I could kiss you!
A more thought-out reply here: perhaps, to some minimal degree, the Duelists are all controlled by Anthy or Akio to keep from harming each other. Also, the swords could be magically tampered with by Anthy to keep them from cutting flesh. (Aside from the obvious exception of Saionji slashing Touga, but that entire thing was set up and probably had Akio and Anthy's full knowledge and acceptance.) Another idea I had was that the arena clearly doesn't exist in the physical reality so much as some sort of semi-dimensional pocket that has enough grounding in the physical world to keep clothing damage from disappearing once people leave the arena. Duelists fight differently in the arena than they do in the 'real world', and the will of the fighter seems to have as much bearing on how the duel will turn out as the skill of the respective swordsmen. The dueling arena is heavily grounded in the minds and spirits of the duelists, and the events within it are determined to some extent by their qualities. It could be that unless a person wills that their sword make flesh wounds, they won't cut the skin. No accidental wounding, and I don't think anyone but Saionji would have the intent to damage someone. That could explain Touga: he willed himself to be injured by Saionji's blade.
Also, I think that Akio doesn't want anything that isn't superficial damage from the swords on his students, since they'd have to seek medical help and that would cause uncomfortable questions. He also seemed to want these duels to be like games, fitting into the childish, fairytale-like atmosphere of Ohtori. He probably actively did something to keep reality from imposing itself too much in these duels: falling off the edge of the arena, getting sliced by the swords, novice fencers poking eyes out, etc.
Haha, I always assumed that a lot of Utena could be explained under the assumption that in the Ohtori universe (or whatever) certain powerful emotions can be manifested in "reality" and since none of the duelists ever actually wanted to injure anyone, just take the Rose Bride, none of them ever do. When Saionji is very obviously wanting to cause some hurt he accomplishes the task easily. I also kind of think this explains why Anthy, who really had no intention of killing Utena delivers a blow that is for all intents near fatal but Utena still gets up and walks around (poorly) with very little blood spilled.
The fact that nobody's ever been injured is emphasized when Akio points out that all of the duels that Utena had fought in up to that point (their duel) had just been games. I always felt that it was a way of reflecting how far removed Ohtori was from reality, but it's very well possible that Akio really did just want everything to be a game, even if the participants didn't realize it.
And now the second batch, before I collapse into sweet, sweet oblivion.
Episode 6
2:33 Nanami almost run over by car.
14:36 Tsuwabuki and the three musical henchment, noisily fighting offscreen
Episode 7
7:31 Juri slaps Anthy, backhanded.
8:10 Touga starts tossing knives at Miki. None hit, but...I'll go with it.
13:38 Juri grabs Utena by the ring...
14:04 ...and gets kicked, hard, for her trouble. (As an aisde, just before she gets the kick is one of the few times you see anything resembling a happy face on Juri, she looks crazier than Saionji does at any time except in the movie.)
17:56 Duel begins
18:22 Juri choving Utena the first time (At the very least, it's pretty unsporting.)
20:05 Sword from the sky, Duel ends
Episode 8 (Using personalities, not appearances.)
3:50 Offscreen explosion from Keiko's curry-switch.
5:30 Wakabaglomp. Anthy, not being used to this treatment...wilts.
6:28 Keiko slaps Utena.
6:34 Utena slaps Keiko back, hard.
7:08 Repeat of the basketball scene from Episode one
18:34 Chuchu tossing the banana peel so Nanami will fall.
Episode 9
2:39 Touga and Saionji in serious kendo practice.
4:27 Saionji kicks Chuchu (and toad.)
12:32 Utena gets away from Touga somehow. Now sound of a slap, but it's left up to the viewer to interpret what she does.
15:04 Anthy pushing Saionji from the gate.
15:19 Saionji slaps back.
16:00 Utena slaps Saionji, it's close.
20:10 Saionji gets a prime cut of Touga (This would probably be more popular around here if it were not in such a literal sense.)
You know, when you really think about it, Touga let Saionji take a huge chunk out of him. We already know he's ruthless and won't take prisoners when he's after his goals, but the extremity there is really striking when you think about it. Such a vain man, you have to wonder how he felt about that in the end. He doesn't seem to regret it in the least, and obviously isn't worried it's going to rain on his sex life, but...still.
Then again, did he know Saionji would do that? He must have expected an attack, but did he trust Saionji enough to assume it'd be an asskicking instead of carving the Thanksgiving turkey?
I thought it was a pretty clean slice on the skin of his back, made by the tip of the blade. It was probably deep, not enough to slice muscle, but probably deep enough to need stitches. The upper part of his uniform seemed pretty intact, so the wound was probably below shoulder blad elevel, slicing across the back and the arm. (I note an arm bandage in the scene where he's practicing his kendo shirtless.) Honestly, I'm not sure if he knew for sure that Saionji would go for a full on attack with a sword. I'm sure he expected Saionji to come with a blade to the dueling arena, so if anything, he would have kept it open as an option. He's pretty nimble, so I assume he figured he could intervene in a way that would leave him with minimal damage.
That's assuming that he was aware that Saionji's occasional lapses into berserker rage could go that far. I mean, he obviously prepared for Saionji attempting to attack Utena, but this is him going nuts on the girl and her friend with an unsheathed katana. I know they've been friends since childhood, but that's a side of Saionji that I doubt has reared its ugly head before, since I see no reason for it to have come up in the past. In my opinion, I don't think Touga would have willingly offered himself for a slice-and-dice session in order to perpetuate the princely persona, but I've seen a lot of stunning lapses in practicality in this show. It's interesting how we don't see any sense of regret or even anger from him over that scene, he seems to take it all in stride. Touga's not much of a reactor, especially compared to the other Duelists. That scene emphasizes how aloof he is, or at least how emotionally closed he is. We hardly see anguish or pain on his face, even when he's angsting away to his symphony tapes.
Personally, it's my opinion that Touga didn't go into this intending to have Saionji turn him into deli-sliced meat. If he had really thought Saionji would go so far, he probably would have brought his own sword to parry the blow. Instead, he went with it and had to hope the cut wouldn't be to severe. Akio would probably have been...very upset had Utena been struck down with no chance to protect herself. Even at this stage, Touga's smart enough to realize he does not want to be the one Ends of the World takes out his frustrations at having to find a new prince on.
i remember once in the dvd's commentaries that they were having trouble picking how the characters would duel
origionally they were suppose to duel with guns but Chiho Saito thought it to be too violent and suggests too many things here in change to swords...(which Kunihiko Ikuhara was slightly ick about that cause you cant do that much camera shots with sword we can see with many repeating manuvers)
also that is why you see in the opening themesong that utena and anshi was up in a flying horse with jousting weapons...that was another take on the duels that got it would have been fun seeing akio trying to joust o.O wonder what kind of armor he would of had
It's probably worth noting that Ikuhara has proven....somewhat unreliable....when it comes to answering questions about this show.
Screen and stage swordfighting has plenty of variety, although much of that has already been explored. What does make it difficult is that animation time on Utena was evidently somewhat scarce, which is the real reason for the overuse of stock footage.
He's also said the flying horses are a reference to a discarded plot for the Sailor Moon SuperS movie involving an Evil Pegasus that was ultimately rejected as being too strange.
CMK wrote:
17:56 Duel begins
18:22 Juri choving Utena the first time (At the very least, it's pretty unsporting.)
20:05 Sword from the sky, Duel ends
If this shove gets mentioned I think Saionji's kick in the second duel needs to be noted as well.
(And what about Touga punching out a kangaroo? )
CMK wrote:
18:22 Juri choving Utena the first time (At the very least, it's pretty unsporting.)
Unsporting? It would have been unsporting to break her arm, which she could well have done. Swordsmanship is a full-contact sport and there is all sorts of touching, besides the blades (well, didn't that sound dirty...). Hell, if I played the duelling game, I'd feign a strike and grab the opponent's rose off their chest with my bare hand - I wonder if that'd be accepted as a victory...
I suspect it wouldn't.
Utena makes a point of cutting off Wakaba's rose (with the latter's own sword, at that) rather than just ripping it off, for example.
Any time blades were locked (I know you're not supposed to do that, but it's in there) either duellist could reach over with their free hand to steal the win, were it allowed.
Lightice wrote:
Unsporting? It would have been unsporting to break her arm, which she could well have done. Swordsmanship is a full-contact sport and there is all sorts of touching, besides the blades (well, didn't that sound dirty...emot-rolleyes). Hell, if I played the duelling game, I'd feign a strike and grab the opponent's rose off their chest with my bare hand - I wonder if that'd be accepted as a victory...
The duels seem to be almost a play-version of real fighting. Use the swords, or don't play. In fact, if you go with the explanation that Utena is still being tested, I would say Juri's shove might help explain why Akio and/or Anthy intervened on Utena's behalf here. Juri broke the rules, so she wouldn't be allowed to win, so when the Dios Leap failed, intervention was required.
Ragnarok wrote:
CMK wrote:
17:56 Duel begins
18:22 Juri choving Utena the first time (At the very least, it's pretty unsporting.)
20:05 Sword from the sky, Duel endsIf this shove gets mentioned I think Saionji's kick in the second duel needs to be noted as well.
(And what about Touga punching out a kangaroo?)
You're right about the kick. I should have mentioned that. If I go back for a second pass I'll nail that one then.
As for the kangaroo, I decided to leave out animals. That's on both sides of the equation.
CMK wrote:
You're right about the kick. I should have mentioned that. If I go back for a second pass I'll nail that one then.
Well, you can always just go back and edit the post, remember. Though I guess someone would have to check what time it occurs at.
As for the kangaroo, I decided to leave out animals. That's on both sides of the equation.
But you mentioned "Saionji kicks Chuchu (and toad.)"
Dallbun wrote:
But you mentioned "Saionji kicks Chuchu (and toad.)"
CMK wrote:
Rule 1) Two people have to be involved. Saionji swinging a practice sword at the air doesn't count, nor would, say, a brick randomly landing on (insert your least favorite character here)'s head if that actually happened in-show. Addendum: As far as animals are concerned, only Chu-Chu counts as a 'person.' Chu-Chu is intelligent, very likely on a human level. The other animals in the show don't display anything resembling this.
Chuchu acts, basically, as a person. I don't think he just blindly carries out Anthy's will, he does what HE wants, even though he can't speak. That isn't always what Anthy WOULD want, even though he clearly likes her enough that it's usually in her best interests. The rest of the animals in the show are usually either acting randomly or, if it is at the behest of someone, is indirect enough I can't count it. (See Mitsuru's brother complex)
Cowbell of happiness, I already decided Nanamicow is still enough Nanami that she's going to count. It's what Nanami would probably do if she were ticked, weighed over a ton, had sharp horns, and didn't think she'd have to answer for the consequences anyway.
And now (Delayed for a few days by settling in and watching entirely too much Fushigi Yugi in a short span) the final episodes of the Student Council arc!
Episode 10
3:54 Slap from the distance, viewing the garden. Nanami slapping Utena.
10:19 Nanami slaps Utena, again.
17:38 Duel official start
18:26 Duel official end
18:52 Nanami swings with the dagger. No arguments about the minutae of the rules of the game here, the rose is long gone.
19:06-19:29 Resumed sword-fight. Lots of ground to cover, and individual swings are pretty meaningless. One more count for Nanami
Episode 11
2:06 Another tackle from Wakaba. I have absolutely no explanation for why she keeps putting her and Utena's bodies on the line like this aside from comic relief, which is why I keep throwing these moments in.
16:16 Duel start.
18:35 Duel end.
Episode 12
1:13 Opening shot is of Touga slicing the rose off during the last duel. I won't be counting this in official tallies, just noting it.
9:07 Wakaba is slapped by Utena.
9:19 Wakaba slaps back.
18:15 Duel start
20:20 Duel end
Episode 13
No new events
And, as a bonus, the tally!
Characters smacked (or near misses)
Utena: 17
Randoms: 3
Anthy: 12
Saionji: 5
Touga: 6
Chu-Chu: 3
SPG: 1
Miki: 2
Juri: 2
Nanami: 2
Keiko: 1
Wakaba: 1
Tsuwabuki: 1
Characters smacking
Randoms: 4
Utena: 7
Saionji: 13
Touga: 2
Wakaba: 7
Chu-Chu: 2
Keiko: 5
Nanami: 5
SPG: 1
Miki: 2
Juri: 3
Tsuwabuki: 1
Anthy: 1 (Wow, didn't initially think she'd make this list)
CMK wrote:
Characters smacking
Anthy: 1 (Wow, didn't initially think she'd make this list)
What? You mean the curry episode? Does that really count?