This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Featuring lines from: Family Guy, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Various Online Sources, Avenue Q and some stuff I didn't recognize but ist still funny anyway.
Last edited by skewed_tartan (07-21-2007 08:49:37 PM)
skewed_tartan wrote:
Featuring lines from: Family Guy, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Various Online Sources, Avenue Q and some stuff I didn't recognize but ist still funny anyway.
I see that you discovered NajiMinkin's work, she's a member of this forum you know.
never heard of that member.... but brilliant none the less. we need more videos like that.
KissingT.Kiryuu wrote:
never heard of that member.... but brilliant none the less. we need more videos like that.
So you haven't seen this person in IRG before?
Well, the great Naji is a fairly new member and KTK has been MIA until recently...
Did I mention I was glad that KTK is back? Because I am.
Using the "Dramatic Reading of a Break-Up Letter" for the exchange diary was comedic genius.
That was AMAZING.
I really loved the bit with Ruka talking of zombies and Touga and his lack of underwear. Srsly. A million poptarts.
(And neither is J, who decided he had to see what I was laughing at.)
NajiMinkin, all the Win that has ever existed in the world belongs to you.
I think I might make more videos like that for a little while...
Dubbing is a BITCH. *eats microphone*
LOL... I can imagine Utena singing deep down, "Touch me, touch me, touch me touch me~~" to Akio when they make sweeeet sweet love
And I love the one with the masturbate = kitty death thing as well as the SPARTAAAAA!!!!!
And the one with Juri + South Park is genius because... well, yeah... oh god!!! scissoring!!! LOL
Excellent work there, mate! And, thanks to this, I think I can finally love Rocky Horror Picture Show again after a year.
Last edited by Hiraku (08-20-2007 11:50:47 PM)
Not love Rocky Horror? Eghads! What prevented you?
NajiMinkin wrote:
Not love Rocky Horror?
Eghads! What prevented you?
I used to like Rocky Horror, but later on someone I don't like turns out also likes Rocky Horror, which makes me um... yeah, distance myself from the film Yeah, for the same reason I've distanced myself from listening to the songs of one of my most favorite singers.
I nearly DIED when I saw the part with the exchange diary.
The dramatic breakup letter makes me happy (in a very bad kind of way).
More of these kinds of videos should be made! It's so awesome!
Pure genius!
And just because I'm sick, the "follow the butterflies" bit is the best.
I thought that was one of the best bits too, just because its such a beautiful and surreal scene and out of context like that is just awesome.
Could someone put together a list of where all the clips are from? I know some of them and I googled for some others, but there's some bits I don't know the source of.
Namely, where's Nanami's 'generic Christmas revenge' bit from?
There's a complete list in the credits.
That particular bit is from the webtoon Bonus Stage by Matt Wilson.
You can see them on LiveJournal, but there's little need. What Razara managed to decipher earlier was pretty good.
Not really. There were a million things I realized after listening to it again. I can't even understand the lyrics to music correctly, nevermind anything else.
I'm impressed that you got any of Wakaba or Saionji at all. It all sounds coherent after you've said each line about 50 times and have your headphones on high, but looking back, I'm not surprised those scripts were so highly in demand. Ah, my, me. Strawberry eggs.
Is there a way to only have to filter the voices slightly? I'm sure you can make your pitch higher for Wakaba without digital aid, same as lower for the men with some slight pitch-shifting down. I think the changes are just so dramatic that it renders them inaudible.
In any case, thank you for posting the script links. I look forward to more from you.