This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
^ He seems obsessed to the point you could say he has a dangerous crush on the kid. So gay isn't normal but stalking a college student is?
Last edited by chrisb (09-29-2010 04:18:00 PM)
Not sure where I should post this, so this seemed like the best place. Click the link to see a photo.
Rome cosplay fans fete 'Versailles'
ROME--Manga artist Riyoko Ikeda, famous among manga fans for her "The Rose of Versailles," joined about 50 young Italians in a cosplay parade in the center of the city Tuesday night.
The event was a precursor to Romics 2010, an international festival for anime, manga and videogame fans. Romics, now in its 10th year, began Thursday in the capital and runs until Oct. 3.
Ikeda wore a dress she designed in the style of France's Marie Antoinette, one of the main characters in "The Rose of Versailles," which is set in France before and during the French Revolution.
The comic is one of Japan's best-known titles in the genre aimed at girls. It is also popular in Italy and elsewhere in Europe, where it is known as "Lady Oscar."
"I am so happy to learn that people love Japan's pop culture," Ikeda said.
The cosplayers paraded about a kilometer to the Piazza di Spagna (Spanish plaza), which was featured in the 1953 film "Roman Holiday," starring Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck.
Last edited by Imaginary Bad Bug (09-30-2010 08:57:05 PM)
Here's more of a shameless self promotion than anything else. Construction has been going on at my school for the whole semester, and it had been causing a lot of trouble like power outages. Well guess what? It ain't stoppin' anytime soon.
Gogai! Gogai! Construction Still Likely To Interfere With Campus Life!
Offline … rtainment/
This girl's eight and she's painting like Warhol.
What the fuck.
So jealous.
Big discovery from NASA today. We are not alone! And by "we" I mean carbon-based life. NASA has discovered arsenic-based life in a lake in California.
Imaginary Bad Bug wrote:
Big discovery from NASA today. We are not alone! And by "we" I mean carbon-based life. NASA has discovered arsenic-based life in a lake in California.
I'm not a biologist, so I defer to you, but I read this article to mean that the microbes in question are carbon-based life forms that use arsenic instead of phosphorus to build biomolecules. These guys can actually make DNA out of arsenic, where before we thought DNA required phosphorus. That's pretty amazing, but it doesn't make them non-carbon-based, does it?
satyreyes wrote:
Imaginary Bad Bug wrote:
Big discovery from NASA today. We are not alone! And by "we" I mean carbon-based life. NASA has discovered arsenic-based life in a lake in California.
I'm not a biologist, so I defer to you, but I read this article to mean that the microbes in question are carbon-based life forms that use arsenic instead of phosphorus to build biomolecules. These guys can actually make DNA out of arsenic, where before we thought DNA required phosphorus. That's pretty amazing, but it doesn't make them non-carbon-based, does it?
I suppose not, but regardless, it is a pretty significant development that rewrites how we define "life" on this planet and potentially others.
And if you want to dive into semantics, my carbon-based assertion may still be a valid interpretation, as this is a new kind of life form under that umbrella. These arsenic beasties may still be carbon based, but they are something entirely new and unconsidered up until now. A new kind of carbon-based life, as it were. Thus, we are no longer alone as carbon-based life; we have phosphorus and arsenic varieties now.
I'm not a biologist either, incidentally.
Last edited by Imaginary Bad Bug (12-02-2010 03:06:23 PM)
Offline … ;Itemid=54
" This Penis Chart will give the inside line on who has what in those Leather Stage Pants!
Me and my sources have lent many a ear to eavesdrop all this cool gossip on The Long & Short of Rock N' Roll Cocks! "
It is a fun read.
So, apparently DADT is repealed? … &sc=tw
Would that be sweet deal or would that be sweet deal?
Hiraku wrote:
So, apparently DADT is repealed? … &sc=tw
Would that be sweet deal or would that be sweet deal?
Almost! This first vote was just to bring it to the floor, the vote for final passage will be held in a couple of hours, and according to those in the know, the senate does have the votes for final passage of the repeal. Fingers crossed!
They did it!
Following the House, the Senate voted to repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell. President Obama will sign the bill into law, and following a waiting period, gays will be allowed to serve openly in the military. The Senate broke the Republican filibuster on the bill by a vote of 63-33, with six Republicans -- Maine's Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe, Massachusetts' Scott Brown, Alaska's Lisa Murkowski, Illinois's Mark Kirk, and Ohio's George Voinovich -- joining the Democrats to call the vote to the floor. The final vote was 65-31 in favor of repeal. (North Carolina's Roland Burr and Nevada's John Ensign both voted to keep the bill from coming to the floor, but switched sides to vote for repeal when the filibuster failed.)
This is momentous, both for its own sake and for what it says about the future. I think about how African-Americans' civil rights after the Civil War rose with national consciousness of the courage of their military service. I expect we'll see nationwide gay marriage within a couple decades. Maybe sooner. I'm so happy to see my government doing the right thing for once.
satyreyes wrote:
Alaska's Lisa Murkowski
Palin must be so glad she left the governorship to capable hands.
Lightice wrote:
satyreyes wrote:
Alaska's Lisa Murkowski
Palin must be so glad she left the governorship to capable hands.
Almost Murkowski is a senator, not a governor -- two very different positions in American politics! Each state has one governor, sort of the president of their state, making executive decisions like designing a budget, deploying the National Guard, appointing state officials, and so on. Each state also has two senators, but unlike the governor, senators work in Washington, and their job is legislative, not executive; they help pass federal-level laws, rather than carrying out state-level policies.
Interesting fact about Lisa Murkowski: she's moderate enough that the Republicans actually refused to re-nominate her to her own Senate seat during the most recent elections. They ran a more conservative candidate instead. Murkowski actually ran a write-in campaign as an independent -- and won! Imagine trying to convince half of a state to vote for you when your name A) isn't on the ballot, and B) is a pain in the ass to spell.
Offline … goes-viral
I may not agree with her releasing real names and face pic's but 3 cheers for sexy,soft science. The sideshow is termed "An education beyond the classroom: excelling in the realm of horizontal academics."
Hahaha, here's one that ought to appeal to anyone who likes seeing people get what's coming to them. It's an old story, sort of. Man hits on woman over Craigslist; woman responds positively; man sends her a topless photo of himself; woman doesn't think that's in very good taste; woman finds out the man is lying about his age and his job. The twist: his job is being a United States Representative. Christopher Lee, R-NY, resigned today after the woman he was hitting on sent the story and photo to Gawker.
Oh, and yes, he is married, and yes, he is a social conservative who likes making laws about other people's sex lives.
Last edited by satyreyes (02-09-2011 08:38:21 PM)
HAHAHAHA thanks for the laugh!
Feel that you're secretly justified in wanting to kick random pedestrians in the shins? Well, good news! Pedestrian Aggressiveness Syndrome, or Sidewalk Rage, is apparently a real thing.
(Nothing too heavy or ground-breaking here, just an amusing little article.)
Ha ha, I'm surprised its Facebook group only has 15,000 members I get this sometimes, but I learned to deal with it in middle school by doing the Sidewalk Slalom, a talent I have never lost, in spite of all the weird looks it gets me!
I've never heard of Solantic clinic. Is that really big in Florida? … rs-clinics
Hiraku wrote:
I've never heard of Solantic clinic. Is that really big in Florida?
They're around. Not in my part of the state, but they're all over Orlando, Jacksonville, and the southeast. I am surprised that they are large or profitable enough to be a vehicle for graft, but not at all surprised that Rick Scott (who had supervised a set of for-profit hospitals involved in health care fraud before he got elected) has failed to keep himself at a distance from the appearance of wrongdoing.
<-- did not vote for Rick Scott.
Plutonium Leaks in Japan
This really blows. It's a good thing there's no explosion, but this probably will leave a very lasting impact in our ecosystem nonetheless (well, we've been impacting the ecosystem for a very long time), but I feel that this means that humans won't be able to exploit the natural resources the way we used to for a long time. May be a good thing since that might mean we have no choice but to leave mother nature alone for a while for her to... recuperate from us? Though with nuclear waste, lots of things are gonna be changing dramatically, possibly permanently. So restoring to how it used to be may not be possible.
I just remembered... Hayao Miyazaki. Valley of the Wind. Sea of acid? My god, the man's predicting it all
Last edited by Hiraku (03-29-2011 10:24:09 AM)
Hiraku wrote:
I just remembered... Hayao Miyazaki. Valley of the Wind. Sea of acid? My god, the man's predicting it all
Not as well as say, the guys behind Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex. They had that episode where Togusa visits ruined and flooded Tokyo, and has to keep an eye for radiation still leaking from a ruined nuclear powerplant.
Man found crucified in South Korea with a crown of thorns. … wn-thorns/
Sign this petition to stop a bill in Uganda that would give homosexuals the death penalty. These have worked in the past. … ion/?r=act
Last edited by chrisb (05-11-2011 12:07:00 AM)
Offline … be-working
A bevy of entrepreuners hope to capitalize on believers' fear. A website called "Eternal Earth-Bound Pets" is offering to care for believers' furry friends after their masters have been Raptured and can no longer care for them--for a fee, of course.
lol so animals aren't allowed into heaven? That's sad.
This radio host needs to reread the Bible if he thinks he knows so much about it.
No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
- Jesus